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Moonwalk NHS Alpha Wolves Tryouts begins,

students and teacher enjoying it

By Prince Cedric Gideon P. Calingasan of 10-Henry

The Selection tryouts for the Alpha Wolves Sports Club had begun in February 4, 2023 to fill up the
holes in their lineup.

“Masaya ako, dahil minsan lang naman magkaroon ng ganito sa iskwelahan eh” one exclaimed as
Teachers and students rejoice as they enjoy the adrenaline rush of the tryouts and have fun trying to
qualify into the lineup of several sports team for Moonwalk National high school, such as the
volleyball team, football team, basketball team and the badminton team.

The tryouts begun around 8:00 in the morning, as students go to Airport Village’s Covered court and
try out in badminton and football, Many students were thrilled about the experience and played well,
although the time was limited and the teachers were overwhelmed and surprised by the amount of
students who were trying out for the sports club’s badminton team. As the time goes on, more and
more students arrived at the court to play other sports and try out. And as the clock hits 9am, the
volleyball tryouts had begun, and students start flocking around to watch and see. Everyone enjoyed
and was thrilled by the matches and laughed at little mishaps such as getting hit by the volleyball.
Other students were playing on the sides and were having a great time. Although students and
teachers had a goodtime watching and playing, the tryout event for volleyball went over the schedule,
and around 10:50 am, they had to stop and make way for the basketball event to start. And the
basketball tryouts went on, many students cheering and rooting for the players from their sections.
Many students flocked and chose to try out in this sport. The event lasted for 2 hours and everyone
had a great time watching and playing. The tryouts for the day ending in 12 ‘o clock noon, everyone
leaving meeting new people and having a wonderful experience.

During the event, Students and teachers were questioned about how they felt about the school
opening up the school’s sports club after a two to three years of the pandemic, a general similarity
with all of the replies were about how they loved and were happy that the school has opened up the
sports club, giving students the chance and letting everyone have fun, others have a different but
relatively similar reasons such as “New opportunities to explore and give a shot at” or ”It’s a good
way to socialize and have fun while keeping a healthier body since sports can be considered as
exercise” students said in Filipino.

This event opened up multiple opportunities for the Pupils of Moonwalk National High school. Those
who were chosen for another elimination match were delighted and excited for the openings this
gives to their career. Although the majority where not fortunate to be selected. The tryouts were still
enjoyed and were happy to play and try their best. Going home happy and learning new skill from
experienced players as they socialize and talk to them, motivated to attempt a second shot the next

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