Pitching With Demonic Sigil Grips - Andy Martrich - PDF

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Andy Martrich, 2016

Pitching with Demonic

Sigil Grips

The text of this book has been this guide is essential to the
designed as a guide and re- evolution of the craft, the me-
source for the philosophy, fun- chanics and control it takes to
damentals, and application throw pitches without injury
of demonic sigil grips for use is absolutely imperative. Risk
in the game of baseball. The of physical injury will increase
information found here has substantially if complex grips
been compiled through count- are used in combination with
less hours of research, practice, inferior mechanics. Please con-
and development at all levels sider this a disclaimer; I do not
of the game, and reveals the take responsibility for any inju-
secret knowledge that has been ries that may occur.
used to effectively instruct and
indoctrinate pitchers for over About ten years ago, I was
two centuries. The skillful ad- moved to begin the research
aptation of demonic sigil grips and development processes
is one of the most punishing necessary for this guide. Hav-
athletic activities to explore, ing been provided with an op-
and I am fully aware that it is portunity to coach, my initial
equally formidable to coach; approach consisted of relaying
however, while I believe that the same technical instruction
the information provided in that I had learned from my
own coaches over the course of position mid-season, and dedi-
my amateur baseball career. To cated myself to the search for
my dismay, I soon realized that answers.
many of the players under my
guidance, especially pitchers, I had left without the slightest
were simply not progressing. comprehension of the phenom-
In my ignorance I had catered ena of the game. I was ignorant
to the reinforcement of the of the very principles lying at
graphic conformities confront- the bottom of an interrelation
ing my team, both collectively that I then believed to be rela-
and individually, each player tively novel and autonomous,
essentially coerced through the but which I now know to be
same universal sieve. They had as endemic and old as the tem-
been coached to toe the line, ples of antiquity. I now under-
acquiesce to pre-established de- stand that all anatomies com-
marcation without question, or mence with the establishment
in other words, to fail. As a re- of outward manifestations, the
sult, I was overwhelmed by the spiritual genesis of dimension
idea of my own failure, which promulgated as divine. Admit-
inevitably led to tremendous tedly, for some time I remained
bouts of insecurity regarding skeptical to a fault. The extrav-
my knowledge of the game, for agances of faith in the evoca-
as Mickey Mantle once said, tion of invisible spirits seemed
“It’s unbelievable how much to be so effectively detached
you don’t know about the game from the very machinery of
you’ve been playing all your baseball, a game that at the
life.” In retrospect, what should surface appears to be a simple
have been the crux of essential game of throwing and hitting,
instruction then, is exactly the even though every player learns
authenticity that I recognize that the game becomes progres-
now: a different way of know- sively complex as they advance
ing. That, of course, meant not to higher levels, especially for
only a change in the methods pitchers.
of research, but in myself as
well. I abandoned my coaching Fundamentally, the common
authority on pitching desig- and experimentation. Even
nates two types of baseball professional pitchers contin-
players that take the mound— ue to change and adjust their
pitchers and throwers. Pitch- grips and mechanics. A notable
ers are athletes who exhibit example is Toronto Blue Jays
a prodigious determination, pitcher and Cy Young winner
and dedicate themselves to the R.A. Dickey, who spent 9 years
study and implementation of in professional baseball before
the physiological, intellectual, completely altering his pitch-
and spiritual strategies and im- ing arsenal.
provements that will enhance
their craft. Throwers merely I am aware that a process of
throw the ball, and are players mastery contingent on patience
who typically lack the neces- and practice stems from a tra-
sary self-discipline and com- ditional approach to pitching
mitment that proffers adequate instruction. But the procedure
conditioning. Apathetic to the found in this guide is better ex-
advancement of their tech- plicated by the trick in lieu of
nique, they seldom progress the method—a sentiment much
into mature pitching, relying more apropos here. The trick it-
primarily on a congenital ve- self lies in the accurate distribu-
locity that rapidly deteriorates tion of the fingers over the ball,
with overuse and age. which in effect conjures its élan
vital. The skilled application of
To become a pitcher, it is nec- a demonic sigil grip will sum-
essary to master at least 2 or 3 mon the causative force neces-
pitches that can be thrown for sary for the constitution of an
a strike approximately 60% of influential undercurrent that si-
the time. An aspiring pitcher multaneously activates and ma-
should focus on 2 or 3 substan- nipulates the ball’s fundamen-
tial grips, rather than an over- tal anima. This is not new, but
abundance of uninspired grips rather ancient ground that my
with little control; however, pitchers break, resonant with
finding the grips that best suit the minds of the saints, aes-
you will take time, practice, thetes, and diviners, who mani-
fest the reflections of forgotten note that a suitable history of
truths. Therefore, approach this these particular influences has
guide with a heavy but atten- yet to be written, and it would
tive heart. We present a gener- be encouraging to think that
ous selection of 6 demonic sigil the indications set out in this
grips and one should be careful guide might contribute to such
to choose wisely; demons never a work.
forget a face or a name, and as-
piring pitchers should be cau- Baseball superstition is a com-
tious not to bite off more, so to monly known aspect of the
speak, than they can chew. In game, albeit misunderstood,
this respect, every pitcher who treated somewhat comically as
is minded for progression must an idiosyncratic offshoot corol-
tread lightly while thoroughly lary to the game’s embedded el-
understanding the dynamic ements of chance. It is typically
principles of mimicry and di- not recognized as a flagrant
vine evocation. There are no indicator of preternatural pres-
intercessors, save in the sigils ences, but it certainly serves as
themselves. an effective starting point. Base-
ball professionals are renowned
Before setting out the practical as the most superstitious ath-
considerations of this guide, it letes in the world—literally
is important to recapitulate a willing to do whatever it takes
lesser known aspect of baseball to sustain any kind of streak in
culture, which is the adapta- good fortune. Ostensibly, this
tion of esotericisms, occult and is a pragmatic inclination, as
black magic practices in order the livelihoods of baseball pro-
to effectuate advantages, how- fessionals depend on how well
ever large or small, in any given they perform.
baseball game. Being neither an
overt advocate of occult beliefs, Almost exclusively, perfor-
nor the opposite, I am better mance determines whether or
able to document the affecta- not a player will be scouted
tion of praxis in this context; into the professional baseball
however, it is important to system, where a player is slot-
A black cat circles Ron Santo at Shea Stadium in 1969, after which the Chicago Cubs
blew a nine run lead against the New York Mets

