Group 4 Practical Research Background of The Study

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Advantages of Being

Working Student

Chapter 1: Introduction


“Now a days lots of student have a part-time, job Being a working student is common

among students. Most of the students nowadays are working to help with their expenses such as

with family, school, and income for their school needs. This also helps them with mastering their

time management and gaining professional experiences. Also, this expands the learning

capabilities for them that will help them someday. This also helps them to become independent.

It is part of the role of being an adult someday. This study explores the advantages of being a

working student.

Working also reduces the student's needs for school; such as school projects, needing to

graduate, and so on and so forth in the future. Gaining career-related experiences as you clarify

goals, acquire skills and self-confidence, and build a network of contacts as you progress on to

adulthood. Gaining knowledge is also part of being a working student. Ability to budget the

expenses for the needs and don’ts.

Working while studying is strongly influenced by a financial need to cover setbacks in

various types of understudy support to supplement salary to give a superior understudy

Advantages of Being

Working Student

understanding; or to help towards future objectives. It also allows students to share responsibility

for meeting the costs of their studies, gives them a sense of financial autonomy, and develops

skills in account management.

This study aims to focus on students who work while attending school. However, in this

research, we will not only discuss the advantages of being a working student, but also the

difficulties and challenges. Being a working student is not easy, and one of the disadvantages is

time management. It can be difficult to manage our time, especially when work overlaps with

school time, which can affect our grades. Nevertheless, being a working student can also be

beneficial as it can raise awareness among students to manage their time properly.

“In addition, as we have seen, according to (Robinson, 2018), “Nowadays, most students

work part-time or have a job, so it really depends on how you manage your time.” Managing

time is not easy, and it can have negative effects on our lives if we miss out on personal time or

fall behind on schoolwork due to work commitments after school. However, it is important to

learn how to balance our time effectively. By doing so, we can achieve a better quality of life.”

As (Rombach, 2018) observes, “managing both work and school can leave little time for

one’s social life.” The demands of work and school often consume much of one’s time, making it
Advantages of Being

Working Student

challenging to engage in social activities. To succeed academically and professionally,

prioritizing work and school may mean sacrificing social opportunities.

Research Problems and Questions:

The general problem of this study is to explore the advantages of being a working student.

Specifically, the study seeks to answer the following questions:

1.How can we gain valuable insights from the experience of working while studying?

2.Why does working while studying have both positive and negative effects?

3.Why do students face challenges when working while studying, and how do they overcome

these obstacles?

Significance of the Study

This study is significant for various students, employers, society, and parents/guardians. The
following are the potential beneficiaries of this study:
Advantages of Being

Working Student

1. Students - Students can benefit from having a part-time job, such as financial independence,
practical skills, and time management. By use of these benefits, students can decide whether to
pursue employment while still a student and get some of their best experiences.
2. Employers - Employing working students can be advantageous for businesses and
organizations. Working students often bring fresh perspectives, enthusiasm, and a willingness to
learn. Also, employers can unlock into their talents and skill of students who are studying
relevant subjects, potentially benefiting from their academic knowledge.
3. Society - A skilled and well-prepared employee is beneficial to society. When students work
while studying, they develop a strong work ethic, time management skills, and a sense of
responsibility. When students work while studying, they develop a strong work ethic, time
management skills, and a sense of responsibility. These qualities can help create more effective
and productive workers, which will support stability and economic growth.
4. Parents/Guardians - Many parents and guardians know that they have a financial obligation
to support their children's education. When their child becomes a working student, the financial
load on the parents or guardians is lessened because they can pay their own expenses. This can
provide some relief and allow them to allocate their financial resources towards other needs or

Importance of the Study

The study about the benefits of being a working student is a crucial topic that can be
advantageous for many students who wish to achieve academic and financial success
simultaneously. The research provides a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and
opportunities faced by students who work while studying and helps them to realize that it is not
an impossible feat. The study presents several benefits, such as financial stability, improved time
management skills, and enhanced work experience. It also encourages students to become more
independent and responsible for their actions and decisions.
The research highlights that being a working student necessitates strong determination,
motivation, and time management abilities. While it can be challenging, it can also offer several
advantages in the long run, such as acquiring valuable skills and experiences that can help
students in their future career paths.
Furthermore, research can be a valuable resource for parents or guardians who want to support
their children in their academic pursuits. By understanding the advantages and challenges of
being a working student, they can offer emotional and financial support, and guide their children
in making informed decisions. To summarize, the study about the benefits of being a working
student is vital for students who aim to balance their academic and financial responsibilities.
Advantages of Being

Working Student

The research provides insights into the various benefits and disadvantages of being a working
student and offers a better understanding of the challenges they may face. This study is
significant in creating awareness among students and parents about the benefits and challenges
of being a working student and can help them make informed decisions regarding their education
and career goals.

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