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American ENGLISH FILE Workbook Christina Latham-Koenig Clive Oxenden Jane Hudson. pa eg an ch sadn ae tei conaorsot OXFORD English File 1 and English Fie 2 UNIVERSITY PRESS Contents 4A Mood food 7B Family fe 10 |/PRAGTICALENGLISH Meeting the parents 1A Spend orsave? 14 B Changing ives 17 A. Raceacross Florida 20 B Stereotypes - or are they? 23 | PRACTICAL ENGLISH A difficult celebrity 24 A Fe 27 B Modern manners? 30 A. Sports superstitions 33 B Loveatexiti9 36 | PRACTICAL ENGLISH Ol friends as nd success STUDY «@iEaEp SELF-ASSESSMENT CD-ROM Powerful listening and interactive assessment CD-ROM Your ichecker discon the inside back caver of this Workbook includes: ‘+ AUDIO - Download ALL ofthe ausio files forthe Listening ‘and Pronunciation activites in this Workbaok for on-the= gollistening practice. «+ FILE TESTS - Check your progress by taking a self ‘assessment test ater you complete each File. Ati: When you see tis symbol, STEED, goto theichecker discinthe back ofthis Workbook Load the disc n your computer. 1 3 Click on the exercise forthe File. Then use the media player to listen, ‘You can transfer the audio toa mobile device from the “aula” folder on the isc. J mo ‘Type your name and press "ENTER." 2 | gyre! ‘Choose “AUDIO BANK” test, load the checker and selec forthe File you have just finished. Dictation: At the end of every File, theresa citation exercise. Todo the dictation, select “Dictations” from the “File” menu. ‘The two biggest best-sellers in any bookstore are the cackbooks and the diet books. “The cookbooks tell you how to prepare the food and the diet books tell yau haw not to eat any of it. ‘Andy Rooney, US humorist J A=Mcod food 1 VOCABULARY food and cooking © Complete the sentences with thewordsinthe box, a Gee the word that i different. Explain why. Senne fest frozen lowfat few spy keost ; seagmigeess 1 Calms rab Ea eres ; 2 dont felikecooking Lersget—— | Themen al fost fordinner. 2 beef pork lamb salmon en paslateliconst The others areal i ———————s 4 T'mdon't really like fish, so Inever 3 beet cabbage pear pepper eatsushi, The ches atta 5 Hannah’s on adier, so she bought some yogurt to have for dessert. 6 They eata lot of food in Mexico. 7 Webuy bread from the bakery every morning. 4 eggplant lemon mango melon The others are all 5 crab mussels beef shrimp ‘The others are all 6 cabbage cherry zucchini cucumber The others are all 1b Complete the crossword. Clues across—> 2 PRONUNCIATION vowel sounds a Write the words in the chart. beef carton chicken chocolate cook crab soup jar mango peach raw salt sausage squid sugar tuna 3. GRAMMAR simple present / continuous, action and nonaction verbs Are the highlighted phrases right (/) or wrong (X)? Correct the wrong phrases. 1 Does your girlfriend like seafood? 4 1a 5 ® ls dr 2 Lucy’sin the kitchen, Shemakes a cup of coffee. fish cat cr 3. Are you eating out every weekend? o 4 [don’t know what to cook for dinner, Oo |s » 2 wl 5 Are you thinking the fish is cooked now? o clock sow bull boot a 6 Weréhaving tunch with my parents every Sunday. [] 7 My mother’sin the yard. She'smowing thelawn. [] SIGH Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. Pronouncing difficult words Write the words. 1 oa —boiled __ 2 rkeebadsy 3 spars! 4 lroustid/ 5 ‘greips! 6 frat! 7 berkt/ 8 'melon/ 9 fnutkinit 4 GG Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. 8 Dimnot Wanting any potatoes with my fish, thanks. [] cd rice? ao 9. Doyou preter steamed rice to fri 10 Jackson phone, NN some pias, C1 1b Complete the sentences with the simple present or continuous form of the verbs in parentheses. 1 Our neighbors _ grow all oftheir own vegetables. (grow) 2 My mother usually onthe weekend. (n0t cook) 3. Doyou want to come forlunch on Sunday? We roast chicken, (have) 4 We tonight because there's soccer game on TV. (not go out) 5 you usually your birthday with your family? spend) 6 That restaurant delicious mussels at you inatypical week? (eat out) 81 an appetizer because I'm not hungry: (not have) 9 We often steak. (not buy) 10. My boyfriend's on a diet so he on fried food. (cut down) 4 READING a Read the article once and put the headings in the correct place. ‘A Can leat apples? D Dolreally need to eat five a day? ey The truth about healthy eating Food experts are always telling us what we should and shouldnt eat, but they often give us diferent advice. Our food writer, Teresa Gold, has taken a look at all the information to figure out what i fact and what is fiction lec Atypical American breakfast of fried eggs, bacon, toast, pancakes, and orange juice will certainly stop you from feeling hungry, but it's high in calories, which means that you'll gain weight if you eat it regularly. Ahrealthier option sto have just an egg, Bail it instead of frying it, and eat it with apiece of toast ‘made with whole-wheat bread. Breakfast cereals are very high in sugar, so if you fel ike cereal, have granola with no added sugar. You can also get your first vitamins of the day by drinking a glass of freshiysqueezed orange juice. 2 Fruits and vegetables contain te vitamins and minerals we need to stay healthy. But five is actualy 2 fictional number thought up by an American nutritionist. She looked at what the average person ate and doubled it. According to mare recent research, the right number is actually eight. The research shows that people who have eight pieces of fruit and vegetables aday are much less likly to suffer from heart disease than those who eat three. 3 This particular fruithas had some bad publicity because dentists saytcan harm our teeth While it’ true that apples do containa lite sugar they ae also a source of fiber Nutritionists say that we need about 18 grams of fiber a day, anda medium apple —peel included ~ contains about 3 grams. Some varieties contain more fiber than others, so you should choose careful. 4 The key to good heath is abalanced dit that contains fats and carbohydrotesas wel as proteins vitamins, and minerals Fats may be tgh in calories, but they also Contain vitamins. According to the World Cancer Research Fund, you should only have about 500 grams of red meat per week-asteaks about 100 grams. One type of food conits own wot killor cure you, but eating the ight amount ofthe right fod wilstop you fram getting sick b_ Read the article again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 Atypical American breakfast every morningisnt good for you. T 2. The best breakfast is any type of cereal. _ 3 An American nutritionist carefully calculated the amount of fruits and vegetables we should eat. ‘We should eat more than five servings offruitsand vegetables per day. — Apples contain a lor of sugar. Allapples have the same amount of fiber. Fats can be good for us _ You can eatas much red meat as you want to, _ © Lookat the highlighted words and phrases. What do you think they mean? Use your dictionary to look up their ‘meaning and pronunciation, 5 LISTENING GD Listen to a radio call-in program about the article exercise 4. Check (/) the caller(s) who completely agree it Akevin [] CDerk Bkate OO DRosie b Listen again and answer the questions. Which caller..? 1 thinks thar some fruits and vegetables are unhealthy —_ 2. says that most children prefer fastfood _ 3 eats very little fruit _ 4 isvery healthy because he|she eats lot of fruitsand vegetables ~ Listen again with the audioscript on p. 69. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES. Learn these words and phrases. carbohydrates. /karbou'hardrests protein /‘prootin awake /s'weik oily. Poi powerful pavarfl relaxed ‘n/lekst sleepy /slipi stressful /stresfl beneficial /benstil ready-made food /redi mevd ‘ud Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. First line of Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy, Russian writer gS Seeley lies 1 GRAMMAR future forms a Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs or phrases on the right. 1 My brother hates his job. He going to look fara new one, he | look for (an intention) 2. Don'tworry about the drinks. forthem. 1/ pay (an offer) 3 some more coffee 1] make (an offer) 4 Doyouthink before you're 30? ‘you get married a prediction) 5 to my cousin’s wedding, We'llbe on vac ‘we / not go (an arrangement) 6 A. Are you ready to order? B Yes, the steak. Ihave (an instant decision) 7 21 onmy next birthday. 1] be (a fact) 8 for dinner tonight. You paid last time. wwe | pay (an offer) 9 L'mgoing to the mall. long. 1 not be (a promise) 10 a party for my grandmother's 80th birthday tomorrow. we /ave (an arrangement) b_ Complete the dialogues with the correct future form of the verbs in parentheses. 1 A _Are_you_goingauny this weekend? (go avay) B No, me here. Why? (stay) Awe ‘barbecue. Would you like to come? (have) 2 A timtoo tired to cook.! some Chinese take-out food tonight. (order) B Good idea. the restaurant, What do you want for an appetizer? (call) Al the spring alls, please, (have) 3A Whattime __you__inthe morning? leave} BI the six clock train. (take) Al you a ride to the train station. (give) 4A What: you tonight? (do) BI the new James Bond movie. Do you want to come? (see) ‘A No, thanks. ve already seenit. You itt ove) 5 Al you with the dishes. (help) BOK! ‘and you can dry. But please be careful with the glasses. (wash) A Don't worry. anything! (not break) 2 each other Rewrite the sentences with each other, 1 My brother's shouting at my sister and she's shouting at him, 1b Match the comments with the personality adjectives in the box. ‘aggressive ambitious independent jealous reliable self-confident selfish sensible spoiled stubborn My brother and sister _are shouting at each other 2. Rob doesn't know Alex and Alex doesn't know Rob. 1 “When I want something, my parents Roband Alex. always give itto me.” 3 I'mnor speaking to my sister and she isn't speaking to me. My sister and I 4 [don’t understand you and you don’t understand me. We spoil 2 “don't like my boyfriend talking to other women.” 5 The coach respects the players and they respect him. ‘The coach and the players. 3 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress a GGG) Listen and complete the sentences. 1 _When are yougoingto__book _your vacation _? 2 1m. going to the yet. 3 I'm goingto 4 are you 2 sim some 61m my . 7 will you your test 2 81 getthem 9 rl. them on Listen again and repeat. Copy the rhythm. 4 VOCABULARY family, adjectives of personality a Complete the sentences with a family word 1 Your mother and father are your parents: 2. Your grandfather's fathers your gr. ra 3A child who has no brothers or sisters isan on. ch 4 Your brother’s daughter is your n. 5 Your father's sisters youra 6 Your spouse, children, parents, and brothers and sisters are yourim £ 7 Your father’s new wife 8 tanita katy her ye £ i 9 Your aunts, uncles and cousins are your ex £ 10. Your brother's or sister's son is your n. 3 “Tmalways there when my friends need ay help.” 4 “Those are my pensand you can't borrow them.” 5 “I'm going to go to bed early so Ican sleep well before my test tomorrow.” 6 “Tilhityouifyou do that agai 7 “Lfeel very comfortable when I'm speaking in publ 8 “Tid like to be the manager of a big multinational company.” 