ted within that system (rookie, countless uncertainties of base-

class A short season, class A, ball, especially regarding the act
single-A, A-advanced, class AA, of pitching, in order to emend
or class AAA), and how much subpar performance results.
time is spent there. The major-
ity of players never make it out The pitcher is the player least
of the minor league structure, able to control the outcome of
and if they do, it is unlikely self-effort. For example, a pitch-
that they will stay in the majors er may perform exceptionally
for any significant amount of well while warming up in the
time. Major league teams have bullpen, but suffer a noticeable
only 40 players on their rosters loss of ability as soon as a game
at any given time, with 25 of starts. Even with health and
those players considered active. full capacity maintained, there
This being the case, it should is the constant possibility that
come as no surprise that many a batter will hit a pitcher’s best
players rely on rituals and black pitch. Likewise, a batter may
magic to gain control of the just as easily miss a pitcher’s
worst pitch. There is also the knocks them off their rou-
reliance on the fielding skills tine. Just look at the dugout
of teammates; any hit pitch has and you’ll see every guy sitting
the potential to end up in the in the same spot every night.
glove of a fielder. Essentially, a It’s amazing, everybody in the
pitcher may play well and still same spot. And don’t you dare
lose, or perform poorly and still take someone’s seat. If a guy
win, but even worse is the fact comes up from the minors and
that the affectation of good and sits here, they’ll say, ‘Hey, Jim
bad fortune does not always av- sits here, find another seat.’ You
erage out over the course of a watch the pitcher warm up and
season. Some pitchers end the he’ll do the same thing every
season with poor won/loss re- time. And when you go on the
cords but maintain good ERAs road it’s the same way. You’ve
(earned run averages), and vice got a routine and you adhere to
versa. Regardless of how well a it and you don’t want anybody
pitcher performs, every outing knocking you off it.”
depends not only on skill, but
also upon the dexterity of team- Donnelly echoes the senti-
mates, the ineptitude of oppo- ment of innocuous rationality
nents, and more than anything that is popular throughout the
else, sheer luck. Therefore, it baseball community regarding
would seem rather logical that baseball superstition. How-
baseball professionals attempt ever, the truth of the matter
to reduce uncertainty by estab- is that player actions become
lishing courses of action regu- prescribed behaviors in which
larly familiarized according to a there is no empirical connec-
given sequence. Rich Donnelly, tion between the means. What
current Third Base Coach for Donnelly fails to mention, no
the Seattle Mariners writes, doubt purposely given his 25-
year tenure as a Major League
“They’re like trained animals. Baseball coach, is that baseball
They come out here and ev- player routines are only the sur-
erything has to be the same, face, the superficial masks en-
they don’t like anything that casing a conglomeration of eso-
tericist rituals, enchantement, form well before the Olympian
and evocation. The notion of era. When he was anthropo-
baseball superstition is merely a morphized and admitted to the
cover up perpetuated by Major new Olympian pantheon, he
League Baseball in an effort to was curtailed of his status as a
disguise the 200-year-old pen- subsidiary chthonic god and es-
etration of the occult that lies sentially demoted—associated
at the heart of the game’s struc- with what one might consider
ture, embedded since its very being trivial functions. Regard-
inception. less, it remained an essential
detail of his role that he was
Now, I understand that for not a single snake, but rather
the baseball layman, seasoned the double snake, male and fe-
fan, and obsessive stat junkie male, the most primitive and
alike, the dependency of the prolific form of sexual duality
game on the occult may seem in the corporeal world. In the
exaggerated or even implau- pre-anthropomorphic era, this
sible, but nevertheless, I feel it dual snake was the god, well
is necessary to establish these expressed in the worship prac-
lesser-known aspects before tices of the Cult of Hermes, a
launching into the instruction- residual figure of pre-Hellenic
al portion of this text. The ritu- religion. It is these double ser-
als at the heart of the game are pents, the representative ser-
contingent on an ancient dual- pents of duality, which serve
ity symbolized in the Kerykei- as the galvanic mechanism, the
on, or Caduceus of Hermes, tightly coiled springs wedged
the ancient symbol of two beneath the underbelly of the
serpents intertwined around a baseball process, a duality that
staff surmounted with wings. is acerbated by the pitcher, who
Here, again, we encounter the attempts to hem the split of the
trick in lieu of the method, as batter’s realm via a deceptive
Hermes has always been con- coalescence, pronounced quite
sidered to be a correlated snake- ingenuously by baseball mate-
god, quick and deceptive. In rial specifics.
fact, he was envisioned in snake
Physically, a baseball is a rubber A baseball is stitched in order
or cork center wrapped in yarn to cogently articulate the Ou-
(up to 1.6 kilometers in length) roboros, the cosmic serpent
and concealed in two seg- who subsists via the eating
ments of horse or cowhide. It of its own tail. Carl Jung de-
is around 229-235 millimeters scribed the Ouroboros as the
in circumference, 73-75 milli- corollary result of violent bi-
meters in diameter, and weighs nary opposition, thus the first
about 142-149 grams. But the living derivative thing, yet self-
dominant characteristic of the contained without beginning
ball is the peculiar stitching or end. Jung writes,
that holds together the horse
or cowhide—a serpent-like de- “In the age-old image of the
marcation that simultaneously Ouroboros lies the thought of
elucidates the duality, malle- devouring oneself and turn-
ability, and unity of the object. ing oneself into a circulatory

