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RIZAL’S LIFE ABROAD other students from different countries (Cuba,

Mexico, Argentina).
IN SUNNY SPAIN (1832-1885)
● He was attracted to Consuelo Ortiga y Perez but
● Being disgusted with the antiquated method of their romance didn't blossom into a serious affair
instruction in UST and the racial prejudice of for he was still engaged to Lonor and his friend
Dominican professors against Filipino students, Eduardo de Lete loved Consuelo.
Rizal decided to complete his studies in Spain. ● Shortly after arriving in Madrid, Rizal joined the
Aside from this given reason, Rizal also has a Circulo Hispano Filipino, a society of Spaniards
secret mission. and Filipinos Upon the request of the members,
● Secret mission of Rizal: To observe keenly the life he wrote a sad poem entitled, "Me Piden Versos"
and culture, languages and customs, industries (They ask me for Verses).
and commerce, and government and laws of ● Rizal read a lot of books while in Madrid and was
the European nations in order to prepare himself deeply affected by Beecher Stowe's "Uncle
in the mighty task of liberating his oppressed Tom's Cabin" and Eugene's "The Wandering Jew"
people from Spanish tyranny. which both aroused his sympathy for the
● His departure for Spain was kept secret to avoid oppressed and unfortunate people.
detection by the Spanish authorities and the ● Rizal visited Paris on his first summer vacation. He
friars. He also used his cousin’s name Jose was attracted by the sights in Paris and improved
Mercado. The kind Jesuit priests gave him letters his mind by observing museums, libraries, art
of recommendation to the members of their galleries and even hospitals.
Society in Barcelona. ● Rizal was impressed by the way the Spanish
● Travel route: Singapore-Colombo-passed Suez Masons openly and freely criticized the
Canal-Naples-Marseilles-Barcelona government policies and attacked the friars,
● In all his travels, Rizal observed and described which could not be done in the Philippines. Thus,
the places he saw. He also played chess and he joined the Masonic Lodge called "Acacia" in
mingled with the other passengers. Madrid and later transferred to "Lodge
● Barcelona. At first, his first impression of Barcelona Solidaridad". His reason for joining the Masonry
was unfavorable but latter liked the city for its was to secure Freemasonry's aid in the fight
atmosphere of freedom and liberalism, and against the friars in the Philippines by utilizing
found its people to be open-hearted, hospitable Freemasonry as his shield to combat friars who
and courageous. used religion as their shield. He also wrote a
● He met with Filipinos in Barcelona, which gave lecture entitled "Science, Virtue and Labor" for
him a pasty in Plaza de Cataluña. In Barcelona, the Masonry.
he also wrote under the pen name Laong Laan ● Rizal experienced problems in financial matters
the nationalistic essay entitled "Amor Patrio" during his stay in Madrid due to their farm's
(love of country), which was published in harvest failure and rental increase.
Diariong Tagalog (first bilingual newspaper in ● At the banquet on the evening of June 25, 1884,
Manila). Originally in Spanish but translated in which was sponsored by Filipinos, Rizal delivered
Tagalog by M.H. Del Pilar. Like his "To the Filipino a speech to celebrate the victory of Antonio
youth", the article urged his compatriots to love Luna's Spolarium (first prize) and Felix Hidalgo's
their fatherland. Christian Virgins Export 10 the Populace (second
● News from home. Cholera was ravaging Manila prize) in the National Exposition of Fine Arts in
and the provinces; Leonor Rivera was getting Madrid. His speech relayed that "genius
thinner because of the absence of a loved one. transcends racial origins, geographical frontiers
Thus, Paciano advised his brother to finish his and is universal." He also assailed the blindness
studies in Madrid. and prejudice of certain unworthy Spaniards
● Life in Madrid. Rizal enrolled in the University who could not comprehend the universality of
Central de Madrid in two courses - Medicine and genius.
