Class Features (Sept. 10, 2011)

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Class Features

Each character gains the main class feature and two additional features of their choosing from the list of their given profession. Generally, adventurers will somehow fall under the classic D&D classes. For instance, a merchant who takes up adventuring may fall under fighter if he has ever received any extensive combat training, or perhaps he'd fall under rogue were he a quick, sneaky, plotting type.

You may still multi-class. You begin play as one class, and gain the main class feature and two additional ones. If you have reasonable means to attain experience in another class (such as joining a theives guild to take the path of the rogue, or becoming a psion's apprentice to learn The Way), you may gain the main class feature of that additional class after an equally reasonable amount of time. Earning additional class features works nearly the same way as learning a new class entirely; you must earn them. If you're a barbarian and would like to earn the damage reduction feature, you would likely need to play a "meat shield" for awhile. As you become accustomed to taking hits to the flesh, you'd likely get used to it. Earning new class features is very arbitrary and unstructured. Your character will likely not earn more than three or four additional features in his or her adventuring career, just for reference.

Summary of class features by general profession: Barbarian (Berserkers, warriors, nomads, thugs, gladiators, savages, etc.) Automatic: Rage Additional: Cleave, Damage Reduction, Fast Movement, Heat Adaption, Keen Eyes, Power Attack, Pugilist, Quick Reflexes, Sixth Sense, Trap Sense, Uncanny Dodge Bard (Performers, assassins, spies, artists, courtiers, orators, etc.) Automatic: Charm Additional: Bardic Knowledge, Communication Pro, Dirge of Doom, Jack of All Trades, Inspire, Legend and Lore, Poison Use, Read Magic, Quick Reflexes, Uncanny Dodge Cleric (Elemental priests, templars, cult demagogues, acolytes, etc.) Automatic: Pact Additional: Aura, Domains Druid (Restorers, preservers, hermits, tribalists, etc.) Automatic: Nature's Bond

Additional: Druidic Language, Wild Empathy Fighter (Trained warriors, gladiators, mercenaries, guards, etc.) Automatic: Weapon Training Additional: Armor Training, Bravery, Cleave, Combat Insight, Defensive Training, Mirror Move, Power Attack, Precise Aim, Pugilist, Trick Shot Monk (Martial artists, ki disciples, gladiators, etc.) Automatic: Ki Adept Additional: Deflect Projectiles, Diamond Body, Diamond Soul, Fast Movement, Ghost Strike, High Jump, Ki Strike, Purity of Body, Slow Fall, Still Mind, Stunning Fist, Wholeness of Body Paladin (Templar overseers, elemental champions, cult knights, blackguards, etc.) Automatic: Pact Additional: Aura of Courage, Aura of Dread, Cruelty, Lay on Hands, Mercy Psion (Telepaths, egoists, seers, psychic warriors, wilders etc.) Automatic: Psicrystal Additional: Diamond Soul, Elude Touch, Ghost Strike, High Jump, Improved Psicrystal, Mind Over Body, Soul Drain, Still Mind, Volatile Mind Ranger (Survivalists, bounty hunters, tribe masters, navigators, etc.) Automatic: Favored Enemy Additional: Camouflage, Defensive Archery, Endurance, Expert Climber, Fast Movement, Quick Reflexes, Sixth Sense, Track, Unhindered Stride, Wild Empathy Rogue (Thieves, wanderers, bandits, thugs, merchant-house associates, etc.) Automatic: Sneak Attack Additional: Camouflage, Minor Magic, Poison Use, Quick Reflexes, Resiliency, Silent Steps, Snap Shot, Streetwise, Trapfinding, Trap Sense, Tumble, Uncanny Dodge Sorcerer (Innate arcanists) Automatic: Bloodline Additional: Force of Mana, Soul Drain Wizard (Learned arcanists) Automatic: Arcane School Additional: Grimoire, Magian Bond