9 “That's what I thinkand I'm not going to change my mind.” 10 “Td prefer to dothis on my own, thanks.” © Write the opposite adjectives. Use a negative prefix ifnecessary. generous cheap kind lay mature organized talkative 5 READING a Read the article once. Why do the Bedouins prefer to live together in a big family group? tat 1e family iS feelers ag ae youre is more important than it is to others. For example, families in Souther Europe are general very dose, although in the past they spent even more time together, This is also true of families inthe Middle East. Butt is the Bedouin people who have the closest ties of all. Traditional Bedouin families live in large tents about half the size cf a basketball court. The tents are divided into two sections: the first is for receiving quests in true Bedouin style -they have the reputation of being the worlds most generous fHgSts Visitors are always served a big meal as soon as they arrive. The second part of the tent is the family’s shared kitchen, living room, dining room, and bedroom. They don't have tables and chairs, as the whole family sits on the floor to eat. And instead of beds, everybody sleeps on MattFesses, which ae piled into a corner of the room during the day. Several generations usually share the tent, The head of the family is the mother, and she isthe one who gives the orders. Her husband and her childeen ive with her, even when the children are married and have their own children. The sons and sons-in-law_ look after the animals, while the daughters and daughters-in- ‘aw clean the tent, caok the meals, and take care of the younger, ‘grandchildren, The older ones are left to run around outside. There may often be as many 2s 30 people under the same roof The few young people who have left the family to liven the city, Visit their mothers nearly every day. It can be quite a surprise to see a shiny new Mercedes pllup outside one of the tents and watch a well-dressed man get out to greet his relatives. Bedouin people do not lke to be separated from their families and there isa very good reason why. If they are poor, sick, old, or ‘unemployed, its the family that SUppORES them. Elderly people are never letialone, and problems are always shared. Children who work in the city ae often responsible for their families financially In this way, Bedouin families aren't just close; they are a lifeline. b Read the article again. Choose the correct answers according to the information given. 1 Inthe past, most families in Southern Europe and the Middle East were (Oliver, neice: ‘There isn’t much ...m a Bedowin tent a furniture b light space 3 Bedouin... spend most ofthe day inside. amen b women a smaller. children 4 Young Bedouins who live in the city. a hardh b don't earn much money. so home. © don't lose touch with their families ‘Members of a Bedouin family help each other to. a survive. b getajob. © choose clothes. © Lookat the highlighted words and phrases. What do you think they mean? Use your dictionary to look up their meaning and pronunciation. 6 LISTENING GEL Listen roa couple, Terry and Jane talking about going to live with the in-laws, What do they decide at the end of the conversation? b Listen again and mark the sentences T (crue) or F (false) 1 Terryand Jane are both very tired, = 2 Terry is more optimist 3. Terry's parents have suggested the family move in with them. 4 Terry says that ifthey al lived together, his parents would babysit. 5 Jane thinks thatthe new plan would mean less housework for her. 6 Jane worries that the grandparents would spoil the children, out the Future than Jane. Listen again with the audioscript on p. 69. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES, Learn these words and phrases. boarding school sick stk bordin skul value /velyu childhood /faildhud! fight fart gang (3 gathering /g:e0aru aware of ower av ‘no wonder /nov 'wandor rivalry /ravolei I> GSS ries Practical English 1 _REACTING TO WHAT PEOPLE SAY ‘Complete the dialogues. 1 Ben —Oh,*no !Idont*b. itt Charlotte What's wrong! Ben —_I dirt tell iy mom that you don't eat meat. Charlotte You're *k 1 Ben _No,mnot. Never, tell hernow, Momi Charlotte's a vegetarian. Mom &R 2 Charlotte Yes, butt isn'ta problem, Mom Whata*p. Hmade a meat lasagna, But there's plenty of salad, That's fine. Thanks, Mrs. Lord 2 ‘We have something to tell you. We ound a house that we like ait 4 fantastic! Steve Andit isnt too expensive. silt That's great *n, ‘could! see it some time? Steve °W. ‘a great idea tl call and ‘make an appointment. 2 SOCIAL ENGLISH ‘Complete the dialogues with the phrases in the box. ‘ereallynice-gey Goahead How do you see mean How incredible Notrealy That'sbecause things tke that 1A What did you think of my dad? B He's _areally nice guy 2A your future? B I think welllbe very happy together. 3 A Ihear you speak Spanish. Are you bilingual? B But ican speak it well. 4 Atmsorry.tmnot very hungry. 8 You ate too much for lunch! 5 A Youknow,|think we went to the same school. 8 ' 6 A Can have another piece of chicken, please? B ‘There's more in the kitchen. 7A What kind of books do you read? B Biographies, history books, BA Youwouldn't want to go to the concert with us B Yes, would! Hove classical music. the parents 3 READING a Read the text and answer the questions, Inwhich place...? 1 canyou seea celebrity 2. domusicianscome to hear other ‘musicians perform 3 canyou hear international styles of jazz 4 can you see what's happening online 5. should you buy ticket before you go {6 doesthe musicfinish very late Café. Carlyle Barbés Barbésis.abarand performance venue nthe Park Slope neighborhood of Brooklyn. Come here to listen to musical styles from al over ‘the world, uch as Mexican, Lebanese, Romanian, and Venezuelan along with traditional American styles, Usually $10 to getin. 55 Bar Located n Greenwich Vilage, this small club, which startedin 1919, has avery interesting history, Come to hearjazz guitarists play, and expect to see lots of serious jazz fans and music students from local caleges and music schools, Usually $10-20. Smalls This cub was created in 1984, but has already become very famous in New York because wellknown players such as Norah Jones began their careers here. The lub closedin 2002, but opened againin 2004, witha more comfortable room anda website that features lve streaming video ofall performances. It opens from 4 pm.todam, $20 togetin. Café Carlyle Cone tothe lor ofthe frnous Cale Hoteltovis the Cte nme pati reat ing on Mord ites ony il I eave Ne Otte rr Bae you Bet ts ee acc Wood len pou wth the Tewelasbeinga recto, Woody Alenis alsa azz mustien Sets at 245 Theveruetoks only 90 ands ten sld out soitsgoodiea tobookahead Butiin cheap ~ickets start at $100 1b Unudrline five words or phrases you don’t know. Use your dictionary to look up their meaning and pronunciation. 2A—Spend or save? When a man tells you he got rich through hard work, ask him: Whose? on Marquis, US Writer 1 VOCABULARY money a Complete the sentences with the correct verb in parentheses. 1 My sister_astes alot of money on clothes she never wears. (wastes saves) 2 Keane tobuyahouse of my own, (pay | afford) 3. You'llhaveto alot of money ifyou ‘want to travel around the world next year. (cost | save) 4 Kevin about $2,500.a month at his new jab. (wins J earns) 5 That painting (charges [is worth) 6 Myunele is doing a bike rideo ‘money for charity (raise | save) alot of money. 7 Westill the bank alot of money. (owe earn) 8 Mary 5,000 from her grandfather when he died 9 The plumber shower. (cost / charged) 10 Canyou (borrow /lend) nherited / invested) ‘me $250 tofixmy ‘me $200 until I get paid? 'b_ Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. 1 Tllpay _ for _ the movie tickets ifyou ger the snacks! 2 They charged us bottle of water. 3. They got ‘debt when they bought their new house, 4 We borrowed some money my parents. 5 My grandparents always pay. cash, 6 [don't mind lending mons family. 7 They spent lot of money their son's education, 8 CanI pay credit card? © Philinvested all his money his ‘own company. © Complete the advertisement with the words in the box, ‘ATM banicaccount ills coin loan mortgage salary taxes sw What’s so good about CASH Internet Banking ple CUS SSS) Open a "__bank account _ with us and well give you a free gift~ you'l get a tablet computer it you earn over $3,000 a month. Consult our online service 24/7 and use your card in the* of any bank to take out as much or as litle money as you want. Do you have alot of change? Use our fee _ counter and deposit the total directly into your savings account. Does your company pay your‘ directly into the bank? Then we ‘won't charge you anything for your card. Well even pay all your ® for you, tree of charge. OUR FINANCING SERVICES Do you need to borrow money for a car, a vacation, oF anew laptop? We'll give you a. of Lp to $10,000 for whatever you want to buy. ‘And how about a new house? We can give you a 7 at one of the lowest interest rates oon the market. OUR EXTRA SERVICES How much do you pay in * 2 Talk to ur specialists to make sure you're paying the right amount ~ they can help you pay less. Come to CASH Internet for the best accounts, the best services, and the best savings. 2 PRONUNCIATION the letter o 2 Ga the word with aiferen sound 7 Fo OO | or phone | horse money | honest | done afford nathing | shopping | awe worse dollar | go store won clothes mortgage 1b GGTERGD Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. 3 GRAMMAR present perfect and simple past a GrDthe correct answer. 1 Keser aw many mtn 2. Theyhavecharged| charged us too much for our meal lastnight 3. Tknow some great cheap places to stay in Seoul ve been [I went there afew times. 4 Paul hasnt inherited | didn’t inherit anything from his grandmother when she died 5 You've ent you lent him money so many times, but he never pays you back! 6 How much has yourTV cos | did your TV cost? 7 How many times have you wasted | did you waste money on clothes you never wear? 8 haven’ had | didn’t have any coins, oI couldnt put any money inthe parking meter 9 Haveyou ever invested | Did you ever investany moneyina company? 10 My girlfriend has a high-paying job, She has earned | earned $385,000 last year. b Complete the parentheses. logues with the correct form of the verbs in 1A When did _ your son__buy_his car? (buy) B When he: his driving test last month, (pass) 2 A How muchmoney__ you from your sister yesterday? (borrow) B About $100, but already itall @pend) 3A you anew house yet? (find) B Yes, and the bank, to give me a mortgage, leeree) aA you ever ‘any money toa friend? (lend) B Only to my boyfriend when he ‘anew phone. (need) SA your mother__an appointment with the doctor yet? (make) B Yes, she him yesterday and she's seeing him tomorrow. al) READING Read the first chapter of a book about Daniel Suelo once. Where did he decide to live? 1 withfriends C3 inthecountry 1 2 withfamily C1 4 inacty = OI The man who quit money nthe frst year ofthe twenty-first Jtsraayeanarstanargty aby road in the middle ofthe United States took his if savings out of his pocket ~ $30 — laid itinside a phone booth, and walked away. He was 39 years old, came from ‘good family and had been to college. Hewas not mentally il nor di he have any problems with drugs or alcohol. The decision was made by a man who knew exactly what he was doing, Inthe twehe years since then, asthe stockmarket has risen and fallen, Daniel Suelo has not earned, received or spent single dollar. In an era when “anyone who could sign his name could get a mortgage, Suelo did not apply for loans. As public B] UTS 1 It’sa large vehicle that carries passengers and stops e reich iolstiacnand ge 3. It's where you wait for a train ata train station. 6 lesa feed where afc can waellongditances a: esiggertaa arb ale heck © tesa ype ofa stem hares unde the ground Clues down Y 2 ievaftea notoreylebutless power 4 esarype ofsmallrain chat moves electric along Cy special rails 5 tEvveplongand wei for tranoprtng peor things yl 7 tered raping rp quate of iin hyd ib Gonsderethe ccnonnil wer widiooe need 2 PRONUNCIATION 5, and 1 Di pi puyour_s_taka _ 2 Youle ritceyovcreymmrcariee, * CEB NE Wari wilindiireat sound 9 Sorapwciclan Weweeaucting,——— fa ms Pas Pap F mas BP fe lg 4 Wegot hed upby he a 5. Lwish bike riders would use the. lane instead = Snover bil Bes ofthesdevall. dongerus fessh ——|eheckin | cenity 6 Weneedeofilyp atthe sein fore stage [scattat [pessonger [extn ele ator [farclen | opatue 7 Tara ein tet 4 Theswesvanyabrwaiageede and, © TERED Lisenand check. hen sen gsi 9 Slow down! There are, cameras on this road. and’ repeat the words. 10 Westpped atthe Tightand waited ito Haro 3 GRAMMAR comparatives and superlatives € Rewrite amparaesemencsinb sing (00) a5 as. ‘a Complete the sentences with one word. 3 1 expensive (sentence 1) 1 Gasisn'tas expensive in the US_as_ itis in the UK. insu as aipartles as Riles 2. My father drives more slowly my mother. 2 difficult (sentence 3) 3 They said that roday was hottest day ofthe year, 4 Lees goby train. i's comfortable than the bus. 5 Thisisthe_—_ flight Eve ever been on. Pil never fly with 3 exciting entence 4) this airline again 6 Ithinktrains are dangerous than cars. Thee are fewer accidents. 4 cold (sentence 5) 7 Wes to goby subway than by bs. Buses are much slower. 8 The40Sisthe crowded freeway in California, 9. Youteat the Sheraton? We're stayingatthesamehotel______you. 10 Why don't we ride our bikes? I's the expensive way 4 PRONUNCIATION linking a E: Listen and complete the 1 Weie setences withthe information fom the survey. Usethe =. e comparative or the superlative. 