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Sponsor: EWTN

Sample: N=2,055 U.S. Registered Voters (Including an Oversample of n=1,223 Catholic Voters)
Interviewing Period: 15 – 21 November 2019
Mode: Online (English & Spanish)
Credibility Interval: U.S. Registered Voters, +/- 2.38 percentage points: Catholic Voters, +/- 2.66
percentage points at the 95% confidence level

Registered Voters Catholics

1. Gender

Male ........................................................................... 47% 44%

Female ....................................................................... 53% 56%

2. To make sure we have a representative sample, can you please indicate your age?

18-24 .......................................................................... 11% 11%

25-34 .......................................................................... 21% 25%
35-44 .......................................................................... 15% 16%
45-54 .......................................................................... 11% 10%
55-64 .......................................................................... 13% 13%
65+ ............................................................................. 28% 24%

3. What is your race and ethnicity?

White, Non-Hispanic .................................................. 64% 57%

Black, Non-Hispanic................................................... 12% 3%
Hispanic ..................................................................... 16% 37%
Asian ............................................................................ 5% 2%
Other, Non-Hispanic .................................................... 1% *
Two or more races, Non-Hispanic ............................... 1% *
Two or more races, Hispanic ........................................... * *
Refused ........................................................................ 1% *

[IF AGE 18-24, ASK Q4]

4. With regard to school, are you currently enrolled at any of the following? Please select all that
apply: (Registered Voters n=156; Catholics n=83)

High school ................................................................ 15% 17%

Trade/Vocational school .............................................. 2% 2%
2-year or junior college or community college ........... 15% 22%
4-year college or university ........................................ 34% 39%
Graduate school......................................................... 14% 7%
Business school or professional school ....................... 3% 3%
Not enrolled in college/university, but taking at least
one course ................................................................... 3% 1%
Not currently enrolled in any of these ........................ 17% 18%
EWTN || U.S. Registered Voters with Catholic Oversample || N=2,055 2

5. What is the highest level of education you've completed?

Some high school or less ............................................. 3% 1%

High school or equivalent .......................................... 24% 36%
Some college, but no degree ..................................... 24% 18%
Associate's degree / Trade school ............................. 14% 10%
Bachelor's degree ...................................................... 24% 23%
Graduate degree .......................................................... 8% 10%
Doctorate degree ......................................................... 2% 3%


6. Was your undergraduate degree from a secular college or university, or did your college or
university have a religious affiliation? (Registered Voters n=1,109; Catholics n=707)

Secular ....................................................................... 71% 62%

Religious .................................................................... 18% 28%
Don't know ................................................................. 11% 10%

7. Which one of these best describes your religious preference or spiritual outlook?

Protestant ................................................................... 23% -

Catholic ...................................................................... 22% 100%
Fundamentalist/Evangelical Christian ....................... 14% -
Jewish .......................................................................... 2% -
Muslim .......................................................................... 2% -
LDS/Mormon ................................................................ 1% -
Another religion ............................................................ 8% -
No religious preference .............................................. 17% -
Secular humanist ......................................................... 1% -
Atheist .......................................................................... 5% -
Not sure........................................................................ 5% -

8. We understand that plenty of people are not registered to vote, but we are wondering if you are
registered to vote?

Yes ........................................................................... 100% 100%

9. When it comes to politics, with which party do you consider yourself to be affiliated?

Democratic party ........................................................ 43% 46%

Republican party ........................................................ 34% 34%
Independent/Unaffiliated with a major party .............. 22% 19%
None of the above........................................................ 2% 1%
EWTN || U.S. Registered Voters with Catholic Oversample || N=2,055 3

10. When it comes to most political issues, do you think of yourself as:

Net: Liberal ............................................................... 37% 37%

Net: Moderate ........................................................... 22% 23%
Net: Conservative .................................................... 41% 40%

Liberal ........................................................................ 28% 26%

Moderate, leaning liberal ............................................ 9% 11%
Moderate .................................................................... 22% 23%
Moderate, leaning conservative ................................... 9% 8%
Conservative .............................................................. 32% 32%


11. Did you vote in the 2016 general election for president? (Registered Voters n=1,995; Catholics

Yes ............................................................................. 86% 87%

No............................................................................... 13% 12%
I don't remember .......................................................... 1% 1%

[IF VOTED IN 2016, ASK Q12]

12. For whom did you vote? (Registered Voters n=1,744; Catholics n=1,061)

Hillary Clinton ............................................................. 46% 47%

