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Lesson 1: Arc Length

Learning Objectives:
1. Determine the length of a curve, y = f (x), between two points.
2. Determine the length of a curve, x = g (y), between two points.


A. Arc Length for y = f (x) )

Let f(x) be a smooth function over the interval [a, b]. Then the arc length of the
portion of the graph of f(x) from the point (a, f (a)) to the point (b, f (b)) is given by

Example 1.
Example 2.

Example 3
Example 4

B. Arc Length for x = g(y)

Let g(y) be a smooth function over an interval [c, d]. Then, the arc length of the
graph of g(y) from the point (c, g(c)) to the point (d, g(d)) is given by

Example 5.

Example 6
Example 8

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