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The Pursuit of Happyness Viewing Guide

1. What are some of the challenges Chris Gardner faced when trying to sell his bone density

The scanners were too blurry, they were out of date, they cost too much, and no one wanted them.

2. When Chris asks what it takes to be a stockbroker, what is the answer?

“Be good with money and people.”

3. Why is a rubric’s cube significant to this story?

The cube signifies the persistence he needs to overcome challenges to achieve his dreams.

4. Chris faced many challenges during the movie, yet he still achieved many of his goals. Describe a
minimum of three decisions he made or behaviours/personality traits that he demonstrated
that helped him reach his goals. Use specific examples from the movie to support your

Determined – In the movie, he was determined to get a job as a stockbroker. He never gave up and was
determined to get the job no matter what circumstances he was in. He was determined to find shelter
even if it meant that he had to fight for it.

Caring – He always cared for people around him and was joyful even when he was going through a
rough patch in his life. He valued others and cared for them a lot. He cared enough to give people
money even if he didn’t have that much.

Optimistic- He was optimistic that his life would get better after all the hard work he had done. He
always looked at things from a good point of view and kept hoping that everything would work out for

5. What were three financial decisions that Chirs made during the Pursuit of Happyness and
describe the consequences that resulted.

1. Invested in those machines which cost his life savings: He had a hard time selling those
machines because doctors thought they were too expensive for little results.
2. He didn’t pay his parking tickets: Got arrested
3. Didn’t pay his taxes: His money was seized from the government.

6. What does Chris have to do to get an application from Dean Whitter?

Chris had to do an interview and then 6 months of internship.

7. During the interview what is Chris’s response when he is asked about being there with no shirt
“He must have had on some really nice pants”

8. If you were in Chris’s position, would you have attended the interview covered in paint? Why or
why not? What did this show about Chris’s drive?

I personally would not come covered in paint because I would want to look professional. Chris doesn’t
really care about how he looks but he does know that he can make a difference if he joins the company.

9. What does Chris’s experience tell you about setting goals?

Set goals that you know you can achieve because you have the skill set to achieve them. Make realistic
goals in life which will help you succeed in the future.

10. In your own opinion, what does it really mean to live a good life? What qualifies as a good

A good life is when you are happy doing something you like and have some financial stability so that you
can live comfortably and not always have to worry about money and expenses.

11. What is the significance of the spelling of happyness?

The word was on Christopher’s daycare sign and decided to use this the title e of his book. Happyness
could also mean being happy with you since the Y is added.

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