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Educadora Diferencial: Samile Ubal A

Objetivo: Dar uso a la estructura del verbo to be, en su forma afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa,
en distintas oraciones.


1. Write in the correct verb to be (use am, is, are) Escribe la forma correcta del verbo to

EJEMPLO: My sister is very funny.

a) Jhon ______ my boyfriend.

b) Christian and Luci ______ cousins.

c) My grandmother ______ 85 years old.

d) She _____ very beautiful.

e) My school _______ very big.

f) I _____ at library.

2. Complete with the negative of the “verb to be” Use the short form. (Completa con el
NEGATIVO del verbo to be.)

EJEMPLO: He is not my dog

a) Mauricio _______ my husband.

b) Anita _______my sister.

c) I _______ Argentino.

d) She ______ singer.

e) That cat ______ little.

3. Complete the questions with the verb to be. (Completa las preguntas con el verbo “to

EJEMPLO: Is he a teacher?

a) __________ he a police?

b) __________ they from Venezuela?

c) __________ she a chef?

d) __________ it a elephant?

e) __________ they cousins

4. Write sentences in the affirmative, negative and interrogative form. (Escribe la oración
en negativo

EJEMPLO: I am an architect / I am not an architect

- She is my sister.


- We are very friend.


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