Donald Trump ............................................................ 45% 46%
Someone else .............................................................. 9% 7%
I do not remember............................................................ * *

13. How likely is it that you will vote in the general election for president in 2020?

Definitely will be voting ........................................... 80% 87%

Net: All Others .......................................................... 20% 13%

Probably will be voting ............................................... 11% 7%
50-50 ............................................................................ 6% 5%
Probably won’t be voting .............................................. 1% *
Definitely won’t be voting ............................................. 1% *

14. How likely is it that you will vote in your state’s primary or caucus for president in 2020?

Definitely will be voting ........................................... 70% 75%

Net: All Others .......................................................... 30% 25%

Probably will be voting ............................................... 14% 12%
50-50 .......................................................................... 10% 9%
Probably won’t be voting .............................................. 3% 3%
Definitely won’t be voting ............................................. 3% 1%
EWTN || U.S. Registered Voters with Catholic Oversample || N=2,055 4



15. Are you more likely to select a Democratic ballot for the primary or caucus, or a Republican
ballot? (Registered Voters n=361; Catholics n=207)

Democratic ballot ....................................................... 40% 45%

Republican ballot ....................................................... 21% 22%
Don't know ................................................................. 39% 33%

16. Do you consider yourself to be politically engaged or politically active?

Yes ............................................................................. 56% 58%

No............................................................................... 44% 42%

17. Overall, how closely do you follow news about national politics?

Net: Closely .............................................................. 82% 83%

Net: Not Closely ....................................................... 18% 17%

Very closely ................................................................ 32% 35%

Somewhat closely ...................................................... 50% 48%
Not very closely .......................................................... 14% 14%
Not at all closely ........................................................... 4% 3%

18. All in all, do you think that things in the nation are …

Generally headed in the right direction ...................... 35% 37%

On the wrong track..................................................... 51% 49%
Not sure what direction the country is headed in ...... 14% 14%

In general, do you approve or disapprove of the job performance of:

19. Donald Trump as president

Net: Approve ............................................................ 42% 44%

Net: Disapprove ....................................................... 56% 55%

Strongly approve ........................................................ 26% 26%

Somewhat approve .................................................... 16% 18%
Somewhat disapprove ............................................... 11% 11%
Strongly disapprove ................................................... 45% 44%
Don't know ................................................................... 2% 1%

20. Democrats in Congress

Net: Approve ............................................................ 46% 49%

Net: Disapprove ....................................................... 49% 47%

Strongly approve ........................................................ 17% 17%

Somewhat approve .................................................... 30% 32%
Somewhat disapprove ............................................... 17% 17%
Strongly disapprove ................................................... 32% 30%
Don't know ................................................................... 5% 4%
EWTN || U.S. Registered Voters with Catholic Oversample || N=2,055 5

21. Republicans in Congress

Net: Approve ............................................................ 39% 39%

Net: Disapprove ....................................................... 57% 57%

Strongly approve ........................................................ 12% 13%

Somewhat approve .................................................... 27% 26%
Somewhat disapprove ............................................... 24% 25%
Strongly disapprove ................................................... 33% 31%
Don't know ................................................................... 5% 4%

22. Supreme Court of the United States

Net: Approve ............................................................ 56% 59%

Net: Disapprove ....................................................... 31% 29%

Strongly approve ........................................................ 14% 15%

Somewhat approve .................................................... 42% 44%
Somewhat disapprove ............................................... 22% 22%
Strongly disapprove ..................................................... 9% 7%
Don't know ................................................................. 13% 11%



23. If the Democratic primary for President were held today, for whom would you vote? (Registered
Voters n=987; Catholics n=609)

Joe Biden ................................................................... 30% 29%

Bernie Sanders .......................................................... 23% 24%
Elizabeth Warren ....................................................... 12% 9%
Pete Buttigieg ............................................................... 6% 6%
Kamala Harris .............................................................. 4% 5%
Andrew Yang ............................................................... 4% 5%
Michael Bloomberg ...................................................... 2% 2%
Cory Booker ................................................................. 2% 2%
Tom Steyer .................................................................. 2% 1%
Tulsi Gabbard .............................................................. 2% 2%
Steve Bullock ............................................................... 1% *
Michael Bennet ............................................................ 1% 1%
Amy Klobuchar ............................................................. 1% 1%
Deval Patrick ................................................................ 1% *
John Delaney ................................................................... * *
Marianne Williamson........................................................ * 1%
Julián Castro .................................................................... * 1%
Joe Sestak ....................................................................... * -
Don't know ................................................................... 7% 10%
EWTN || U.S. Registered Voters with Catholic Oversample || N=2,055 6



