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TECHNO-CIDER International School

National Curriculum
Final Assessment of Learning - 2020
Subject: English 1st Paper
Time: 1 hour 30 mins Full Marks: 50

[N.B:- Answer all the questions. Figure in the right margin indicates full marks]
Seen Passage-1

Read the following passage and answer the question no 1.

A huge number of Bangladeshis go abroad for jobs. There is always a high demand of
workers in some foreign countries like UAE, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain etc.
They like Bangladeshi workers because they are hard working. But this is a matter of
regret that our workers are doing odd jobs. As a result, they are not paid much. This is
because our workers are not good at English. Arabic, or other languages. So we should
develop language skills of our workers for the countries they go for work. If they can
develop their language skills, they can get good jobs and send much money to our
country. Thus the wage earners of our country can help develop our economy.

1. Choose the correct answer to each question from the alternatives given and
write the corresponding number of the answer in your answer script. 1×5=5

(i) The word ‘huge’ refers to -

(a) small (b) limited (c) large (d) sufficient
(ii) The word ‘foreign’ means-
(a) strange (b) peculiar (c) odd (d) overseas
(iii) Bangladeshi workers are -?
(a) lazy (b) sincere (c) hard working (d) honest
(iv) Our workers are not paid much because of their poor knowledge in -
(a) Hindi (b) English (c) Arabic (d) Bangla
(v) If they can develop their language skills, they can get -
(a) good jobs (b) earn good wage
(b) develop the country (d) all of them

Seen Passage-2
Read the passage carefully and answer the question no 2.
Mobile phone is another useful invention of the world. Like computers mobile phone
help us greatly in our daily life. Through mobile phone we can connect the whole world.
Only a few years ago we had difficulty to connect our near and dear ones. That was very
costly too. Mobile phones have different functions such as making calls, listening to
music, talking photographs, storing information etc. Even it can be used for distance

2. Answer the following questions. 2×5=10

a) What can we do through mobiles?
b) What did we have a few years ago?
c) Why are mobile phones handy?
d) What different functions do mobile phones have?
e) What can be used for distance learning?

Unseen Passage

Read the following passage and answer the question no 3.

Mother Teresa, the servant of humanity, was born on August 26, 1910 in Macedonia. She
was the youngest of the three siblings. At the age of 12 she left the urge to spread the love
of Christ and so she decided to become a Missionary. In 1928 she left home and joined
the sisters of Loreto and Irish community of nuns which had missions in India. After
receiving training for some months she came to India.
On May 24, 1931, she took her initial vows as a nun. Then Mother Teresa taught
Geography and Religion at St. Mary’s High School in Kolkata. However, poverty in
Kolkata moved her and she left the convent in 1948 to work for the poor. She founded the
home of dying and for the sick helpless people in Kolkata and named it Nirmal Hridoy.
She along with her fellow nuns, gathered the dying people, and brought them to her
home. Mother Teresa received Nobel Prize in 1979 for the love and compassion for
3. Complete the following table with the information given in the passage. 1×5=5

Who/ What Event/Activity Where When

Mother Teresa was born (i) ………. 1910

She felt an urge to spread love of Christ in Kolkata (ii) ……….

(iii) ………….. is a home for dying, the sick and the × ×


She taught Geography and Religion (iv) ………. ×

Mother Teresa (v) …………….. × in 1979

4. Complete the text with right words in the box. 0.5×10 = 5

women equal constitute mission denying

keeping possible they dark education

Women are nowadays as important as men in society. They (a) …………….. nearly
half of our total population. So, there can be no way (b)………………. the fact that
they too possess (c) …………….. rights and duties as men enjoy. (d) ………………
have noble (e) …………….. to fulfill as that of men. No nation can make real
progress (f) ……………. half of its population in the (g) …………….. . So,
(h) ……………. should be imparted to our women folk. Without the uplift of
(i) …………….., the progress of the nation is not (j) ……………….. at all.

5. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order. You don’t have to write the
sentences in your script. Only the corresponding numbers of the sentences need
to be written. 0.5×10 = 5

(a) The old man said to his son, “Don’t mix with the bad boys”.
(b) He put all the mangoes with the bad one and told his son, “Examine the mangoes
(c) So, the father was unhappy.
(d) One morning, he bought some ripe mangoes and one of them was bad.
(e) A wise man had a son who had some bad friends.
(f) Thus the wise father taught his son a good lesson.
(g) He then thought of a wise plan to correct his son.
(h) He spent most of his time with them.
(i) According to his father’s advice, the son found all the mangoes turned bad.
(j) But the boy did not listen to him.

Writing Part

6. Write a letter to your father about your preparation for the Final Term
Examination. 10
7. Write a paragraph on “Your School Magazine” by answering the following
questions. 10

(a) What is a School Magazine?

(b) What does it contain?
(c) How are the topics selected for it?
(d) How does it represent the school?
(e) Why is a School Magazine important?

End of the Question

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