1 The__most___relaxing way to Where to go? travel is by train. \We reveal the results from our reader survey of three popular vacation destinations. eS ns, ‘The seven hours in the airport was the part ofthe vacation, the museum, (China) (Australia) a 4 Flyingisalor { es cheap. eee ee . arguing by bos tts crowded, e oe8 oe 5. They should have the party at their Ieseasytogette. |e @ eee . house. Ie'smuch bigger | tesexciting eee ee oo | tes hot. eee . eee 6 Scootersaren't tes relaxing oo . eee l motorcycles. 1 Cancun / cheap | Bejing b Listen againand repeat the sentences, Cancuunis cheaper than Beijing Listen carefully tothe linked words. 2 Beijing / crowded | ofthe three destinations Copy the ehyehm. 3 Beijing / easy to get to | Sydney 4 Sydney j exciting / Cancun 5 Sydney | hot /B ing 6 Sydney / relaxing | ofthe three destinations 5 READING a Read the article once. Which is the oldest form LUTTE A eRe is getting around Bamboo trains Thisis the best way toseerxal Cambodia. Abamboo train, or nor asthelocalscallit sa bamboo platform on wheels that travels ‘along tracks. t's powered by an engine, anditcanreachaspeed of _a5milesperhour Passengers sit on a grassmat on thenori. Nois ‘maynot be as comfortable as conventional rains, but they're Certainly fot cheaper Pick upanorfrom Battambang Station, but remember to agree on aprice before you get on. Totora reed boats ‘These boats havebeen around for centuries. They are made from the reeds thatgrowon the banks of Lake Titicaca, one af the largest lakes in South America, ‘Aswellas making boats fom ttora reeds, te local people use them tomake theirhouses, which they build on floatingisians, Totora reed bostsare sill use fochunting and ishing, but today some ofthe local people transport people acrossthe lake in them, Travelin on areed boat among the floating islands ofthe ake Isamust forvstorsto Peru. Jeepney ‘jeepney sthe most common formof public transportation n the Philppines. They aremade coutof the eepslefton theidands bythe American amy atthe end of World War Il, People gave the jeeps a roof, put in twolong seats neither side and painted them, trningthem intosmll buses. Jeepneys have open windows instead of iconditioning, There often paced with passengersandthere are nobusstops the dhrver ust tows dow tole the passengers ampionand. Dogsleds Dagsleddng sa Unique experience because’ somethingyovcantdolnmany oa other partsofthe word. Itwasoncethe onlywayto | {get aroundin the snow of Alaska, Ua bbutnow itsuseislimited to winter sports and tourism. Thebest timetotryitisfrom lanvaryto March inthe urnmertherelsit ‘enough snow, sothe dagspulsleds on wheels. Theridecan bea litle Bumpy because the sed sometimes goes overstonesand the dogsbark lot Allthe same i's an opportunity nottobe missed. 1b Read the article again. Mark the sentences T (crue) or F (false). 1 Norisarea good way to see Cambodian cities. 2. The train fare is not always the same. _ 3 Totora reed boatsare made from special plants, __ 4 Today the boatsare only used tocarry tourists. 5 Jeepneysare used by the military to transport soldiers. _ 6 There are usually a lot of people in jeepneys. _ 7 Most people in Alaska don’ttravel by dog sled anymore. 8 Dogsledsarea very relaxing way totravel, _ Look at the highlighted words and phrases. What do you think they mean? Use your dictionary to look up their meaning and pronunciation. LISTENING GIT Listen to the experiences of five speakers who ‘were doing dangerous things while they were driving. Match the speakers with the things they were doing. Speaker 1 E A Putting on makeup Speaker2 ___B Listening tohis/her favorite music Speaker 3 C Writing atext message Speaker4 __D Setting oradjustinga GPS SpeakerS __E Talkingonacell phone Listen again and answer the questions. 1 Whatdid Speaker 'scar crash into? _A van 2 How far had Speaker 2 driven past Denver before she realized her mistake? 3. Where did Speaker 3 end up? 4 Whodid Speaker 4 almost hie? 5 What color was the traffic light when the accident happened to Speaker 5? Listen again with the audioscript on p. 70. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES. Learn these words and phrases. adjust (GPS) (sidsast reach be ahead of /bi shed av crash (into) kre) getstuck (in atrafficjam) /get 'stak get worse (jet Wars! turnred torn ‘red turnaround torn s'raond) do your hair du yar her puton makeup /pot an 'meik yp) ‘Men want to be a woman's first love, Women like to be a man's last romance. Oscar wilde lish writer 3B=Stereotypes - or are they? 1 GRAMMAR articles: a /an, the, no article a Gieithe correct answers. We goto movies | the movies once a week | the week. Don't worry! It's not the end | end of the world | world, Tein Gl thet ae ners ering leur thelanguagerchan bee] theo Did you ack door | her when you eft hous ashe tlemoening? Mb wecEB i a OREN CSS’ FE ORT RE Idon'-usually ike fh the ih, but salmon | the salmon we had lastnight was delicous Do you think women | the women are more sensitive than men | the men? What beautiful | a beautiful day! Let's have lunch | a lunch on the patio. 1b Are the highlighted phrases right (/) or wrong (X)? Correct the wrong phrases. 1 That's pretty ass — the color suits you. 2. Hle'shoping ro visithis parents Bemeesiena. [] 3. [Themoney doesn't make people happy. 4 My grandfather lefesehool when he was 14, 5 They goto the dentist about twice the year 6 Have you watched DVD that llentyou? 7 That was one ofthe best meals I've ever had. 8 What noisy child! Where are his parents? 9 Alexis studying to become doctor. 10 Love the.ats, but my boyfriend doesn't like them. 11. Hier husband sitsin front of theTTV all day. 12. She always gets the Work at five-thirry. lLoooagododgdodoodoodo 2 PRONUNCIATION ‘2, sentence stress, Bal OF Bi {GAD Listen and complete the sentences. Ta like to speak tothe _manager— 2 [put the onthe 3 are we going to tonight? 4 Could you the fora minute? 5 Sheneeds to sea about her. 6 Wewantto fora Listen again and repeat. Copy the rhythm, AGREED Listen and repeat the phrases, Pay attention to the pronunciation of the 1 The conversation was about the woman next door. 2 The university invited a guest to speak at the meeting. 3 Isometimes go to the theater in the evening We took the elevator instead of walking up the stairs. 5 ‘The office gave meal the information I needed. 6 The gray skirtis nice, but I prefer the black one. 3 READING a Read thearticle once and put the headings in the correct place. A Menare better navigators than women, B Women talk more than men C Men don'tsee colorsas well as women Stereotypes supported by science Men \have'alreputation for wearing clothes that don't look good together ~ if men do look good, it's because their girlriends or wives have helped them get dressed. Why's that? Science says: Lets take a lock at chromosomes ~ the parts of our DNA. that control many things about us. The color red is carried only by the X chromosome, Women have two X chromosomes, and so they are THIOFENKALY to be able to see red. Men only have one X chromosome How we see color depends on the ability to see red, blue, and green, so women are more likely to see colors better. Being abl to see colors Well was important in prehistoric times when women looked for fruit for food. They had to be able to tell the difference between the types of fruit on the trees so that they didn't choose a type that was pOISOMOUS For them, seeing afferent colors meant they could survive. 2 Most men have a natural ability to read maps while women usually need to turn them around. How come? Science says: Men are able to see the size and position of things ‘much quicker than women, This ability is called “spatial awareness Researchers discovered in a study of four year-old children that only ‘one girl has this ability for every four boys. Once again, the explanation can be found in the past. Do you remember those prehistoric women? Wel, while they were looking for fruit, the men traveled long distances to hunt animals. When they had caught enough, they had to find theie way home again. And this is where they learned “spatial awareness.” The women didn't need it because they hardly ever went out of sight of theirhomes, but for the men, it was Stal 3 Humans are social animals, so why is it that men don't like sharing their problems while women tell their best friends everything? Science says: The answer is in the brain, The parts FESBORSIGIEHOH language are 17% larger in a woman's brain than in a man's brain. Also, women use both the left and the right side of the brain to use language, ‘while men use only one side - their strongest side, And there's more. The part ofthe brain that connects the two parts together — the corpus callosum ~ i larger in women too, which means that they can move Information from one part tothe other part more quickly. Nobody is sure why these differences exist, but i's clear that women have a ‘afiniteradvantage over men when it comes to communication Read the article again. Choose the right answers. 1 Mencan find it ifficuleco perceive a three colors. ® one color. © any colors, 2. Seeing colors well helped prehistoric women. a find interesting things to eat b cook food correctly © choose the right fruit 3. The results of the study showed that... ‘2 four-year-olds don't have spatial awareness. by boys learn spatial awareness before girls, € girls don’thave spatial awareness. 4 Women didn't need spatial awareness in prehistoric times because. the men were always with them. bb they never left home they didn't travel far from home. 5 Menare worse at communicating because. part oftheir brains is smaller. bb their brains are 17% smaller. © their brainsare larger 6 ‘The function of the corpus callosum in the brainis. 4 tocommunicate between both sides. b to store different languages © tocontrol the language process. Look at the highlighted words and phrases. ‘What do you think they mean? Use your dictionary to look up their meaning and pronunciation. Complete the sentences with one of the highlighted words or phrases. 1 Iesa_definite advantage _to have good test scores if you want to go to college. 2 Don’teat those mushrooms you found outside! They could be 3 Who's making this mess? 4 She's. toacceptif you invite her husband as well. 5 Italian people. ia for being great cooks. 6 Ws that finish the report before the end of the dy. 4 VOCABULARY collocation: verbs/ 6 LISTENING adjectives + prepositions 8 SEED Listen toa radio: a GieWrthe correct prepositions, speaker has the most tradit ae the cooking? T Nick] 2 Eve] 3 Frank] 4 Martina 2] in program. Which mal view about men doing 1 They're arriving at | on ((@) Seoul on Friday. 2. That suitcase belongs for | from | tome, 3. Weshould ask someone at / for | of directions. 4 We might go camping, bur it depends in of J onthe weather. 5. Everybody laughed about | at tome when [fell off the chair. 6 Who's going to pay for | of with the meal? I dreamed about [from | with my old school friends last night. 8 That girl reminds me about | of tomy cousin. 1b Complete the sentences with the correct prepuottions Listen again and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 4. Weronncveny interested Frank thinks that girls nowadays can cook. abstract art. 1 Tony used to be married _10_ Teresa, 1 Mickisunempleyed, x 2 Youcan rely ‘nevobelp youwith 2. He wouldn't like to bea chef the party tomorrow. 3. Eve cooksall the meals at her house. _ 3 They're worried. thet 4 She spendsa lot of time cleaning the kitchen. _ amen 5 Frank thinks thar girls work harder than they used to. 6 Martina’s partner does all the cooking. 5 Vmvery different earner 8. Martina respects men who can cook _ 6 Adam's very good _math. € Listen again with che audioscripe on p. 71 7 tim fed up this weather. 8 He's famous histolein Sherlock Holmes. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. 