24. If the Republican primary for President were held today, for whom would you vote? (Registered
Voters n=780; Catholics n=465)

Donald Trump ............................................................ 81% 81%

Joe Walsh .................................................................... 6% 6%
William Weld ................................................................ 1% 2%
Don't know ................................................................. 11% 11%

25. Which of the following comes closest to your view regarding re-electing President Trump in 2020?

I am sure to vote for him in 2020. .............................. 32% 34%

There is a good chance I will vote for him. ................ 10% 10%
It is possible I will vote for him. .................................... 9% 9%
It is unlikely I will vote for him. ..................................... 8% 9%
I will never vote for him. ............................................. 41% 38%

26. If the general election for president were held today, and the candidates were Donald Trump and
Joe Biden, for whom would you vote?

Joe Biden ................................................................... 51% 52%

Donald Trump ............................................................ 39% 39%
Don't know ................................................................. 10% 8%

27. If the general election for president were held today, and the candidates were Donald Trump and
Elizabeth Warren, for whom would you vote?

Elizabeth Warren ....................................................... 50% 49%

Donald Trump ............................................................ 41% 41%
Don't know ................................................................. 10% 11%

28. If the general election for president were held today, and the candidates were Donald Trump and
Bernie Sanders, for whom would you vote?

Bernie Sanders .......................................................... 52% 54%

Donald Trump ............................................................ 40% 39%
Don't know ................................................................... 8% 7%

29. If the general election for president were held today, and the candidates were Donald Trump and
Pete Buttigieg, for whom would you vote?

Pete Buttigieg ............................................................. 45% 46%

Donald Trump ............................................................ 40% 41%
Don't know ................................................................. 15% 14%

30. If the general election for president were held today, and the candidates were Donald Trump and
Kamala Harris, for whom would you vote?

Kamala Harris ............................................................ 46% 46%

Donald Trump ............................................................ 40% 42%
Don't know ................................................................. 14% 13%
EWTN || U.S. Registered Voters with Catholic Oversample || N=2,055 7

31. If the general election for Congress in your district were held today, would you vote for the
Democratic candidate or the Republican candidate?

Democrat.................................................................... 50% 52%

Republican ................................................................. 38% 38%
Don't know ................................................................. 12% 10%

When you think about voting in the 2020 general election for president, please indicate how important a
concern the following issues are to you.

[Note: Displayed in rank order based on level of major concern; each item was randomized during
data collection]

32. Health care

A major concern ......................................................... 63% 66%

A concern, but not top of mind ................................... 25% 23%
It’s in the back of my mind ........................................... 8% 8%
Not a concern ............................................................... 3% 2%
Don't know ................................................................... 1% *

33. National security

A major concern ......................................................... 58% 59%

A concern, but not top of mind ................................... 27% 30%
It’s in the back of my mind ......................................... 10% 8%
Not a concern ............................................................... 3% 2%
Don't know ................................................................... 2% 1%

34. Economy and jobs

A major concern ......................................................... 56% 60%

A concern, but not top of mind ................................... 31% 29%
It’s in the back of my mind ........................................... 9% 8%
Not a concern ............................................................... 4% 2%
Don't know ................................................................... 1% 1%

35. Immigration

A major concern ......................................................... 51% 56%

A concern, but not top of mind ................................... 29% 28%
It’s in the back of my mind ......................................... 13% 10%
Not a concern ............................................................... 6% 5%
Don't know ................................................................... 2% 1%

36. Taxes

A major concern ......................................................... 46% 49%

A concern, but not top of mind ................................... 35% 34%
It’s in the back of my mind ......................................... 14% 12%
Not a concern ............................................................... 4% 2%
Don't know ................................................................... 1% 2%
EWTN || U.S. Registered Voters with Catholic Oversample || N=2,055 8

37. Environment

A major concern ......................................................... 44% 44%

A concern, but not top of mind ................................... 28% 30%
It’s in the back of my mind ......................................... 17% 16%
Not a concern ............................................................. 10% 9%
Don't know ................................................................... 2% 1%

38. Climate change

A major concern ......................................................... 41% 44%

A concern, but not top of mind ................................... 24% 23%
It’s in the back of my mind ......................................... 18% 16%
Not a concern ............................................................. 16% 15%
Don't know ................................................................... 1% 1%

