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Literature, as an imitation of human action, often presents a picture of what
people think, say and do in the society. In literature, we find stories designed to
portray human life and action through some characters who, by their words,
action and reaction, convey certain messages for the purpose of education,
information and entertainment. It is impossible to find a work of literature that
excludes the attitudes, morale and values of the society, since no writer has been
brought up completely unexposed to the world around him.

We can say there is a relation between the author and the literature to
convey his attitudes to the readers or to explain his feelings to someone
especially when the author born in romantic era.

Romantic literature means emotion, imagination and beauty. These themes

enriched literature across culture. This movement was developed and took a new
way in the United States. Group of authors wrote and published between 1820
and 1860 when America took its independence from Britain. These writers
influenced by the Romantic Movement which appeared in Europe especially
British writers. But the land of America was very different from Europe land.
And American writers were satiated from politic and democracy. So, these
reason led American romanticism took a different way like “the frontier” is a big
idea in the work of American romantic writers and born genus writers like Edgar
Allan Poe.

Edgar Allan Poe was a known American figure. His genus made his writing
more popular in the world. He had many works in which gave a picture about
the culture of the new world to the world. While he remembered for his short
stories; his first love as a writer was poetry. He began writing poems during his
adolescence like the raven which was more popular and the Annabel Lee. On
These two poems we focus in this research.

The Raven poem was first published in the New York on January 29, 1845. This
poem was lukewarm when Poe published it at first. Over the years, it has
become the best known poems about grief and death (Stang, 2016). The Raven
treats a story of man is trying to forget his deceased loved whose name is
Lenore. Edgar Allan Poe used stylistic elements to convey his message to the
reader and let him lived his grief status (ibid). Some critics believed that the
raven let the reader to enter in battle with his feelings to provide some comfort
and understanding (ibid).

Edgar Allan Poe was a famous writer with the theme of the loss of loved
one in his poems as in “The Raven”, as well as his last published work, the
tragic tale of “Annabelle Lee” in which he lamented his deceased loved in her
grave (Hanks, 2015). Poe used stylistic devices in the two poems to explain the
ultimate love between the deceased beloved and the narrator like reiteration
which we focus on in this research.

Reiteration is the repetition of an earlier item, a synonym, a near synonym,

super ordinate or a general word in order to convey a certain message. It
concerned with repetition, synonym, meronymy, hyponymy and autonomy.

This study aims to shed light more on the overuse of reiteration by Edgar
Allan Poe in his two poems “The Raven” and the “Annabelle lee”. Also, the
present study q aims to clarify the reasons behind the overuse of reiteration in
the two poems.

To reach these aims, we raise the following questions:

 Why Edgar Allan Poe use reiteration in “The Raven” and “The Annabelle

 Why does Edgar Allan Poe overuse reiteration in “The Raven” and “The
Annabelle lee”?

To answer the above questions, the following hypotheses are formulated:

 Edgar Allan Poe uses reiteration to make the reader understands more his
mysterious feelings.
 Edgar Allan Poe overuses reiteration to prolong his hopeless mourning.

 The reason behind the use of reiteration is to make the tone for the two

The analytical study is divided into three chapters. The first chapter treats
reiteration element definition and its subtypes.

The second chapter tackles the structure of the plot in the two poems “The
Raven” and “The Annabelle Lee”. Also, it lists the major characters in the two
poems and the important themes which Poe chooses to convey his deeper

The third chapter deals with the application part of the present study in which
we concentrates more on the stylistic analysis. Further, the examples of the
reiteration from the two poems are listed and classified according to their
categories. At the end of the research, we evaluate the results of the using the
reiteration in the two poems by Edgar Allan Poe.

Chapter One:
General Reviews of


This chapter sheds light on the general view of reiteration according to

Halliday and Hasan’ theory 1976 of cohesion. Cohesion is the grammatical and
lexical linking that links the text or the sentence together and gives its meaning
(Halliday & Hasan, 1976). Cohesion has two major divisions grammatical and
lexical. The second type is divided into reiteration and collocation. This type
achieved by the selection of vocabulary (ibid).

So, the first section in this chapter deals with the definition of the concept if
reiteration and the next section focuses on the subtypes of reiteration which are
repetition, synonymy, hyponymy and antonymy.

1.1 definition of reiteration:

Reiteration is a form of the lexical cohesion. Halliday and hassan (1976)

defines reiteration as two items share the same referent or either could be
repeated or have the same meaning in the text. The forms of reiteration are using
general word, repetition, synonymy, antonymy and subordination (hyponymy
and meronymy).

In simple words, reiteration includes the repetition of the same word, the use
of synonym, the use of superordinate and the use of general word. That means
reiterated elements item may be repetition, synonym or near synonym, a
superordinate or general word.

Halliday and hassan (1976:279) give an example to clarify more the

reiteration and its subtypes.

There is a boy climbing that tree

a. The boy is going to fall if he doesn’t take care

b. the lad is going to fall if he doesn’t take care

c. the child is going to fall if he doesn’t take care

d. The idiot is going to fall if he doesn’t take care.

In The example above, Halliday and Hassan mention four types of reiteration.
They give an example to each type of reiteration: repetition, synonym,
superordinate and a general word. The word boy is a reiterated item. In (a) boy
is repeated, in (b) lad is synonym of boy, in (c) child is subordinate term and in
(d) idiot is a general word.

2.2. Types of reiteration:

The speaker or the writer creates reiteration or lexical cohesion through the
choice of lexical items. The types of reiteration derive from paradigmatic
relation. The latter is divided into elaboration relation (repetition, synonymy,
hyponymy and antonymy) and extension relation (meronymy) (Halliday &
Matthiessen, 2004).

They mention the following table to illustrate more the types of reiteration:

Natural of Types of Types of lexical examples

relation expansion relation

paradigmatic elaborating repetition

extending meronymy

2.2.1. Repetition:

According to Matthiessen (2004:644) and Halliday consider repetition of
lexical item as “the most direct form of lexical cohesion”. For example: Bear in
Algy met a bear. The bear was bulgy. In this example the second bear refers
back to the first. There is also the reference item “the” which means directly
that which bear is intended. We conclude here that the referential item it isn’t
necessary in the lexical cohesion. For instance: Algy meet bear. Bears are bulgy.
The question here which bears we mean “all bears”. So, we have one lexical
cohesion bears with bear. Whereas, in the first example we have two one
referential “the” and lexical “bear” (ibid).

The lexical item to be a repeated item it is not necessary to be in the same

morphological shape. For example, dine, dining, diner and dinner are all the
same item and an occurrence of any one can creates a repetition with any of
others (ibid).that means all items refer the same thing (ibid).

Nordquist (2020) considers that repetition is an instance of using word, phrase,

clause or even voice more than once. Repetition has many types. I list them in
the following :

1. Anadiplosis: means the repetition of the same word of one line or clause to
begin the next with the same word.


“My conscience hath a thousand several tongues,

And every tongue brings in a several tale,

and every condemns me for a villain”(William Shakespeare, “RichardIII”)


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