КТП 11 Клас ІІ Семестр

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Календарно-тематичне планування з англійської мови 

у 11 класі на ІІ семестр за підручником Карпюк

О.Д. 2019р. – (2 год)
№ Дата Тема, Інтегровані Мовний інвентар Комунікативні види мовленнєвої діяльності Домашнє
уроку підтема змістові завдання
лінії Граматика Лексика Читання Аудіювання Усна\писемна взаємодія

Unit 5 Science and Technology - Науковий прогрес

37 Сучасна Describe their own “Words for Ex. 2a, 130. Ex. 1, p. 129. Ex. 1, p. 129. Ex. 5, p. 134.
техніка lifestyle and  defines you” Ex. 4, p. 133 Ex. 2a, 130. Ex. 1, p. 132. Express your
змінила нас. priorities. Discuss box, p. 129 Ex. 2b, 130– Ex. 2a, p. 132. attitude to the
the positive and 131. Ex. 4, p. 133–134. surfing the
negative effects of Ex. 3, p. 131 Ex. 3, p. 133 Internet.
certain inventions Answer the
38 Articles: Describe their own “Writing point” Ex. 1, p. 135. Text for Ex. 3, p. 136. Ask and Ex. 4, p. 136
purpose, type, lifestyle and defines box, p. 135; Ex. 2, p. 135 Listening answer the questions.
style priorities; compare “DJ” Pre-listening task.
real and virtual After-listening task
39 Use your skills: Foresee effects of To revise To revise Ex. 2, p. 137 Ex. 4, p. 138 Ex. 6, p. 139. Explain Ex. 6, p. 139,
Digital world careless behaviour in Verbs tenses. previously preferences. Give  reasons  question.
the social networks Ex. 1, p. 137 taught Interview a dis- Write
vocabulary. cuss information. a discursive
Ex. 2, p. 137. Ex. 5, p. 138–139 article
Ex. 3, p. 137–
40 Розвиток Завдання вчителя Ex. 4, p. 141–144
письма. Т.О.
Природа і довкілля
41 Національні Accept nature as an “Warm up” Ex. 2a, p. “Warm up” activity, p. 145. Ex. 4, p. 149.
парки та integral system. acti- 146–149. Discussing the questions. Make a project
заповідники. Evaluate the impact vity, p. 145. Ex. 2b, p. Presenting opinions of the (computer
of the environment Ex. 1, p. 146. 149 majority. presentation
on people and vice The “Words for Giving words definitions. or poster) and
versa you” box, p. Sharing information to the prepare for the
147 others class discussion
42 Develop your Accept nature as an Defining and non- “Vocabulary Ex. 1, p. 153. Giving words definitions. Ex. 3, p. 151.
vocabulary. integral system. defining links” box, Ex. 3, p. 154 Explaining the words Ex. 8, p. 155–156
Build up your Evaluate the impact Relative p. 150. Ex. 1, p. meanings.
grammar of the environment clauses.“Grammar 150. Ex. 2, p. Explaining the rule in
on people and vice links” box, 150–151  Ex. 1, groups.  Comparing
versa p. 152.  Ex. 2, p. 153. Ex. 3, p. results. Correction
p. 153. Ex. 4, 154 mistakes.
p. 154. Ex. 5,
p. 154. Ex. 6,
p. 155
43 Проблеми Estimate effects of Ex. 1, p. 156. Ex. 4, p. 158. Ex. 2a, p. 156. Making notes. Comment on Ex. 4, p. 160.
екології. disasters on people “Words for Ex. 2, p. Ex. 2b, p. 157 information. Write a brief
you” 158–160 Explaining the word paragraph
box, p. 156. meanings. Complete the “Environmental
“Words for sentences.  Discuss problems in
you” problems. Acting out the Ukraine”
box, p. 158 dialogues. Ask and ans wer
