Classmate Minute 2

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University of Puerto Rico at Ponce English Department ENGL 4021 mo3 MINUTES Meeting Da Call to Order: A regular meeting of the Course ENGL 4021 M03 of the University of Puerto Rico at Ponce was held in room MTC-3 of the Ruth Fortuto Academic Building on January 19", 2023, The meeting convened at 10:35am, Professor LeCompte presiding and Mileyshka Loyo Rivera, secretary. All students attended except Luis Martinez Santiago and Gabriel Rivera Andgjar. |. mecting were approved after corrections by members of the course. 1. Professor Le Compte welcomed the students. 2. The students made a free writing exercise. 3. The Professor discussed: © Free writing exercises © Mimute assignment ‘© Vocabulary words section for the Portfolio qr O Mio -4—The-seeretary-ofJanuary-17", 2023, presented.their-Minutes~ 5. The person presiding assigned the secretaries for the next two retmnions. cr ON OP 6. Professor Le Compte assigned to read the instructions for the following Zetivities: ©. Trip report © Progress report © Portfolio Adjournment: ‘The meeting adjourned at 11:51am. Submitted by: _dcenray ui" 202% Mileyshka Loyo Rivera, Secretary Date of Approval

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