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Data Collection Methods

The success of any project or market survey depends heavily on the data collection and
analysis. It is necessary that the data collected is a reliable data in order to achieve the
research objective.

For research regarding the views of people about Tata Nano and its comparison between Tata
Nano and Maruti 800 two types of data collection methods were used

 Primary Data
 Secondary Data


Primary data is the data, which are fresh and collected for the first time, and are original in
character. There are various Primary Data Collection techniques, which have helped in data
gathering. This was collected through questioner.

Questionnaires are a popular means of collecting data, but are difficult to design and often
require many rewrites before an acceptable questionnaire is produced.


 Can be posted, e-mailed or faxed.

 Wide geographic coverage.
 Relatively cheap.
 No prior arrangements are needed.
 Avoids embarrassment on the part of the respondent.
 Respondent can consider responses.
 No interviewer bias.

 Design problems.
 Questions have to be relatively simple.
 Time delay whilst waiting for responses to be returned.
 Several reminders may be required.
 Assumes no literacy problems.
 No control over who completes it.
 Not possible to give assistance if required.
 Problems with incomplete questionnaires.

Points kept in mind while preparing the questioner

 Liberal spacing
 Length of the questioner is kept normal

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