Chapter 1database Management System (DBMS) Part-2

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Introduction to Data, Information, database,

database systems and DBMS
Introduction to Field, Records, Objects, Keys
Understanding of advantages of DBMS
SQL languages: DML and DDL
Grade XII Computer Science Database Models
Presented By: Subein Byanjankar Concepts of Normalization
Centralized database vs Distributed Database
Database security

Data Redundancy: Redundancy means duplicate Accessing data: DBMS provides SQL
of same data or data DBMS helps to reduce the interface to flexibly retrieve the data based
data redundancy by addressing the records into
unique identities. on given criteria.
Data inconsistency: In flat file system data values Integrity : DBMS assures compatibility and
may face minor or major changes while using the integrity of data.
values resulting in inconsistent values. DBMS
helps to reduce such inconsistencies. Ensure Atomicity :Ensuring that the
Data Isolation: Isolation of data from the record requirement of recording of data is atomic
format is achieved in DBMS. In traditional file and does not require more than one record
system the data my be recorded using comas, to describe a transaction.
semi columns, tab spaces etc.


Concurrent-access anomalies: DBMS Investment:- Database system is required,

provides support for such concurrent database server hardware and software is
access without resulting in inconsistent required.
data. Technical and dedicated staff:- Database
Security : DBMS provides user accounts and administrator is required to manage database
different authorization such as reading, management system.
writing, creating, deleting, updating etc on Overhead - Maintain database system, update
the data to different users. in periodic basis and in new technologies.

Set of database language to perform different Data definition language – deals with the definition of
the structure of the data base
activities on the database Defines and maintains the database schema
Categorized as follows: CREATE – is used to create the database or its objects
(like table, index, function, views, store procedure and
◦ DDL – Data Definition Language triggers).
◦ DQl – Data Query Language DROP – is used to delete objects from the database.
◦ DML – Data Manipulation Language ALTER-is used to alter the structure of the database.
◦ DCL – Data Control Language TRUNCATE–is used to remove all records from a table,
including all spaces allocated for the records are
DDL and DML are our major goals COMMENT –is used to add comments to the data
RENAME –is used to rename an object existing in the


Data manipulation language to manipulate There are are many advantages of database
data in the database schema. such as reducing redundancy, sharing data,
Perform tasks on the data of the database consistency, security etc
tables. DBMS uses sql queries to perform different
SELECT – is used to retrieve data from the activities in the database.
DML refers to Data manipulation Language
INSERT – is used to insert data into a table.
for retrieving, updating and deleting data.
UPDATE – is used to update existing data
within a table. DDL refers to Data definition language for
DELETE – is used to delete records from a management of database schema forexample
database table. creating, deleting, renaming, alter fields etc.

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