5 WHEN ARE PREPOSITIONS aati STRESSED? =o a GAEL) Listen and complete the dialogues. almost /‘slmoust slightly 'slartli 1A Who did you_arque with ? whereas /we ay: accordingto (s/kordin) tu 2 A Whoare you infact /in ‘fiekt Bim a. range from. rind frsm Pee yas 2 tendo (end t Bim aboutry be skepical of / bi skeptil y 4A whatare you 2 8m ‘othe 2 GED hues Listen again and repeat. Copy the zhythm, Practical English 1 GIVING OPINIONS ‘Complete the dialogue. John tove this song, Can you turn it up? ‘Anna Dol have to? it'sreally old. John it may be old, but its one of my favorites. Personally | think pop music was better in the past thanit is now. What do you *th 2 ‘Anna No, don't think that’s + lnmy “op. there is some ‘great music around. And some of today’s singers have amazing voices. John 1*ag, But very few cof them write their own music. If you as me, the real ‘musicians are the ones who write the ‘songs and then perform them live on stage. Darit you’ ag 2 ‘Anna Tobe*h. stdont know a lot about it. just turn the radio ‘on and listen to what they'e playing! 2 SOCIAL ENGLISH Complete the dialogues. Use a phrase containing the word in parentheses, 1 A Helo! ack! (back) B HilDid you have a good day? 2 A fmgoing out fora walk now. Do you want tocome? 8 get my coat. (minute) 3 A Lbrought you some flowers. B Thankyou. Thats (king) aA ‘what you said about ‘moving to California? (mean) B Yes. think be agreat opportunity for us. 5 A Youlook upset. What's the matter. B Nothing really ae in boyfriend's away andi really miss him. just) icult celebrity 3 READING a Read the text. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (False). 1 New York raxis are all the same model of car. £ 2. Amedallion number has four numbers and one letter. 3. Anoff:duty cab won't pick you up. — 4 You should stand in the street until ataxi stops for you. — 5 When you get ina taxi, the price startsat 50 cents, _ 6 You pay per minute if ou are not moving, 7 Taxi drivers like to be paid in cash, — ‘New York taxis provide an essential service to New Yorkers and tourists for getting around the city. There are over, 12,000 yellow medallion taxicabs so doesn't take long to see one. Bs What does a New York taxi look like? "New York taxis come in many different shapes and sizes, but to be official taxis they must be yellow. They must also have a special code called a medallion number: one number, then one letter, and two ‘more numbers. A bronze badge with the same code should also be displayed on the hood. Only taxis with the above are legally licensed to pick you up! How will | know when a New York taxi is available? It's all in the lights! When just the center ligt illuminates the medallion ‘number, the taxis available to be hailed. When the center light is off {and both sidelights are on (illuminating the words “Off Duty"), the taxi 's off duty. When no lights are iluminated, the taxis already in use. How to hail a New York taxi. First, try to halla tax in the direction you are already going; it saves time’and money. When you see an available taxi, make sure it’s safe and step off the sidewalk while holding your hand up high. if for ‘ay reason you don’t get the driver's attention, step back onto the sidewalk and wait for the next available taxi and repeat the process. It's as simple as that. New York taxi fares. Once you step into the cab the meter will be tumed on. This is called the “flag-drop fare” and is $2.50. After that it will cost you 50 cents for every one ith of a mile, or 50 cents per minute if you are stuck in traffic. There is aflatrate charge of $52 from Manhattan to JFK Airport. If you're happy with the trip, you should tip your driver between 15% ‘and 20% of the total fare. Paying by cash is preferred, however all taxis now accept credit cards. b- Underline five words or phrases you don't know. Use your dictionary to look up their meaning and pronunciation, Failure is not falling down. Failure is Falling down and not getting up agi Richard Nixon former US President 1 GRAMMAR can, could, be able to a Gel the correct form. Check (/) if both re correct, She can |isable to swim really well because she used to live by the ocean. You dnt nced cen LEED Arve ro livein the city. Luke could | was ableto read when he was only three years old, 4 Ifitdoesn’t rain tomorrow, we can {we'll be able to go fora long walk. 5 Sorry, I've been so busy that I haven't could | haven't been able to call until now. 6 If Maria had a less demanding job, she could | would be able to enjoy life more. 7 Tvenever could [een able to dance well, but 'd ove roleaen. 8 Werereally sorry we couldn't weren't able to come to your wedding. 9 Lused to can | used to be able to speakaa little Portuguese, but I've forgotten most of it now. 10 Can you | Willyou beable to make itto dinner tonight? 11. Towork for this company, you must can [ ‘must beable to speak atleast three languages. 12 Thate can't / not being able to communicate with the local people when I'm traveling, 1b Read Tyler Ruiz’s résumé. Then complete the sentences with the correct form of can, could, or be able to, 1 Tyler_can_s 2 He speak little Chinese when he started working in Hong Kong. 3 He speak German, 4 He design websites since 1999. 5 Hedlike ____speak Russian. 6 He finish his Ph.D. before he left the US. 7 He speaka little Russian soon, Name: Tyler Ruiz Dato of Birth: 09/22/1980 Education Degree in French with Marketing (2003) Master's in Business Administration (2006) Started Ph.D. in Business (2009) ~ incomplete Work Experionce 1988-2000: Trainer and Operator with Texas Instruments, London 2003-2009: Assistant then Marketing Manager, Texas Instruments, Dalas, USA 2009- present: Managing Director, AHH Marketing Services Li, jong Kong, Other Skills IT skils — advanced Course in web design 1999. Languages French (fuent) Chinese (basic) certificate 2008 | hope to start Russian classes next January, Hobbies and Interests Watersports, especially sailing and windsurfing 2 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress A§GERED Listen and repeat the sentences. Copy the rhythm. 1 Shecan sing very well. 2 Ivenever been able to ski. 3 Can youreadamap? 4 You won't he able to go out tomorrow. 5 Hehasn’theen able wo walk very fast since he hurthisleg, 6 Theyaren'tabletw come tonight. 3 READING a Read the article once and match paragraphs A~D with photos 1-4, Perse | Perea rey brea cieny TIC Mi eC CCL CR tty eG react kane Cen acts ‘A. Some people consider this man to be the greatest scientist who has ever lived. However, his early life was nothing special. He was very small asa child and he was avery bad student. When he was twelve, his mother look him out of schoo! so that he could learn how to run the family farm, Unfortunately, he wasnt very good at that ether, so in the tend he was sent back to school, After @venitally passing his exams, he ‘went to Cambridge University where he became a briliant scholar. Later, he developed his law of gravity. B This man is one of the most famous inventors of alltime, which is incredible when you think he only went fo schoo! for three months. After his teacher lestpalleie! with him, his mother taught him athome and hhe learned many important lessons from reading books. His working life started as badly as his schooling had, and he Wasfired from his first two Jobs. However this gave him more time to experiment ~by the end of his life he had invented over a thousand devices. His most famous invention was a certain ype of lightbulb. _Askanyone toname the most famous movie director in Hollywood and ‘many of them will say this mans name, However, his movie career started badly. as he was rejected three times from lm school He eventually started his studies ata different school, bute dfoppedaut to become a director before he had finished. Since then he has won the Oscar for best director {wice, and three of his movies have broken boxoffice records, He went ‘back to school in 2002 to finish his studies and ear his BA degree. D Although he is one ofthe most successful businessmen and computer programmers of al time, this man didn't actualy finish college. He was very bright at school and went te Harvard University, bute spent most of his time using the college's computers for his own projects and did't cdo much studying After dropping out, he decided to stat his own ‘company with a friend, This company failed, but he persisted and won ‘contract with IBM which eventually resulted in his company becoming ‘one ofthe most powerful and recognized Band in the world today. b_ Read the article again, Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false) 1 IsaacNewton almost becamea farmer. 2 He wasnevera very good student, 3. Thomas Edison missed three months ‘of school when he wasa child 4 He didn't make good impression on his bosses atthe start of his working life. 5 Steven Spielberg couldn't goto the film. school he wanted to, 6 He has never finished his degree. = 7 Bill Gates failed out of college. _ 8. His first company wasn't successful _ Lookat the highlighted words and phrases. What do you think they mean? Use your dictionary to ook up their meaning and pronunciation. Complete the sentences with one of the highlighted words or phrases. 1 The child's parents lost patience with her and sent her to her room. 2. Hewasn'tenjoying college, so he after the first year. 3 After several months, she managed to persuade her boyfriend to see an opera. 4 My colleague for sending personal emails from work 5. My husband refuses to buy expensive of clothing, 6 There wasa huge line at the because it was the opening night of the movie. 4 VOCABULARY -ed/ -ing adjectives a Right (/) or wrong (X)? Correct the wrongadjectives. 1 Turn che channel! Thisis.a Bored TV show boring 2. Taking care of small children can be very ted. 3 His test scores were very disappointing. 4 Iwas very embarrassed when my phone rang in the meeting, Oo gag 5 Junko was very surprising because she didn’t know they were coming. o 6 We tooka lot of pictures because the view was so amazing. Oo 7 Are you interested in car racing? 8 She felt Frustrating because she couldn't geton the surfboard, 1b Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives in parentheses. 1 Tenjoyed the book, bur the movie wasa little — boring. (bored | boring) 2 Lelevery when I realized ‘my mistake. (embarrassed / embarrassing) 3 He's because the printer isn't working. (Frustrated | frustrating) 4 The final quarter of the game was really —__________ (excited J exciting) 5 We haven't heard from her since she arrived in Bangkok —it's very 4 (worried / worrying) 6 Yourtrip sounds realy ~tell me more! (interested | interesting) 7 U'mtired of this terrible weather ~it's so (depressed | depressing) 8 Maxwasvery when he wasn't chosen forthe job. (disappointed | disappointing) © GleDthe -etadjectivesin exercise where -edis pronounced itd Reflexive pronouns Complete the sentences with the correct word. 1 The best way to get healthy isto make yourself’ exercise every day 2 Jonand Danny help to food whenever they come ro my house 3 Jenna painted the bathroom 4Thecomputer turns usesitfora while 5 always sing 0, the shower, 6 We found the apartment without any help from a real estate agent. offifnobody when I'm in LISTENING GETEDD You are going to hear five speakers talking about mistakes they have made ina foreign language. Listen and complete the sentences. Speaker I was speaking French to. Speaker 2 was speaking to Speaker 3 was speaking to Speaker 4 was speaking to Speaker 5 was speaking to Listen again and complete the table. ‘What they wanted tosay actually said Speaker 1 ler Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Speaker 5 Listen again with the audioscript on p. 71. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES. Learn these words and phrases. link ugk scuba dive 'skubo darv skills. /skilz (dance) steps. steps. multilingual /maltilingwal fluently. /fluontli basic phrases. /bersik ‘frerz language barrier /lengwids beriar teach yourself books ttf yor'self boks more exceptions than rules mor iksepfnz don rulz 4B=Modern manners? When a man opens the car doar for his wife it's either anew car or anew wife. Duke of Edinburgh, husband of Queen Elizabeth 1 VOCABULARY phone language ‘Complete the sentences. 1 Youmustnot use your phoneina quiet zone 2 When you finish a phone call, you h b_ Correct any mistakes in use or form in the highlighted phrases. Check (/) the correct sentences, 1 People MUSE ROE USE ther cell phones when they’retalkingto you. r People shouldn'tuse 3 Ifsomeone doesn’t answer their phone, you can leave a 2 [IRIMRY 90 to work by bus yesterday. My car m contheir v ‘was being repaired. 