Bpharm 6 Sem Clinical Pharmacotherapeutics 1 p5 3177 Summer 2019

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B.Pharm. Sixth Semester (C.B.S.) Examination
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
N.B. :— (1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
(2) Attempt any four questions out of remaining.
(3) All questions carry marks as indicated.
(4) Draw neat labeled diagram wherever necessary.

1. Solve any five :

(a) Discuss in brief thromboembolic disorders.

(b) Name and discuss sodium channel blockers used in arrhythmias.

(c) Discuss etiopathogenesis of bronchial asthma.

(d) Write about the drug treatment used in liver cirrhosis.

(e) Differentiate typical and atypical antipsychotic.

(f) Discuss the treatment options for benign prostatic hypertrophy.

(g) Discuss the treatment available for systemic lupus erythematosis. 5×4=20

2. What are the causes responsible for neurodegeneration in Parkinson’s disease ? Explain the
pharmacotherapy of Parkinson’s. 15

3. Explain the pathological events in peptic ulcer. Discuss the pharmacological treatment of types
of peptic ulcers. 15

4. Differentiate acute and chronic renal failure. Explain the pathological events and treatment
options available for acute and chronic renal failure. 15

5. Discuss in detail the etiopathogenesis of cystic fibrosis. Explain the pharmacotherapy of cystic
fibrosis. 15

6. Discuss different mechanisms responsible for congestive heart failure. Explain secondary
complications and pharmacotherapy of it. 15

7. Write short notes on (any three) :

(a) Myocardial infarction

(b) Osteoarthritis

(c) Angina pectoris

(d) Common cold. 3×5=15



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