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Practice MCQs

1. The social construction of love refers to the view that:

A. Relationships require work to succeed

B. The definition of love remains static between cultures
C. The definition of love differs between cultures and over time
D. Relationships need the support of social networks, such as friends and
family, in order to survive

2. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the work of Fischer

and Greitemeyer (2006), who examined the effect of song lyrics on
aggressive behaviour?

A. Women were more likely to act aggressively if the confederate was

female and they were exposed to the misogynistic song.
B. Women were less likely to act aggressively if the confederate was male
and they were exposed to the misogynistic song.
C. Men were more likely to act aggressively if the confederate was female
and they were exposed to the misogynistic song.
D. Men were more likely to act aggressively if the confederate was male and
they were exposed to the misogynistic song.

3. Lehman et al. (2004) found differences in culture and cognition and found
that thought processes differ between East Asians and Americans in that:

A. East Asians are more holistic and relationship oriented

B. Americans are more linear and analytic.
C. Americans are more relationship orientated and analytic
D. Both A and B

4. The frustration-aggression hypothesis states that:

A. All frustration comes from aggression. All aggression leads to

B. All aggression comes from frustration.
C. All frustration leads to aggression. All aggression comes from
D. Frustration is the main factor that causes aggression.
5. In some early studies of ethnic preference, Clark and Clark (1948) showed
children different identical dolls (one white and one black). The general
finding from these early studies was that:

A. most white children played with both black and white dolls
B. most black children played with both black and white dolls
C. most black children preferred to play with black dolls
D. most black children preferred to play with white dolls

6. Based on replications of Asch conformity experiments, conformity is

greatest in:
A. US Culture
B. Western Culture (not the USA)
C. Non-Western Cultures
D. Women

7. Testosterone appears to be linked to violence. Which of the following

statements are FALSE?
A. Highly aggressive men have lower levels of testosterone than non-
aggressive men.
B. Testosterone levels tend to be equal amongst prisoners convicted of all
C. Testosterone levels tend to be higher amongst prisoners convicted of
violent crimes compared with nonviolent crimes
D. Both A and B

8. Based on the ‘looking glass self’, do you….

a. See yourself only as you see you
b. See yourself as an idealised image of you
c. See yourself as others see you
d. See yourself as you think others see you

9. Which of the following terms refers to the persuasion tactic in which a small
request is initially made in order to get a person to later agree to a bigger
A. Door in the face
B. Low-balling
C. Foot in the door technique
D. High-balling

10. Doron is at a party where most people have dressed up in fancy dress and
are dancing. He gets the impression that it is mainly the people who have
not dressed up that are sitting on the side, watching others dance. He
falsely concludes that most people who do not dress up for a fancy dress
party will sit on the side and watch on. This is an example of:
A. Confirmation bias
B. In-group favouritism
C. Out-group hostility
D. An illusory correlation

11. The finding that people pair off with others who are about as attractive as
themselves is known as:

A. Complementarity
B. The Norm of Reciprocity
C. The Fundamental Need to Belong
D. The Matching Hypothesis

12. Discrimination refers to _____________________:

A. a positive or negative evaluation of a social group and its members

B. a negative behaviour aimed at a social group and its members
C. a positive belief about a social group and its members
D. a negative belief about a social group and its members

13. According to Social Categorization Theory, people typically view members

of groups to which they __________ as being ___________ groups to
which they are members.

A. belong/more homogenous than

B. do not belong/more homogenous than
C. do not belong/ more heterogeneous than
D. belong/as homogenous as

14. When a person elaborates on a persuasive communication, listening

carefully and thinking about the logic behind the message, he or she is said
to take the _____ to persuasion.

A. Peripheral route
B. Central route
C. Peripheral and central routes
D. Neither the peripheral or the central routes

15. Which theory of aggression argues that the blocking of one’s goals will lead
to aggressive behaviour because of anger and hostility?

A. The frustration-aggression theory

B. The excitation transfer theory
C. The weapons effect
D. Social learning theory

16. Byrne's (1971) paradigm involves a participant completing an attitudes

questionnaire and then evaluating the likeability of another (fake) person
who has also completed the questionnaire. This paradigm illustrates:

A. The mere exposure effect.

B. The similarity-attraction effect.
C. The importance of self-disclosure
D. That opposites attract

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