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General Surgery chap wise Guideline(page 1) Reference: Abdul Wahab Dogar. > Ifwrnot satisfied with this book, you can do summary tables from "ballay and love" also. > You need to cram "Dogar" book complete, so In following guidelines, if u find almost whole chap imp then its not surprising then. © General surgery’s some topics are cramming and some are conceptual but whole of this chap is easy if you will take interest considering you @ “surgeon” > “Abdul wahab Dogar’s” “General surgery” book is such a short kinda book that campletes your almost whole syllabus of UHS. So its need to do whole book(at least a read). > Every chapter will be containing maximum of important questions and you need to cram them. > Remember, in House job, General surgery which includes both your general and systemic, is a major one rotation |.e. everyone has to do either willing or not. > Note: Three(***) stars means; very important questions which you must need to do. » Two(**) stars means imp questions which u need to do but if u have very short time(it shouldn't be), you can skip then. > One(*) star means only to read such topics like if any of such question come in exams, u can oT Ga and management — ‘Surgery in high risk patients >** Factors contributing to Asepsis in Operation theature>*** o wows eC CCl| General anesthesia phases, advantages, complications, indications >*** Local anesthesia >*** © Cancer Pain Management >** Local anesthetci technique >** —_@ Procedure of spinal anesthesia insertion >** ‘Spinal anesthesia complete>*** Epidural anesthesia and differences between spinal end epkiural >*° Patient control analgesia WHO Analgesic ladder ‘Types of chronic pain >** Scanned with CamScanner "General Surgery chap wise Guideline(page 2) Chap 5: Sutures and Needles © For megs and ospe >* Chap 6: Post Operative Care © Just give aread >* Chap 7: Post operative complications? © Names of complications >** so © Wound complications; wound dehiscence >** © Post operative Fever >** © Read rest chap >* epeisemalanat a Chap 9: . . Potential lf Flail Chest geheea Conditionsinames) >++ Cardiac Temponaies*# | >**{als0 procedure from baitayy Chap 11: wi; © Mastinnmecs Hues: © Rest chap > Scanned with CamScanner Of CT sc radural He; tomy REM Injury see Sub dural matoma s= Spinal cord Injuries >: Chap 13: Burn Injuries; © Whole cha wea a ip Classification, ‘ent, Management, Non thermal burns s++e Chap 14: Chap 15: acid g, © Read whole ch; Metabotic alka! ‘ase Disorders: ap ates Hosts and acidosis see Chap 16: Fluids Therapy: © Principtes of Fluids therapy s« Monitoring of Fluids Therapy >*+ © Rest chap >* just rend Chap 17: Hemorrhage and Shock: © Types of Hemorrhage a+ $ Measurement, Treatment of © Clinical effects of shock s** © Shock >+** Acute Blood Loss s#+ Chap 18: Blood Transfusion: © Indications of blood transfusion >** Safety measures >*++ Complications of Blood Transfusion >*** Massive blood Transfusion >*** Dic >* Dengue fever >** MedicalGlobe Scanned with CamScanner MedicalGlobe) Parenteral Nutrition complete >*** ‘Nutritional consequences of Intestinal Resection >** Chap 20: Principles of Oncology: Treatment Strategy of Malignant Tu Pron of os oe ES ye A oie), ae © Malignant Melanotic Lesion © Ganglion, Bursa, hemangioma >* Chap 22: Cysts, Sinus, Fistula, Wounds: Dermoid Cyst >* Sinus, fistula >** Classification of Wound >** ‘Types of Wound Healing >*** ‘Wound exicison and Weuind Debridement >*** Factors inhibiting wound healing >*** Scars>*** Diabetic ulcer >* General treatment of Non healing wounds >** MedicalGlobe) Scanned with CamScanner General Surgery chap wise Guideline(page 5) eee eats fos eke Regimen for Prophylactic various Operations >** ‘Abscess, Necrotizing Fascitis, Gas gangrene, Skin infections >** eeeeecoee y Chap 28: Surgical Anatomy: ‘This whole chap is important and it will be revised in Systemic Surgery, $0 revise it while doing any topic of systemic surgery. Diagram of visceral anatomy can also be asked so take a view for these also. Scanned with CamScanner

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