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Course: Introduction to Disaster Management

Submitted by
Name:Hardik Rawat
Sap Id: 500083206
Program: APE(Upstream)
Date: 24 April, 2022

Uttar Pradesh is a northern district of India. With a population of over
200 million, it is the most populous region in India and part of the
world's most populous country. It was created on April 1, 1937 as the
combined provinces of Agra and Oudh during British rule, and was
renamed Uttar Pradesh in 1950, giving it the name UP. The state is
divided into 18 divisions and 75 provinces, with the capital Lucknow,
and Allahabad serving as the administrative capital. On November 9,
2000, a new district, Uttaranchal, was recorded in the Himalayan
foothills. The two major rivers of the country, the Ganga and the
Yamuna, join my Tray in the Prayagraj and flow eastward like the
Ganges. Other prominent rivers are the gomti and saryu. The forest share
of the province is 6.1% of the state land area. Cultivated land accounts
for 82% of the total land area and 68.5% of the cultivated area.
The most important natural disasters in Uttar Pradesh are - floods,
droughts, fires and earthquakes. Loss of life and property as a result of
these disasters, especially the previous three, according to the figures for
hundreds of rupees a year. Great efforts are being made every year, both
by the government and the community, to minimize the losses
experienced during the disaster. But repeated floods, droughts and fires
have been indications of increasing vulnerability and inadequacy of the
various mitigation measures they are trying to address. The emerging
theme is an increase in the frequency of disasters, their rising costs,
rising levels of vulnerability, the declining gap between natural and man-
made disasters within a growing fragile environment.

