Day-3 LP

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a. Demonstrate an understanding of the anecdote

b. Associate ICT appropriately in sharing anecdote
c. Apply ICT skills in crafting an adaptation of a literary tesxt

Day 3
1. Start the class with a short prayer.
2. Introduce the activity "Guess the Jumbled Words" about the type of multimedia format
a. Show the students a jumbled words in the board
b. Give the definition of those words to help them answer it immediately to recall the last
andProceed to the discussion
other literary text. about anecdote, its pirpose and the use of ICT skills in anecdote

a. Ask the students if they already read an anecdtote or retold a personal experience to
b. Explain to them that if they have done it then they are unconsciously using anecdote.
c. Further discuss the anecdote, its purpose and show examples of anecdote.
d. Let the students make their own short anecdote "their favorite personal experience.
4. Fromto
people the anecdote
engage in it that
by they made, let the students share it on facebook and for other
sharing their own anecdote and personal experience also.
5. Intoduce to the students the literary text "Home of the Ashfall".
a. Let the students read it and analyze the literary text.
b. With tools,
editing the use of ICT, let the students craft their analysis about the literary text. They can use

word processing software or presentation to create it.

c. Let the Instagram
Youtube, students share
etc.) their output in the platform that they prefer using (Facebook,

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