Lin, Hsin (Yolanda) - 10K Science Criterion D Genetic Engineering Poster - May 2018

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10K Yolanda Lin Fast-growing salmon

Introduction to an issue and solution: Development and the skill of spinning the fast-growing salmon:
This skill was developed in 1989 the Ph. D. Garth Fletcher changed the growth hormone in Atlantic
Since the 1990s, the habitat reduction and overfishing, the
salmon, made salmon can grow in all year round. AquAdvantage salmon are triploid (having three sets
number of wild salmon abruptly decreased. The salmon in
of chromosomes whereas most animals have two sets ) female Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar ), with a
the ocean is limited. The traditional salmon need to spend
single copy of the opAFP-GHc2 construct, which codes for a promoter sequence from ocean pout
approximately24 to 36 months to grow up.
directing the production of a growth hormone protein using coding sequence from Chinook salmon.
we can change the growth hormone in the genes in the
(“AquAdvantage Salmon.”)
salmon. It can Protect marine ecology, and it can meet the The genetic engineering salmon get two different
needs of the eating on the human. The traditional salmon genes. One is from Chinook salmon, the other one is
need to spend 32 to 36 months to grow up. Genetically from Ocean pout. Chinook salmon, the gene for the
engineered salmon just need 16 to 18 months to grow up. protein-coding sequence is taken and inserted into the
fertilised egg. Ocean pout, the gene for antifreeze
Strengths and Weaknesses: protein is taken an inserted into the fertilised egg. After
that, we put those two things into the fertilised of
Atlantic Salmon. In the end, it produces GM salmon.
It can reduce the time of the salmon grow, this kind of the (“Ready to Eat: the First GM Fish for the Dinner Table.”)
salmon also can grow year-round instead of only during Global factor:
spring and summer. The genetically engineered salmon
Fast-growing salmon related to the
effect to the economy, because when the production time
be reduced the amount of the salmon will be increased.
On this table, we can see the Global Capture
Weaknesses: production for species tonnes was decreasing
Survival in new habitats: These adaptations could pose a from 1990 to 2014. Wild populations are
risk if GM salmon were to be released into the wild. generally at very low levels, and capture has
The rate of growth: The studies suggest this accelerated seen a significant decline. (“Fisheries and
maturity of GM salmon does not provide a reproduction Aquaculture Department.”) That means we
(“Fisheries and Aquaculture Department.”)

advantage over wild-type. need to focus on this issue when human Bibliography:
Swimming capabilities: AquAdvantage salmon lack in destroy the nature, at the same time nature “We Have Not Seen the Last of the Genetically Modified Salmon.” Farm Wars, 22
Aug. 2011,
swimming capabilities compared to wild-type salmon. will get catastrophes or complaints that nature Waltz, Emily. “First Genetically Engineered Salmon Sold in Canada.” Scientific
Reproductive competition: has to give us.
American, 7 Aug. 2017,

Evaluation: “AquAdvantage Salmon.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 9 May 2018,
Connor, Steve. “Ready to Eat: the First GM Fish for the Dinner Table.” The
The Genetically engineered salmon can meet the needs of the eating on the human. It also can help us promote Independent, Independent Digital News and Media, 24 Dec. 2012,
the economy of some part of people, it can be solved the problem of the salmon in the ocean is limited. But at
some time it extending other issues, our nature cannot fully accept Genetically engineered salmon. I think we “Fisheries and Aquaculture Department.” Fisheries and Aquaculture Department,
need to find out the balance between the Genetically engineered salmon and the salmon in the wild.

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