Class Feature Descriptions

Arcane School You specialize in a particular area or 'school' of magic and disregard another. The school you pick grants you +20% to casting all spells within that school, and you may pick one additional spell from that area to know.
Abjuration: Spells that protect, block, or banish. An abjuration specialist is called an abjurer. Conjuration: Spells that bring creatures or materials to the caster. A conjuration specialist is called a conjurer. Divination: Spells that reveal information. A divination specialist is called a diviner. Enchantment: Spells that imbue the recipient with some property or grant the caster power over another being. An enchantment specialist is called an enchanter. Evocation: Spells that manipulate energy or create something from nothing. An evocation specialist is called an evoker. Illusion: Spells that alter perception or create false images. An illusion specialist is called an illusionist. Necromancy: Spells that manipulate, create, or destroy life or life force. A necromancy specialist is called a necromancer. Transmutation: Spells that transform the recipient physically or change its properties in a more subtle way. A transmutation specialist is called a transmuter.

Armor Training Reduce ENC of all armor by 25%. You also gain an additional +1 to AP anytime you wear any type of armor. You can also detect the quality of craftsmanship of armor, as well as the AP bonuses of magical/psionic armor just as you can with weapons. Aura You are always carrying an aura about you, due to the pact you have made with your chosen entity. Powers and abilities that can detect auras may reveal your own, unless you learn to reveal it (conceal aura). Aura of Courage You are immune to fear and fear-effects. Allies within 20 ft. of you gain +20% to Will rolls against fear-effects. This aura is only present while you are alive and conscious. Typically, this ability is more commonly used by good and neutral paladins. You cannot possess both Aura of Courage and Aura of Dread. Aura of Dread You are immune to fear and fear-effects. Enemies within 20 ft. of you must make a Will roll or take -10% to all skill and characteristic rolls while they remain within your aura. This aura is only present while you are alive and

conscious. Typically, this ability is more commonly used by evil paladins. You cannot possess both Aura of Courage and Aura of Dread. Bardic Knowledge Idea rolls made to recall any piece of common knowledge or folklore are made at +25%. Bloodline Your magic literally runs through your veins. You do not require material components for your spells. Select a bloodline:
Aberrant: Your blood is tainted, you are alien and bizarre. You tend to think in odd ways, approaching problems from an angle that most would not expect. Over time, this taint manifests itself in your physical form. Benefits: You can grow longer limbs to extend your reach 5 ft. as a free action; typically these are tentacles or claws. +25% dungeoneering. 25% chance critical hit doesn't affect you. Abyssal: Generations ago, a demon spread its filth into your heritage. While it does not manifest in all of your kin, for you it is particularly strong. You might sometimes have urges to chaos or evil, but your destiny (and alignment) is up to you. Benefits: You can grow demonic claws as a free action (deals 1d4+1). Gain electricity resistance 5 and +25% stamina to resist poisons. When you summon one demonic creature, another spawns as well. Arcane: Your family has always been skilled in the eldritch art of magic. While many of your relatives were accomplished wizards, your powers developed without the need for study and practice. Benefits: You can develop a magian bond (as a wizard). You may spend 2x the MP of a spell so that it deals maximum damage OR doubles its range/area/duration. Destined: You are destined for greatness in some way. Your birth could have been foretold in prophecy, or perhaps it occurred during an especially auspicious event, such as a solar eclipse. Regardless of your bloodline's origin, you have a bright future ahead. Benefits: Add your CHA to Agility, Stamina, Will, and Luck rolls. You may spend a benny to turn fumbles into a critical success. Once per rest, you may make a difficult luck roll to procure an additional benny. Elemental: The power of the elements resides in you, and at times you can hardly control its fury. This influence comes from an elemental outsider in your family history or a time when you or your relatives were exposed to a powerful elemental force. Benefits: Gain resistance 10 of your chosen element. You may cast a ray of your element; this ray has a range of POW in meters, costs 1 MP to activate, and deals 1d6 damage of that elemental subtype (Air/electricity, earth/acid, fire/fire, water/cold). Whenever you summon an elemental of your subtype, another spawns as well. Infernal: Somewhere in your family's history, a relative made a deal with a devil, and that pact has influenced your family line ever since. In you, it manifests in direct and obvious ways, granting you powers and abilities. While your fate is still your own, you can't help but wonder if your ultimate reward is bound to the Pit. Benefits: You can use profane touch, a touch attack that curses the target, making all skill rolls take a -20% penalty (this costs a number of MP = the amount of rounds

