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rooms I am in the kitchen

cities I am in New York

countries Events
I am in Italy Times
areas I am in ainlesson
I am the North years we met in 1979
normal part
inin of your day
containers I am
It’sinina the
bag, box, bottle decades we met in the 1990s

I am at ainparty,
I am a car,concert
truck, taxi months we met in June
transport in
at people travel I am at ainconference
I am a helicopter, tank weeks we met in our first week
I am at aatfootball
I am match
the station, airport parts of the day we met in the evening

I am on at
I am a journey, flight the shop
home, school, seasons we met in winter
travel events
places with
on address
I am on at
I am a business tripa restaurant
the cinema, we met at 15:30

a date I am on at
I am a date
the bus stop specific times we met at midday

at I am at 25 London Road we are talking at the moment

I am at the front we met at New Year
long festivals
I am at the top of the tree we met at Christmas
specific positions
I always sit at the back night we met at night

My seat is at the end of the row we met on 1 September

I am on the floor we met on Monday

surfaces on days
I am on the roof we met on my birthday

islands I am on a Greek island we met on Valentine’s day

public transport I am on a train, bus, tram, ferry today we met earlier today

open transport I am on a bicycle, horse, boat yesterday we met yesterday

streets The shop is on Oxford Street tomorrow we will meet tomorrow

upstairs I am upstairs, downstairs - this we met earlier this week

outside I am outside, inside next we will meet next month

Movement verbs last we met last year

go, come, take, drive, fly, walk, run, get every we meet every Monday

We went to Paris

to most places Let’s go to a restaurant

I have never been to Italy.

The kids ran home

We drove there last time

- exceptions I want to go outside / inside

Let’s go upstairs / downstairs

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