The Ouroboros split to reveal the innards of a baseball

process, for it was clear to the may be, established by the in-
more astute alchemists that the nervation of perpetual feed-
prima materia of the art was back loops signalizing irreduc-
man himself. The Ouroboros is ible pools of interdependence.
a dramatic symbol for the in- This mechanically interlocked
tegration and assimilation of and self-complexing diadem of
the opposite, i.e. of the shad- the baseball is in fact structur-
ow. This ‘feed-back’ process is ally akin to a circular interlock-
at the same time a symbol of ing mechanism anatomized to
immortality, since it is said of maintain an electrostatic repul-
the Ouroboros that he slays sive force. The resulting high-
himself and brings himself to energy engaged conformation
life, fertilizes himself and gives overcomes a steric barrier,
birth to himself.” charged thermodynamically to
form a high-level energy linear
Opposites are assimilated and state in an irreversible process
resorbed in the equilibrium of that would otherwise be kineti-
the Ouroboros, where duality cally improbable.
refracts to the other, perpetu-
ally injected into its own di- As you will see, the application
chotomy. The fluctuation of and command of demonic si-
duality between and through gil grips relies heavily on the
itself refracts as the paradigm of protrusion of the Ouroboros,
all possible contingent ductili- which catches on the air to alter
ties, which ultimately connote the ball’s path. The systematic
the futility of categorical frag- manipulation of the ball to the
mentation. In the affectation of east, west, south, or a combina-
eternal return, the Ouroboros tion thereof, and the manner of
stabilizes a Sisyphean primor- deflection (sharp or gradual),
dial unity of consensus reality, depends primarily on how the
however illusory that reality Ouroboros has been unlocked
and contrived as a spinning ob- security, physically demarcated
ject. In rotation, pressure vari- by the duality of the split rep-
ants develop a cogent frame- resented by the two sides of
work in direct contention with home plate, one protected and
an object’s forward movement one exposed, thus paving the
resulting in the application of way for the exchange that is the
the Magnus effect, the effect in essential crux of the game—
which a spinning object de- the limit of death that lies in
ters from its flight path, which the three-dimensional world of
generates a force perpendicular form between the pitcher and
to the motion of the object in the batter. When the batter
the direction of the spin. The takes the batter’s box on either
points of the object’s flow field side of home plate, the other
move in unison as the angular side is left unprotected, and
velocity intensifies, and the pro- the pitcher has the unique abil-
pulsive movement flattens out ity to rupture the duality of the
the velocity until the air sliding split through the skillful use of
over the ball forms a vortex that the Ouroboros, the nullifier of
coerces the two hemispheres of duality. This is why the batter
the ball into direct conflict. The attempts to protect the other
alteration in speed and shear with the bat, the dead serpent
creates a pressure difference in rigor mortis, thus encum-
that accounts for the force (the bering the batter’s duality of
Magnus force) that moves the protection/insecurity.
ball toward the side where the
air velocity is higher. All of this remains relatively
hidden, or at least, it would ap-
In effect, the systematic ma- pear that it only has allegorical
nipulation of the ball via the value, and certainly that obscu-
Ouroboros allows the pitcher rity is not an accident. But af-
to exploit a batter’s default in- ter a wide-ranging survey of the
field, including excursions back some other kind of intended or
to game physiology first princi- unintended awkwardness.
ples, we encounter an evincive
overlapping of meaning, where There is also the application of
the ambiguity of the game’s overt baseball nostalgia, the pri-
structural minutiae exists in mary residual effect of baseball’s
contention with the professed paramount role in the develop-
interface or demonstrative ment of American pop culture
viewpoint of fans, regardless throughout the 19th and 20th
of their level of fandom. These century, in the majority of base-
processes overlap and remain ball’s promotional and market-
unintelligible to the mind, ing tactics. Take for example
working best when hardly dis- the opening monologue of Ken
coverable or at least when con- Burn’s Emmy-award winning
sidered not worth dissecting— documentary Baseball,
essentially rooted in normality.
In lieu, their very mélange and “It is played everywhere. In
repetition becomes pleasurable, parks and playgrounds and
like small waves ceaselessly lap- prison yards. In back alleys
ping at the shore of an expan- and farmer’s fields. By small
sive lake. The affectation of the children and by old men. … It
contention is negated by the follows the seasons, beginning
sheer similarity (i.e. overuse) of each year with the fond expec-
the processes to incur normality tancy of springtime and ending
sustained by the rhythm of the with the hard facts of autumn.
game itself, so successfully de- Americans have played baseball
ceptive that when closely exam- for more than 200 years, while
ined reveals nothing of its inner they conquered a continent,
occult functionality other than warred with one another and
what might be quickly written with enemies abroad, struggled
off as baseball superstition or over labor and civil rights and
the meaning of freedom. It is history is the overwhelmingly
an American odyssey that links authoritarian faith of the ma-
sons and daughters to fathers jority of professional sports sci-
and grandfathers.” entists who attempt to preserve
baseball according to archaic
With specific emphasis on ro- principles of athleticism and
manticizing the ethnographic athletic psychology, regardless
milieu of baseball’s evolution of having the quantifiable data
as a linchpin of American cul- necessary to gain insight to the
ture, a spectator’s imagination structural peculiarities of the
is effectively marginalized and game (for example, as a con-
seized via analeptic associations temporary form of snake wor-
of a personal capacity, resulting ship). This tendency to predi-
in the secondhand reflection of cate a present-day environment
exemplified place and time ex- on the athletic endeavors of
perience, ultimately imparting an idealized past would not be
the euphoric sensation of mu- nearly as detrimental if not for
tual participation and cultural the stubborn refusal of the mar-
identity. Baseball, in so far that ket to relinquish its audacious
it propagates a nostalgia-hallu- claim to a kind of self-con-
cinated territory, absorbs all ac- tained anatomical perfection.
tive spectators as essential par- As sports scientists continue to
ticipants of the histoire, eluding articulate their research in true
to personalized ownership and mise en abyme fashion, or more
fortifying the synergies of self- specifically as a methodology
hood. that refracts its own methodol-
ogy as its object, every resulting
Perhaps even more detrimen- proof simply supports an au-
tal to the development of a thority systematized by hyper-
comprehensively accurate un- bolic semblances.
derstanding of baseball and its
Through the potent combi- representative embodiment of
nation of scientific authority, a popular occult philosophy
marketing, and personalized entitled Theosophy.
intimacy, baseball’s esotericism
endures remarkably obscure
and unopposed. The fan can-
not help but presuppose the
manufactured truths of Major
League Baseball’s overall agen-
da, which proffers a rational ex-
istence placated to the benefit
of the surface, as it is commonly
believed that there is no obvi-
ous evidence to assume that the
game should be anything other The seal ofTheosophy also incorporates the
than what it is marketed to be.
It is this successfully inundated Doubleday joined the Theo-
belief structure that prevents sophical Society in 1878, expe-
the comprehensive study of the ditiously scaling the ranks, and
game, and in turn solidifies a by the next year found himself
parallel historicism. appointed as President ad in-
terim of the Society’s American
Regardless, there remain some branch in New York, whose
relatively public indicators. For chief objective was “to inves-
example, there is the peculiar tigate the hidden mysteries of
relationship between Abner Nature, and the psychical pow-
Doubleday, the mythological ers latent in man.” In 1880, he
inventor of baseball, and Hel- was elected Vice President of
ena Petrovna Blavatsky, the the Society in a global capac-
spirit medium that co-founded ity. Doubleday’s involvement
the Theosophical Society, the with Theosophy gradually di-
minished towards the end of a society to ask questions and
the 19th century, at least pub- make suggestions, but there
licly, particularly with the de- are some Theosophical secrets
velopment of the American which cannot be made known
Board of Control; however, he to the public or become a
remained a staunch supporter theme for discussion. In such
of Blavatsky, even after well- cases silence does not neces-
publicized accusations of fraud sarily mean assent to a propo-
nearly destroyed her career. In sition. So far as my experience
1888, he openly defended her goes I have never found any
against these claims in a letter one addicted to the study of
to the editor of The Religio- Plato and the old masters—any
Philosophical Journal, writing: one capable of understanding
their finer and more spiritual
“It is easy for people outside of meanings—who could for any
consideration be induced to
engage in any cheap thimble-
rigging performance to obtain
a senseless notoriety from gap-
ing crowds. To those who know
her, the bare assumption that
Madame Blavatsky is that kind
of a woman is unutterably ab-
surd, and does not need refuta-