you wish the victim to suffer). You gain fire resistance 5 and +25% to stamina rolls made against poison. Add your CHA score in % to all mind-affecting spells. Reptilian: For reasons vague, the cold blood of ancient and powerful reptilians courses through you. Your cunning and manipulative nature is guided by your arcane gift. While deception and a mesmeric charm are your birthright, you may struggle for truth in spite of your heritage. Benefits: You can grow fangs as a free action. These fangs deal 1d3 damage plus poison (1 CON damage per round for 4+1d3 rounds; successful stamina roll ends effect). You may 'speak' with reptilian animals. Your skin is faintly scale-like; you gain 1 AP natural armor. Whenever you summon a reptilian creature, an additional reptilian creature spawns as well. Undead: The essence of the grave runs through your family. Perhaps one of your ancestors became a powerful lich or vampire, or maybe you were born dead before suddenly returning to life. Either way, the forces of death move through you and touch your every action. Benefits: You can use grave touch, a touch attack that causes a living target to become shaken (this costs 1 MP per round shaken). All formerly-humanoid corporeal undead are affected by your mind-affecting spells. You gain cold resistance 5 and DR/5 against non-lethal damage. You receive a +50% bonus to avoid paralysis and sleep affects.

Bravery You receive +50% to Will rolls made to resist fear, retain morale, and make guts checks. Camouflage You may hide in an environment that normally wouldn't grant you enough cover to perform a stealth check. When your Stealth skill reaches 80%, you may hide in plain sight, even while being observed. Charm Performers can capture the interests of others with the Perform skill. As long as your performance has an audible component (instrument, poetry, storytelling, etc.), you have a chance at capturing the hearts and minds of those around you. If you succeed on a difficult Performance roll, and succeed a POW vs. POW resistance roll vs. the subject(s), you charm the subject(s) as per the spell of the same name for 1/2 CHA hours. Cleave When you drop a foe in melee combat, you may make an immediate attack on an adjacent foe. This attack roll is difficult. Combat Insight You receive a +10% to Strategy. Whenever your Strategy skill roll is successful enough to entitle your allies to a bonus in combat, this bonus lasts 1d8 rounds instead of 1d4. Strategy also now advances with a 1d8% instead of 1d6%. Communication Proficiency Most bards learn that a silver tongue is at times far more valuable than a

sharp blade. All Communication skills are +10%. Communication skill increases are 1d8 instead of 1d6. Cruelty You may cause an affliction in a creature just by touching them. Any time the Paladin uses Lay on Hands, he may inflict a cruelty instead of harmful damage. Cruelties are arranged by severity, depending on how powerful the lay on hands is. You must select one cruelty per level of severity upon becoming a paladin. After a cruelty is selected, it cannot be changed. 1d3 cruelties: Fatigued (10%), Shaken and Sickened. 2d3 cruelties: Dazed, Diseased and Staggered. 3d3 cruelties: Cursed, Languish (difficult), Frightened, Nauseated and Poisoned 4d3 cruelties: Blinded, Deafened, Paralyzed (1 round) and Stunned Each last a number of rounds equal to 1/4 the paladin's CHA. The target gets a Stamina roll to avoid the cruelty altogether. Damage Reduction You're able to shrug off some damage from attacks. Even if you aren't wearing armor, reduce 2 points of damage from all successful attacks against you (reducing damage to a minimum of 1). This damage reduction cannot be bypassed. Defensive Archery You are skilled in using certain ranged weapons in close combat. Attacking with a bow no longer provokes an attack of opportunity, nor does reloading a normal, light, or hand crossbow. Defensive Training You may make two additional parry/dodge attempts in a round before taking the cumulative -30% penalty. Attackers who attempt to perform grappling combat maneuvers take a -20% penalty. Deflect Projectiles Certain kinds of thrown and projectile weapons are able to be parried as a difficult brawl check. A success indicates that you intercept the projectile before it hits you. If this check fails, the projectile deals damage normally. Generally, this ability only covers smaller projectiles, like bolts, arrows, throwing knives/axes/hammers, and so on. If your DEX score is 16+, you may attempt to catch the projectile instead. In addition to the brawl check, you must also make a difficult agility roll. If you succeed, you may throw the projectile as a swift action. Diamond Body You receive +50% on saves vs. poisons and toxins. Diamond Soul You gain DR/2 from all spells/powers that damage you.

