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Jermanie D’marion Worthy

23029 Archibald Ave

Carson California, 90745

Dear Employer,

My name is Jermanie D’marion Worthy. I am writing to you today to elaborate on my strengths

and to give you some insight on my personal life and future goals. I grew up in a hardworking
family with my grandfather starting a coin laundry business. My grandmother worked as a retail
manager of Sears for 40 years and my mother created her own daycare from scratch. She was
making a massive profit off of it, up until she got sick. I personally love to learn new skills. I have
accumulated a good amount of them in my life. They range from computer maintenance to
articulate writing and formatting. I have the ability to learn new skills quickly due to me wanting
to live up to my grandfather's expectations. In short, that just means that I hold myself as well as
my work to a high standard, while making sure it is still something I am passionate about.

My goal is to be a business manager and down the line I plan to create my own business along
with taking over my grandfather's coin laundry business. I was raised in the business life, so I
know how to negotiate tactically as well as having knowledge of how to properly budget
corporate funds. Reason why I would be a good pick for this role is that I can guarantee
production sales would rise. Furthermore, I would deliver constructive criticism on what others
should try and ameliorate with while displaying high self esteem in order to show a sense of
realism. Coming from a family of entrepreneurs, eventually you develop a good eye to spot who
the hard workers are. I have that special talent to see who would be beneficial to your company
in the long run. Along with that I have done research on what every company needs and I will
tell you that I fit into every category.

If you decide to admit me to the team, I will ensure that you would witness a financial boost as
well as a more desirable workforce. My fellow employees that would be trained under me will
follow in my footsteps to ensure that business will continue as usual if something were to
happen to me. I will give it my all everyday. Please accept my deepest gratitude for taking the
time out of your day to read my letter.


Jermanie D’marion Worthy

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