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The Scales Used to Measure Green HRM in the Sampled Articles

Source Scale Used by Frequency

of use in
our sample
(Dumont et Items are directed to employees to assess their perception of (Aboramadan, 2020; 11
al., 2017) Green HRM in their company. Ahmad et al., 2021; Ahmad
& Umrani, 2019; Al-
1-My company sets green goals for its employees. Hawari et al., 2021; Farooq
2-My company provides employees with green training to et al., 2021; Fawehinmi et
promote green values. al., 2020; Luu, 2018, 2019,
3-My company provides employees with green training to 2020; Moin et al., 2021;
develop employees’ knowledge and skills required for Rubel et al., 2021)
green management.
4- My company considers employees’ workplace green
behavior in performance appraisals.
5- My company relates employees’ workplace green
behaviors to rewards and compensation.
6- My company considers employees’ workplace green
behaviors in promotion.

(Tang et 5 dimensions with a total of 18 items (Ababneh, 2021; Ali 5

al., 2018) 1 -Green Recruitment and selection Ababneh et al., 2021;
2 - Green training Anwar et al., 2020; Islam et
3 - green performance management al., 2020; Yan & Hu, 2021)
4 - green pay and reward
5 - green involvement

Green recruitment and selection (GRS)

GHRM1: We attract green job candidates who use green
criteria to select organizations
GHRM2: We use green employer branding to attract green
GHRM3: Our firm recruits employees who have green

Green training (GT)

GHRM4: We develop training programs in environment
management to increase environmental awareness, skills
and expertise of employees
GHRM5: We have integrated training to create the
emotional involvement of employees in environment
GHRM6: We have green knowledge management (link
environmental education and knowledge to behaviors to
develop preventative solutions)

Source Scale Used by Frequency
of use in
our sample

Green performance management (GPM)

GHRM7: We use green performance indicators in our
performance management system and appraisals
GRHM8: Our firm sets green targets, goals and
responsibilities for managers and employees
GHRM9: In our firm, managers are set objectives on
achieving green outcomes included in appraisals
GHRM10: In our firm, there are dis-benefits in the
performance management system for non-compliance or
not meeting environment management goals

Green pay and reward (GPR)

GHRM11: We make green benefits (transport/travel)
available rather than giving out pre-paid cards to purchase
green products
GHRM12: In our firms, there are financial or tax incentives
(bicycle loans, use of less polluting cars)
GHRM13: Our firm has recognition-based rewards in
environment management for staff (public recognition,
awards, paid vacations, time off, gift certificates)

Green involvement (GI)

GHRM14: Our company has a clear developmental vision
to guide the employees’ actions in environment
GHRM15: In our firm, there is a mutual learning climate
among employees for green behavior and awareness in my
GHRM16: In our firm, there are a number of formal or
informal communication channels to spread green culture in
our company
GHRM17: In our firm, employees are involved in quality
improvement and problem-solving on green issues
GHRM18: We offer practices for employees to participate
in environment management, such as newsletters,
suggestion schemes, problem-solving groups, low-carbon
champions and green action teams

(Jabbour et Provides a table with a list of 32 questions that had been (Ojo et al., 2020; Yusliza et 3
al., 2010) used in prior studies in the literature al., 2017, 2019; Yusoff et
al., 2020)
Evolution of environmental management
The focus of environmental management is to follow
environmental legislation
Environmental management is predominantly linked to

Source Scale Used by Frequency
of use in
our sample
The majority of environmental management activities is
linked to the adoption of cleaner technologies at the end of
the production process
The focus of environmental management is the efficient use
of supplies/raw materials
The majority of environmental management activities is
linked to the substitution and more efficient use of
supplies/raw materials
Support of environmental management from other company
department is started
The focus of environmental management is exploring
competitive advantages, such as the creation of
environmentally appropriate products and access to new
Environmental management activities are diffused through
the productive chain, influencing the company’s supplier

Job analysis and description

The environmental dimension influences the company’s
strategy and its long-term objectives
The company’s positions allow for employee involvement
in EM activities
The company’s positions allow employees to better their
EM knowledge
The company’s positions demand that employees have EM

Employees prefer to work in this company because it has
good environmental performance
The company declares that it prefers employees with EM
knowledge when a position opens

During the hiring process of an employee, the candidates
motivation for EM is considered
A candidate’s environmental motivation is verified during
all of the selection stages

The company has a continuous environmental training
Environmental training is a priority when compared to other
types of company training
Environmental training is viewed as an important