39. Criminal justice

A major concern ......................................................... 37% 36%

A concern, but not top of mind ................................... 38% 40%
It’s in the back of my mind ......................................... 17% 17%
Not a concern ............................................................... 5% 6%
Don't know ................................................................... 2% 2%

40. Income inequality

A major concern ......................................................... 36% 38%

A concern, but not top of mind ................................... 32% 32%
It’s in the back of my mind ......................................... 18% 18%
Not a concern ............................................................. 13% 11%
Don't know ................................................................... 2% 1%

41. Race relations

A major concern ......................................................... 35% 33%

A concern, but not top of mind ................................... 31% 36%
It’s in the back of my mind ......................................... 20% 20%
Not a concern ............................................................. 11% 10%
Don't know ................................................................... 2% 2%

42. Federal deficit

A major concern ......................................................... 34% 34%

A concern, but not top of mind ................................... 37% 37%
It’s in the back of my mind ......................................... 19% 20%
Not a concern ............................................................... 6% 6%
Don't know ................................................................... 4% 3%

43. K-12 Education

A major concern ......................................................... 34% 35%

A concern, but not top of mind ................................... 34% 33%
It’s in the back of my mind ......................................... 21% 20%
Not a concern ............................................................... 9% 10%
Don't know ................................................................... 2% 2%
EWTN || U.S. Registered Voters with Catholic Oversample || N=2,055 9

44. Supreme Court appointments

A major concern ......................................................... 34% 33%

A concern, but not top of mind ................................... 31% 32%
It’s in the back of my mind ......................................... 21% 22%
Not a concern ............................................................. 10% 10%
Don't know ................................................................... 4% 3%

45. Foreign policy

A major concern ......................................................... 33% 34%

A concern, but not top of mind ................................... 40% 40%
It’s in the back of my mind ......................................... 18% 18%
Not a concern ............................................................... 6% 5%
Don't know ................................................................... 3% 3%

46. Religious freedom

A major concern ......................................................... 33% 30%

A concern, but not top of mind ................................... 27% 32%
It’s in the back of my mind ......................................... 21% 22%
Not a concern ............................................................. 16% 14%
Don't know ................................................................... 2% 2%

47. College affordability

A major concern ......................................................... 27% 27%

A concern, but not top of mind ................................... 33% 35%
It’s in the back of my mind ......................................... 23% 20%
Not a concern ............................................................. 16% 15%
Don't know ................................................................... 2% 3%

48. China trade policy

A major concern ......................................................... 25% 28%

A concern, but not top of mind ................................... 40% 39%
It’s in the back of my mind ......................................... 22% 21%
Not a concern ............................................................... 9% 8%
Don't know ................................................................... 4% 4%

If a candidate for president holds a view different than your own on the following issues – what impact, if
any, would it have on your vote?

[Note: Displayed in rank order based on level of deal breaker; each item was randomized during
data collection]

49. Health care

It would be a deal breaker,

I would not support that candidate ............................. 47% 46%
It would be a negative, but not a deal breaker .......... 39% 37%
It would have no impact ............................................. 11% 14%
Don't know ................................................................... 4% 3%
EWTN || U.S. Registered Voters with Catholic Oversample || N=2,055 10

50. Gun control

It would be a deal breaker,

I would not support that candidate ............................. 46% 47%
It would be a negative, but not a deal breaker .......... 36% 35%
It would have no impact ............................................. 14% 15%
Don't know ................................................................... 4% 4%

51. Late-term abortion

It would be a deal breaker,

I would not support that candidate ............................. 46% 45%
It would be a negative, but not a deal breaker .......... 31% 31%
It would have no impact ............................................. 17% 19%
Don't know ................................................................... 6% 6%

52. Abortion

It would be a deal breaker,

I would not support that candidate ............................. 45% 41%
It would be a negative, but not a deal breaker .......... 33% 36%
It would have no impact ............................................. 17% 19%
Don't know ................................................................... 5% 4%

53. Immigration

It would be a deal breaker,

I would not support that candidate ............................. 42% 46%
It would be a negative, but not a deal breaker .......... 40% 36%
It would have no impact ............................................. 13% 14%
Don't know ................................................................... 4% 5%

54. Religious freedom

It would be a deal breaker,

I would not support that candidate ............................. 39% 34%
It would be a negative, but not a deal breaker .......... 31% 35%
It would have no impact ............................................. 25% 28%
Don't know ................................................................... 5% 4%