Disaster specific plans

Risk assessment: Of the various natural disasters floods are the most
common occurrence in Uttar Pradesh, affecting almost every year in one
part of the region or another. Important rivers, causing floods in the
Province, Ganga, Yamuna, Ramganga, Gomti, Sharda, Ghghra, Rapti
and Gandak. U.P. receives normal rainfall in the region from 60 cm to
190 cm more than 80% occurs during the southwest rainfall. Rainfall
increases from west to east and from south to north. Similar with the
flood pattern, the problem increases from west to east and south to north.
Due to flooding, an average of 26.89 lakh hectares are affected annually,
and the average loss of crops, houses and livestock amounts to Rs.432
crore per year. Apart from this, the loss of human life also occurs.
Mitigation measures: commonly used methods of flood protection to
build envelopes, flood walls, dams, etc. As well as the development of
the river lane to increase the capacity of its outlet by steering, expansion
and depth. Construction of passes and diversion channels to transport
floodwaters beyond protected areas.
Preparedness measures: Identify potential domestic hazards and know
how to protect yourself or yourself before the flood strikes. Be prepared
to turn off the power when there is standing water, fallen power lines etc.
Turn off the gas and water before you go out. Protect fragile building
materials. For plumbing, toilets, and other sewage systems, install return
flush valves or plugs to prevent flooding. Send emergency phone
numbers to all phones. if you are under a flood clock or warning:
• Collect emergency supplies that you have stored in your home and
regularly watch local radio or television for updates.
• Close all appliances on the main power supply and close the gas valve
if it appears necessary to exit.
• Ask for your vaccination records or know about your last tetanus shot,
in case you get a puncture wound or a dirty wound during or after the
• Fill the tubs, sinks and plastic soda bottles with clean water. Clean the
sinks and tubes first with bleach. Clean and fill with clean water.
• Bring outdoor items, such as straw furniture, grills and trash cans
inside or tie them to the floor securely.
Response: Stay away from rivers and streams. Do not drive in flood-
prone areas. during the floods more people drowned in their cars than
anywhere else. Do not drive near any obstacles, use the traffic rules and
routes provided by the local authorities at that time.
Recovery: The steps to recover from the flood are, taking care of
yourself and your family, helping your home, tidying up, drying your
home, recycling, cleaning, rebuilding and floodproof, preparing for the
next flood..
Risk assessment: Drought is another major disaster affecting the State of
Uttar Pradesh. The State produces about 21 percent of the world's grain,
and as a result it is an important agricultural power. The total area of вЂ
‹вЂ‹ investment is 25.30 million hectares of land, 17.69 million
hectares. irrigated area. (66% irrigated). In the irrigated area, the canals
provide about 25%, tubing sources about 67% and ponds, ponds etc. So
one third of the irrigated area and the entire rainforest in the Kingdom
depend on the rainstorms.
Rainwater recharging due to rainfall accounts for about 80 percent of the
total recharge. Heavy rainfall accounts for 70-80% of the total annual
rainfall in our region.
Mitigation measures: basically mitigation measures can mainly involve
forecasting and monitoring. Climate, atmospheric surveys, surveys,
marine and atmospheric circulation patterns, soil moisture, remote data
detection into predictable numerical models, and information on stored
water for home use, stock, and irrigation. Monitoring is available in
countries that use basic information such as rainfall, climate, crop
conditions and water availability. Satellite tracking is compatible with
data collected by sub-systems. Satellites are needed to provide synoptic,
wide coverage coverage
Preparation measures: these measures are similar to deforestation,
conservation of soil and water. Just as planting more trees can help the
area to settle and hold the soil properly and will even help to conserve
water, even sunlight will not dry up the soil to the extent that it once did.
Additional land and water conservation should be considered as water
loss only leads to drought, soil conservation measures should be defined
and in particular water conservation campaigns should be held in each
city facing these problems.
Response : Responses include improved drought monitoring, better
water and crop management, groundwater expansion, increased public
awareness and education, strengthening water and environmental
planning, reducing water demand, and water conservation.
Recovery: Post-drought recovery can be achieved shortly after using the
above steps the drought characteristics will decrease, eventually the
drought would not be there, and further research and information on
water intake should be kept to prevent further water loss. leads to
drought, so it is best to follow the next steps and keep a constant alert.
Fire hazard
Risk assessment: Every year, fires destroy thousands of homes,
especially in summer, in rural areas of the State. And fire accidents are
more common in urban areas.
169. At a meeting of the Standing Committee on State Disaster Relief
Committee on August 25, 2005, it was decided to equip the State Fire
Department with the required Rescue Tender and Advanced Rescue
Tenders, which are currently in short supply. Up to Rs. 12.19 million has
been made available to the Calamity Relief Fund for the same purchase.
Apart from this, the Fire Services Training Center, Unnao, which is the
Nodal Institute for the whole Province, for training in Search & Rescue
Operations, is strengthened in the course of the war.
Mitigation measures: Improving road access, in general and especially to
deal with emergencies and evacuation • Improving water supply and
water supply infrastructure • Strengthening secure air laws and generally
reducing risks due to the accumulation of debris and other flammable
materials in commercial and residential buildings • Reduction of
hazardous fuels.
Preparation steps: these can be like considering hazards and you should
know things and how they can lead to fire so be more careful while
using, Consider all aspects of construction, including the type of roof,
what the main building is made of. of, and exterior and interior finishing
materials. Ideally, buildings should be fire resistant or non-flammable,
regularly inspect buildings and equipment, develop awareness and
training programs, take appropriate action against various hazards, etc.
response: The fire inspection system should be carefully considered, and
an evacuation plan should be followed, everyone should follow the
emergency exit to the stairs and should get out and away from the fire
area and firefighters should be notified immediately.
Recovery: provide first aid when needed, notify family safety, seriously
injured people or animals should be taken to hospital, protect property
and prevent further damage, collect damage information, clean up
damaged items and take them to safety. , etc.