Another prominent supporter

of Blavatsky and the Theo-
sophical Society was Albert
Goodwill Spalding, baseball
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky in 1889 executive and founder of the
A.G. Spalding Sporting Goods tention over the last 30 or so
Company. Spalding was a years. A notable case occurred
dominant presence in the fun- in Texas in 2011, when two
damental development of base- high school-level baseball play-
ball, notably having written the ers came under fire for sacri-
first official set of rules and co- ficing baby chickens on their
founding the National League, home field in a ritual aimed at
the older of the two leagues impeding a losing streak. Wrig-
that currently constitute Major ley Field in Chicago, where
League Baseball. Spalding and mutilated goats are often left
his wife Elizabeth Mayer held to hang from the Harry Caray
an essential role in publicly ad- statue just outside the bleacher
vocating for the Society’s objec- entrance of the stadium, has
tives and affairs. As a key pros- become a well-known place for
elytizer, Spalding decided to ritualistic gatherings involving
anoint Abner Doubleday as the animal sacrifice.
ostensible inventor of baseball,
a marketing tactic that used It would be an understatement
Doubleday’s reputation as a to say that discussions on the
well-respected General and war connotation surrounding these
hero to simultaneously pro- practices in different contexts
mote the Theosophical Society are undeveloped, specifically
and Major League Baseball for in that any implication of rit-
well over a century. ualistic activity is absorbed by
the resilient notion of baseball
Another example, albeit a bit superstition. For instance, at
more contemporary, is the Wrigley Field these sacrifices
common occurrence of ritu- are played off as attempts to
alistic animal mutilation and end the notorious Curse of the
sacrifice in baseball, which Billy Goat, a prominent legend
has attracted considerable at- of baseball superstition in its
Mutilated goats hung from the Harry Caray Statue outside of Wrigley Field

own right, which constitutes a of the connotation of these

hex performed on the Chicago types of rituals, primarily con-
Cubs in 1945 that many fans sidering the zooarchaeological
consider to still be in effect. Al- and iconographic role of the
though these practices are by goat (i.e. scape goat). But in
no means sporadic, the propa- the shadow of baseball it is nec-
gated common denominator is essary to consider the broader
used to deviate from the spe- context of sacrifice within the
cific role of ritualistic mutila- archaeology of athleticism,
tion and sacrifice in baseball. and perhaps more generally,
Obviously for the sake of our physical enterprise, which as
considerations, contemporary a socially-necessary empirical
study (outside of baseball) has act allocates cosmological and
provided numerous indications supernatural powers on select
focal points through their par- Miller Park in Milwaukee. The
ticipation in an intense, dare I source was Chicago Cubs TV
say transcendental, formality, commentator and former pro-
in lieu of a persistent method- fessional pitcher Jim Deshaies,
ology or selection of a specific who notably admitted to using
animal. Unsurprisingly, this is black magic to help the Hous-
not a research venture that Ma- ton Astros beat the San Diego
jor League Baseball would ever Padres in 1988. Deshaies re-
consider supporting. flects on the practice of witch-
craft as a rather commonplace
Perhaps alluding to the par- activity, describing the process
ticular role of occult practices as a routine collaboration with
in the Chicago Cubs organiza- teammates, who he refers to as
tion is a rather bizarre display “co-warlocks”—
that occurred during the 2013
season when occult symbols “I came upon a spell that
and magic stamps were flashed would put a curse on one’s en-
during a Cubs’ broadcast from emies’ house. Seemed like a fit.