the questions in pairs
44 Stages of Accept nature as an Do the quiz Ex. 3a, p. Do the quiz. “Writing Ex. 5b, p. 163
writing process: integral system. 162. point” box, p. 161.
Opinion essay Estimate effects of Ex. 4, p. 163 Ex. 2a, p. 161.
disasters on people Ex. 2b, p. 162.
Ex. 2c, p. 162.
Ex. 3b, p. 163.
Ex. 3c, p. 163
45 Шляхи Accept nature Relative To revise Ex. 4, p. 165. Ex. 2, p. 164. Ex. 5-2, p. 166.
вирішення as an integral Clauses. previ- “Writing Ex. 3, p. 165. Write you
екологічних system Ex. 1, p. 164 ously taught an opin- Role-play the situation. variant of the
проблем vocabulary ion essay” Ex. 5-1, p. 166 leaflet. Prepare
text to present your
work in class with
your group
46 Узагальнення Estimate effects of Revise To revise Ex. 4, p. Ex. 3, p. 163 Answer the questions. Ex. 4, p. 170.
вивченого natural disasters on Defining and non- previ- 169–170 Ecological problems and Complete
матеріалу. people defining ously taught possible solutions the table
Relative clauses. vocabulary. according to
Ex. 2, p. 168 Ex. 1a, p. 167. the text; use
Ex. 1b, p. 167 your lesson
47 Розвиток Завдання вчителя.
письма. Т.О.
48 Види Demonstrate Ex. 4b, p. 174, Ex. 4b, p. Ex. 4a, “Warm-up activity”, p. 171. Еx. 7b, 7c,
мистецтва. The understanding the “Words for 172–174 p. 172–174 Ex. 1, p. 172. p. 176. Write an
story of one girl value of cultural you” Ex. 2, p. 172. essay about
diversity and the box, p. 175. Ex. 3, p. 172. strong impression
need to live together Ex. 5, p. 175– Ex. 6, p. 176.
in peace 176 Ex. 7a, p. 176.
Ex. 8, p. 170
49 Develop your Give examples of the “Grammar “Vocabulary Discuss the quotation. Ex. 5, p. 179.
vocabulary. influence of art on links” box, links” box, p. Ex. 2b, p. 180–181; Ex. 5, 7, 182
Build up your health and p. 179–180. 177.
grammar well-being Ex. 2a, p. 180– Ex. 1a, b, p.
181. Ex. 3, p. 181. 177.
Ex. 4, p. 181. Ex. 6, Ex. 2, p. 178.
p. 182 Ex. 3, p. 178.
Ex. 4, p. 178
50 Language of art Make reports about “Words for Ex. 5, p. Ex. 2, p. 184. Ex. 1, p. 183. Ex. 4a, p. Write a brief
the main attractions you” 176–177. Ex. 3, p. 184. 185. Ex. 4b, p. 185. Ex. 1, paragraph
of history and box, p. 183 Ex. 4, p. Ex. 5, p. 186 p. 186. Ex. 2, p. 187. about one of
culture 180–181 Ex. 3, p. 189. Ex. 4, p. 190– the pictures
191 you’ve chosen
51 Writing a Demonstrate Linking words Ex. 1, p. 191. Answer the questions. Write
review understanding the list, “Useful Ex. 3, p. 192 Write down questions. a film / book
value of cultural language” box, Ask and answer in pairs. review
diversity and the p.192 Ex. 2, p. 192. Explain your
need to live together point of view. Speak about
in peace a film
52 Use your skills: Compare museums. Participle. To revise Text “Digital Ex. 3, p. 196–197. Ex. 4, p. 198
Diversity of arts Demonstrate Ex. 1, p. 188 previ- art”. Discussing questions.
understanding the Ex. 2, p. 195 ously taught Ex. 3, p. Giving opinion.
value of cultural vocabulary. 196–197 Ex. 5, p. 198–199.
diversity and the Ex. 1, p. 194 Role play the situation
need to live
together in peace
53 Узагальнення вивченого матеріалу. ТО. Завдання вчителя.

