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so now I'm going to talk abt The consumer decision making process model ( CDMP)

digital ad work effective steps 1 and 2

1.     The need recognization

Customers need their skin to be taken care of (specifically, moisturizing to have smooth skin)

2. Information search  

When customer start aware of skin problems, they look forward to skin care products

> So, the Top of mind about the World's leading skincare brands is Nivea

> So, they easy to find the Nivea "100-year: Co-star with Rihanna"

3. Evaluation of Alternatives 

The customers have high praise for NIVEA compared to skin care products.

 One of the leading companies in the field of skincare

 The history of the skincare line
 Sustainability at NIVEA  

4. Purchase Decision:

They want to buy for many reasons:

 Nivea is a Prestige and Quality Brand with a century of development

 Nivea hosts a show with Rihanna, when buying Nivea products they will also be
joining the event with Idol 
 Bought because of the crowd effect 

5. After purchase

 Emotional: Happy, Excited to attend and accompany Rihanna in Nivea's event

 Customers become loyal supporters of the Brand on social media, increasing the
likelihood of repurchasing

So that lead us to the next part, which is a review of the advertising.

Its abt the effectiveness and ineffectiveness of print ad and digital ad

To begin with the print ad effectiveness

is the high level of trust from the reader Many customers and targets will have a feeling that you put
money or investment into the advertising. Working like this means you are serious about the brand
and business.

Next is Longevity: Your print ad will be around longer in a newspaper that tends to be passed around
from reader to reader, expanding your viewership.

And about the ineffectiveness is

Print ad Require a specific target audience.

Thus, you got to work on researching the target audience.

Furthermore, it is hard to measure how many people see your ad, and response rates can be low.

I’d like to move on to the digital ad part.

Abt the effectiveness firstly is the High audience engagement.

The use of digital marketing is advantageous as it allows the brand to get hold of the customer’s
attention until the brand has successfully created brand loyalty and developed a credible reputation.

Second is the Lower Cost

The cost-efficient nature of digital marketing is immensely advantageous for businesses. Spending on
digital marketing in comparison to traditional marketing campaigns is very less

Thirdly, attract ppl fastly


Insignificant sale revenue

A lack of information

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