Occult symbols flashed during a live broadcast of the Chicago Cubs vs. the Milwaukee
Brewers in 2013
It called for twigs from 3 dif- more than provide a superficial
ferent types of trees. I gathered skimming of the techniques.
twigs from the first three trees This would have been danger-
I came upon, brought them to ous, as inadequate knowledge
the ballpark, and gathered a inevitably does more harm
pair of co-warlocks (Larry An- than good, especially consid-
dersen and Dave Smith). The ering the possible evocation of
spell mandated we spit on the malevolent spirit beings.
twigs, light them on fire, and
while smoldering recite the in- It is a little-known fact that
cantation.” many scrawls and motives in
ancient works of art and litera-
Having set the tone, I now ture are demonic sigils, com-
want to briefly comment on posed of compressed meaning,
the instructional portion of this practices, incantations, and in
guide. Initially, I had hoped to some cases, corporeal substanc-
be able to present the text in es. As Arthur Machen writes,
such a form that it would re- “such forces cannot be named,
quire little explanation and be cannot be spoken, cannot be
easily intelligible to the general imagined except under a veil
baseball community (i.e. play- and a symbol.” But so far as I
ers, coaches, parents, fans, etc.). am aware, this is the first guide
However, it soon became evi- of its kind to assemble a collec-
dent that without taking into tion of these sigils illustrating
account empirical observation, their explicit use in baseball.
baseball’s peculiar pseudohisto- The instructional portion of
ry, and matters of psychological this guide was constructed via
and spiritual enterprise (many the collation and examination
facets of which have been de- of a large number of demonic
scribed in this introduction), sigil representations and their
it would be impossible to do derivatives as contemporary
baseball grips. Grips are de- in the actual summoning of in-
scribed rather than visualized herently precarious spirits, who
in order to emphasize the sigil are constantly attempting to
images. Self-discovery is essen- creep into human bodies and
tial to my method of instruc- return to terrestrial life (posses-
tion; therefore, effective use sion being their only agency of
requires a certain level of inter- establishing the purity neces-
pretation on the reader’s part. sary for the transmutation into
When one works (intentionally minerals, plants, and animals).
or not) in conjunction with the In Dogme et Rituel de la Haute
demon, the sigils function as Magie, Élphias Lévis explicitly
activation indicators that when warns:
matched with their double bio-
mechanical choreography will “Those who abdicate the em-
unlock one’s ability to gain the pire of reason and permit their
necessary physiological domi- wills to wander in pursuit of
nance over the ball’s anatomi- reflections in the Astral Light,
cal faculties via the Ouroboros, are subject to alternations of
ultimately resulting in the suf- mania and melancholy which
ficient deception of batters. have originated all the mar-
vels of demoniacal possession,
Please note that sigils will re- though it is true, at the same
main unnamed in an effort to time, that by means of these re-
avoid what might lead to ac- flections impure spirits can act
cidental evocation. It is in the upon such souls, make use of
emulation of the sigil that the them as docile instruments and
grip finds its power—thus the even habitually torment their
focus of this guide remains on organism, wherein they enter
the activation process of spread- and reside by obsession, or em-
ing the fingers over the ball in bryonically.”
the form of the sigil, instead of
However, in our current con- lief structures, these spirits are
text, I believe that it is not the universal maliciousness incar-
role of the practitioner to de- nate. Therefore, pitching with
cide either for or against the be- demonic sigil grips is a delicate
lief in spirits, or for that matter balance. Make no mistake—
in the phenomena of evoking these grips are powerful, and
external manifestations, such as they absolutely work.
fire hovering around an oppo-
nent’s dugout or the summon-
ing of a meteor to crush the
stands. To a certain end, these
sorts of acts are absurd, and it
is essential to approach this text
with the understanding that we
are only interested in the pos-
sibilities within the constraints
of the game, specifically the
manipulation of pitches. Tech-
nically speaking, the pitcher Perhaps it is not necessary to
of little faith may still unlock mention again in the present
influence via ritualistic and ju- context, but it constitutes an
risdictional intention, indica- essential facet of my approach,
tive of a homogeneous running so to speak, that the faith of
through the motions that was practitioners of demonic sigil
held by many of the early ini- grips who deal more particu-
tiates of the temples of antiq- larly in external manifestations
uity, and to which the majority remain an inessential quality of
of western metaphysicians and praxis. However, as an unbiased
scientists seem predisposed to documentarian and instructor,
critical orientation. Regardless I will be cautious not to omit
of varying esotericisms and be- any enigmatic exploits, even
with due consideration for the middle fingers on the narrow
obvious difficulty of believing portion of the diadem, while
in the preternatural actions of pressing the thumb firmly to
these adept magicians. the bottom of the ball. From
this position, shift everything
In the intellectual world, toward the middle finger. In ef-
whence the fatal law, this sigil fect, the index finger is wedged
is simultaneously indicative of against the middle finger, and
a dominant fire element and the thumb slides up to catch on
submissive terra specter. Fire the side of the ball. A possible
produces a fast kinetic en- variation is to place the index
ergy while the earth simulates and middle finger tightly to-
a subtle drag in auxiliary. As a gether over the widest portion
result, this sigil manufactures a of the diadem with the thumb
high-velocity pitch while con- resting firmly up the inside of
currently initiating a friction the baseball.
against itself, in effect casting
slightly off-speed and deviating In both cases, the pitcher is
along one-plane (from east to throwing from off the sides of
west and vice versa depending the baseball. The categorical
on a RHP or LHP, but seldom essence of the grip is embod-
north to south). ied by the middle finger, the
representative crux of the sigil,
There are two correct ways to which attaches to the Ourobo-
apply this sigil to a baseball: ros in order to effectuate the
necessary rotation. Be care-
The first, and more preferable ful not to apply the grip with
manner of adaptation is to hold too much pressure, as fire and
the ball so that the Ouroboros earth refuse to hybridize in co-
forms a “U” away and toward erced equidistance, particularly
the body. Place the index and with fire rooted as the domi-
nant shadow. Successful ap- cases, I did not even recognize
plication of this grip results in the movement until after the
an off-center pitch of potent swing. Truly, when correctly
kinetic action; however, the gripped, the demon manifests
affectation of terra will ensure just as sneaky and deceptive as
that the ball veers to the left for if the embodiment of the dual
a RHP and to the right for a snake itself. But in my defense,
LHP at around 16 meters. As no one talked about this pitch
the hitter will not be expect- 30 years ago, and although
ing any movement on the ball, this sigil may constitute one
the deception lies in the one- of the most powerful illusions
plane displacement, disrupt- in baseball, it was necessary to
ing time and confidence, as the build my analysis from residual
ball inevitably misses the sweet information.
spot of the snake, resulting in
frequent pop ups and ground
balls for easy outs.