Dirge of Doom You can cause those who hear your harrowing performance to become shaken. When you make a Performance check, creatures within 20 + CHA ft. of you must overcome a POW vs. POW resistance roll. If your performance succeeds and your targets fail, they are shaken (all rolls are difficult) for (1d3 + CHA/2- 5) rounds (rounded down). Domains Granted to you through your fealty to your higher power, you are granted two domains that agree with that power's portfolio. Each domain is essentially a reserve power, that doesn't use power points. You may use each domain power once per rest. Although you may spend a benny to reuse a domain spell that you've already expended for the day. Like your other spells, the domain powers always work, provided the channel to your higher power isn't broken or lost. Druidic Language You know and speak the druidic language, a secret and complex language known only to druids and ex-druids. This language involves verbal and body components. Elude Touch Your wisdom alerts you to touch attacks and rays, and you gain an AP equal to 1/4 your WIS against these attacks. Endurance You gain +20% to the following: Stamina checks vs. starvation/thirst, holding your breath, withstanding hot/cold environments, exhaustion and fatigue, to continue running, and suffocation damage. You may also sleep in light and medium suits of armor without being fatigued the next day. Expert Climber You may climb at your full speed when scaling non-difficult surfaces. You may climb difficult surfaces (ie slopes that are nearly vertical) with difficult climb checks. You need not have climbing equipment. You cannot fumble climbing checks. Fast Movement You move quickly. When encumbered at a level no greater than Unloaded, you receive +2 MOV. Favored Enemy Choose a type/subtype of creature. You gain +20% to attack and +2 to damage rolls vs. that family of creatures. You also gain +20% to all communication and perception skills vs. those creatures. Options: Aberration, animal, construct, dragon, fey, humanoid (aquatic), humanoid (dwarf), humanoid (elf), humanoid (giant), humanoid (gnoll), humanoid (halfling), humanoid (human), humanoid (reptilian), humanoid (other subtype) magical beast, monstrous humanoid, humanoid (ooze), outsider (air), outsider

(chaotic), outsider (earth), outsider (evil), outsider (fire), outsider (good), outsider (lawful), outsider (native), outsider (water), plant, undead, vermin. Force of Mana Sorcerers recover MP at 2x the normal rate. Ghost Strike You're capable of synergizing your physical energy with that of the Gray, and incorporeal energy. You may expend 1 MP to make any normal unarmed or melee attack against any incorporeal creature or object. Grimoire Studying cryptic arcane lore, you have written or borrowed spells upon some two-dimensional surface (typically scrolls or a spellbook). All of your spells are written down, thus enabling you to add and subtract them as you please. Begin play with five spells instead of four. When you come across new magic, you may copy them into your collection with a successful Idea roll (assuming you can read the script), and time. Spells can take up multiple threads and pages. Heat Adaption You're better suited in dealing with the thick Athasian heat. Add +50% to all stamina rolls made to avoid any negative effects from the heat/sun. High Jump You're always considered as having a running start when you jump, even if it's just vertical. Also, you may spend 1 MP as a swift action to add +100% to a jump attempt. Improved Psicrystal You may 'see' through your crystal, as a floating eye with spherical vision. Your psicrystal may also store and deliver psionic powers for you. Inspire You're capable of boosting the confidence of your companions significantly through the Perform skill. Whether through reciting a heroic poem/tale, playing an instrument to lift spirits, or giving a motivational speech, you empower your allies. If you succeed your performance roll, all allies who can hear you gain +10% to all rolls for a number of combat rounds = 1/2 your CHA. This aptitude can be negated with certain powers (like doom). Jack of All Trades Add 5% to all skills that have a base chance of 05% or less (including knowledge skills). Keen Eyes Your eyes have crystal clear vision, and significantly better night-vision. You gain +10% to all visual perception checks. You also possess Low-light vision and Darkvision +30 ft.

