Daily Diary

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Name: Arpit Dubey Duration :10 Jan 2023 to 10 May 2023

Organization : JK Tyre & Industries, Banmore Mentor: Dr. R.K. Dubey

Date Activity Performed
10 Jan First day of industry, paper work done
11 Jan Meeting with mentor but he is not free on that day
12 Jan Overview of physical lab
13 Jan Overview of Chemical lab
14-15 Jan Holiday & Weekend off
16 Jan Overview of Rheo lab
17 Jan Overview of Textile lab
18 Jan Self machine monitoring in Physical lab
19 Jan Self machine monitoring in Chemical lab
20 Jan Self machine monitoring at Rheo lab
21-22 Jan Weekend off
23 Jan Self machine monitoring at Textile lab
24-25 Jan Study of different types of natural rubber
26 Jan Holiday of Republic Day
27 Jan Study of different types of synthetic rubber
28-29 Jan Weekend off
30-31 Jan Month end audit work, self study
01-03 Feb Learn about Anton Paar, raw materials used & my project
04-05 Feb Weekend off
06-12 Feb Cousin sister marriage
13-15 Feb Study of Mooney viscometer, Rheometer, Brabender,RPA
16-18 Feb Death of maternal uncle & travel to haridwar
19 Feb Weekend off & exam preparation
20-21 Feb Examination of AAI-ATC in Indore
22 Feb Check Rheo properties of B458
23 Feb Check Mooney of B458
24 Feb Check Density of B458
25-26 Feb Weekend Off
27-28 Feb Month end audit work, self study
01 March Check rebound of XMS1149
02-03 March Learn and study formation of master compounds of PCRT15&T7234
04-05 March Weekend Off
06-10 March Holi Week
11-12 March Weekend Off
13 March Test and notedown mooney data of MT40
14 March Test and notedown density data of MT40
15 March Test and notedown RPA data of MT40
16 March Summation and checking of all the MT40 data by mentor
17 March Test and notedown mooney data of MT41
18-19 March Weekend Off
20 March Test and notedown density data of MT41
21 March Test and notedown RPA data of MT41
22 March Summation and checking of all the MT41 data by mentor
23-25 March Leave for NPTEL exam preparation
26 March NPTEL Examination
27 March Test and notedown density data of PCRT15
28 March Test and notedown mooney data of PCRT15
29-31 March March closing and audit
01-02 April Weekend Off
03 April Test and notedown RPA data of PCRT15
04 April Test and notedown Rheo data of PCRT15
05 April Summation and checking of all the PCRT15 data by mentor
06 April Test and notedown Density data of MT7232
07 April Test and notedown RPA data of MT7232
08-09 April Weekends Off
10 April Test and notedown mooney data of MT7232
11 April Summation and checking of all the MT7232 data by mentor
12 April Test and notedown density data of MT7233
13 April Test and notedown RPA data of MT7233
14 April Ambedkar Jayanti Holiday
15-16 April Weekend Off
17 April Test and notedown Mooney data of MT7233
18 April Summation and checking of all the MT7233 data by mentor
19 April Test and notedown density data of T7234
20April Test and notedown RPA data of T7234
21 April Test and notedown mooney data of T7234
22-23 April Weekend Off
24 April Test and notedown Rheo data of T7234
25 April Summation and checking of all the T7234 data by mentor
26 April Test and notedown rebound data of MT40, MT41 and PCRT15
27 April Preliminary presentation 2
28-30 April Weekend Off and Audit
01 May Test and notedown rebound data of MT7232, XMT7233 and T7234
02 May GET online test of UHP Technologies
03 May Final summation and check of all the data for the given project compounds
04 May Overview of production lining
05 May Checking of Raw material stock in the storage, preparation of blend
06-07 May Weekend Off

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