4 Ifyou're ina meeting, you can put your phone on s__orv__mode, 3. Doyouhaveto wear a suit and tie at work? 5 Ifsomeone's phone is off, you can b__ later 4 Youldonteavera play soccer here. Irsaysno 6 Thesound your cell phone makes when someone calls you is hallgames, 7 Ifyou want ro rext your friends more cheaply, you can use Vinnie in m nights 8 When youcallsomeone,youhavetod___ their aenenber iy eeeenyeome ney 6 Ididn'ehaveto €00k last night because we 9 Ifsomeone is already talking on their cell phone when you call, —— the lineis b 10. Youcan protect the display of your cell phone or computer wih sr » ? 7 Inthe future, maybe everyone must speak English and Chinese. 2 GRAMMAR mocals of obligation: must, have to, should —_g You don't look well. Youshould to gohome: a Gireld the correct form. Check (V) if both are possible. What you need to know before you visit the US 1 You have fo / musthave a visa to 7 Fyou are sightseeing in New York, enter the country. you must / should buy « MemoCard 2. You must not / don't have fo drive on _at.gves you cheaper travel on he the leftl Here we drive on the right! subway and buses. 3. You must not / don't have fo pay to «8 You must not/ don't have to visit most museums and art galleries. smoke in any public building. It is Enfrance is usuoly foe, 5 prohibited by law. 4 You have fo / should go on a ferry ‘When talking to Americans, you to visit the Statue of liberty. You can't shouldn't/ don't have to ask them go by bus. about their salary. Some people might think this is rude. Bite age / ecm tbs 8 1G Alero Sa na uedions when you go through 6 You mist/ shoud always ry to ore Guinean YoU 9? nove on fime for an appointment or meeting. ‘Americans are very punctvall PRONUNCIATION silent consonants, linking rosront the silent consonant in the words. awrite hour shouldn't exhausted 6 walk could 8 debe SEED Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. Listen and repeat the sentences. Try to link the words. 1. You shouldn’t alka the phone when you're driving ‘You must ghways wear your seat belt jn thecar. — You don't have to wear uniform. Yo shouldn't gsk friend for money. Youhave to watch gut for pickpocketers. ‘You should take g present for them. GIEVEY Listen and check. Then listen ‘again and repeat the sentences. READING Read the article once and check (7) the best summary. 1 How men should behave toward ‘women in the 21st century. Oo 2. How men behaved toward women inthe past. 3. The difference between men’s and first? Nobody knows how long people have been using the words “Ladies First.” nor is anyone sure where the concept came from. However, neither of these facts matters today. The important question is whether the tradition is still relevant, and if men should continue respecting it. Inthe past, there was a strict set of rules concerning men's behavior toward women - or rather “ladies” as they were called then. Men wearing hats used to take them off in the presence of women. They used to stand up whenever ‘8 woman entered or left a room, and they did the same at a dining table. Men used to hold a door for a woman to allow her to go through first. They always used to pay for meals - but we'll come back to that one later. ll of these ‘customs were considered good manners, and people looked down on men who did not conform, In fact, this set of rules actually made things easier For men. If they broke a rule, they knew perfectly well that they were going to offend somebody. Today, itis much easier to cause offense without meaning to. For example, ifa man ‘opens a door to let a woman through fist, and she does so without saying thank you, the man may feel offended. And if a man invites a woman toa restaurant of his choice on their first date, and then asks her to pay her half of the check, it may be the woman who gets upset. Women no longer want to be treated as the weaker sex, which leaves men in adilemma. On one hand, men {are conscious of the “Ladies First” tradition, but on the other, they do not want to offend, Often, they don't know what to do. The best advice is this in doubt, men should follow the rules of “Ladies First” Evenif the woman considers the behavior inappropriate, she wil till realize that the man has good manners. This is particularly relevant on that frst date we were taking about. Ifthe man has invited the woman out, then he should pay the check. Actually, it's the invitation to dinner itself that is important here, ‘not the amount of money spent. In general, women appreciate a picnic or a home-made dinner just as much as an expensive meal. So the answer to our original question is: yes. “Ladies Fist” still relevant today, but not in the same way asit was in the past. Most women appreciate a kind gesture made by a man, buthe should never accompany it with the words “Ladies First” — it spoils the effect completely! 1b Read the article again and choose the right answer. 1 According to the article. a theidea of*Ladies first” started inthe Middle Ages. b theidea of Ladies first” is anew idea, © it’snot known when the idea of “Ladies first” started. 2 Inthe past. a mendidn't know how to behave toward women, b “Ladies ¢ itdidn’t matter if men broke the rules. 3. Nowadays, men... 4 aren't sure how tobehave toward women, behave inthe sameway toward women, rst” was very polit. © have new rulesto follow. 4. According to the article, men shoul a notthink about what women want. b follow the rules of © notfollow the rules of “Ladi 5. According to thearticle, women... always want expensive things. don’t like it when men cook. € ikea meal at home or ina restaurant. € Lookat the highlighted words and phrases. What do you think they mean? Use your dictionary to look up their ‘meaning and pronunciation. 4. Find the hightighted words or phrases in the text to match the definitions. 1 not right for particular situation 2. anaction that shows other people how youreel 3 understand the value of something 4 anidea 5 upset somebody 6 thought they were better than 5 LISTENING & GIEVED Listen to a radio program about good manners in different countries. What kind of advice do the four people ask about? Check (/) the correct answers. There is one piece of advice you do not need £0 use. 1 Advice about how to behave in business situations. — L] 2. Advice about body language. 3. Advice about meeting new people. 4 Advice about forming line. 5 Advice about visiting someone's house. 1b Listen again and choose the right answers. 1 According to the expert, in Thailand you should not give a “wai” to, people whoare older than you. anyone. © people who are younger than you, 2 When sit polite to say thankyou in Brazil? a whena friend offer youa drink bb whena stranger opensa door € bothaandbare correct 3 Which gesture, often made by police officers, isan insult in Greece? a “Come here” b “Stop” © “Goaway.” 4A foreign person in Korea. 4. mustnot bow to anyone. must how to everyone. € canbow to show politeness 5 According to the expert fa Korean persor a quickly. slowly © deeply. is happy, they bow very... © Listen again with the audioscript on p. 71 USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES: Learn these words and phrases. etiquette etokot host hostess. /houst/ /hoostas behave /brhew deserve (diary disturb (ai'starby inappropriate /ins\proopriat insulting /.ssltuy allergic to /slrdsyk to should have (written) (od av {SEED GSP rues It’s not whether you win or lose that matters, but whether | win or lose. Sandy iyle, Scottish goer 5 A—Sports superstitions 1 2 a b GRAMMAR past tenses ‘Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. Use the simple past, past continuous, or past perfect. 1 Wewere late. When we _arrived (arrive), everyone else _ had finished — (Finish) their lunch and they were sitting — (sit) on the patio having coffee. 2 They (drive) to the airport when they suddenly (remember) that they (nor turn off) the lights. 3 The game {already | start) when we. (curmon) the TY. The Red Sox (lose) and they (play) very badly. 41 (not recognize) many people at my old school reunion because everyone (change) a lot in twenty years. 5 My sister (vait) to go out fordinner yesterday when her boyfriend (call) her to ‘ay that he {not can) come because his car (break down). 6 Real Madrid (beat) Barcelona yesterday. Barcelona (vin) I-O inthe firsthalf, bt Madrid (6core) two goals in the second half. 7 He (run) co the station, but the nine o'clock train (already | leave). The station was empty except for two people who (wait) for the next train, 8k (cart) raining when | to work. (call) acar service because I (not wear) a coat and I (not have) an umbrella PRONUNCIATION 51: /or/ (Gre the word with a different sound. (alk) Pork Pay P ory a horse bis horse our first course shorts | hurt floor warmup | sports| score |eeercou> | wera worst SG) Listen and check. Then listen again and ke i repeat the words. 3 a READING Read the article on p. 31 once. Complete the sentences. 1 The boy was playing 2. He cheated by taking Read the article again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false) 1 According to the artile, people usually learn notto cheat when they are youngechildren. —_E. 2. Blank tiles can be used when players don't have the right letter. = 3. The boy was one of the best players in the 4 The previous day, the boy had beaten Arthur Moore. 5. Moore caught the boy while he was making aword. 6 He saw the boy take a blankttle out of his pocker. — 7 The boy answered the tournament director's ‘questions truthfully. 8 He wasrtallowed to continue playing, _ Look at the highlighted words and phrases. What do you think they mean? Use your dictionary to look up their meaning and pronunciation, Complete the sentences with one of the highlighted words or phrases. 1 James discretely _ bought the present when his wife wasn’t looking, 2 Sam. colleagues. 3 Theathlete was three false starts. 4 My computers broken, so 'm going to itwith anew one. telling lies about her afterhe made 5 She became the train tickets in his pocket 6 Hecouldn't the man of lying because there was no proof he had done ‘when she found anything bad 7 Jack beat hi 6-1,6-3, 8 They to stealing after they lost their jobs, playing board games. As they grow older, they realize that the fun is actually in taking part in the game, not necessarily inwinning it. By the time they reach their teens, they have usually learned not to cheat. Sadly, this was not the case for a player in anational board game championship held annually in the US. The player wanted to win so much that he resorted to cheating, I: normal for young children to cheat when they're ‘The board game was Scrabble. This is a word game that ‘was created in 1938 by an American architect named Alfred Mosher Butts. In the game, players have to make words from individual letters on small squares called “tiles” and then put the words on a board. Two of the most useful tiles inthe game are the blanks, which are tiles without any letters on them. A blank isr't worth any points, but a player can use it to replace any letter of the alphabet. The cheater in this particular tournament was a 15-year-old boy from Orlando, Florida. He had surprised organizers in the early stages of the competition by beating some of the best players, despite the fact that he had never played in competitions before. This made some of the ather players suspicious. including the man who caught him, 43-year-old Arthur Moore. Moore had already played the boy the day before, and Moore had won the game, although the boy had had both of the blank tiles. In Scrabble, before a new game starts, the players put the tiles from the previous game back into a small bag. This time, Moore had a good look at the tiles on the table before he and his opponent put them inthe bag to start the game, He was not surprised to see that the two blanks were together on the table infront of the boy. As the two players were putting the tiles into the bag, Moore discretely watched the boy's left hand. He saw ‘the boy pick up the two blanks, and put his hand under the table. This was the signal for Moore to call one of the organizers and accuse the boy of cheating. When the boy was taken away for questioning, he admitted to taking the two blanks during the game and hiding them under the table. As a result of his cheating, the tournament director disqualified him and banned him from playing in the competition again. 