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MBBS FINAL PROFESSION. Surgery Paper-] (Multiple Chalce Questions) Tahte of Specifications $0 MOQs of one mark each Time Allowed = 01 hour ‘Wounds, Trssue Repair and Scars Acridem and Emergency Surgery. Warfare Injaries Phd, Electrolyte and Acid- Buse Balance Blood Transfusion and Shock Numtion, ‘Wound Infection Special Infection: AIDS; Sterile Precautions Tumours, Cysts, Ulcers and Sunset Ea ‘Skin Sessona: Skin Grafis and Flaps Arter] Thsarders Vemwes Disorders Lymphatic Disorders Princoples of Anaesthesia and Pain Management, Principles of Radislayy Principles of Radiotherapy and Chemotherupy Scanned with CamScanner Tuble of Specifications (9 SEQ of five rnarks each Time Allowed 02 hours Surgical Anatomy Wounds, Tissue Repair and Scars; Accident und Emergency Sargon, Warfare Layurses Flank, Elecuolywe and Adid- Buse Balance, Blood Tramsfusion and Shook La oe Wound Infection Special Infections: AIDS, Stenle Precuutasns, Tereuuis, Cysts, Ulan and Sivises, Burns, Skin Lesions, Shem Conall and Flaps ‘Antenal, Vewous and Lymphare Desorders Pasciples of Anacsthesia and Faia Management = Priscipler af Radiology To | PRaeIpier OF Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy Scanned with CamScanner h N i ‘Surgery Paper-Il (Short Essay Cucstions) Table of Specifications 13 SEQs of five marks each Time Atlnwed 02 hours Mowuloskeletal System 3 Upper Git z z Lowe GIT 2 i Trogental Syaiemn Fiend and Sock 7 Tourn ext and Great Vowels | Onalcntal Note: At feast One Question from §.No.2 to 7 will be of Scanned with CamScanner o ON ipte Cholce Questions) E¢Mull Surgery Paper: Tabie of Specifications HO MOQs of me mark each Tine Allowed OF bevar and S punutes Winsewiockeletal System (0) Na, Contents Seni 1 _| Frarties and Disecations ~ (ener Pribeigles 1 2._[ Fratares and Dislocations — Lipper Limb i a Fractures und Dislocatwes - Lower Ln : 1 4 [Ortet Drseasce of Hones, Fouts and retiked Tastes z 3 Tian’ and Foot 1 1 Th Upper Gi (ay : ai coi oe Deataas tenn Fi ws anatase ee eee fee Titer cin S.No. Contents jaa i ‘Small and Large Inestine z 1a | trexunal Obstruction + Ce ee = If. Rectum 2 13_| Ams and Anal Canal Homa Umbvhcus and Abdominal Wull Seat Contents Aparsaions ed —z—I (FEIT Riwtate und som Ves a (32 eters and Pes 2 Scanned with CamScanner V. Head and Neck () (ET Tivred Gland and Tayroglosaal Toner [28 T PseaaBorestdt acid Aationial Ciliigle [Se Sale ary Clan d e ViThorss Sa of 5.Na. Contents in 28 | hes Tsui 2 23. | hhers z Contents accion Riaiianaen Dinca Hienren Dress radia Contents ~ Ne. of Content Qucstions ] 1 i i Contents ee 37 [ahers v Note: Teast Five Questions [rom §.No.I to VIL wi Hive Surge Scanned with CamScanner

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