Philosophy and Letters. Aside from this, Rizal ● Rizal involved in student demonstrations.
studied painting and sculpture in the Academy ● Rizal then completed his medical course in
of Fine Arts of San Fernando: took lessons in Spain; conferred the degree of Licentiate in
French, German and English under private tutors; Medicine by the University Central de Madrid on
and practiced fencing and shooting in the Hall June 21, 1884. The next year, he studied and
of Arms of Sanz y Carbonell. passed all subjects leading to the degree of
● He led a Spartan life and spent his leisure hours Doctor of Medicine but he was not awarded his
reading and writing. His also spends his money diploma for reason/s that he did not present the
buying books and lottery tickets. During summer thesis required nor paid the corresponding fees.
twilights, he sipped coffee and fraternized with More to this, Rizal also completed his Licentiate
in Philosophy and Letters on June 19, 1885 (24th
birthday). He didn't finish both courses for he ● On October 29, he left Leipzig for Dresden, where
knew that with his brown skin and Asian racial he met, Dr. Adolph Meyer, Director of the
ancestry, no friar-owned university in the Anthropological and Ethnological Museum.
Philippines would accept him in its faculty staff. ● On November 1, Rizal went to Berlin and there he
came into contact with great scientists. He
PARIS TO BERLIN (1885-87) became a member of the following societies:
Anthological Society, Ethnological Society and
● Rizal went to Paris in order to acquire more
the Geographical Society of Berlin.
knowledge in ophthalmology and continue his
● Life in Berlin. The reasons for living in Berlin: 1) to
secret mission. On his way to Paris, he stopped at
gain knowledge in Ophthalmology, 2) to further
Barcelona to visit his friend, Maximo Viola, a
his studies of the science and languages, 3) to
medical student and a member of a rich family
observe the economic and political conditions of
in San Miguel. Bulacan.
the German nation, 4) to associate with famous
● In Berlin, Rizal worked as an assistant to Dr. Louis
German scientist and scholars and 5) to publish
de Werkert (1852-1906), a leading oculist, from
his novel, Noli Me Tangere.
November 1885 to February 1886. Outside his
● Rizal worked as an assistant in the clinic of Dr.
working hours, he visited friends such as Pardo de
Schweigger and attended lectures in the
Taveras, Juna Lana, Felix Resurrection Hidalgo.
University of Berlin. He also kept himself physically
Rizal by determination and practice was also
fit by daily activities and practices speaking
able to play the flute very well. It was also said
German, French and Italian.
that he even composed patriotic songs such as
● He regarded German women as diligent,
Alin Mang Lahi and La Deportacion.
educated and friendly. "Although she dress
● Rizal left Gay Paris and arrived in Heidelberg on
nicely, she is not particular about beautiful and
February 3, 1886. He worked of the University Eye
expensive jewelry", Rizal commented. (Emphasis
Hospital under the direction of Dr. Otto Becker,
on education to gain respect)
distinguished German ophthalmologist, and
● German customs which he observed: Yuletide
attended the lectures of Dr.Becker and Prof.
custom, Self-introduction
Wilheim Kuchne. During his weekend visits, Rizal
● Rizal's Darkest Winter (1886).He lived in poverty
witnessed that the German Catholics and
(eating only one meal a day, composed of
Protestants lived together in harmony and
bread and soup) because no money came from
Calamba. Rizal starved in Berlin; his health broke
● Rizal wrote "To the Flowers of Heidelberg", for
down due to lack of proper nourishment.
Heidelberg's flowers reminded him of the
blooming flowers at the garden of his home in
● Rizal spent a three-month summer vacation in
● The lonely winter of 1886 was memorable in the
Wilhelm's field, a mountainous village near
life of Rizal for two reasons (1) it was painful for he
Heidelberg. He stayed at the vicarage of a kind
was hungry and sick and (2) it brought him great
Protestant Poster, Dr. Karl Ullmer.
joy, after enduring so much sufferings, because
● On July 31, 1886, Rizal wrote his first letter in
his first novel "Noli me Tangere" came off the
German to Prof. Ferdinand Blumentritt, Director
press in March, 1887.
of the Ateneo of Leitmenritz, Austria. He had
● His reading of Harriet Beecher's Stowe's Uncle
heard of this Austrian ethnologist of his interest in
Tom's Cabin, which portrays the brutalities of
Philippine Languages. From then on, their
American slave-owners and pathetic conditions
friendship lasted all their lives.
of the Negro-slaves, inspired him to prepare a
● Leipzig and Dresden. He arrived in Leipzig on
novel that would depict the miseries of his
August 14, 1886, there he attended some
lectures at the University of Leipzig on History and
● Before his writing of the Noli, Rizal proposed the
Psychology. He also translated Schiller's William
writing of a novel about the Philippines in the
Tell from German into Tagalog (a story of the
reunion of the Filipinos and was unanimously
champion of Swiss Independence) and later
agreed by the Filipino compatriots. However, this
Anderson's Fairy tales (for her nieces and
did not materialize for most wanted to write on
nephews). More to this, he stayed for two months
women and wasted their time gambling and
in a half in Leipzig due to its low cost of living while
flirting with Spanish señoritas.
correcting some chapters of his novel. He cared
● In writing the Noli. After finishing his studies in
money by working as a proofreader in a
Central University of Madrid, he continued
publishing firm.
writing the novel, finishing one-half of the second
half. And the last fourth of the novel in Germany.