4 VOCABULARY sports a Read the definitions and write the words. 1 anarea of water that swimmers use swimming —pool__ 2. the person who controls a soccer game 3. anarea where skiingis done 5 somebody who is very enthusiastic about sports f 6 anareawhere golfisplayed z=, 7 exercise to become healthy and strong f ins 8 anarea of ground where people play soccer f 9 person who trains people to compete in certain sports, 10 alarge structure, usually with no roof, ‘where people can sitand watch sports, st 1b Complete the sentences with the simple ppast of the verbs in the box. beat get injured lose play score throw tie train warmup win 1 The US _ played — Russia last night for the championship. 2 Theteam. hard every day before the tournament. 3. The Canadian runner. the race. He got the gold medal. 4 The players. by jogging and doing easy exercises just before the game started. 5 Joe the score when he hita home run! 6 I didn't play well in the semifinal round, 1 2-6,1-6, 7 Mare. _the ball to his brother, but his brother dropped it. 8 Brazil Sweden. They had a ‘much better team, 9 The Argentinian striker four goals in the last game. 10. Ourbest player inthe second half, and was taken off the field to see the team’s doctor. 5 a LISTENING WED Listen to a radio program about a sports scandal. ‘Which country won the competition in the end? Listen again and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 The scandal happened during the tennis tournament of the 2012 Olympics. 2. South Korea and India were involved in the scandal 3 Ithappened during the first stage. 4 One way they cheated was by hi {nto the net. 1g the shuttlecock. 5 ‘The same thing happened in another match 6 The teams cheated because they had been offered money. 7 The crowd didn't enjoy the matches. 8 South Korea won the Iver medal, Listen again with the audioseript on p. 72 USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES: Learn these words and phrases. fate (fet rituals superstition /supor'stifn bounce /bavns’ cheat (tit reveal (civil ‘ritfualz/ sweat swet alucky charm. ‘aki farm) result in. (rv'zalt in tie your shoelaces tat yor ‘fulessiz Love is like war: easy to begin but very hard to stop. HL Mencken, US journalist 5 B=Cove at Exit 19 1 GRAMMAR usually and used to a Correct any mistakes in the highlighted! phrases. 2 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress; the letter s Check (7) the correct sentences. Where did youlused to live before you moved here? Jerry used to have beard, but he shaved it offlast week. a | usually goto the gym when [leave work. My wife doesn'e use to Wear makeup. She doesn'tlikeit. Did you use to have long hair? a GED Listen and repeat. Copy therhythm. 1 Where did you use to live? 2 Did you use to wear glasses? 3. They used to have a lorof money. 4 Heused ro go to my school. 5 Weused to work together. 6 You used ro have long hair. 7 Wedidn’t use wo get along. 8 [didn't use wolike it 6 Tusete walk to work. My office is only ten minutes b Girclthe word with a different sound. from my house. 1 “Te F 7 Carol EERIE ro me, tar cow abe always Ss | ~~ q 3 says hello. zebra_| shower | television == eyes tissue | usually 8 Doyouuseto getup late on Sundays? red ree. eee ee especially | sure Gecision 9 Didlyou used to wateh cartoons when you were little? nowadays | sugar music 10 We don’tusually stay in expensive hotels, but this © GTR Listen and check. Then listen again and weekend is special 1b Complete the sentences with usually or the correct, form of used to, and the verbs in parentheses. ‘She __used to wear — glasses, but now she has contact lenses, (wear) repeat the words, 3 VOCABULARY relationships a Complete the sentences with the people in the box. classmates close friend colleague couple ex fiancé roommate wife 2 He animals, but now he has, dog. (Elk) 1 We're married. She's my _wi 31 my parents on Sunday. 2 Isharean apartment I's good to talkto them. (call) with her. She's my. 41____French classes, but [stopped 3 Lworkwith him He's my. because I don’t have time now, (take) 4 Weused to go to school 5 Wenever__, butnow we goto together. We were restaurants twice a week. (eat out) 5 I'mgoingto marry him. He's my 61 ate, burtoday thavea lor 6 Lusedto gooutwith her. She'smy todo. (not work) 7 We've known each other 7 Myssister very shy, but now for along time. tell her she’s confident. (be) everything. She'sa 8 They___meapresent on my 8 We've been going out birthday, but this year they Forgot! (give) together forthree years, We're a 'b Complete the text with the simple past of the verbs in the box. be together become friends break up get along get toknow getintouch get married goout together have (sth) in common lose touch meet propose Anna’ met Luke when she started work. ‘They? each other quickly because they sat next to each other in the office. They soon* and they discovered that they alot because they were both sports fans. They * a few times after work and they fell in love, ‘They* for a year, but they argued, alot, and in the end they” After that, Anna got a new job in a different town and sothey* ‘Ten years later, they ’ again on Facebook. They were Doth still single and Mark had changed jobs, too, They decided to try again, and this time they ® better than before, maybe because they weren't working together. After six months, Luke" and Anna accepted. They " last spring, A lot of their old colleagues from work came to the wedding! 4 READING a Read the article once. How many friends does the average American have? our friends in numbers A researcher at Cornell University recently did a study to learn the number of friends a typical American has. He interviewed more than 2,000 adults aged 18 and over in his study. He asked them to list the names of the people they had discussed serious mattefs with in the last six months. About 48% of the people taking part gave the researcher one name, 18% gave him two, and about 29% gave him more than two. | | ‘OW MANY FRIENDS does #AVERARE PERO have? ‘These results Gonitrast dramatically with the news published by the social networking site Facebook recently. They said thar the average user on the site has 130 friends. The Cornell University study found the average number of friends to be a lot ower = 2.08 to be exact. The researcher from Cornell has explained that the difference lies in the definition of the word friend. A friend fon Facebook may be a person who the user has met by chance cor someone that they will never meetin real life. However, the friends in the researcher's study are close friends, who participants feel comfortable discussing their problems wit Ina similar study conducted 25 years ago, participants had, higher number of close friends. Then, the average number was three. Despite the lower number, the researcher docs. not believe that people are getting more isolated. Instead he thinks it’s sign that they are becoming better at choosing who they can eeUst with their secrets. ‘This is supported by the number of people in the study who could not think of any names of close friends they would discuss their personal problems with. The percentage of these participants is the same this time as it was 25 years ago. In both studies, just over 4% of the participants gave rescarchers ‘no names. Apparently, the people who fall into this category are more likely to be men, or people with less education. In general, the researcher from Cornell regards these findings as positive. In his opinion, they suggest that, at least in the case of Americans, people are not becoming less sociable. 'b Read che article again and choose the best answer. 1 Most people in the Cornell University study had spoken about something important with @ one person, two people © more than two people. 2 The news published by Facebookis different from the resultsin the Cornell study because. the people are different ages. bythe studies are from different years. ¢ therelationships arent the same. 3. According to previous study, people had close friends in the past b thesame number of © fewer 4 ‘The number of people with no close friends is___itwasin the past. a higher than bb thesameas ¢ lowerthan 5 The results of the Cornell study show that Americans today are they used tobe. a more sociable than b associableas € less sociable than, Look at the highlighted words and phrases. What do you think they mean? Use your dictionary to look up their meaning and pronunciation. ‘Complete the sentences with one ofthe highlighted words or phrases. 1 found an old painting by chance while Iwas cleaning the attic. 2 Lwoulda't zy son with my phone. He'd probably break it. 3. How much money does carn per year? 4 They talked about. first, and then moved onto the less important things. 5 The richer parts of town swith the poorer outskirts 6 Some teenagersare because they spend so much time on their computers. 5 LISTENING {GD You are going to hear a radio program about research on love and attraction, Number the topics in the order you hear them, 2 How rouse your eyesata first meeting. b Body language ata first meeting. _ © How touse yourvoice ata first meeting. _L. d How muchto smileata first meeting b Listen again and mark the sentences T (true) or F (False), 1 It’s very important to say the right thing the first time you talk to someone you like. z 2 Apperson's body language can make them more attractive, 3 Looking into someone's eyes can make them feel ‘more attracted to you. 4. There were two weddings after an experiment in New York. 5 Standing up straight is a good way to keep someone's attention. 6 A person will copy your body language if they think you are interesting. _ 7 Itisimpossible to know if someone is smiling when you're talking to them on the phone. - 8 Often when one person smiles, other people smile too. __ Listen again with the audioscript on p. 72. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES: Learn these words and phrases. candle kendl commuter /ksimyutor cute /kyut likely lank raise the barrier /re1z Oa ‘beeriar addicted to (sth) /sidiktod toy night shifts naut fifty turnout (toe) arn ‘ao exchange afew words /ikstfeinds 9 fyu wordz find the courage (to do sth) “farnd D2 ‘koridy I= GS ries Practical English 1 PERMISSION AND REQUESTS a Complete the requests with the correct form of the verbsin the box. 3 READING deft around ‘do join pass meet take visit 1 Could you_do_ meabig favor? ‘US is huge, so flying is the quickest way to get around 2 Do you mind if you? the country. It can be expensive though, so here are some 3 Would you mind meat een ent nmeSO era the airport? ‘Ifyou aren't in a hurry, the best alternative is to go by car. You 4 [sit OKifwe niypevents have to be at least 25 years old to rent a car in the States, and ‘There are alot of rental car companies, and their prices vary a Jot. Compare companies before you decide which one to use, and remember it can be cheaper to book for a week than fora day. Ifyou prefer to be driven rather than driving yourself, the next best way to travel is by bus. Greyhound is the major long- distance bus company, and it has routes through the US and Canada. Tickets are much cheaper if you buy them seven days imadvance, and there are often other offers. If you're traveling with a friend, your companion gets 50% off if you buy the 5 Can you the sale? 6 Doyou think you could o oO this weekend? [| youneed a valid driver's license and a major credit card to do so, QO me to the train station? a f 1b Match the requests froma with the responses a-f a Ofcourse not. Take seat b Sure. Here itis. Yes, of course. What time's your train? dHitdependswhatitist tickets three days before you travel, and children between the e Noratall. When do you land? ages of two and eleven get a 40% discount. F Sure. Which day would be best? ‘An alternative to using the bus is to take the train, Amtrak is the American rail company, and it has long-distance lines connecting all of the biggest cities. It also runs buses from 2 SOCIAL ENGLISH ‘major stations to smaller towns and national parks. Fares vary Complete the dialogue, depending on the type of train and the seat, but you need to reserve at least three days ahead to get a discount. Students. Jay _Danllt's great to see you. with an international student card get 15% off the regular fare. Dan You too, Jay. I's been years. ‘Bring your own food because the dining car is expensive. Jay How?c. __ youre so late? Dan hy fight was Gslaved.andthenthadtowait Read the text and answer the questions. 