As a hitter, I witnessed this phe-

nomenon during many at-bats,
but in my ignorance, I had al-
ways regarded it as mere fraud, It is an essential aspect of my
and it never occurred to me that pitching philosophy that when
it would be in my best inter- one convincingly emulates the
est to record the circumstances antecedent monadic or sub-mo-
under which it occurred. RHPs nadic (egoic) level—one epito-
would typically pitch with mizes the very act of divine be-
this sigil off the outside of the coming or manifestation. Austin
plate so that it would inevita- Osman Spare writes that “the
bly tail back toward the outside lower we probe into these stra-
corner (I bat lefty). In many ta, the earlier will be the forms
of life we arrive at; the last is the Here, blessed by the aegis light
Almighty Simplicity. And if we of the serpent, the magician
succeed in awakening them, we ensures the spectral obscurity
shall gain their properties, and of the sphere just before osten-
our accomplishment will cor- sible climax.
respond.” In effect, I observed
that it is at the first touch of To apply this sigil, arrange the
monadic influence where a ray middle finger directly over the
of light impregnates a sphere at wide curve of the Ouroboros
the etheric level while simul- with the index in toe, knuckles
taneously encompassing the touching. Adjust the index fin-
celestial removal of the object ger to lightly press against the
of divination, the aurora. Into middle finger and the ball (just
its equatorial dimension it self- off the diadem). To emulate the
digests into a spinning disc of central vertical demarcation of
intense coruscation, an un- the sigil, provide pressure, as if
clouded miniature terra. attempting to sever the ball in
half, between the thumb and
Our second sigil is prognostic middle finger. The pinky and
depth and blinding light, em- ring finger remain off the sides,
bodying the hours of peak day with the tip of the ring finger
and ingratiating the conjura- touching at the central most
tion of astral blindness upon point of the bottom axis (with-
one’s enemies. Correspond- out feeling for the thumb). The
ing to the contraction of the index finger and thumb impart
snake’s pupil in the daylight, a compression that manifests as
the pure golden ejaculation of a tense spin on the ball when
our unnamed spirit is applied used in combination with
to slip the object from delin- a sharp slashing release, as if
eation, as the sphere quickly throwing the axe while chop-
dislocates from the optical axis. ping wood.
Legendary pitcher Tom Seaver was a notable practitioner of this particular grip

The resulting throw will split the strike zone.

down and in to an opposite
hand hitter at about 152 mil- Please note that the demon has
limeters. Although the ball will the potential to manifest with
appear to have full acceleration, an overt maliciousness, spiteful
it typically drags 9 to 15 kph of any indication of desecra-
slower than a pitcher’s high- tion, remote or otherwise, as
est velocity throw, and more the continued application of its
importantly, will drop from sigil is substantially stressful on
the batter at the last second. the arm. If it is overused in bad
The descent of the ball, even faith, it may actually commence
in modesty, is essential to the the premature deterioration of
effectiveness of the pitch as it arm strength. Regardless of the
forces the batter to contend sheer beauty of the effect, no
with north to south as well as well-executed magic is worth
east to west or west to east de- destroying the future of a young
parture (depending on a RHP pitcher, as the demon tends to
or LHP) just before reaching examine impressionable youth
with inflexible envy. In lieu of tament Apocrypha, where its
mechanical deficiencies, the powers were claimed to have
application of the sigil must marginalized hundreds of thou-
be immediately reanalyzed and sands of subordinates. In East-
rebuilt as deemed necessary by ern Orthodox iconographic
expert practitioners. However, art, the spirit was often depict-
I remain confident that when ed along side a long stemmed
thrown with humility and con- white rose, a conservative sym-
sistent mechanics, the demon bol of reticence. The sigil is the
will ensure the healthy state of representative reactivation of
the arm. Regardless of peril, the permanent atom or imper-
National Pitching Association ishable germ at the latent state
research shows that when this between incantations of veloc-
sigil is applied to a ball on a 0-0 ity and parallel force vector at
count where the ball is put into the non-corporeal level of its
play, the hitter’s average, in- manifestation.
credibly, is a mere .078; but, it
is essential that the pitcher and Not unlike the qua zygote
coach weigh the potential con- monad, it does not descend
sequences with serious caution. directly into the field, but at-
tempts to dwell in its own
world, even upon full release.
Here, the nucleus appears to
interweave currents at great
speed, while in effect actualiz-
ing and reducing the absolute
velocities of its induction. As
The spirit of our next sigil has a result, the activation trans-
many names, and its origins mits the counter-motion ma-
can be traced back to the Third terialization of flow field points
Book of Enoch of the Old Tes- against the object’s expiable
reactors. This, by a process of similar to an ‘OK’ sign, on the
magnetic attraction, articu- side of the ball. The amount of
lates as an intricate feedback drag on the ball depends on the
drag pattern determined by a tightness of the circle. In order
rather tenacious reluctance re- to throw the pitch correctly, it
garding the manifestation of is necessary to pronate the wrist
the spiritual monad, and is the and forearm slightly inwards.
only invocation of its kind, as Release the ball with the circle
is currently known to me, to adjacent to home plate while
impart the actual physiological maintaining full arm velocity.
presence of absolute hesitancy. Do not alter body movement
This gradually impregnates the or motion while attempting
form of the three-dimensional to evoke the demon’s effect, as
sphere—a weight that pulls at even the most minute deter-
the flow field points of inter- rent is excuse enough to nullify
section and severs the current manifestation.
at the optical reception level.
Regardless of its incredible The affected ball breaks down
power, in contrast to our pre- with a distinct slowness while
vious pitch this is one of the in ostensible contradiction
easiest and safest sigil grips to maintains the appearance of
apply to a baseball. full velocity. When the sigil is
effectively gripped over the ball,
To apply the sigil, begin by the demon persuades the hitter
splitting the baseball in half to swing ahead of the pitch, up-
with the thumb and middle setting the timing of the bat. As
finger. This is the linchpin of soon as the magnetic link be-
the grip, and allows the pitcher tween the ball and the circular
to disguise the mode of affec- field establishes germination,
tation. Form a tight circle with the germ and the field coagu-
the thumb and index finger, late spatially until the zygote
Pitcher and Occultist Barry Zito posing for Esquire in 2007. Zito is well-known for his consis-
tent manifestations of absolute hesitancy

