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Dear Parents,
New Direction School would like to extend a warm welcome to all new and returning parents to the new
academic year 2022-2023. We are excited to communicate to you our plans and projects for this
upcoming school year. To this end, we are happy to inform you that we have recently adopted the
Quebec Ministry of Education’s Policy on Healthy and Active Living. As you are probably aware, we are
highly committed to contribute towards helping our students to adopt a healthy and active lifestyle. The
Ministry’s Policy will help to guide us on planning activities that will help to boost the interest of our
students to participate in active and healthy extracurricular activities. As a member of the newly formed
Active Living Organizing Committee, I have been mandated to write to you to seek your help in the
activities that we would be planning for our students at both the Elementary and Secondary sectors, and
to request your participation as volunteers in the planning, and in the organization and supervision of
extracurricular activities at the school.

We are highly committed to the health and well-being of our students, and we want all of our students
(more active and less active ones) and both boys and girls to be involved in extracurricular activities. Our
motivation is to encourage our students to engage in these activities not only at competition level, but
for fun. We want to involve our students in the selection and organization of these activities in order to
boost their motivation to participate. We are hoping to develop activities that will be developmentally
and age appropriate, and activities that will seek increased level of participation of girls. We firmly
believe that these activities will help our students to develops social and other skills that would be
important in their future lives as adults.
At New Direction School, we have always believed in and valued the participation and the contribution
of our parents in developing activities for our students. Parents contribute a large part to the success of
these activities and to help us achieve our goals. In this connection, I am inviting parents who may have
any skills in planning or supervision of extra-curricular activities, or those who have ideas about activities
that we may propose to our students, to contact me at 433 223 1234 or at

I look forward to hearing your ideas and suggestions, and your participation as well.

Thank you,

Kind regards,

Jane Teacher
Part 1: Letter
Dear Parents,
On behalf of Good Fellows School, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all new
and returning parents to this new academic school year of 2022-2023. As most of you are
probably aware, bullying has been a serious problem that our students have been facing for a
long time now. We are deeply concerned, and we are highly committed, and we are very
serious to tackle this issue that is affecting the student’s mental health, the focus on their studies
and their overall quality of life. We have noted in with great concern that there has been an
increased number of bullying cases among our students. In our endeavor to curb the number of
cases of bullying/ in our endeavor to reduce the incidence of bullying among our student, we
are organizing a number of activities. These activities are intended to raise the awareness or to
sensitize our students on the negative impacts of bullying. In this context, we have set up an
antibullying campaign last year in our endeavor to reduce /curb the rising number of cases.
However, we observed that the campaign did not bring the desired results. have observed that
there was a little effect in producing the results that we expectedWe are considering the fact that
this may have been due to/ believe that this may have been due to a to the campaign produced
little effect on bullying among our students was due to the lack of involvement, support and
contribution of parents in our committee. As a member of this committee, I have been
mandated to write to you to seek your participation and to request you to share your ideas on
how we can organize some activities and workshop to help sensitize students on this issue.

We are organizing these activities and workshops as we strongly believe that these will
help the students to understand the negative impacts that bullying has on their peers. Through
these activities, we are convinced that we can help the students understand that bullying can lead
to make their peers feel unsafe in their environment. Besides, we want to help them understand
that bullying may be the cause of and that there are physical and psychological disturbances,
panic attacks, reduced focus on studies, increased experience nightmares and exhaustion.
According to what we have read, It is important to note that Canada is one of the countries that
has the highest number of bullying cases in the 13-years old category and that there is also a high
percentage of parents in Canada that has come forward that their children were victims of
bullying. According to statistics, it is three times more likely that students who identifies as
LGBTQ to face discrimination than heterosexual youth. We also note that one of the most
common forms of bullying in Canada is cyber-bullying that involves a high percentage of threats
and aggressive messages.

Our committee will be holding a meeting on the first week of the resumption of classes
and we would like to invite you to share your ideas that you wish to contribute on our fight
against bullying. You will have the opportunity to discuss with our committee members about
your opinions and ideas that you may have. Furthermore, we invite you to speak with us and we
can be reached at xxxxxx, or to email us at to communicate to us
any ideas or suggestions that you may have. We hope to see you on our committee meeting.