55. Same-sex marriage

It would be a deal breaker,

I would not support that candidate ............................. 36% 28%
It would be a negative, but not a deal breaker .......... 31% 29%
It would have no impact ............................................. 29% 40%
Don't know ................................................................... 4% 3%

56. Climate change

It would be a deal breaker,

I would not support that candidate ............................. 34% 33%
It would be a negative, but not a deal breaker .......... 34% 35%
It would have no impact ............................................. 28% 27%
Don't know ................................................................... 4% 5%
EWTN || U.S. Registered Voters with Catholic Oversample || N=2,055 11

57. Economic / tax policy

It would be a deal breaker,

I would not support that candidate ............................. 33% 34%
It would be a negative, but not a deal breaker .......... 48% 47%
It would have no impact ............................................. 14% 15%
Don't know ................................................................... 5% 5%

58. Transgender rights

It would be a deal breaker,

I would not support that candidate ............................. 28% 24%
It would be a negative, but not a deal breaker .......... 34% 32%
It would have no impact ............................................. 33% 40%
Don't know ................................................................... 5% 5%

59. Supreme Court appointments

It would be a deal breaker,

I would not support that candidate ............................. 24% 23%
It would be a negative, but not a deal breaker .......... 43% 42%
It would have no impact ............................................. 25% 27%
Don't know ................................................................... 8% 8%

60. Foreign policy

It would be a deal breaker,

I would not support that candidate ............................. 22% 23%
It would be a negative, but not a deal breaker .......... 50% 49%
It would have no impact ............................................. 21% 22%
Don't know ................................................................... 7% 6%

61. Death penalty

It would be a deal breaker,

I would not support that candidate ............................. 16% 18%
It would be a negative, but not a deal breaker .......... 47% 44%
It would have no impact ............................................. 31% 32%
Don't know ................................................................... 6% 5%

Do you support or oppose the following?


62. Medicare for All, which is a system where all Americans, not just older ones, get health insurance
through the government’s Medicare system? (Registered Voters n=1,001; Catholics n=595)

Net: Support ............................................................. 62% 66%

Net: Oppose .............................................................. 32% 30%

Strongly support ......................................................... 34% 35%

Somewhat support ..................................................... 28% 30%
Somewhat oppose ..................................................... 13% 12%
Strongly oppose ......................................................... 20% 18%
Don't know ................................................................... 5% 5%
EWTN || U.S. Registered Voters with Catholic Oversample || N=2,055 12

63. Medicare for All, which is a system that will eliminate all private health insurance companies, and
where all Americans, not just older ones, get health insurance through the government’s
Medicare system? (Registered Voters n=1,054; Catholics n=628)

Net: Support ............................................................. 57% 62%

Net: Oppose .............................................................. 36% 34%

Strongly support ......................................................... 30% 36%

Somewhat support ..................................................... 27% 26%
Somewhat oppose ..................................................... 14% 12%
Strongly oppose ......................................................... 22% 22%
Don't know ................................................................... 7% 5%

64. The impeachment and removal from office of Donald Trump?

Net: Support ............................................................. 54% 55%

Net: Oppose .............................................................. 41% 40%

Strongly support ......................................................... 41% 43%

Somewhat support ..................................................... 13% 13%
Somewhat oppose ....................................................... 7% 6%
Strongly oppose ......................................................... 34% 34%
Don't know ................................................................... 5% 5%

Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

[Note: Q65-Q67 are displayed in rank order based on net agree; each item was randomized during
data collection]

65. People in America have become overly sensitive.

Net: Agree ................................................................. 79% 81%

Net: Disagree ............................................................ 19% 16%

Strongly agree ............................................................ 47% 47%

Somewhat agree ........................................................ 32% 35%
Somewhat disagree ................................................... 12% 10%
Strongly disagree ......................................................... 7% 6%
Don't know ................................................................... 2% 2%

66. I have more fear than hope about America’s future.

Net: Agree ................................................................. 69% 69%

Net: Disagree ............................................................ 28% 29%

Strongly agree ............................................................ 32% 31%

Somewhat agree ........................................................ 37% 38%
Somewhat disagree ................................................... 17% 16%
Strongly disagree ....................................................... 11% 12%
Don't know ................................................................... 3% 2%
EWTN || U.S. Registered Voters with Catholic Oversample || N=2,055 13

67. People are becoming less tolerant of religion in America today.

Net: Agree ................................................................. 69% 70%