Risk assessment: Seismic risk assessment methods consider and cover
three main factors: seismic risk, vulnerability / vulnerability and
inventory exposure. Challenges exist in determining the risk of an
earthquake and in determining the vulnerability / risk of physical and
social elements identified in the hazard. Simulating the fields associated
with low-motion areas using empirical models of correlation between
tightness steps is an important tool to distinguish risk actors. The
material risk relationship, based on methods based on theories of
research, analysis or expertise, provides opportunities for a loss ratio,
which is conditional on the level of energy balance. The uncertainty
involved in this relationship and especially the relationship to this
uncertainty is important in determining the limits of expected losses.
Instead there are simplified procedures for rapid post-earthquake testing
of physical, social and economic losses. Reducing the uncertainty
associated with the basic ingredients for such a rapid earthquake loss test
is an important issue that needs to be addressed in the future in order to
make it possible and reliable.
Mitigation measures:
Look for shelter under stable tables or under door frames. If you are
outside, stay away from buildings, bridges, and electrical equipment and
move to open spaces. Avoid hazardous areas in the second process, such
as landslides, rockfall and ground liquefaction. After an earthquake,
inspect the gas, water and electricity pipes and damage the wires.
Preparedness measures: these can be - check for accidents at home, plan
something that will help you during an earthquake, see safe places
around you like any furniture or wall or tree or any high place, educate
you and your family about basic things to do during an earthquake, store
supplies Disasters are readily available such as torch, radio, first aid,
food and water, etc.
response: during an earthquake your answer should be
• If you are in a car, stop nearby. Set up your parking brake.
• When in bed, face down and cover your head and neck with a pillow.
• If you are outside, stay outside away from buildings.
• When you are inside, sit and do not run outside and avoid doors.
recovery: Earthquakes can be sudden and frightening. When the quake is
over, make sure you and your family are safe to move. Depending on the
size of the earthquake, the sound of your equipment and the structure of
your house may be questionable. A system hazard in your home can
cause fires and water damage after an earthquake, so check again if there
is an accident and get out of the area. If your property has any damage
do not rush and repair it immediately but gradually make it strong and
sturdy enough in the future.
Chemical and Industrial hazards
Risk assessment: The goal of chemical hazard testing is to have a
complete understanding of the nature, magnitude and potential for the
presence of harmful chemicals in life or the environment. It takes into
account both risk and exposure. Risk assessment forms the basis for
regulatory decisions on industrial chemicals, pesticides, medicines,
cosmetics, food additives and food additives in developed countries
Mitigation measures: Do not smoke, light fires or extinguish sparks in a
hazardous area identified. Maintain the contact numbers of the
emergency industry, fire station, police station, control room, health
services and regional control room, to use for emergencies. Avoid houses
near factories that produce or process hazardous chemicals, if possible.
Inform family / neighbors about the basic features of the various toxic /
harmful chemicals as well as the first aid needed for treatment.
Preparation measures: readiness is as follows to comply with safety
requirements and regularly check the safety and quality of the machine
to minimize damage, provide proper training to factory workers to
perform unsuccessful work and lead to accidents, keep equipment
operating under the best conditions shortcut that should be used to
maximize profits but should follow the first method, etc.
Recovery: A collection of evidence-based recurring options for human
settlements, food production systems and water resources have also been
developed and included in the chemical register. This paper outlines
important factors to consider when developing a rescue strategy about
how this may affect its effectiveness. This paper also highlights the
importance of these factors in the evaluation of restorative strategies
used following actual chemical events that have been reported in the
Gaps in Disaster Management
• Strong communication, collaboration and inter-sectoral
• Institutional capacity building
• Successful implementation to achieve the involvement
of all the various stakeholders
• Lack of risk assessment skills due to land and weather
• Lack of skills to assess loss and post-disaster needs
Disaster Management Practically is nothing but a preparedness
to deal with any type of Natural or Man-Made Disasters without
panic. Disaster Management makes a person an alert and alert
person who can deal with the situation and save the lives of the
victim ensuring his or her safety first. Disaster Management can
make a huge difference in saving lives and restoring orderly and
systematic damage. In the completed report we also met with
risk assessment, mitigation measures and preparedness,
feedback on the specific type of risk and then a little bit of
information about risk recovery. Following the gaps in the
disaster risk management system, which gives us a general idea
of disaster risk management, is that it not only saves lives but
also has many strategies and sometimes makes disaster
management a completely different topic and moreover a lesson,
learning and looking at disaster risk management plan and its
essential components.

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