He wrote the last few chapters of the Noli in ● While Rizal was peacefully living in Calamba, he
Wilhelmsfeld in April-June, 1886. received a letter from Governor General Emilio
● Final revisions of the manuscript of Noli were Terrero (18885-88) to come Malacañan Palace.
done on the winter days of February 1886. However, finding no fault in his novel and Rizal
However, sick and penniless, he saw no hope in himself. the Gov. Gen. released him but assigned
having it published. him a bodyguard, Don Jose Taviel de Andrade,
● Dr. Maximo Viola arriving in Berlin shortly before to protect him against assault.
Christmas Day of 1887, was shocked to find his ● His enemies being powerful won the permanent
friend living in poverty. Upon seeing his friend's censorship of the Novel but were unsuccessful in
condition, he loaned Rizal some cash money for obstructing the circulation of the Noli
living expenses and agreed to finance the ● Attackers of the Noli: Father Font, Father Jose
printing of the Noli. Rodriguez, General Luis M. de Pardo and Vicente
● On February 21, 1887, Noli was finally finished and Barrantes.
ready for printing. They found a printing shop, ● Defenders of the Noli: Filipino Reformists, Father
Berliner Buchdruckrei-Actier-Cesselschait, which Sanchez, Don Segismundo Monet, Dr. Miguel
charged the lowest rate that is 300 pesos for Morayta, Professor Blumentritt and Rev. Vicente
2,000 copies of the Novel. Garcia.
● Rizal was suspected a French spy. ● Rizal and Taviel de Andrade became good
● March 21, 1887, Noli came of the press. He sent friends. However, Rizal's happy days were halted
copies to his friends and gave the galley proofs by the 1) death of his older sister, Olimpia and 2)
to Voila. accusations that he was "a spy, a Protestant, a
● The Title came from the Bible, Gospel of John Mason, a witch, a soul beyond salvation"
(Chapter 20, Verses 13-17). "Touch Me Not", ● Being influenced by certain fact in the Noli, Gov.
● He dedicated his Noli Me Tangere to the Gen. ordered an investigation to the friar owned
Philippines - To my Fatherland. estates. Upon hearing it, the Calamba folks
● Noli Me Tangere was based on places, asked for Rizal's help in gathering the facts and
characters and situations that truly existed during listing their grievances against the hacienda
Rizal's time. management.
● Chapters: "Elias and Salome" and "In the Woods" ● His participation in the said agrarian trouble
were deleted to save printing cost. further infuriated his enemies. Thus upon the
● The Noli was praised by his friends and criticized request of Gov. Gen. Terrero, Rizal was
by his enemies. compelled to leave Calamba for two reasons: 1)
his presence jeopardized the safety and
RIZAL'S GRAND TOUR OF EUROPE WITH VIOLA happiness of his family and friends 2) and he
could fight better his enemies and serve his
● Having received 1.000 pesos from Paciano, he
country's cause with great efficacy by writing in
paid the sum of P300 to Viola
foreign countries
● Dresden. They visited Adolph B. Meyer. Dr. Jagor
and the Museum of Art.
● He also met Blumentritt at Leitmeritz, Bohemia IN HONG KONG AND MACAO (1888)
and stayed in their house. They also visited scenic
● On February 3, 1888, after a short six months stay
and historic: spots of Leitmeritz.
in Calamba, Rizal left Manila for Hongkong. There
● Prague. He met with Dr. Willkomm, professor of
he stayed at Victorio Hotel and was welcomed
Natural History in the University of Prague.
by the Filipino residents, including Jose Maria
● Vienna. They visited museums, churches, art
Basa, Balbino Mauricio and Manuel Yriente.
galleries, theaters and public parks.