Net: Disagree ............................................................ 23% 25%

Strongly agree ............................................................ 30% 28%

Somewhat agree ........................................................ 39% 42%
Somewhat disagree ................................................... 16% 18%
Strongly disagree ......................................................... 7% 7%
Don't know ................................................................... 7% 5%


68. Religious values should play a more important role in our society. (Registered Voters n=1,024;
Catholics n=591)

Net: Agree ................................................................. 58% 61%

Net: Disagree ............................................................ 36% 34%

Strongly agree ............................................................ 32% 32%

Somewhat agree ........................................................ 26% 29%
Somewhat disagree ................................................... 18% 21%
Strongly disagree ....................................................... 17% 13%
Don't know ................................................................... 6% 5%

69. Christian values should play a more important role in our society. (Registered Voters n=1,031;
Catholics n=632)

Net: Agree ................................................................. 54% 62%

Net: Disagree ............................................................ 39% 31%

Strongly agree ............................................................ 30% 31%

Somewhat agree ........................................................ 24% 31%
Somewhat disagree ................................................... 19% 18%
Strongly disagree ....................................................... 20% 12%
Don't know ................................................................... 7% 7%

The next series of questions are about religion.

70. Do you believe the influence that Christianity has on American culture today is mostly positive or
mostly negative?

Positive....................................................................... 47% 50%

Negative ..................................................................... 24% 19%
No significant influence .............................................. 22% 25%
Don't know ................................................................... 7% 7%

71. Do you see the influence that Christianity has on American culture today as on the rise, or on the

On the rise ................................................................. 24% 22%

On the decline ............................................................ 48% 48%
No significant change................................................. 20% 22%
Don't know ................................................................... 8% 7%
EWTN || U.S. Registered Voters with Catholic Oversample || N=2,055 14

72. Which statement comes closest to your own view regarding the U.S. Catholic Church’s position
on immigration?

Statement 1: I know that the Catholic Church has a policy that is committed to immigration
reform that includes three principles:
(1) People have the right to migrate to sustain their lives and the lives of their families.
(2) A country has the right to regulate its borders and to control immigration.
(3) A country must regulate its borders with justice and mercy.

Statement 2: I was aware that the Catholic Church had a policy,

but was unaware of the specifics.

Statement 3: I was not aware that the Catholic Church had a

specific policy on immigration reform.

Statement 3 ............................................................... 54% 35%

Statement 1 ............................................................... 23% 37%
Statement 2 ............................................................... 23% 27%

In general, do you approve or disapprove of the way that:

73. Pope Francis has handled the sex abuse scandal in the U.S. Catholic church?

Net: Approve ............................................................ 31% 44%

Net: Disapprove ....................................................... 44% 41%

Strongly approve .......................................................... 8% 12%

Somewhat approve .................................................... 23% 33%
Somewhat disapprove ............................................... 23% 25%
Strongly disapprove ................................................... 21% 16%
Don't know ................................................................. 25% 15%

74. The U.S. Bishops have handled the sex abuse scandal in the U.S. Catholic church?

Net: Approve ............................................................ 19% 30%

Net: Disapprove ....................................................... 58% 55%

Strongly approve .......................................................... 5% 7%

Somewhat approve .................................................... 14% 23%
Somewhat disapprove ............................................... 23% 27%
Strongly disapprove ................................................... 35% 28%
Don't know ................................................................. 23% 15%

75. Do you believe the Catholic Church should allow all priests to get married?

Yes ............................................................................. 69% 64%

No............................................................................... 13% 21%
Don't know ................................................................. 18% 15%

76. Do you believe the Catholic Church should allow women to be ordained as deacons?

Yes ............................................................................. 65% 69%

No............................................................................... 16% 18%
Don't know ................................................................. 19% 13%
EWTN || U.S. Registered Voters with Catholic Oversample || N=2,055 15

77. Has your trust in the leadership of the Catholic Church (Pope Francis, the Bishops) been
damaged by the clergy sex abuse crisis?

