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Lesson Plan 2 creative arts

Jenifer Pienczykowski

Name Pre-K City

School/Grade: Pre-K
Content What content area(s) does this lesson cover?
area(s)/developmental How does this lesson support all five domains of child development?
domain(s) addressed Art
● Motor/Physical Development: Students will be able to build motor
skills through the use of a 3D project that will enhance their
understanding of spatial awareness when expressively creating their
own building
● Socio-emotional: Students will be able to connect with the activity
through the use of expressive arts and display what their community
in New York City looks like in their perspective.
● Language/literacy: Students will be able to build vocabulary through
their engineering abilities and learning architecture terminology.
● Cognitive/Mathematics: Students will be able to develop their
cognitive and mathematical abilities through the use of creating their
own building using shapes and sizes of doors and windows and
measuring width and height with a ruler.
● Approaches to learning: Students will be able to represent their own
building or favorite building through the use of creative arts to show
the cultural differences of New York City.
Brief description and Why is there a need for this lesson (include citation)?
rationale for the lesson
Students will be able to connect with this lesson and learn through it,
because it is something that is related to their everyday experience and their
observations. Students learn best when the lesson is a direct connection
through their personal life and they can freely express themselves through
artistic visuals. Art is an important part of a student’s educational
experience as they are experimenting with different visuals, textures as well
as learning through the lens of their sensations and body spatial awareness. .
“They learn important concepts like symbolism and abstraction while also
strengthening pattern recognition and visual-spatial skills to understand
relationships between parts of a whole.”
This lesson is:
* A new * A continuation of a previous
concept/activity lesson/activity
* A conclusion of a concept
* A review of a
previous lesson/activity
Keep in mind appropriate length of an activity for preschool-aged children is
15-20 minutes, no more than 45 mins for children K-2 grade)
30 minutes
Objective(s) of the What will children know, or demonstrate as a result of this learning
activity experience?
Lesson objectives must align with the assessment of student learning.

Students will be able to freely express themselves through this creative arts
lesson as they experiment with a 3D model and learn about spatial
awareness. They will be able to explore different textures of art materials,
understand patterns and designs as well as learn about their peers artistic
abilities and perspectives. Art is a developmental process on their fine motor
abilities when they learn about the different movements their hands/fingers
can do such as with paint, glue, markers and the many different materials
they can use.

Connections to Which NYS Early Learning Guidelines or Next Generation ELA Standards are
standards addressed? Are there other standards used?

PK.ARTS.16. [VA:Cr1-3.PK] Creates Visual Arts

Creates, shares and/or talks about art that communicates a familiar place or object
(e.g., using blocks to build a castle or clay to create a snake)

PK.ARTS.19. [Cn10-11.PK] Connects to Visual Arts

Recognizes that people make works of art and design

Language Objectives What language/vocabulary, communication, or literacy skill(s) do I want my

students to develop in this lesson? For edTPA consider this: Which academic
language demands am I targeting? Choose one, including language functions,
vocabulary, syntax, or discourse that is central to this learning segment. How is
this activity using the specific language demand?
Language objectives must align with the assessment of children’s language

The language used during this lesson are:

● Engineering
● Architecture
● Measurements
● Texture
● shape/form
● Abstract
● Realistic
● Symbols
● design

Resources/materials ● Cardboard Boxes

needed: ● Glue
(Include any worksheets ● Scissors
or sources of evidence ● Construction paper
for children’s learning ● Pipe cleaners
you will use during the ● Paint
activity) ● Popsicle sticks
● Paint brushes
Technology inclusion
(if applicable)
Procedures (step by Objective(s)
step) Objective: Students will be able to create 3D models.

Anticipatory Set (Connection/Motivation) What will you do to get children’s

attention, or to introduce children to this learning activity? Describe the
process in getting them interested and engaged. HOOK

The teacher gathers the students in morning meeting and asks them:
What is your favorite building in New York City?