● Travel route. Danubian Voyage to Lintz; from Lintz
to Rheinfall; Switzerland to Geneva Returning in ROMANTIC ADVENTURE IN JAPAN (1888)
Madrid he greatly resented the exhibition of
● On February 22, 1888, Rizal left Hong Kong and
Igorots in the 1887 Madrid Exposition.
arrived in Japan on February 28, 1888. He first
stayed in Tokyo Hotel but was latter invited by the
Secretary of Spanish legation, Juan Perez
● Rizal went home for the following reasons: 1) to Caballero, to live with him. He accepted his
operate on his mother's eye; 2) to serve his invitation. for two reasons: 1) economic expenses
people who had long been oppressed by and 2) he had nothing to hide from Spanish
Spanish tyrants; 3) to find out for himself how the authorities.
Noli and his other writings were affecting Filipinos ● Rizal decided to learn the Spanish language to
and Spaniards in the Philippines; and 4) to inquire avoid humiliation from the Japanese people for
why Leonor Rivera remained silent. he looks like them but could not speak their
language. Thus, he was able to speak the the original copy and to see Gertrude Beckett for
language within a few days. He also studied the last time.
Japanese drama, arts, music and judo. He visited
the museums, libraries, galleries and shrines.
● He was favorably impressed with Japan. He was
impressed by the following: beauty of the ● He left Paris for two reasons: 1) the cost of living
country; cleanliness, politeness and industry of the and 2) the gay social life of the city hampered his
Japanese people; picturesque dress and simple literary works, El Filibusterismo.
charm of Japanese women; few thieves and ● In Brussels. Rizal was busy writing his second novel,
beggars are only seen in cities. which was a continuation of the Noli, and aside
● Romance with Seike Usui (O-Sei-San). O-Sei-San from these he wrote articles for La Solidaridad
was a lonely Samurai's daughter of 23 years old and the letters to his family and friends. Being a
and had never yet experienced the ecstasy of physician, he spent part of his time in the medical
true love. Rizal saw in her the qualities of his ideal clinic. For recreation, he practiced gymnastics,
womanhood-beauty, char, modesty and target shooting and fencing.
intelligence. O-Sei-San's beauty and affection ● More to this, Rizal advocated the Filipinization of
almost tempted Rizal to settle down in Japan and the orthography of our language. In his article
with it; Rizal was also offered a good job at the published in La Solidaridad, entitled "The New
Spanish legation. Orthography of Tagalog Language", he laid down
● However, due to his libertarian mission to Europe, the rules of the new Tagalog orthography and
he left Japan on April 13, 1888. with modesty gave credit to Dr. Trinidad H. Pardo
● Rizal and Tetcho (Japanese Patriot) de Tavera's "Sanskrit in the Tagalog Language".
● Our hero also received a letter from Luna and
Ventura regarding the conduct of Filipinos in
(1888) Madrid (gambling). In response, he wrote a letter
to M.H. Del Pilar reminding them that they did not
● Rizal's good and bad impressions of America: 1) come to Europe to gamble but to work for their
the material progress of the country as shown in Fatherland's freedom.
the great cities, huge farms, flourishing industries ● Sad news from home arrived to Rizal, the
and busy factories; 2) the drive and energy of the Dominican Order filed a suite in court to
dispossess the Rizal family of their lands in
American people; 3) the natural beauty of the
Calamba. Also, tenants were persecuted
land; 4) the high standard of living; 5) the
including Paciano and his brother-in-law.
opportunities for better life offered to poor ● To be with his family, Rizal decided to come
immigrants and 6) there was a lack of racial home, although his friends warned him of the
equality-racial prejudice existed and inconsistent danger, however, due to their family's appeal in
practice of principles of democracy and the Supreme Court of Madrid, Rizal went to
freedom. Madrid instead to supervise the handling of the
● Rizal as a historian published many works aside case.
● Romance with Petite Jacoby - a charming
from Morga's Sucesos.
Belgian girl.
● Articles written while in Paris: The Philippine Within
a Century (views on Spanish colonization) and
The Indolence of the Filipinos (a defense of the
alleged indolence of Flipinos) on Spanish ● Failure to get justice for family. Sought aid to
colonization) Señor Fabie, liberal statesmen (Becerra and
● Rizal with the support of Blumentritt established Maura) but nothing happened.
● Jose Ma. Panganiban, his talented co-owner in
the "International Association of Filipinologists"
the Propaganda Movement, died in Barcelona
which aims "to study the Philippines from the
on August 19, 1890 after a lingering sickness. Rizal
scientific and historical point of view" wrote a eulogy for him.
