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Lesson Objectives:
Upon completion of this topic, the student will
A. State the mission of the AFP and its branch of service.
B. Enumerate the three (3) branches of service of the AFP.
C. List the two (2) components of the AFP
D. Illustrate the AFP organization.

The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) recognizes the Constitution of the Republic as the
legitimate expression of the people’s will. It is mandated to serve and protect the people and secure the
sovereignty of the state and the integrity of its national territory from internal and external threats. The AFP
pledges allegiance to the Filipino people, adheres to the principle of supremacy of civilian authority over the
military at all times and vows to uphold and defend the Constitution.


The AFP identifies itself with the Filipino people’s historical struggles for freedom and justice and their
vigilance against any attempt to violate the country’s integrity and sovereignty. In retrospect, it recognizes the
role of our forefathers as freedom fighters and honors them for their democratic and nationalistic aspirations.

The AFP, as the embodiment of the cherished martial values and traditions of the Filipino people,
traces its roots to certain historical events foremost of which is the Battle of Mactan on 27 April 1521 where
Lapu-Lapu, the acknowledged father of the AFP, first demonstrated our love for freedom; the Dagohoy, Revolt
in 1744, the Muslim resistance and other similar uprisings against Spanish colonialism manifesting our fight
against foreign domination; the founding of the Katipunan on 07 July 1892 by Andres Bonifacio, considered as
the father of the Philippine Army, who proclaimed Filipinos solidarity; the Tejeros Convention on 22 March
1897 which proclaimed officially our desire for complete independence and thereafter gave birth to the
Philippine Army. Subsequently, the Philippine Navy was created on 20 May 1898.
On 12 June 1898, the Philippine Independence was declared at Kawit, Cavite, and for the first time,
the Philippine Flag was unfurled by General Emilio Aguinaldo and our National Hymn was played. The
Filipino-American hostilities between 1898 and 1899 further demonstrated the Filipino soldier’s best in terms
of honor, valor, loyalty, duty and solidarity despite the overwhelming superiority of the enemy forces. To
hasten the Philippine campaign on peace and order, the Philippine Military Academy was organized on 25
October 1898.
On 21 December 1935, the National Defense Act was enacted officially to create the AFP. The
Defense of Bataan and Corregidor from the outbreak of World War II until 09 April and 06 May 1942
respectively against the Japanese invasion forces, the active Philippine guerilla movement and the successful
Anti-Huk campaign also best amplified the Filipino soldiers and love of country.
The Philippine Air Force was later established on 01 July 1947. Moreover, it is also noteworthy that
the AFP had participated in international peace keeping efforts as its commitment to the United Nations such
as the Philippine Expeditionary Force to Korea (PEFTOK) in the early 50’s, the Philippine Air Force
Contingent in Congo, Africa in the early 60’s and the Philippine Civic Action Group (PHILCAG) in South
Vietnam in the late 60’s. After the EDSA event, the AFP has vigorously pursued a national reconciliation effort
for peace and progress.


“To protect the people and secure the sovereignty of the state and the integrity of the national

C. CHAIN OF COMMAND (Commander-In-Chief, DND & AFP)

By virtue of the national Defense Act enacted officially on 21 December 1935, the Armed Forces of
the Philippines was created. The President is the Commander-In-Chief of the AFP. He/ She exercises
strategic direction over the personnel and the resources of the military establishments through the Secretary
of the Department of National Defense, who also represents his/ her in the executive function and in the
supervision of the Defense Program of the country.

The Chief of Staff, AFP executes the command functions of the President in relation to strategy,
tactics and operations. He is also the immediate adviser of the Secretary of National Defense Program as
prescribed by the Secretary of National Defense. The Chief of Staff has command and control over all the
elements of the AFP.


The AFP is duly created by law as an integral part of the Executive Branch of the Government. It is
well-organized and disciplined body composed of a citizen armed force necessary for the defense and
security of the state. It is headed by the President as the Commander-In-Chief who exercises control,
supervision and authority through a Chain of Command headed by the Chief of Staff.

The organizational structure of the AFP provides for centralized direction and control of GHQ to
ensure unity of efforts, and the operations of the Major Services and other separate units are decentralized to
achieve maximum operational efficiency.

As provided for in the National Defense Act, as amended, the Armed Forces of the Philippines shall
be composed of the Regular Force and Reserve Force components.

The Regular Force is the permanent military organization which is maintained in time of peace and war.
In time of peace, the authorized active commissioned officer and enlisted personnel strength of the Regular
Force is determined every year by the Annual General and Special Appropriation Act. This strength, however,
does not only included those officers and EP who are permanently commissioned or serving under voluntary
enlistment in the Regular Force, but also those reserve officers and enlisted reservists assigned for duty with
the different services of the Regular Force.

