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Time Lesson content / Students will… (what they will Language focus (what Role of the teacher… (my

ge focus (what Role of the teacher… (my Questions that I

Activity stages do and how they will interact kind of language will role, and what I will be will ask the
with each other and the the students be using / paying attention to) students to deepen
content) practicing) their learning
Warm up: Present the Sing and discuss about the song. Vocabulary related to Present the song and identify What is happiness for
10 students the song. Why is he happy? How does he categories for happiness. their effective participation by the singer? What
minutes show this happiness? singing and understanding. makes him happy?
Do you agree?
5 Pre-teaching : introduce Practice the reading. New vocabulary Present the article about Answer true or false
minutes the article happiness in Australia. and create a
Engage the students to discuss brainstorming about
about the text. the topic.
10 Read the article and Listen to your friends Use full Answer their opinions Make sure the students Do you agree? What
minutes discuss the questions. attention. and experiences . answered the questions do you think?
Use reflection before responding shared opinion and
Share your point of view. experience.
Recognizing the emotional side of
others. Be respectful.

15 Create a table with Write 10 things that make you Students will complete Give them the copies of the What is happiness?
minutes popular categories for happy in your life. the table according to activities, engage the students What makes you
happiness, e.g. health, their experiences. . happy? What affects
education, money, your quality of life?
relationships, etc. Do you agree? Why?
10 Assessment The number of examples the Categorize the reasons Engage students to share How did you feel by
minutes students give. and complete the table. opinion. talking about this
How they participate in the theme?
Being confident in reading aloud.
Create categories to the topic

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