Ki Adept Your discipline has taught you how to use your body's internal energy to acheive seemingly supernatural things. You may use your mana points to fuel these aptitudes. In addition, your unarmed strikes deal lethal damage if desired. While unarmed, you're also always treated as having an armor protection value versus melee weapons and unarmed attacks, regardless of whether you're wearing armor or not. This scales with your Brawl skill. 01-25% grants AP 1, 26-50% grants AP 2, 51-75% grants AP 3, and 76-100% grants AP 4. This value increases by 1 every 25% thereafter. Ki Strike Your unarmed strikes are always treated as magic weapons in terms or overcoming certain types of damage reduction. You may spend 1-3 MP to add +1-3 damage to an unarmed strike. This bonus is not lost if the attack roll fails, and carries through the next time you hit something. You may dismiss this bonus, however. Lay on Hands You may heal/harm creatures you touch (including yourself) 1d3 HP a number of times per rest equal to 1/2 your POW. You may stack lay on hands to heal/harm the appropriate amount of HP, but this expends the same amount of uses per rest (ex: a lay on hands that heals/harms 4d3 damage costs 4 uses, etc.). Generally, good and neutral paladins heal, and evil paladins harm, although this is not always the case. This is a decision that must be made upon becoming a paladin, and it can not be changed. Legend and Lore Bards pick up obscure knowledge in their travels. Add +20% to Knowledge (Academic Lore), Knowledge (Streetwise), and Knowledge (Arcana) and (Religion). Magian Bond A mage can 'bond' with an item or familiar. When a wizard bonds with an object or familiar, he must spend 1 POW point (this is permanent), and 30 INT days to imbue power within it. This may require spending various amounts of money on the animal or item. Once bonded, an item has a POW equal to yours (after the 1 pt. reduction). And regenerates MP at the same rate a creature with an equal POW would. You may use this object to power your own spells and transfer MP to and from the object. You can bond with seemingly any object, but common implements include staves, wands, orbs, scepters, amulets, urns, rings, circlets, weapons, etc. Some wizards enchant these items to be more protected and/or do other things as well. You can bond an animal that's no more than 1/4 your INT in SIZ (round up). To bond a creature, you must make a successful POW vs. POW roll after the time it takes to bond with it. A bonded animal becomes magical and empowered. Add +1/4 your natural INT (round up) to the bonded familiar's. Its POW equals yours. Its HP equals CON+SIZ. You may allocate a set of skill points to the creature based on its INT x 10. This familiar is extremely loyal

and will not willingly betray you. Mercy You may lift a creature's affliction just by touching them. Any time the Paladin uses Lay on Hands, he may grant a mercy instead of healing damage. Mercies are arranged by severity, depending on how powerful the lay on hands is. You must select one mercy per level of severity upon becoming a paladin. After a mercy is selected, it cannot be changed. 1d3 mercies: Fatigued (10%), Shaken and Sickened. 2d3 mercies: Dazed, Diseased and Staggered. 3d3 mercies: Cursed, Languish (difficult), Frightened, Nauseated and Poisoned 4d3 mercies: Blinded, Deafened, Paralyzed and Stunned The mercy automatically affects the target unless it doesn't wish to be granted a mercy (at that point it can make a Will roll to resist. Mind over Body You heal afflictions by willing them away. If you take temporary ability damage, it heals at a rate of 1/4 your WIS per rest. You may also expend 1-4 MP to attempt to rid yourself of an affliction. The amount of MP depends on the level of affliction. Use the paladin's 'mercy' feature to reference the afflictions and their corresponding levels. Once you have spent the MP, you must succeed a Will roll to dissolve the affliction from you. This takes a number of rounds equal to the level of the affliction. This requires concentration. Minor Magic You learned a spell without fully pursuing the arcane arts (derived from the wiz/sor spell list). This spell's base % works as normal. Mirror Move You may make an opposed DEX check to match a creature in melee or close range. If successful, the target cannot move past you unless it can make a successful opposed STR or DEX check next combat round, or incapacitates you (target chooses check). If the creature you're matching does manage to escape your mirror move to move past you, the target still provokes an attack of opportunity. During this time, you gain a +10% circumstance bonus to parry attempts if you're using a weapon from one of your specialized weapon groups. Nature's Bond Unlike a cleric, who forms a bond with a sentient entity, a druid forms a direct connection to nature itself. Druidic rituals are extremely ancient, and they have been preserved methodically for thousands of years. A druid uses the sorcery power-set rules (not magic or psionics). Their spells always work, given their connection to nature hasn't been broken or severed. In addition, a druid may select an animal companion no more than 1/2 your WIS in SIZ to form a bond with. This is a ritual that takes 30 - WIS hours

