Coach Group Meeting Report Component (Form 2) : Theme

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Student Name: Hassan Alyahya Block: surgery

Coach Name: Dr.Hany Academic Number: 217036694
COACH Signature SN:11
Introduction: Prophetic Medicine simply refers to
(What is your Background
Knowledge about the theme?)
the actions done and thought said by
the Prophet Muhammed with regards
to sickness, treatment, nutrition, and
hygiene. Prophet medicine does not
conflict with modern medicine and it
encourages learning new science and
improving human health. Regarding
traditional medicine it is knowledge,
skills, and practices based on beliefs,
and experiences of people from
different cultures, which could be
beneficial and could be harmful.
What have you noticed about the The World Health Organization
theme in the literature?
estimated that
80% of people worldwide rely on
herbal medicines for some part of
their primary health care. There is
many studies prove the efficacy of
traditional medicine on treating some
diseases. There are many literatures
about traditional medicine but
unfortunately little about prophet
Which new insights have you gained As doctors we always must check the
from the discussion in the coaching
evidence regarding of our culture
believes. Also we must advice our
patient with respect to their believes.
Is this theme means to you Yes of course because traditional
personally as a Physician in training?
Medicine may interact with modern
treatment and it is widely used.
Your Pretest and Post test results 9/10
Your conclusion and Evaluation for In the conclusion, prophet medicine,
traditional medicine, and modern
medicine all have pros and cons. We
all convinced that Prophet medicine is
safe because of our religious beliefs
but we have to accept that time can
change everything and some diseases
become more complicated than
before even simple infection due to
development of antibiotics resistance.
Traditional medicine even it has less
side effect then modern medicine but
it can induce complications such as
renal failure.

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