and the central nucleus of spin- specifically at counts 3-1, 2-1,

ning energy coincide to disturb and 2-0.
the balance of a hitter’s timing.
The pitcher will ultimately rec-
ognize that alternate patterns
effectuate or superimpose over
the object, so that a negative
overlies and hides a positive
charge and vice versa—or that
anamorphic germination may
resonate as petulant behavior/
thought, or a morbid eager- The spirit of the next sigil of-
ness that is relatively easy to ten appears in a red Ouroboros,
exploit. Adapt this sigil early not unlike the stitching of the
in the count for ground balls, baseball, which divides at the
diadem to reveal the essence of cess that leads to the successful
the sphere, a ruby fire. The fire use of divine fire as an appa-
specter residing in this sigil is ratus for transforming aggre-
the representative of the blood- gate conditions at will. In this
ochre and haematite with sense, the manifestation can be
which the ancient worshippers fickle, as the demon has nota-
of the dual snake used in cer- bly shunned many immodest
emony, coating their bodies to practitioners during game play,
provoke the primordial sexual even for what one might con-
desires of the pre-Olympian sider to be rather trivial sins.
Hermes figure. The flames are
the consciousness of the prog- The effective application of this
eny, the derivative device of sigil to a baseball results in an
undoing. Paradoxically, it is the incredibly high velocity pitch
fire that simultaneously opens with very little break. To ad-
and reseals the wound, bind- minister the grip, hold the ball
ing any residual semblance of with the wide curve of the dia-
duality revealed in the process dem facing away from the ring
of erosion. Fire alone embodies finger, to the right for a RHP
the Ouroboros in quantitative and to the left for a LHP. The
multiplication, recreating and tips of the index and middle
individuating timeless multiple finger grip the top seam of the
selves, appearing and prolifer- wide curve, while the thumb
ating in magnitude. is pressed directly underneath
the ball with the knuckle just
Although control is an obvious touching the lower edge of the
generality of effective pitching, wide curve. Maintaining a gen-
the flame specter is particularly erally loose grip with the ball
insistent on the absolute purity out into the fingertips provides
of agency, deeming it an essen- a substantial gap between the
tial facet of the activation pro- ball and palm that results in a
quicker release for more veloc- a sharp delivery that quickly
ity. passes through the strike zone
before the batter is able to
The positioning of the thumb make a capable decision re-
and middle finger impart a garding the ball’s affectation.
backspin which moves in uni- The successful application of
son with the Ouroboros, result- the sigil results in an intense
ing in a tight rotation that con- speed that is very difficult for a
stitutes a strong lift co-efficient, batter to adequately time, often
with the ball appearing to rise resulting in an ineffective swing
at the last second. The osten- delivered behind the ball. Con-
sible upward bend is in part sidering my own retrospective
due to the flicker fusion thresh- experiences as a hitter, the use
old, the frequency at which the of this sigil was most effective
ball reflects light and appears if the pitcher used it when I
as a constant, at the nexus of was expecting an off speed or
the Ouroboros in rotation. breaking action, specifically in
This grip produces an effect the 0-1 and 1-2 counts.
where the Ouroboros traverses
the vision of the batter due to
the effectuation of an excessive
flicker rate, which obscures the
visual cues that normally allow
a batter to track an incoming

The resulting pitch is abso-

lutely powerful considering its Coaches need to understand
pure velocity, lack of deviation that the framework for all ath-
from the intended flight path, letic comprehension is defined
and visual obscurity, yielding through the environment in
juxtaposition to the physical Visible on the field during the
and psychical limitations of the occasion of the inconstant, the
body always in its immediate illuminated sphere arcs over
context, i.e. locality. However, the split seemingly by a spon-
this is not to suggest that hu- taneous column of wind. The
man limitations are solely re- arrival of the affected sphere
liant upon localized contexts, is physiologically marginalized
but rather that a fundamental by the asymptotic energy re-
athleticism is dependent on its gime powerful enough to con-
susceptibility to environmental trol and bend space-time. This
alteration at a distance or oth- energy is derivative, wholly
erwise. In the case of this sigil, contingent on the demon’s al-
alteration connotes the deport- teration from the continuum
ment of primordial travel. of perception to the realm of

The absence of Mordecai “Three Finger” Brown’s index finger allowed him to apply this sigil
with peculiar skill
human physicality—a process little pressure, bend it back
that simultaneously results in with the tip of the nail lightly
the sphere’s deviation from the touching the soft leather off the
flight path between two hy- seam. Many practitioners have
pothetical points via entangle- successfully used this sigil while
ment. The core mechanism of leaving the index finger off the
this process is dependent on a ball entirely, although keep in
succession of actions initiated mind that a raised finger has
by the divine proofs of the sigil, the potential to tip off intui-
here a corollary delivery device tive batters. Upon release, the
in the form of a compressed ball will miss the index finger
homily to the spirit of the in- and skid along the middle—an
constant. But I fear that I have impediment that creates a for-
revealed too much regarding ward moving topspin with the
its character. I advise you not axis of rotation tumbling into
to mention its name if you feel the flight path, just opposite
that you know it. the movement of our previous
To adapt this sigil into its proper
grip, set the middle finger along The resulting pitch splits down
the wide portion of the diadem and toward the off hand, with
parallel to the long seam. On the effectiveness of the break
the obverse, the thumb should dependent on the amount of
bear down just at the rear of the topspin applied. The extent
seam. When set correctly, the of the break will vary for each
hand will model the letter C— pitcher, and can range from
with the wide portion of the around 10 to 50 centimeters.
diadem directed to the palm From the batter’s persepec-
approximating the curve of the tive, the pitch appears to be
thumb. In order to ensure that approaching high, but will
the index finger imparts very break at the last second, ideally
through the strike zone. This
pitch can be incredibly chal-
lenging to hit, as it is difficult
for the batter to anticipate the
exact location of the break. But
be forewarned, an inaccurate
application of this grip may
result in a slow, lob-like throw
that hitters can easily hit for The study of athleticism as a
power. There is also the poten- form of evidence, with its severe
tial for frequent wild pitches emphasis on the limitations of
and passed balls when thrown the body and physiological ex-
with little control. perience, in no way relieves the
essential role of the a priori.
If a developing pitcher feels On the contrary, it connotes
confident enough in their com- a foundational undecidablility
mand, they should consider regarding the notion of exten-
mixing this grip into their 0-0 sion, and in some cases disloca-
count repertoire; however, as tion, of corporealness. Here are
a pitcher progresses into high the facts of my explorations,
school and college-level ball, and anyone dependent upon
it will be more strategic to use the so-called strands of logic
this grip during the 1-2 count. should attempt to understand
Please keep in mind that as this the grounds of my observations
pitch is relatively easy to throw, before hastily rejecting them.
many young pitchers will be The spirit of this sigil appeared
tempted to overuse it. Coaches as the sphere exploding into
should be sure to provide prop- randomness, isolated shells of
er guidance, limiting novice light each evolving into their
practitioners to a 20% use of own isolated self-explosions,
this sigil during game play. the repeated object becoming
Eddie Cicotte was one of the first successful practitioners of this manifestation