Source Scale Used by Frequency
of use in
our sample
Performance appraisal
The company establishes environmental objectives that
each employee must accomplish
An employee’s contributions to EM improvement are
evaluated by the company
Employee environmental performance appraisals are
registered by the company

Employees are financially rewarded for their performance
in EM issues
Employees who contribute to EM improvements are
publicly recognized by the company

Group Articulation
Employees are motivated to solve environmental problems
through groups formed within the department in which they
Employees are motivated to think about EM questions with
colleagues from several company departments

Corporate culture and management

The environmental issue is a company’s priority Corporate
cultural management
Continuous improvement of EM is part of the company’s
Employees know what are the company’s environmental

Corporate learning and management

Employees are motivated to propose new ideas for
improving EM within the company corporate learning
Employees are motivated to think frequently of the
environmental improvement of their routine activities
Employees exchange experiences and EM ideas with their

(Kim et al., 1. My hotel provides adequate training to promote (Ahmed et al., 2021; 3
2019) environmental management as a core organizational value. Darvishmotevali & Altinay,
2. My hotel considers how well employee is doing at being 2022; Umrani et al., 2020)
ecofriendly as part of their performance appraisals.
3. My hotel relates employee’s eco-friendly behavior to
rewards and compensation.
4. My hotel considers personal identity-environmental
management fit in recruitment and selection.
5. Employees fully understand the extent of corporate
environmental policy.

Source Scale Used by Frequency
of use in
our sample
6. My hotel encourages employees to provide suggestions
on environmental improvement.

(Teixeira et Only includes “green training” measure. (Cabral & Jabbour, 2020; 2
al., 2016) Srivastava et al., 2020)
10 items

GT1-Contents of GT are raised through a systematic

analysis of training gaps and needs
GT2-The responsibilities and duties of official green
trainers are precisely defined
GT3-GT is offered to all employees (including outsourced)
GT4-There is an adequate infrastructure (physical space,
material, people) for the delivery of GT
GT5-GT sessions occur within the company
GT6-GT sessions occur outside of the company
GT7-There are adequate assessments of employees'
performance after attending GT sessions
GT8-Generally, employees are satisfied with the GT
GT9-The topics approached during GT are appropriate and
current for company activities
GT10-Employees who receive GT have the opportunity to
apply green knowledge in everyday activities

(Longoni et Green Hiring 2 items, Green Training & involvement 4 (Acquah et al., 2021) 1
al., 2018) items, Green Performance management & compensation 5
total 11 items & 3 dimensions
Items ask whether an HR practice is in place

Green hiring
1. Employee selection based on environmental criteria
2. Employee attraction through environmental commitment

Green training & involvement

1. Environmental training for employees
2. Environmental training for managers
3. Job descriptions including environmental responsibilities
4. Employee involvement on environmental issues

Green performance management &

1. Environmental goals for managers
2. Managers’ evaluation includes environmental

Source Scale Used by Frequency
of use in
our sample
3. Employees’ evaluation includes environmental
4. Non-monetary incentives for environmental performance
5. Variable compensation based on environmental

(Agyabeng- 1 Green training and education programs (Acquah et al., 2021) 1

Mensah et 2 The green performance measurement system
al., 2020) 3 Green promotional and reward schemes
4 Green recruitment practices
5 Involvement of employees in green decision-making

(Pham et Green training

al., 2019) An adequate amount of training in environmental issues is
provided for employees (TRA1)
Employees can have the chance to be trained on
environmental issues (TRA2)
Employees receive environmental training frequently
Employees use environmental training effectively (TRA4)
Employees have many opportunities to use environmental
training (TRA5)
There is adequate evaluation of employees' performance
after environmental training (TRA6)

Green performance management

Employees understand the specific environmental targets,
goals and responsibilities that each employee must
accomplish (PEM1)
Employees' environmental behavior and contributions to the
hotel's environmental performance are assessed (PEM2)
Regular feedback is provided to employees or teams to
achieve environmental goals and improve the hotel's
environmental performance (PEM3)
Achievement of environmental goal is seen as one of the
criteria in system of employee performance appraisal
Roles of managers in achieving environmental outcomes
included in appraisals (PEM5)

Green employee involvement

Opportunities are provided to employees to participate in
green suggestion schemes and joint consultations for
environmental problem solving (EIN1)
The organization offers workshops or forums for employees
to improve environmental behavior and exchange their tacit
knowledge (EIN2)

Source Scale Used by Frequency
of use in
our sample
Managers maintain open communications with employees
on environmental issues (EIN3)
Employees are allowed to make decisions concerning
environmental problems (EIN4)
Employees are involved in problem-solving groups related
to environmental matters (EIN5)


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