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The four (4) components of the BioSocial Assessment Assignment are:

1. The Presenting Problem: Rusty

Rusty is a 50 years old ambulatory male, who is diagnosed with Mild

Intellectual Disability and Epilepsy. There is a history of significant behavioral
problems related to aggression and assaultive behavior. Rusty was attending a
day program, but due to lack of attendance, he was referred to Tailored Day
Services. He has been kicked out of 2 other day programs. Rusty has been
referred to me to assist with vocational training. He has expressed a desire to
help the less fortunate but ultimately have a full-time job.

2. Key areas of Background Information

1. Birth and childhood

Rusty was given up for adoption after birth and put into foster care.
He has had no contact with his natural parents. As an infant he was
evaluated for Microcephaly and a seizure disorder. Rusty was in
foster care until the age of 17, when he started to exhibit
aggressive and assaultive behaviors with peers and some sexual
acting out behaviors. He was moved from foster care to a ranch for
trouble youths.

2. Marriage, partnership, and/or significant relationship/s: Current

relationship with another individual with disabilities

3. Friendships/Social Support/s: Considers his two neighbors as


4. Current living arrangement: Lives alone in 1 bedroom apartment.

He has staff for 20 hours per day. He requires assistance with some
of his activities of daily living, which include, but are not limited to:
assistance with taking medication, personal care, and safety
awareness. Rusty also receives support from his SLS staff in the
areas of grocery shopping, meal preparation, and maintaining his
5. Client AOD (Alcohol Or Drug) use or abuse: No known use of AOD
6. Education: unknown
7. Employment: Has had jobs small part-time jobs with staff in
attendance. Rusty was able to identify that he used to wrap
silverware at Applebees.
8. Client successes & strengths: Client is talkative and friendly. He has
had appropriate behaviors in care homes that he was able to
transition to living on his own with support staff.

3.  Your (the student’s) General Impression

1. My impression is that he likes one to one support so that he gets all the
attention. Due to intellectual disabilities, he has difficulties understanding
the process to get to a full time job and how that will affect his disability
2. The Client’s impressions: After a couple of months of volunteering client
will work a full time job and be independent from all staff to control his
own life.

4. Your Recommendations

  -Work on time management

-Finding several volunteer opportunities to see how the client functions
and abilities the client is able to perform.
-Decrease dependency from staff
-Advocacy for self with asking for help and taking breaks when up

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