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I want to expand my horizon of knoa'ledge by doing practice and Research to gain more expëf&e
and cdvcnrcd Lnnwlcdgr io heh oîher«. L.noking for en Opportunité in e œputml wyanizatinn, s*•
+92 3.10"9.039656!..’ where I can utilize my skills and abilities in achieve organizational goal and personiil gruwih.
+92 336 78B7876.’

Personal Details: 86 (Urban A Regional Pîanningf (2o1s) UOP

Fathcr Name: lzhai Al HGSC (Pre•MedîcaI) (2012) BISE Mardan
i:Shah Date.of'Birth:
25'! '-1904 BISE Mardan
Garder !: Male
Nation8ït‹y !rak1.«amy t
Marital 8tatus Single
kcti§ion . lsÎam.. Acadeafic Thesis aaö field Work Experieqce:

z BS Project on "Sluois upgrsdatlon" lu Peshawar.

-Sbeet’ Degan’ Khej NaäF Mir
Afzal’Khan.Hujæ Märdan Khas
Merdon,.KPK/ ” ” ”
•' Sis (6) ivlonlh Oiploma in M5 Ofhcc from AL-FaIah Computer Collège Maidan.
Expeñence: .
Admini,strati>c JGccr Et AY m ”[”ill f3ate in MaLracon (L”nnñtFUEnÜn oÊ IVY PAËÊi)
* Öfllcg @utoi;ietion-i.e. MS word. Road in Lochi Koliat.
Site Engineer DEC to 30 ApriÏ in MaLrocon (Construction of BVPASS) Road in Lachi l¢olutt
• Internet surfing a d.-E-nsaiÎini < Woriung as s trainer in EW&EF Mnrdan .
q «' Worked in MW&EF Mardan. as Supervisor in a Grant Project.
c” ”..jketcb..up.. Six (6J Month [niemñip in A+ Architects Mardan.
Six (fi) Month as a Town Plaiuicr Job in A* Arcbitects Mnrdan.

< Attended 7 days Training Course on "URBAN PLANING FORUM" in Lahore.

• Initiative-talking individual and committed team plsyer

' “ „ Strong communication and excellent Presentation sfiiîls
”quality tu collabornte with team us well as independently and hnve excellent leadership

indecision mnking and initiative-taking approach to pro6lcm solving

Good anaiytical skillx and abilily to accept challenges

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