to complete, and costs the druid 1 permanent POW point. That selected animal becomes semi-intelligent (INT 3) and the druid can communicate back and forth with that animal (although it cannot speak, but it understands basic commands and gestures). This animal's HP is CON+SIZ, it receives AP +2, and 100 extra skill points that the druid can assign. Otherwise it functions identically to its normal counterpart. A druid who doesn't select an animal companion may instead select two domains, as a cleric does. These domains must be elemental. Pact Clerics and Paladins must form some sort of pact with either the elements, a primordial, or a sorcerer-king in order to use their powers. Clerics and Paladins both must abide by that entity's particular code or instructions (if any) in order to keep receiving powers. A cleric always uses the sorcery power-set (not magic or psionics). The particular elemental/primordial/SK entries are in the house rules. Clerics may use their pact to channel energy and receive and cast spells. Channel Energy [(1-4) Range = radius of 1/2 POW in meters] is an instantaneous release of damning energy that affects creatures of opposed elements/AL of their pact entity. This power deals 1d6 damage per level (creatures in area get a Will roll for half damage). This energy can alternatively be used to heal creatures of the same element/AL, but costs 3 MP per level. A cleric using channel energy cannot heal and harm at the same time. Paladins receive spells, albeit only two starting powers (instead of four). Paladins also receive the ability to smite one chosen creature. Smite functions identically to the sharpen spell (magic), except Smite only affects creatures of opposing elements OR alignment (typically moral alignment, and true neutral non-elemental paladins can select either an opposed ethical or moral AL). In addition, smite is active until the chosen target is slain or the paladin rests. For purposes of MP level cap, use 1/2 CHA instead of 1/2 INT. Alignment-paladins may also use the insight skill to detect a target with their opposing AL. This costs 1 MP and about a minute of focus on the subject. Fumbles indicate the paladin gets misleading information. Success indicates the paladin determines if the target is of their opposed AL. Special success indicates roughly how strong their AL is. Critical success determines exactly how strong the AL score is. The DM rolls this in secret. Pervading Grace You may add your CHA score to all agility, stamina, and will rolls. Poison Use You may apply poison to a surface without any risk of poisoning yourself. Power Attack You may sacrifice accuracy for power. You may penalize your attack roll 20% to gain +2 to damage. 40% for +4, or 60% for +6. Precise Aim You take no penalties or risks when firing into melee. Also, you receive a