Молодь і молодіжна культура

54 Проблеми Discuss the “Words for Ex. 2, p. “Warm-up activity” box, p. Ex. 5, p. 207.
молоді. peculiarities of you” 204–206 203. Make an
interaction between box, p. 207. Ex. 1, p. 204. individual
personality and Ex. 4, p. 207 Ask and answer the project.
group. Formulate questions. Brainstorm the
personal values activities. Make a mind
priorities. map. Define the
essential and detailed
55 Develop your Discuss the Prefix “self-”; Text Ex. 1, p. 208. Explain Ex. 4b, p. 209.
vocabulary: Peculiarities of box, p. 208. “Problems of a choice. Ex. 4a, p. 209 Write an essay
I myself… interaction between Ex. 2, p. 209. youth”
personality and Ex. 3, p. 209
56 Build up Your Demonstrate “Grammar Text “The “One truth and a lie” — Ex. 5, p. 212
Grammar: are an understanding of links-1” box, Youth” game. define the Infinitive
you in an in- the value of work p. 210. Ex. 1, forms
finitive mood? and diligence p. 210. Choose the
to achieve well- appropriate form of
being the Infinitive.
“Grammar links -2,
3”box, p. 210–211.
Ex. 2, p. 211.
Ex. 3, p. 212.
Ex. 4, p. 212
57 Емоції  How Critically assess the “Words for Ex. 2a, p. 213. Ask and answer a partner Ex. 2, p. 216 Write
are impact of destructive you” Ex. 2b, p. 213 the questions in an
you feeling youth movements on box, p. 213. turns. Ex. 1, p. 213  Ex. 1, essay about
now? peer life “Words for p. 215. Ex. 2, p. 215– Ukrainian
you” 216. Ex. 3, p. 214. teenagers’ life;
box, p. 215; Ex. 3, p. 216
58 A discursive Discuss their “Writing Compare ideas. Ex. 2, p. Ex. 4, p. 218
Essay structure: position and own point” box, 218. Ex. 3, p. 218.
solution to a views on the various p. 217. Ex. 1, Answer the questions.
problem essay social problems. p. 217. Discuss the problems.
Formulate personal Text “Teen Complete the table.
values priorities Line” Propose solutions and
predict the results
59 Use your skills: Formulate Forms of To revise Ex. 1, p. 219. Youth Ex. 1, p. 219. Ex. 6, p. 222.
Social maturity personal values the Infinitive. previ- Ex. 3a, p. Organizations Ex. 3b, p. 221.
priorities Ex. 2, ously taught 220–221 in Ukraine Ex. 5, p. 221.
p. 220 vocabulary. Role-play the situation.
Ex. 1, p. 219 Ex. 4, p. 221.
Ex. 6, p. 222
60 Розвиток Завдання вчителя Підготуватись до
навичок кр з аудіювання
письма. ТО,
61 Контроль Завдання Підготуватись до
аудіювання вчителя кр з читання
62 Контроль Завдання Підготуватись до
читання вчителя кр з письма
63 Контроль Завдання вчителя Підготуватись до
письма кр з говоріння
64 Контроль Завдання вчителя Write down a brief
говоріння paragraph about
use the plan
Англомовні країни. Україна в світі.
65 World and Eu- Demonstrate “Words for Ex. 2, p. “Warm-up activity” box, p. Write
Ropean understanding the you” 228–229. 227. Ex. 1, p. 228. a brief essay
organisations value of cultural box, p. 230. Ex. 3, p. 229. Ex. 5, p. 230–231. “Ukraine of
diversity and the Ex. 4, p. 230 Ex. 5, p. Ex. 6, p. 231. Answer the the future”
need to live together 230–231 questions. discuss the
in peace following questions. Ex. 9,
p. 231
66 Develop Your Compare different Non-finite verb “Vocabulary Express your opinion. Ex. 3, p. 234
Vocabulary. political systems. forms. links” box, p. Explain the word meanings.
Build up your Offers options for Ex. 1, p. 234. 232. Discuss the
grammar school / class Ex. 2, p. 234 Ex. 1, p. 232. questions;
participation in Ex. 2, p. 232.
community life Ex. 3, p. 233.
Ex. 4, p. 233
67 Council of Discuss about their “Words for Ex. 3, p. 238 Ex. 2, p. 235. Ex. 1, p. 235. Complete the Ex. 2b, p. 237.
Euro- role and place in you” Ex. 4, p. 236. table. Ex. 3, p. 235. Think about the
pe and Europe- a modern box, p. 237 Listen to a Discuss the questions. information you’ve
an Union multilingual and song Ex. 1, p. 237. Give common discussed and write
multicultural opinion. a brief essay
environment Ex. 2a, p. 237. expressing
Ex. 3, p. 238. Role play your opinion
68 Writing an Identify own rights Transitions and Text “Article Answer the questions. Ex. 3, p. 240.
article: social and responsibilities. linking words about how to “Writing points” box, Use your notes and
problems Discuss active write an p. 239. Ex. 1, p. 239. printed lesson
citizenship and own article on Ex. 2, p. 239–240. materials to write
views on various social “Useful tips” box, p. 240. an article
social problems issues”. Ex. 3, p. 240. Discuss the
“Writing questions
points” box,
p. 239
69 Use your skills: Offers options for To revise non- To revise Ex. 1, p. 240. Ex. 3, p. 241. Ex. 6, p. 246.
Providing a school / class finite verb forms. previ- Ex. 5a, p. Ex. 4, p. 242. Choose a topic
seminar participation Ex. 2, ously taught 243–244 Ex. 5b, p. 244. and write
in community life. p. 242 vocabulary. Ex. 6, p. 244–246. a seminar
“Useful tips” Provide a seminar structure
box, p. 246.
Table “Useful
70 Розвиток Завдання вчителя
письма. ТО.
71 Узагальнення

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