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Manual control Page 1 of 5

Manual control
 Manual control - General

 Manual control - User interface

 Device selection

 Instrument window

Manual control - General

Program part: Manual control

In MagIC Net, manual control refers to the program part in which the connected devices can be directly
controlled, i.e. without a predefined execution specification. The precondition for this is that the devices
are switched on and detected by MagIC Net. Manual control is also possible live when running a

A distinction is made between the manual control of the workplace and the global manual control.
They differ in respect to selection of the devices and in the rights concerning when manual control is

 Manual control of the workplace

Only devices which are used in the method of the selected workplace are available. These devices
can be operated manually at any time, also live during the run. Such live changes are, of course,
noted in the relevant determination.

 Global Manual control

All the devices which have been recognized by the software and which are not reserved by a
workplace are available. This prevents an unintentional manipulation of devices which are used in
the run of a method.

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Manual control Page 2 of 5

Manual control - User interface

Program part: Manual control

Manual control - Symbol

Clicking on the manual icon in the vertical bar on the left opens the manual control program part in a
separate window; the manual icon is displayed in color at the same time.

The user interface of the manual control program part comprises the following elements:

 Device selection

 Instrument window

See also
 Manual control

Device selection
Program part: Manual control

The device selection is located in the left area of the manual control; this can be used to specify which
devices are operated.

Device selection

Selection of the devices which are to be operated manually. Depending on the selection the device list
and the instrument window are updated.

Selection Workplace | All devices

Default value Workplace
Manual control for devices which are used in the method of the selected workplace. All workplaces

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Manual control Page 3 of 5

which are currently opened can be selected on the basis of their color.
All devices
Global manual control for all devices which are recognized by the software and which are not reserved
by a workplace.

Instrument list
Depending on the setting in the device selection field, the devices which can be operated manually are
shown in tree-form.

The device currently selected is shown with a colored background. Devices which are currently
occupied because they are being used in a method run or in which manually initiated actions are running
are shown with red lettering.

[Stop devices]

Stops all devices of the global manual control, active only if All devices has been selected.

In order to stop the devices of a workplace, you need to change to the workplace
program part and activate [Stop HW].

Instrument window
Program part: Manual control

The instrument window is located in the right area of the manual control.

Depending on the setting in the device selection field, the devices which can be operated manually are
shown graphically:

 For device selection = workplace:

Manual control of the workplace: The instrument window is surrounded by a frame in the color
of the workplace selected. Only those devices are displayed which are used in the method of the
selected workplace.

 For device selection = All devices:

Global manual control: The instrument window has a gray frame. The device that is selected in
the device list is displayed.

The functions of the manual control are shown in the lower area of the window. The functions of a
module are summarized in each tab. The required device/module can be selected using the tab or by
clicking on the graph.

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Manual control Page 4 of 5

Devices with manual control

 945 Professional Detector Vario

 944 Professional UV/VIS Detector Vario

 943 Professional Thermostat / Reactor Vario

 942 Extension Module Vario ONE/Deg - Manual control

 942 Extension Module Vario HPG - Manual control

 942 Extension Module Vario LQH - Manual control

 942 Extension Module Vario Prep 2 - Manual control

 942 Extension Module Vario ChS/PP - Manual control

 942 Extension Module Vario SeS/PP - Manual control

 941 Eluent Production Module - Manual control

 940 Professional IC Vario - Manual control

 930 Compact IC Flex - Manual control

 919 IC Autosampler plus - Manual control

 896 Professional Detector - Manual control

 889 IC Sample Center - Manual control

 887 Professional UV/VIS Detector - Manual control

 886 Professional Thermostat / Reactor - Manual control

 883 Basic IC plus - Manual control

 882 Compact IC plus - Manual control

 881 Compact IC pro - Manual control

 872 Extension Module IC Module - Manual control

 872 Extension Module IC Pump - Manual control

 872 Extension Module Liquid Handling - Manual control

 872 Extension Module Sample Prep - Manual control

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Manual control Page 5 of 5

 872 Extension Module Suppression - Manual control

 872 Extension Module Suppression - Manual control

 863 Compact Autosampler - Manual control

 858 Professional Sample Processor - Manual control

 850 Professional IC - Manual control

 814 USB Sample Processor and 815 Robotic USB Sample Processor XL - Manual control

 800 Dosino - Manual control

 771 IC Compact Interface - Manual control

 High-pressure gradient pump - Manual control

 Remote Box MSB - Manual control

 Stirrer - Manual control

The manual control of the 891 Professional Analog Out (see "Manual Control - Analog Out") is
assigned to the main device to which it is connected.

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