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Multiple choice

• Hi! He (are/am/is) _____ Marcos.

• He (is/are/am)______ (in/on/at) _________Marcos Paz
• Marta (are/am/isn’t) _______ (a/an)____ doctor. She is an ____ (my
house/engineer/at work)
• I am a social worker and ____ (your/my/his) father too.
• She is (happy/nervous/tired) _______ because the exam.
• ______(when/who/how) is your birthday?
• ______(when/why/where) is she from?
• We live (in/on/at) __________ Lanus.
• I am (in/on/at)_______ work now.
• Martha and ______ (his/her/their) friends are happy
• We are listening to music. ____(our/their/my) favourite kind of music is Pop.
• Marta and I (am not/are not/is not)____ at university today. We are
(in/on/at)________ home.
• My birthday is (in/on/at)____25 May.

Answer the questions

1. What is your mom?

2. How old are you?
3. How old is your friend?
4. Where is your sister now?
5. What is your father like?
6. What do your teacher like to eat?
7. What kind of music do you like?
8. How is your boss?
9. What nationality is Shakira?
10. Is your friend from Canada? Where is she from?
11. Are you from England? Where are you from?
12. Who is your teacher?
13. When is your mother’s birthday?
14. Have you got a son?
15. Have you got a daughter? Has she got toys?
16. What is your marital status?
17. Has your sister got a job? Where is it?
18. Who has got a new house?
19. Has your son a bike?
20. Who do you see twice a week?
21. How often does your friend visit you?
22. When does your teacher go to the institute?

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