Thank you
Jane Max
Dear Parents,
New Direction School would like to extend a warm welcome to all new and returning parents to the new
academic year 2022-2023. We are excited to communicate to you our plans and projects for this
upcoming school year. To this end, we are happy to inform you that we have recently adopted the
Quebec Ministry of Education’s Policy on Healthy and Active Living. As you are probably aware, we are
highly committed to contribute towards helping our students to adopt a healthy and active lifestyle. The
Ministry’s Policy will help to guide us on planning activities that will help to boost the interest of our
students to participate in active and healthy extracurricular activities. As a member of the newly formed
Active Living Organizing Committee, I have been mandated to write to you to seek your help in the
activities that we would be planning for our students at both the Elementary and Secondary sectors, and
to request your participation as volunteers in the planning, and in the organization and supervision of
extracurricular activities at the school.

We are highly committed to the health and well-being of our students, and we want all of our students
(more active and less active ones) and both boys and girls to be involved in extracurricular activities. Our
motivation is to encourage our students to engage in these activities not only at competition level, but
for fun. We want to involve our students in the selection and organization of these activities in order to
boost their motivation to participate. We are hoping to develop activities that will be developmentally
and age appropriate, and activities that will seek increased level of participation of girls. We firmly
believe that these activities will help our students to develops social and other skills that would be
important in their future lives as adults.
At New Direction School, we have always believed in and valued the participation and the contribution
of our parents in developing activities for our students. Parents contribute a large part to the success of
these activities and to help us achieve our goals. In this connection, I am inviting parents who may have
any skills in planning or supervision of extra-curricular activities, or those who have ideas about activities
that we may propose to our students, to contact me at 433 223 1234 or at

I look forward to hearing your ideas and suggestions, and your participation as well.

Thank you,

Kind regards,

Jane Teacher
Dear Parents,

I am a teacher at New Directions School and would like to welcome all new and returnng
parents to another school year. As the new year begins, we have many exciting projects and
I would like to inform you of one component of our school comunity which you may not be
aware of. Each school in Quebec has a governing board board which is made up of staff,
including teachers and other non-professionals, community members, as well as at a
minimum of four parents of students at the school. I am a staff representive on the board
and although we have all our staff and community members in place, we do not have
enough parent representatives. The board has asked me to write you to encourage you to
become involved in this important aspect of school life.

The governing board of a school analyses and approves school plans for schedules, student
services, rules of conduct and advises on any matters referred to it either by the principal or
by the school board. These may include everything from the choice of textbooks to the
qualities desired in the hiring of a new principal. The board may also work with the
community and with other schools to consider use by our students of facilities or orgaizations
outside the actal school building or of the use of the school building by outsiders.

We are planning an information session in october to give parents details of the board’s
responsibilities, to answer your questions and to encourage you to join our team. We have
always found parents’ input to be very valuable to the workings of the school and hope that
you will be able to attend our meeting and find out more. Please contact me by phone or
email with any questions or concerns you might have. I can be reached by 555-1234 or by
email at

I look forward to discussing these important matters with many of you over the new few

weeks. Sincerely,

Joe Teacher
Dear Parents,

Greetings from Grant Smith School, the staff are very excited to be starting a
new year and we want to let you know about one of the projects which we hope
to implement this year.

There is a big concern in society about the inactivity of young people and studies
show that there is a relationship between the amount of time children spend on
computers or watching television and the rates of obesity. The Quebec
government has a program which is working to address this problem, Kino-
Québec. Among the initiatives which Kino-Québec proposes is that schools
participate in a “plaisirs d’hiver” program which encourages physical activities
during the winter months.
The staff thinks this is a great idea so we have been looking at the document
which Kino-Québec has sent us, a document which includes, among other
information, details of other schools experiences in taking up this chalenge. We
have now set up the Grant Smith “Winter is Fun” commitee. I am a member of
this comittee.

There are lots of ideas in the Kino-Québec information that we could try but we
will need some help and we are hoping that you, the parents, will be able to lend
us a hand. Activities could certainly include outdoor games, stories about winter
adventures or books about parts of the world that have even longer and more
severe winters than we do here in Quebec. There could be outings to parks or
rinks and we might even be able to coordinate with the municipality to see how
we could make facilities more avalable to our students, and maybe even to our
families. If we had the equipment, we might be able to introduce our students to
outdoor activities like snowshoeing or cross-country skiiing. We are very open
to suggestions.

We hope that you share our enthusiasm for this initiative and that you may have
ideas, equipment or time to offer us. Please contact me to let me know what you
think of this campaign, if you are able to help us in any way to implement it. You
do not need any special skills, but if you have a particular interest or skill, please
let us know. As always, these projects always work best with lots of people on
board and with cooperation between home and school.

Thanks in advance for your ideas and help, I look forward to hearing from

you. Bob Teacher

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