1. What do you need to renta car in the US? a —You need a valid driver's licenseand.a major credit cand. Jay Well, youre here now. Do you want something ema NESW. Prrariiveintts gocut 2 Whatis the difference between all the car rental companies? and see the city! Jay Don't you want to unpack first? Dan No, can do that later. But Il take a shower, ifyou don't “m. Jay Sure. Go ahead. Dan This great. You and me getting ready to goout. Jay Yeah.|tsjustlike the old" Dan 0K, Im ready. Let's go. We have a lot to * Ps: b_ Underline five words or phrases you don’t know. Use your dictionary to look up their meaning and pronunciation. 3. Where does the Greyhound bus company operate? 4 How can you save money if you're traveling alone by bus? 5. How much do students pay on Amtrak trains? 6 What should long-distance rail passengers take with them? Listening wai) Host Welcome back to the show. Today, we've been discussing Teresa Gold's article The Truth About Healthy Eating. And now its time for you, the listeners, totell us what you think, The lines are open, soall you have todo is call 1-800-555-5792 and talk to one of our ‘operators, That's -800-555-5792, And itlooks like we have our first caller. Kevin from Miami, ell us what you thinkabout the article Kevin Well, 1'dlike to say that Idon’t ‘ageee with the article arall. [don’t eat many fruits or vegetables, and I'm perfectly healthy. Ihaven'tcalled in sick to work for years ~I can't remember the last time [had to stay in bed. This five- a-dlay thing is garbage, isn't? Host Um... hank you, Kevin. [think wwe have another caller on line two. Kate from Chicago, are you there? Kate Yes, lam. Well, 'm sure the writer knows what she's talking about, but it isn'ethat easy. I mean, its hard enough to get kids to eat vegetables at the best, of times, but with all these burger and pizza places around, i's almost Impossible. Once they get the taste for junk food, you can forget the Five-a that's for sure! Host Thanks, Kate. And who's our next caller? Derek Um, my name's Derekand I'm from Washington, D.C. Host And what do you think, Derek? Derek Well, like to say that think that the articles right. [mean, the writer talks about eating lor of fruits and vegetables, which is something that we've always done in my family. My mom'sa great cook. She always uses completely natural ingredients in her cooking, and we're almost never sick. Host Thank you, Derek. Let’ go backto Tine two again, where we have Rosie from Boston. Rosie, what's your opinion? ‘Well, the writer seems to think that ALL fruits and vegetables are good for you and [don't thinkeehae'strue. Imean, ‘what about potatoes? They contain alot ofcarbobydrates, which can make you gain weight you aren't careful —it's even worseiif you fry them. And then fruits, like melon for example, have Re alotof sugar. Personally, think you should eat alitde of everything and not ooniuch of one thing, Host Thanks, Rosie. And that's all we have time for today. We'llbe speaking to the writer of the article after the break 1) ‘Terry Pmexhausted! Jane’ Me oo. Ihave't stopped all day. ‘Terry Neither have Jane’ Oh, wel. guess il ge easier when the kids grow up. ‘Terry Doyou thinks? Jane’ OF course. When they'e older, they'll be more independent. We ‘won'thave ro do everything for them ‘Terry: And how long will that take? Five, i years? Or maybe never! Jane’ Look, what's the problem, Teeny? ‘Terry Nothing Kes just that we never have time for each ather these days Were always withthe kids! Jane But that's what happens when you have kids. ll ger better! ‘Terry I don'tknow..- My parents were talking aboutus going olive with them. Do you think e would be easier focusif ee ted with my patente? Jane Well, gucss itd have its advantages ‘Terry Yeah, [mean for one thing there'd always be someone totake care of the kids. Jane That sounds good. Terry Andwe could go outin the ‘evening without the kids. Just imagine that! Jane FHmm. That doesnt really mater ‘Terry And there would be more people to share the housework, too. Irwouldn't always bethe same person who does the shopping, cleans the house, and cooks the meals. Jae’ Yes, ut there would be more People inthe howse, so there woul Pemoocwark ds Stopping aad cooking forsixiantthe sume as doing it forfour sdvantage is that ‘we woulda’thave any privacy. ‘Terry True. Jane And you know what your parents are lke. They le the kids do everything. they want to do. ‘Terry Hmm. guess you don't want 0 ‘move in with my parents, then, Jane Not reilly,no. Would you like to ‘move in with mine? ‘Terry No, definitely not... Actually, things aren't so bad right now Jane Tagree. ‘Terry And the kids will be older soon. Jane Yes, they will. ‘Terry That's settled then. We've staying here Jane Fine. a) Speaker 1: Can liveon my salary? ‘Well, don't really have many problems, because I'm still living with my mom and dad, Don’t get me wrong, I give my mom some money for rent, bbucit’s definitely much cheaper than living on your own. Lactually have ‘pretty good salary —Tma graphic designer. Idon't really spend muuch —1 buy some new clothes every now and then, and Ihave to put gasin my ear, of ‘course, but apart from that, i's really just going out on the weekends, Most of my money goes into a savings account so that [can buy my own house one day, Speaker 2: | find it really hard to live ‘on my income because I only havea parttime job. Being on my own with my daughter means that my mom has to take care of her when I'mat work. At least don't have t pay for childcare! ‘The house we live in is rented, so that's where most of the money goes. [don’t think 'llever be able to afford our own, place because the bank won't give me mortgage. Apart from the rent, my money goes to food and clothes for my daughter. Still, shouldn't complain. hhavean amazing daughter, and that's all that really matters. Speaker 3: [think I'm really lucky. T'm pretty healthy for my age, Ihave ‘enotigh money to live on, and Ihave my children and grandchildren! When | say Ihave enough money, Iddon't goon any fancy vacations or anything like that. But 'm comfortable. I've paid the mortgage, so that’s one less expense, and I don't have any loans to pay either, My one litle laxury is going out for luncha few times a week with some friends, I guess that's where most of my money goes—on food! Speaker 4: Can welive on our salaries? ‘Well I'm not so sure, actually! My ishand isa teacher, so he doesn't earn that much ~ definitely noe enough to raise two children! That means [have to work, too—Thavea full-time job at the local supermarket. And realy, that’s our biggest problem, because we need, someone to take cate of the children, Our babysitter costs fortune -we spend smoreon child care than we do on out ‘mortgage! Then there's food and new clothes forthe children, too. Honesty, it isn'tcheap having kids these days! 28) Host And now to end the show with an inspirational story, we have John to tell uus about an incredible tip, John Yes, thank you, Nora, Have you ever thought about traveling around the world and trying to help people as ‘you go? Well that’s what an American father and his two adoptedsons are currently doing. .D. Lewisisa single parentand former actor. He's taken his sons, Jackson, age 14 and Buck, age 9, out of school fora year to make the trip with him, And their plan isto help people along the way by doing volunteer charity work. Host That sounds wonderful, burit ‘must be an expensive trip. How much williall cost? John [e's going to cost hem $300,000 dollarsin total Host That's lot of money. How did they afford it? John Well,|.D Lewis didn’t have all the ‘money, so he set up an organization called Twelve in Twelve to help raise ‘money, and with the help of individuals 1d some companies, hey managed to raise the money. Host Twelve in Twelve~that'san unusual name, Why did he cal it thar? John Fora very good reason, Not only is their trip going to last twelve ‘months, but their plan isto visit twelve countries. This month, they're in Australia, where they're working with the most important ethnic group in the region—the Aborigines. |. and his family are helping to get medical supplies to these people, who often live along way from the major cities Host Andis that the first place they've visited? John Oh, no. So far they've visited seven countries. Their first stop was Russia, where they took care of babies an orphanage inthe city of Tomsk. From there, they traveled to China, where they worked with children with physical disabilities in Beijing. Then, they flew to Thailand where they helped take care ofthe animals atthe Elephant Nature Park Host Whata variety of places. Where did they go next? John Their next stop was India, where they worked with children inthe poorest district ofthe city of Hubli. Then they left Asia and flew to Africa. In Rwanda, they taught English to children who had lost cheir parents in the civil war. rom there, they went to Zanziba, an island off the coast of Tanzania, Host That sounds very exotic! What did they do there? John They helped families prepare an art fair, where they could sell things that they had made. Next, they went 10 Kenya, where they wrote and acted in a play with children who have HIV. Host Wow, Ibet that was very rewarding. Did they go anywhere else Alrica? John No, that was the end of Africa. From Kenya, they flew to Australia, which is where they are rightnow: Host All that soundsamazing, bur their trip isn'tover, isi? (0, J.D. and his family still have four places to go: Antarctica, Paraguay, Peru, and Haiti. Notonly are they trying todo things to help other people, but they are hoping to arn lot of new things themselves, And J.D. Lewis hopes that the Twelve in Twelve organization will encourage other families to do what hehas done with his sons. Host Well, good luck to J.D. Lewis and his family on the rest oftheir incredible trip. And thar'sall we have time for tonight. Join us again tomorrow when we'll be bringing you more real-life 3A)) Speaker 1: One morning last winter, | ‘was driving to work late when my cell phone rang. [knew it was my boss, so answered it, Suddenly, the van in front of me stopped because there ‘was someone crossing the road. I was talking to my boss, so I reacted too late, and my car wentinto the back ofthe van, Luckily, !was driving realy slowly atthe time, so I didn’tdo much damage to the van, but the front of my car was areal mess. Since then, I never use my phone when I'm driving Speaker 2: Iwas driving to Colorado ‘one summer to visit my parents, who live in Denver. I's long trip, so hhad taken my MP3 player with me to connect tothe ear radio, Surprisingly, there wasn't much traffic on the freeway, so Larrived in Denver pretty 4quickly. However, I was having such a {good time listening to my music, that ‘completely missed the exits for Denver. I didn’t realize until [had gone another 20 miles, so had to turn around and. deiveall the way back again! Irjust goes to show what can happen when you aren't concentrating. Speaker 3: We were on vacation last year, when we hada little accident. ‘We were going somewhere we'd never been before, so we were following the instructions on my GPS. We heard fon the radio that there'd been abi accident on one of the roads we needed to travel on, so started adjusting my GPS to find a different road to take. took my eyes offthe road and suddenly ‘we came toa sharp turn in the road. saw the eurn too late, so [went straight ahead and drove into the middle of a field. We were really lucky, though, because no one was hurt Speaker 4: I don't uswally get up early ‘enough to put my makeup on, so usually pat iton in my ear. Well, used, to put itonin the ear~ now I wait until I getto my office. That's because I had ind of shock the other week, when 1 almost didn't stop ata crosswalk. [was looking in the mirror instead of atthe road, soI didn’t see this litee boy run ‘out—to tell you the truth, [hadn’teven seen that there was a crosswalk there. I justhad time to step on the brakes and I ‘missed thelittle boy by about an inch. was really shocked afterward, though. Speaker 5: was driving into town to meet my girlfriend for dinner when. she sent me atext message. I decided to read it, in case itwas important. ‘Anyway, the message suid that my girlfriend wasalready atthe restaurant, aand I wanted her to know that Lwas going to be alittle late, so when stopped ata red light, Istarted to write reply. But didn’t notice when the traffic light turned green, and the car behind crashed into the back of me. The driver of the car said he thought | was going to start driving, so he moved forward and hit me. OF course I didn't tell him Las texting. 