Instruction/Mini Lesson (Outline the procedures or sequence activities that

will make up this learning experience; for instance, you might follow a routine
wherein you model (I try); and ask for active involvement (we try) during a
whole group session.
During the whole group meeting the teacher will demonstrate the process.
The teacher will present a cardboard box and present a procedure on how
students can begin to make their own building. They will be given an option
to either cover the box with paint first or construction paper. Children will
then focus on the architectural designs like the shape of the building,
windows and doors on each side. Students will add their unique touch using
various materials to represent their building. The materials provided for the
students will be paint/paint brushes, construction paper, pipe cleaners,
scissorspopsicle sticks, glue (both glue sticks and liquid glue)
Then the teacher will invite the students to break into groups of 2 and make
their own building together.
Independent Practice (during small group activity, working with partners, or

Students can choose to work together in twos or independently on their

building design and how they choose to creatively make it.
Closure (sharing/reflection, next steps)

When all students are done with their building(s) they will rejoin in a whole
group meeting and the teacher will ask the students how they felt about the
lesson for feedback. Then the teacher will ask students to add their building
to the city class. The teacher will have each group or individual present
their building to the class to talk about the materials they have chosen, why
they have chosen it and talk about their design for the building.

Method of assessing Pre-assessment Assessment of Student Assessment of

children’s Outline the steps you will Learning Outline the Children’s Language
understanding of take to evaluate steps you will take to Learning
lesson/activity/objecti student’s prior evaluate students’ Outline the steps you
ve(s) knowledge(i.e., What are learning. What evidence will take to evaluate
(Be sure to include any the skills and/or content will I have to assess students’ language
tools, rubrics/checklists knowledge the students whether students have learning. What
and/or worksheets you need to effectively successfully achieved the evidence will I have to
will use for engage in the activity?). content objectives (i.e., assess whether
assessment(s) The teacher will bring rubrics, checklists)? students have
all the students to a successfully achieved
whole group meeting on There will be a set of the content
the carpet and present questions to assess objectives?
the activity as well as student understanding.
ask the students what The teacher will take
they think the process For example, one of the notes on how well
may be for the lesson. questions on the lesson each group is
She will take out a chart will read: “Assessment: interacting with each
paper and number the observe how students are other on assembling
steps taken and ask the working together with the their project and
students what they materials provided, do expressing their
think they might start they learn how to creative differences.
off with and assess cooperatively share and The teacher will
whether their answer ask each other what observe whether the
makes sense. For material will go first?” students are using
example, if a student specific language for
says put construction “Are students able to cut the lesson in relation
paper onto the the paper into the shape to the topic such as
cardboard box the they would want it to be?”
teacher may texture, design,
demonstrate without “Are students able to measuring and shape.
glue to show the properly hold the
students that it won’t scissors?”
work without it.

Plans for differentiated Supporting children Supporting English Language Learners, a

instruction/instruction with identified delays culturally responsive pedagogy, and
al modifications or disabilities (i.e., anti-bias/anti-racist curriculum
Describe how you will IEPs and 504 plans) What modifications should I make to the activity to
support struggling What considerations ensure all students are included and engaged in all
learners. should I keep in mind steps required to meet the lesson’s objectives?
regarding cultural
For struggling learners relevance, age The steps for modifications would be to print out
they will make their appropriateness, and pictures of different buildings around the world and
building with a more ability levels for all discuss what they are called and how different they
abstract thinking without learners? may look. Not every building looks the same but
following a sequence that doesn’t matter, because it provides a stable
order of how they make Every student has a place for someone to live in. We can also use
their design. Their options right to their own different cloth textures that represent those
might also be less than creative expression and buildings around the world with different patterns.
other students on what to design. A building to The lesson will incorporate the different words in
put on to eliminate stress some child may be called other languages to describe these patterns and
of overprocessing with something else in their structures. For example, Native Americans live in
accessible materials like a culture or language. For Tipis and South Africans live in Rondavels. These
paintbrush that is easy to those with disabilities, structures are made from different materials that
hold. they may find it easier to can be discussed with the students.
work on something that
Describe how you will is 2D instead of on
support learners who paper. For students' on a
have mastered the IEP/504 plan, they will
concepts and need be given special paint
additional challenges brushes to hold that is
accessible as well as
For those that mastered breaks in between and
the challenges, they will the teacher will have
be making additional tape in the shape of
buildings for the class and squares and triangles
may work independently that the students can
instead of in groups if paint for visuals of a
they are finished. They house.
will be given things like a
ruler to measure the
precise measurements of
features on their building.
Follow up/Extension How can I provide an opportunity to remediate, reinforce, or expand on
activities students’ learning today in class?

To provide a follow up activity, the teacher will ask the students their feedback
Family Engagement on the project. Then the teacher can suggest the students to pick some places in
Activities the world and mimic how their buildings look in the class. Students can also
explore places around the five boroughs and how they compare to each other
as well as rural and suburban areas in the United States.

How can I support families in extending the learning in their home


Families are welcome to share photos of different buildings and cities

they’ve visited around the world.

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