an electrical deluge by means the peculiar placement of the

of high frequency currents. Ab- index and middle fingers will
surd as it seemed at my initial reduce the amount of spin on
witness, I began to see the act the ball, essential to the deliv-
performed by others at differ- ery of the pitch. To stabilize the
ent times, and I became deter- ball, place the thumb just above
mined to watch the practitio- the seam on the inside of the
ners so that I could map the ball with the ring finger to the
phenomenon to its appropriate outer seam. The pinky should
sigil pattern. be held off the ball, provid-
ing no grip whatsoever. Upon
To apply this sigil grip to a base- throwing, lift the thumb and
ball, keep the index and middle let the ball slide from the hand.
fingers together while digging
the nails beneath the wide por- The resulting pitch is volatile,
tion of the diadem. Although it incalculable, and incredibly
may feel a bit awkward at first, disorienting. This is predomi-
nantly due to the pitch’s ab- In the context of Ernst Scher-
sence of spin, i.e. the absence of tel’s adage, “False images are
the Magnus force, resulting in necessary for the recognition of
extensive movement of an en- truth”—it is rather provocative
tirely different capacity. When to consider this pitch as syn-
the sigil is effectively applied the ecdochical of the game itself,
ball will quiver along its flight where the presentation is subse-
path, appearing to zigzag in the quently administered in lieu of
air. Even more bizarre is that a proverbial aesthetic ironically
the movement is immeasurable hijacked by economic prowess,
and cannot be predicted. Upon i.e. the absolute corruption of
analysis, the pitch reveals an ex- its verity. Here we witness a pri-
pansive range both in direction mary example where the affec-
and magnitude—the pattern of tation of magic is neither repre-
its trajectory completely uncer- sentation nor appearance. The
tain. Consequently, this pitch demon introduces no tangible
has been described as a true de- objective and in effect repre-
ception, a kind of divine deceit. sents none, yet provides access
The ball is impossible to track via the absence of its pattern
from the hitter’s perspective (or in the sense that what can be
anyone’s perspective for that imagined has the potential to
matter, including the catcher remain eloquently unmapped.
and umpire), and in effect the Perhaps then it is privileged be-
bats swing in residual blind- yond truth, or at least exempt
ness. Sportscaster and former from the judgment of its prax-
professional baseball player is. It overwhelms the duality of
Tim McCarver once quipped the pitcher/hitter exchange, of
that, “Hitting that thing is like its own form/content, and be-
trying to catch a butterfly with ing/essence—the destruction
tweezers.” of which embodies the true
form of baseball, the one that
we have been missing since the because of humanistic suppo-
adaptation of the contempo- sitions regarding the constitu-
rary professional baseball sys- tion of progress, we are inevi-
tem. tably at fault in assuming that
it requires some kind of physi-
I suspect that the seamless syn- cal movement. Without the
chronization between objects necessary conditions rooted in
and their affectations, par- space-time, these facets of so-
ticularly in this context where called progression do not exist.
we have very distinctive con- Simultaneously, there is a point
straints, provides the necessary where an object is presumed to
assumptions of natural inter- be in a state of suspended ani-
relation that lead to the accep- mation, as the properties of ev-
tance of profane phenomena as ery synecdochical pattern must
routine occurrence. Therefore, regenerate in the context of the
one may be skeptical of the in- whole; there is no choice but
terpretation of the process, but to repeatedly assimilate to the
not of the outcome—in the whole.
manner of a seeing is believing
cliché. However, acceptance in Parallel to the evolution of the
an athletic method not only part within its host structure,
homologizes physical integra- and with consideration for its
tion on a level of strength and specific limitations, we observe
dexterity, but also on the trick that effects can be discovered
itself, which mirrors the social via individual gestures. As evi-
and psychological processes denced in the instructional
of understanding the specific portion of this guide, each fin-
role and perception of limita- ger relates to a specific object
tions. Under ‘normal’ opera- as a magical act connected via
tion, the trajectory of a process an outward manifestation cor-
is by default evolutionary. But ollary to a given ritual. In this
sense, each finger is the rep- powerful, and they do work. I
resentative crux of an instant, am fully aware that my words
dislocated yet wholly belonging are by no means conclusive evi-
to its source capacity, forcing its dence, but they are reinforced
object to an ephemeral thing of by my truthful accusations,
pure malleability. In this condi- primarily concerning the es-
tion lies the peculiar emancipa- sential role of inimical spirits
tion from the opulence of form in the game of baseball.
where no intention or event may
divide or effectively reduce the
affectation from the object. In
effect, there can be no inverse
architecture, and thus, ephem-
eral in its wholeness as neither
idea nor physicality, it produces
no tangible thing, remaining
the same while transcending it-
self, i.e. the Ouroboros.

Certainly, there are instances

where even logic refuses its own
understanding, and so I have no
delusions regarding the accep-
tance of my pitching system.
But be advised that should you
as a coach, player, or parent,
decide to experiment with de-
monic sigil grips, you will not
be disappointed in terms of the
results. As mentioned in the
introduction, these grips are
Pitching With Demonic Sigil Grips
Andy Martrich

Cover design: Madalyn Merkey

Interior design: Andy Martrich

Published in an edition of 150 copies by

PRB Editions
PRB Editions

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