38) Host Traditionally in the US, women have cooked more than men, but iclooks as though things might be changing. According to recent survey bya frozen foods company, almost half ofall men in this country now prepare the family meals. And they aren'just doing itbecause they have to it's because they enjoy it. The survey showed that 44 percentof men who were questioned doall of the cooking, and surprisingly, 15 percent of women questioned said that they didn't know how to cook, So it seems asif men are ‘moving into the kitchen,and maybe women are moving out, Is this good news? What do you think? Callus at 1-800-555-3364 and tellus your opinion. Illgive you chat number again —that’s 1-800-555-3364, ‘And here's our firs caller, Nick from San Deigo, California. Nick, what do you think about this new trend? Nick I'm pretty excited to see more ‘men in the kitchen. In fact, I'm one of them! [lost my job a few months ago, and now I doll the cooking at home. Imakea different dish every day, and sometimes I meet up with my friends toexchange recipes. My girlfriend says she realy likes my food, and she even thinks that I should train to hea professional chet. 'm seriously thinking about doing that, Host Well, good luck to you, Nick. Who's our next caller? Ah, yes... Its Eye from Seattle, Washington. Do you cook, Eve? Eve No, [don’t. But my husband does. He'sa much better cook than Lam, so wwe decided from the beginning that he would doall the cooking. And he makes some great meals~mostly curries. But there's one problem. Host What's that, Eve? Eve Hemakes a terrible mess in the kitchen, and [have to cleanup after him. Idon't know what's worse, actually, cooking myself or cleaning the kitchen! Host Oh, come on Eve ~itcan't be that bad! Now I think we have someone on line 2. Yes, it's Frank from Hartford. What do you think about men taking cover the kitchen, Frank? Frank Well,1'm not surprised, to be hhonest with you. Ieseems to me that girls are getting lazier and lazier these days ~it’s only the older moms and in get married iffshe can'c cook?! Ithinkit'sa disgrace! Host Thank you, Frank. So, notall of ‘our listeners thinkit's a good thing How about our next caller, Martina, calling from South Florida? Is it good news or bad news for you, Martina? Martina Good news. Definitely. In ‘my house, Ido all the cooking. My boyfriend doesn't cook atall— he can’t even fry an egg! mean, we both work fulltime, so why can't we share the cooking? I'm realy fed up with it, really am. But I'm really happy forall those women out there who have found ‘areal man, knowhow you feel when you have to do everything yourself, Host Ler’shope Martina’ boyfriend is listening, so thathe knows how she feels, We'll take some more calls after the break. @a)) Speaker I: [suffer from asthma and Tusually carry an inhaler around ‘with me just in case get an attack Anyway, Lwas ona work trip~I was in Paris—Ihad forgotten my inhaler, and I was having problems breathing. Sol went toa pharmacy and asked for “un aspirateur,” which I chought was the French word for inhaler. [realized it wasn’t when the girls behind the counter looked very confused. Itturned cout that I had asked fora vacuum. cleaner, “aspirateur,” instead of an inhaler, “inhalateur” Speaker 2: I wasin|stanbul with a “Turkish Friend of mine, and we decided that we wanted to buy some bread. I ‘wanted to try out the Turkish Tknew, soll said that I would ask fort. So we found this tiny little store and we went in. said to the salesperson in my best voice “taze erkek" which I thought ‘meant “fresh bread.” Unfortunately, I got the word for bread “ekmek” confused with the word for man “erkek,” so what Thad actually asked for was “afresh young man.” Luckily sy friend came to my rescue and asked for the bread correctly, but felea little embarrassed! Speaker 3: I was 14, and wason ‘an exchange visit with my school in Madeid. [twas the first night, and I was athome with my Spanish hose family, the Garcias, having dinner. We'd finished the main course and it was time for dessert, so the wife, Maria, asked me ifT' like some fruit. [saw some bananas in the fruit bowl, so asked for a“platén,” at which point the whole family looked at me strangely. ‘They then explained to me that id actually asked for a large plate. “Platon” ‘means “large plate” whereas “banana” is*plitano, Speaker 4: Iwasin Rio De Janeiro in Brazil with my husband, and it was very hot day, so we decided to takea break from our sightseeing, We found street vendor selling cold drinks and snacks near the beach. Iwas so hotand tired thar quickly ordered ‘what thought was ice cream. I said “uma cosquinha por favor.” As soon asd finished speaking, the street vendor burst out laughing. He quickly apologized and explained in English that Td asked him fora tickleand not ice eream. Tickle in Portuguese *cosquinha” and ice eream is “casquinha, Speaker 5: I'man American living in Korea, Usually, lean communicate pretty wellin Korean. [speak Korean ‘with my wife every day, and Ihave a ‘tutor that [meet with every week to practice my conversation skills. So, ‘one day I went to the store to buy afew things. Tustally take my young son with me, but he wasn't with me this particular day, When the salesperson asked me about my son, my answer confused her because I accidentally said “eh-jeh uhb-suh-yo,” which means, “he's dead.” What! meant to say was *Yuh-gi ubb-suh-yo" which means “he's not here.” 4) Host Helloand welcome to The Travelers Guide, Now; last week we asked our listeners who are going ro travel abroad to send us their questions about good manners in other counties, and we've invited our resident expert Ruth Dempsey tothe show to answer them, Welcome tothe program, Ruth. Rath Thankyou Hose Sothe first question, Roth. This comes From Katy in Denver, who is going to trvel around Thailand next Summer. Katy want to know what she lhl do whe sie ist ment people in Thailand Ruth Well, Katy, most of the time, a simple handshake will be fine. Butif somone gives youa “wai",that isa small bow with the hands held together lose to the body, you mustdo the ‘same. But, ifthe person is oflower social status than you, so ifthey are ‘younger than you, or they are a waiter, for example, you shouldn'creturn the “wai.” Host Very useful advice, Ruth. The next question is from Mark in Dallas, who is going to Brazil with his girlfriend, to meet her family for the first time. He asks: “Isthere anything I should or shouldn't do?” Ruth Like Americans, Brazilians are very warm, friendly, and open. However, there are a few differences toremember. Always say thank you when someone opens. door for you, offers you something to eator drink or even when your girlfriend's mother clears the plates from the table. e's very important to be polite. Also, don’tspeak when you have food in ‘your mouth, Brazilians find this incredibly rude. Host That sounds like good advice for ‘you, Mark. OK, our next question is from Julie in Oklahoma City. She's going to Greece on vacation, but doesn't speak the language, She asks: “Since I don't speak any Greek, Ibe communicating mostly with my hands. Are there any gestures I shouldn't use?" Ruth Absolutely; Julie. The most sportant one to remember is the ‘thumbs up.” which in the US means “good” or “OK.” Bur tis very insulting toa Greek person. Another one isthe US hand gesture for “stop,” where you show someone your hand with your fingers straight together, likea police officer. Butagain thisisaninsulein Greece. Host Good luck, Julie. And we have time for one more, and this question is from Kendra in Chicago, She's going to South Korea for work, and she would like some tips on business behavior over there. Ruth The most important thing to remember is that South Koreans like tobow alot. Asa foreigner, you won't be expected to, butitisa good way of showing respect, and the deeper you bow, the happier you are. Host Very interesting. Ruth Dempsey, thank you for joining ws. Ruth My pleasure, Host And we'll be right back aftera cheek ofthe headlines, 5A) Host Welcome back to the show. We've been talking about famous sports cheaters on today’s program, and now we're going to hear about another scandal. The sport was badminton, aand the venue was che 2012 Olympic Games in London. Tom ishere to tell us about it. Hi, Tom. ‘Tom Hello, everybody. Host So who was involved in the scandal, Tom? ‘Tom Wel, the scandal involved four ‘of the teams in the women's doubles competition. In total, eight players were disqualified for cheating: two pairs from South Korea, pair from China, anda pair from Indonesia Host And whatexactly happened? ‘Tom Wel, basically the teams played badly on purpose to make sure they lost their matches, Host Why would they do that? ‘Tom Well,toexplain that 'llvery auickly tll you about how the competition works. The matches are divided into different stages. Teams play against other teams in their group inthe first stage, and if they win, they playin the next stage. So sometimes, team might geta good opponent very carly inthe competition, which means it might not ge through to the next stage, Host Gott, So when did the cheating happen? ‘Tom Wel, the problem started on the last day of the first stage. In the ‘morning, the first Chinese team won its match, finishing second in its group. ‘The second Chinese team was going to play against a South Korean team that evening, and whichever team won that ‘match would most likely play against the first Chinese team in the next stage. Host Why was thisa problem? ‘Tom Neither team wanted to play ‘against the first Chinese team because the South Korean team was sure it ‘would lose, and the second Chinese team didn't want to play against a team from the same country yet, hecause that would mean that only one Chinese team waslleftto try to win a medal. So both teams tried to ose against each other instead. Host How did they do that? ‘Tom Well, both the South Koreans ‘and the second Chinese team started ‘missing shots. When they served, they either hit dhe shuttlecock into the net or they hit itso hard that it went outside the lines on the court. Inthe end, they looked like amateurs, when in fac, they ‘were some ofthe best players in the world. Host So who lost the match? ‘Tom The second Chinese team. South Korea beat them in both sets. Host What about the other wo teams? ‘Tom Well, they tried to do exactly the same thing inthe next match. Host Which teams were these again? ‘Tom Indonesia and another South Korean pair. Host Soin both matches, the teams tied to lose instead of trying to win so they'd have a better chance of winning, medal. Isthat right? ‘Tom Yes. That's exactly what happened. And it was really obvious, too~all the spectatorsstarted booing, itwas so bad. After the second match, there was an investigation and al eight players ‘were disqualified, Host And what about the competition? Did ie stop there? ‘Tom No, itcontinued disqualified players. Host And who won the gold medal in theend? ‘Tom The first Chinese team. They beat the Japanese team in both sets. Actually, twas very good match! Host Tom, thanks for joining us. ‘Tom My pleasure. 58) Host Hello, and welcome othe show. Now, lotof research has been done recently about love, what causes it and ‘what we do to attract someone. Mary isin the studio with us today, and she's going to explain the results of someof these studies to us. Mary, welcome to the show Mary Hello Host Let'sstare with how to meet new people. Some people ike to start Conversation witha person they like by saying something funny. But how asefulisthis? Mary Not very useful atall 'm afraid, Jeremy, Research shows that only 7% ofattraction has anything co do with ‘what you say's the tone and che speed of your voice that make a difference. ‘Thismakes up 38% of the attraction shout the

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