+10% chance to hit on all aimed attacks (including called shots). Psicrystal You bind a psion's crystal to your mind, which grants you numerous advantages. To bind a psicrystal, you must spend 1 permanent POW point and 30 - WIS days to imbue that power within it. Once completed, it possesses a POW score equal to yours. You may not use the crystal to transfer mana points, as a wizard can do with a bonded implement. A psicrystal has immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, necromancy effects, mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects), and any effect that requires a Stamina roll unless it also works on objects or is harmless. It is not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, or energy drain. It cannot heal damage, but it can be repaired. Psicrystals do not have the usual construct traits of darkvision and low-light vision. A psicrystal possesses the following beginning characteristics: STR 1, DEX 15, CON 0, INT 6, WIS 10, CHA 10. It possesses a number of HP equal to 1/2 its master's HP. A psicrystal is self-propelled and has a MOV of 6 (3 vertical). You may invest 150 skill points in any Perception and Physical skills except Survival, Research, Climb, Jump, Ride, Swim, and Throw. You share a telepathic link to your crystal, which can relay information to you based on its own perceptions. This link is always active unless the crystal is out of range (POW in miles). Your psicrystal glows like a candle when in use, and is hard to conceal when it's active. Pugilist You are trained in the attack and defense of unarmed martial combat. You may use martial arts (pugilism). Martial arts is usually restricted to monks. Your ability to parry and dodge in unarmed combat increases by 20%, and your unarmed damage increases from 1d3 to 1d4+1. This damage is not lethal. Purity of Body You are immune to all diseases, including supernatural diseases (like mummy rot). Quick Reflexes Your character is adept in dodging and parrying attacks in the chaos of battle. When encumbered at a level no greater than Unloaded, your character receives +10% to his or her Dodge skill, as well as receiving two additional defense rolls before suffering the multiple defense roll penalty. His or her Dodge skill improves at a rate of 1d8, instead of 1d6. Rage Through fury or adrenaline, you are able to transform into a death-dealing machine. Rage is considered a martial art for the purposes of this aptitude only. When raging, add a bonus to STR and CON for a number of combat rounds equal to 1/2 your rage CON score. Bonuses for STR and CON range depending on your rage skill. 01-50% = +4. 51-75% = +6. 76+% = +8. This

skill starts off at a base % equal to your normal STR+CON. You also receive a number of temporary HP equal to 1/2 your rage CON score. These temp. HP disappear once the rage subsides. Your Will rolls receive a +20% bonus during rage. However, all defense rolls (Parry, Dodge) become Difficult, due to the chaotic nature of the rage. After the rage has subsided, the character is automatically Tired (-10%). If your character was already tired or worse, he or she moves to the next fatigue level up. This lasts until the barbarian can catch a 15-minute rest. Each additional time your character attempts to rage in between rests, he or she must make a Stamina roll at a cumulative -25% per each time raged beforehand. Read Magic You may interpret magic/psionic written languages with a difficult Idea roll. Failure indicates you cannot attempt to interpret the arcane code again until you've studied relevant information or find a missing piece of information somehow. Resiliency A rogue with this ability can spend a benny to gain a number of temporary hit points equal to his DEX score. Activating this ability is an immediate action that can only be performed when he is brought below 2 HP. This ability can be used to prevent him from dying. These temporary hit points last for 1 minute. If the rogue's hit points drop below 2 due to the loss of these temporary hit points, she falls unconscious and is dying as normal. Silent Steps You're capable of making stealth checks while moving at normal speed (3 meters per MOV) with no penalty (usually doing so is difficult). You may also run stealthily (5 meters per MOV). However, doing so is difficult. Sixth Sense You possess a heightened awareness. So high that it almost seems supernatural. You may spend a benny to make a Will roll to detect an intuitive hunch of anything out of the ordinary in your environment. If you succeed, the GM reveals a bit of information you couldn't otherwise infer from ordinary skill checks. You may also use this aptitude in social situations to clue in on something that is otherwise obscured. Slow Fall If you fall, the distance fell is always considered 20 feet less than it actually is. If you have a wall or vertical surface to slow your fall, the fall is considered 50 feet less than it actually is. Snap Shot Once per rest, you may automatically begin combat at initiative rank 10+DEX. Those with later initiative counts are consider surprised (and thus vulnerable to sneak attacks).