Yes, a lot .................................................................... 34% 24%

Yes, some .................................................................. 31% 39%
Not very much ............................................................ 14% 23%
Not at all ....................................................................... 8% 8%
Don't know ................................................................. 13% 6%

78. Which of the following comes closest to your view regarding abortion?

It should always be legal. ........................................... 26% 19%

It should be legal, except in the case of late-term
abortion. ..................................................................... 28% 30%
It should be illegal, except for rape, incest or to
save the mother’s life. ................................................ 27% 35%
It should always be illegal. ......................................... 13% 11%
Don’t know ................................................................... 6% 5%

79. Does your faith influence how you vote in national elections?

Yes, a lot .................................................................... 20% 13%

Yes, some .................................................................. 24% 31%
Not very much ............................................................ 21% 28%
Not at all ..................................................................... 34% 26%
Don't know ................................................................... 2% 2%

Moving on…

80. If you were limited to only one social media platform for the next year, which of the following
would you choose?

Facebook ................................................................... 50% 49%

YouTube..................................................................... 16% 13%
Instagram ..................................................................... 9% 11%
Twitter .......................................................................... 8% 8%
Pinterest ....................................................................... 4% 4%
Snapchat ...................................................................... 2% 4%
LinkedIn........................................................................ 1% 2%
TikTok .............................................................................. * *
I am not on social media ............................................ 10% 9%

81. How often, if at all, do you listen to podcasts?

Frequently, that is most days ..................................... 11% 14%

Sometimes, that is a few times a week ..................... 20% 21%
Rarely, that is less than once a week ........................ 28% 27%
Never.......................................................................... 41% 38%
EWTN || U.S. Registered Voters with Catholic Oversample || N=2,055 16

82. What is your favorite type of music?

Rock ........................................................................... 25% 26%

Country....................................................................... 18% 21%
Pop ............................................................................. 13% 16%
R&B / Soul ................................................................. 11% 6%
Hip hop / Rap ............................................................. 10% 11%
Christian / Gospel ........................................................ 8% 4%
Classical ....................................................................... 6% 5%
Jazz .............................................................................. 2% 2%
EDM / Techno .............................................................. 1% 1%
No preference .............................................................. 7% 7%

83. Who is your favorite musical artist?

Results pending coding

84. What is your favorite TV show?

Results pending coding

85. Do you own a car?

Yes ............................................................................. 86% 88%

No............................................................................... 14% 12%


86. What is the make of the car you drive most often?

Full results available upon request

87. Which of the following shows, networks and platforms, if any, do you regularly access for news
and current events related content? Please select all that apply.

Fox News ................................................................... 38% 45%

CNN ........................................................................... 33% 39%
MSNBC ...................................................................... 19% 18%
New York Times ......................................................... 18% 23%
Washington Post ........................................................ 13% 13%
Wall St. Journal .......................................................... 10% 12%
Fox News Sunday ...................................................... 10% 14%
Meet the Press ........................................................... 10% 9%
Face the Nation .......................................................... 10% 10%
This Week with George Stephanopoulos .................... 7% 7%
None of the above...................................................... 27% 21%

88. Which of the following best describes the area in which you live?

Urban ......................................................................... 29% 33%

Suburban.................................................................... 43% 48%
Small town ................................................................. 11% 7%
Rural........................................................................... 17% 12%
EWTN || U.S. Registered Voters with Catholic Oversample || N=2,055 17



89. How important is religion in your own life? (Registered Voters n=1,754; Catholics n=1,223)

Net: Important .......................................................... 84% 86%

Net: Not Important ................................................... 16% 14%

Very important ............................................................ 55% 53%

Somewhat important .................................................. 29% 33%
Not very important...................................................... 12% 11%
Not at all important ....................................................... 4% 3%


90. Which of the following comes closest to your own view? (Catholics n=1,223)

I accept all the Church’s teachings and that is

reflected in how I live my life. ............................................ 17%

I generally accept most of the Church’s teachings

and try to live my life accordingly ...................................... 41%

I consider myself a Catholic, but do not accept

some of the key teachings of the Church ......................... 25%

I am a Catholic by upbringing, but it has only a

minor influence on my life ................................................. 14%

I consider myself a former Catholic .................................. 3%



91. Do you consider yourself a born-again Christian? (Registered Voters n=1,769; Catholics n=1,223)

Yes ............................................................................. 45% 18%

No............................................................................... 55% 82%



92. Aside from weddings and funerals, how often do you attend religious services? (Registered
Voters n=531)

Net: Weekly Plus ...................................................... 39% -

Net: Monthly to Yearly ............................................. 26% -
Net: Less than Yearly / Never ................................. 34% -

More than once a week ............................................. 15% -

Once a week .............................................................. 25% -
Once or twice a month ............................................... 12% -
A few times a year ..................................................... 14% -
Seldom ....................................................................... 24% -
Never.......................................................................... 10% -
EWTN || U.S. Registered Voters with Catholic Oversample || N=2,055 18