The Reserve Force is the military organization that will come up physical existence only upon
mobilization as may be called upon by the Commander-In-Chief due to state of national emergency such as
war or widespread disorder. Units of the Reserve Force are “paper” organizations which come to being to
augment the Regular Force confronting the threat to the Nation. The Reserve Force organization includes the
commissioned Reserved Officers and all citizen who have completed the prescribed trainee instruction as
provided by the National Defense Act and who are assigned as reservists to the organization of the Reserve







For operational efficiency and effectiveness, the AFP is presently composed of three (3) Major
Service Commands namely:

 Philippine Army (PA) - conducts ground combat operations;

 Philippine Air Force (PAF) - secures the Philippine air space; and
 Philippine Navy (PN) - secures the Philippine territorial waters

Each service command considers the other services as brothers-in-arms and members of one big family.
All AFP services maintain harmonious and mutually supportive relationship with each other and in other
government agencies.


Prior to the enactment of the AFP Reservist Act (Republic Act Number 7077) on 27 June 1991,
reserve force development was already an existing phenomenon in the AFP as far back as 1939 when the
then General of the Army, Douglas McArthur was commissioned to the Commonwealth of the Philippines to
organize its citizen army. The surfacing of a new organization that would coordinate and integrate the efforts
of the pioneering citizen’s army forces was met with resistance for decades.

The AFP Reservist Act or RA Nr. 7077 provided for the reorganization of the AFP Reserve Force into
four (4) major components, namely: the Army Reserve, the Navy Reserve, the Air Force Reserve, and the
AFP-Wide technical and Affiliated Reserve Command within one year after its enactment. The urgency of this
mandate pushed General Headquarters, AFP to activate the AFP Reserve Command (AFPRESCOM) from
the personnel and facilities of the defunct Metropolitan Citizen Military Training Command (MCMTC) on 01
April 1993.

1. AFPRESCOM - organized as an AFP-wide support and separate unit on 01 April 1993 pursuant to
General Order No. 22 GHQ, AFP dated 02 March 1993 and Republic Act No. 7077, otherwise known as the
Armed Forces of the Philippines Reservist Act. AFPRESCOM is mandated to provide direction for the
development, administration, organization, training, maintenance and utilization of the Citizen Armed Forces
as a base for the rapid expansion of the Armed Forces of the Philippines in times of emergency. In the
performance of its functions, the Command is organized into two (2) major operational units, namely; the
Affiliated Reserve Group (ARG) and the Technical Service Reserve Group (TSRG) which are tasked to train
and develop affiliated reservists and technical service reservists, respectively. The training of these reservists
is directly under the supervision and control of the Reservists Training Center (RTC).

2. Army Reserve Command (ARESCOM) - premised on a dedication to service, faced with the
challenge of being in a constant state of readiness and responsiveness if it is to back up the regular army. Its
enduring values of professionalism, integrity and responsibility to the nation through selfless service must be
kept alive to meet the demands of the time.

3. Naval Reserve Command (NAVRESCOM) - tasked to oversee and administer all naval reservists
in our country, in order to provide the navy not only a base for expansion in the event of war, invasion,
rebellion, or disaster and calamity relief but also to assist in socio-economic development of the country.
NAVRESCOM has managed to activate eight (8) Naval Reserve centers throughout the country namely;
a. Naval Reserve Center Northern Luzon (NRCNL) - situated at Bunuan Gueset, Dagupan City
and covers all areas north of NRNCR to Batanes Island.
b. Naval Reserve Center National Capital Region (NRCNCR) - situated at Intramuros, Manila and
covers all areas of National Capital Region.
c. Naval Reserve Center Southern Luzon (NRCSL) - situated at Rawis, Legaspi City and covers
areas from Batangas, Mindoro, Romblon and entire Bicol Region
d. Naval Reserve Center West (NRCW) - Puerto Princesa, Palawan
e. Naval Reserve Center Eastern Visayas (NRCEV) - situated at Cebu City and covers the entire
Visayas, Leyte. Samar.
f. Naval Reserve Center Western Visayas (NRCWV) - situated at Iloilo and covers the whole
western Visayas to include Panay and Negros.
g. Naval Reserve Center Western Mindanao (NRCWM) - situated at Zamboanga City and covers
areas from Cotabato, Zamboanga, Basilan, Jolo and Tawi-tawi.
h. Naval Reserve Center Eastern Mindanao (NRCEM) - situated at Davao City and covers entire
Davao to Gen Santos City.

These Centers served as its operating units in far flung areas to ensure that its task of reaching
those vast naval reserve manpower be carried with ease and achieve desired goals.

4. Air Force Reserve Command (AFRESCOM) - is actively involved in the administration and utilization
of the air reservist responding and acting quickly to rescue calls whenever and wherever disaster occurs.

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