Sneak Attack You can use and advance in the Martial Arts (sneak attack) skill; a skill that's exclusive to rogues. To use this skill, the target must be somehow unaware or unprepared for the attack. If both the attack and martial arts skills succeed, roll your base weapon die twice (ex: a dagger would be 2d4). Never double your damage bonus or any weapon damage bonuses, whether normal or psionic/magical. Only weapons of short or medium length can be used, and ranged weapons you can aim (bows & crossbows). If you are using a ranged weapon, you must be within 20 ft. of the target. Soul Drain You are able to draw upon your own life force to increase your mana. At any time, you make make a Stamina roll to gain MP in expense of HP. Success indicates you gain 1d4 MP and lose the same amount of HP. Special success indicates you gain 1d4 MP and lose 1/2 that amount in HP (round down). Critical success indicates you gain 4 MP and lose no HP. Fumbles mean that you lose 1d4 HP and gain no MP. Still Mind When making Will rolls vs. mind-affecting powers and affects, add +20% to your base chance. If this fails, you may spend a benny to avoid the affect alltogether. Streetwise You can read an urban environment like a book. An easy idea roll can tell you where or how to find certain people or places in a city/town/village (even if you've never been there before). This also includes illegal activities. You also gain +20% to survival checks made in such an environment. Stunning Fist You may channel 1-3 MP into an unarmed strike to stun your target. The target makes a stamina roll. If failed, it is stunned for a number of rounds equal to MP spent. During this time, the target cannot make terrain movement/attack/speak/etc. and is flat-footed (attacks on that target are easy). The target recovers just before your turn on the given round. Constructs, oozes, plants, undead, incorporeal creatures, and creatures immune to critical hits cannot be stunned. Note: When a monk's Martial Arts (x) skill reaches 90%, he may use quivering palm instead of stunning fist. This costs 4 MP. If the attack succeeds, the monk has set up deadly vibrations within the body of the target. Within a number of days equal to the monk's WIS, he may will the target to die. The target must then make a stamina roll and add the monk's WIS to the roll. If the target fails, it is immediately slain. If the roll succeeds, the target takes 2d3 damage instead. This doesn't affect the creatures listed above. Track Add 25% to Survival checks, and any related knowledge skills used when navigating. If you have a map, you never misinterpret it, unless it's a faulty map. If you come across tracks, you can identify what creature left them with

an Easy knowledge (wilderness lore/nature) roll. Trapfinding You can detect traps more readily than others. Perception checks made to locate and assess traps are made at +20%, this bonus is also added to Disable Trap. You may also disable psionic/magical traps (unless there is a specific component/power needed). Trap Sense You're adept at avoiding traps. Reflex rolls made to avoid traps are made at +20%. In addition, you also gain an AP 1 when hit by a trap (even if you're not wearing armor). Trick Shot You may disarm, grapple, sunder, trip and feint when using a projectile weapon. Doing any of these is difficult, except feinting. Feinting assumes you are appearing as though you're not able to hit the target, or are focusing on something else, to catch the target off guard. This is a persuade check. Tumble You are slippery when moving past foes. You may move through opponents, and make agility checks to avoid provoking attacks of opportunity from them. Uncanny Dodge If your character succeeds a Listen or Sense roll vs. a creature attempting to attack your character unaware (or flank him), he may make a normal dodge or parry attempt. Normally this action would be Difficult. Also, you are never caught flat-footed. Unhindered Stride You may tread through terrain that would slow you down normally. This includes: quicksand/silt, knee to waist-high water, uneven terrain, and the like. Volatile Mind Whenever another creature or thing attempts to read your thoughts or attack your mind, it must make a Will roll (minus your WIS) or take 1d6 points of psychic damage. Weapon Training You gain a +10% base percentage in all weapons (not natural weapons). You may select three groups of weapons in which you receive an additional bonus of +10%. You also know a good quality weapon from a shoddy one without making any skill checks (thus, you can detect when a weapon is masterwork or shoddy). You can also detect a magical/psionic weapon's bonuses to hit and damage just by wielding it in real combat. You can't relay these bonuses to your allies, but you can say that a weapon is enchanted. You cannot detect special properties of these weapons however (like a weapon of disruption, for instance).

Wholeness of Body You gain the heal power, which is normally restricted to clerics and druids. The healing only affects you, however. Wild Empathy You understand the emotions and body language of animals, and can "speak" with them if you succeed a reaction roll. Communicating in such a way is at a very basic level, as animals cannot comprehend complex communication. Simple messages, like "follow me", "run", "attack", and so on are understood. Getting an animal to risk its life requires a difficult persuade roll.

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