93. Aside from weddings and funerals, how often do you attend Mass? (Catholics n=1,223)

Net: Weekly Plus ............................................................. 39%

Net: Monthly to Yearly .................................................... 41%
Net: Less than Yearly / Never ........................................ 20%

Daily .................................................................................. 1%
More than once a week .................................................... 6%
Once a week ..................................................................... 32%
Once or twice a month ...................................................... 14%
A few times a year ............................................................ 25%
Once a year ...................................................................... 3%
Less than once a year ...................................................... 13%
Never................................................................................. 7%

94. How often, if at all, do you pray?

Net: Weekly Plus ...................................................... 64% 79%

Net: Monthly to Yearly ............................................. 15% 15%
Net: Less than Yearly / Never ................................. 20% 7%

Daily ........................................................................... 45% 53%

More than once a week ............................................. 14% 18%
Once a week ................................................................ 6% 9%
Once or twice a month ................................................. 6% 6%
A few times a year ....................................................... 9% 8%
Once a year ................................................................. 1% *
Less than once a year ................................................. 5% 3%
Never.......................................................................... 15% 4%


95. How often, if at all, do you pray the Rosary? (Catholics n=1,223)

Net: Weekly Plus ............................................................. 26%

Net: Monthly to Yearly .................................................... 28%
Net: Less than Yearly / Never ........................................ 46%

Daily .................................................................................. 10%

More than once a week .................................................... 6%
Once a week ..................................................................... 9%
Once or twice a month ...................................................... 9%
A few times a year ............................................................ 16%
Once a year ...................................................................... 4%
Less than once a year ...................................................... 17%
Never................................................................................. 29%
EWTN || U.S. Registered Voters with Catholic Oversample || N=2,055 19

96. How often, if at all, do you go to confession? (Catholics n=1,223)

Net: Monthly to Yearly .................................................... 36%

Net: Less than Yearly / Never ........................................ 64%

At least once a month ....................................................... 6%

A few times a year ............................................................ 17%
Once a year ...................................................................... 13%
Less than once a year ...................................................... 22%
Never................................................................................. 41%

97. Do you believe in the Real Presence of the Eucharist? (Catholics n=1,223)

Yes, the transformed bread and wine are the Body

and Blood of Christ and not symbols ................................ 49%
No, the bread and wine are symbols of the Body
and Blood of Christ ........................................................... 34%
Don’t know ........................................................................ 17%

98. Are you now married, widowed, divorced, separated, never married, or living with a partner?

Married ....................................................................... 48% 51%

Never married ............................................................ 26% 26%
Divorced ..................................................................... 12% 9%
Living with partner ........................................................ 9% 9%
Separated .................................................................... 4% 4%

99. Do you have children, under the age of 18?

Yes ............................................................................. 33% 34%

No.............................................................................. 67% 66%

100. Which of the following best describes your current employment status?

Student ......................................................................... 5% 6%
Employed full-time ..................................................... 36% 42%
Employed part-time .................................................... 11% 8%
Self-employed .............................................................. 6% 4%
Not employed/Homemaker ........................................ 12% 11%
Not employed ............................................................. 31% 28%
EWTN || U.S. Registered Voters with Catholic Oversample || N=2,055 20


101. What kind of work do you do? (Registered Voters n=1,145; Catholics n=720)

Professional: Examples would be lawyer, doctor,

teacher, nurse, accountant ........................................ 22% 24%
Manager, executive, or official: Examples would
be store manager, business exec. ............................ 17% 21%
Clerical/Office/Sales: Examples would be secretary,
receptionist, sales clerk ............................................. 14% 15%
Service work: Examples would be waiter/waitress,
hairstylist, police or fireman, janitor, nurses’ aid ........ 10% 11%
Skilled trades: Examples would be electrician,
plumber, carpenter ....................................................... 9% 8%
Semi-skilled: Examples would be assembly line
worker, truck driver, bus driver .................................... 8% 3%
Business owner ............................................................ 7% 8%
Other .......................................................................... 12% 10%

102. Region

Northeast.................................................................... 19% 27%

South .......................................................................... 37% 32%
Midwest ...................................................................... 21% 19%
West ........................................................................... 22% 22%

103. Please select the language you would like to take this survey in. / Seleccione el idioma en el que
desea completar esta encuesta.

English ....................................................................... 99% 97%

Spanish ........................................................................ 1% 3%

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