● He also wanted to establish a modern Filipino ● Duel with Antonio Luna. (Unsavory remarks about
College in Hong Kong but did not materialize. Nellie Boustead)
● He wrote Por Telefono - a satire which ridicules ● Our hero challenged W.E. Retana to a duel
Father Font, attacker of Noli. because of an article accusing his family of not
● Before leaving Paris on January 28, 1890 and paying their rents, which resulted in their ejection
from their lands. However, Retana published a
going to Belgium, Rizal visited London to check his
retraction and an apology in newspapers.
announcement edition of Morga’s Sucesos with
● Furthermore, Rizal also received a letter from EL FILIBUSTERISMO PUBLISHED IN GHENT (1891)
Leonor Rivera, announcing her coming marriage
● Our hero began writing his second novel in
to an Englishman and asking for his forgiveness.
October 1887, while practicing medicine in
He was stunned, his eyes dimmed with tears and
Calamba. The following year (1888), in London,
his heart broke.
he made changes in the plot and corrected
● Del Pilar Rivalry in the La Solidaridad broke out.
chapters already written. He wrote more
● Rizal wrote a brief note thanking his compatriots
chapters in Paris and Madrid. He then finished the
for electing him as responsible. Sadly he packed
manuscript in Biarritz. Therefore, three years to
up his bags and took a vacation in the resort city
write the second novel.
of Biarritz.
● Rizal left Brussels for Ghent, a famous university
city in Belgium for the following reasons: 1) the
BIARRITZ VACATION AND ROMANCE WITH NELLY cost of printing in Ghent was cheaper than in
BOUSTEAD Brussels and 2) to escape from the enticing
attraction of Petite Suzanne.
● Our hero stayed with the Boustead family as a
● He sued almost all his funds for the printing of the
family guest. The one-month vacation in Biarritz
novel (FMEYER-VAN LOO PRESS). In order to
worked wonders for Rizal. His sorrowing heart
economize, he lived in a small room and ate in
began to lighten and his health also improved.
the cheapest restaurant.
● As an emotional rebounce, Rizal came to
● On August 6, the printing had to be suspended
entertain considerable affection for Nellie. He
because he could no longer give the necessary
found her a real Filipina, highly intelligent,
funds to the printing press. As with the Noli,
vivacious/spirited in temperament/ personality
Valentin Ventura in Paris learned of his friend's
and morally upright. His sorrowing heart began to
predicament and immediately sent him the
lighten and his health also improved. However,
necessary funds.
Rizal's marriage proposal failed for two reasons: 1)
● At last, on September 18, 1891, El Filibusterismo
he refused to give-up his Catholic faith and be a
came off the press. Sending copies to his friends
Protestant and 2) Nelly's mother did not like Rizal
and in Hong Kong.
as son-in-law.
● The Fili was dedicated to the Martyrdom of the
● Frustrated in romace, Rizal found consolation in
three priest-Gomez, Burgos and Zamora
writing. Evidently, while courting Nellie, he kept
● The Noli is a romantic novel (a work of the heart)
working on his second novel, which he began to
while the Fili is a political novel (a work of the
write in Calamba in 1887. On March 29, 1891, the
head). However, the issue of which is the superior
eve of his departure from Biarritz to Paris, he
novel is purely academic for both depicts the
finished the manuscript of El Filibusterismo.
conditions of the Philippines and the Filipinos
● Rizal went back to Paris and Brussels where
under Spanish rule; both are instrumental in
Jacoby, particularly Petite Suzanne Jacoby,
awakening the Spirit of Filipino nationalism. Both
received him.
are responsible for paving the ground for the
● Since abdicating his leadership in Madrid in
Philippine revolution.
January 1891, our hero retired from the
● Rizal's unfinished novel is about a hero,
Propaganda Movement or reform crusade. He
KAMANDAGAN, who plotted to regain the
desired to publish his second novel, to practice his
freedom of his fathers. It is written in Tagalog and
medical profession and later, when becomes
it is said that Rizal was fortunate to have not
financially independent, pursue a more vigorous
finished this novel for it would have caused
campaign to: his country's redemption.
greater scandal and more Spanish vengeance
● From Brussels, on May 1, 1891, he notified the
on him. Other Unfinished novels: Makamisa,
Propaganda authorities in Manila to cancel his
written in Tagalog: Dapitan, written in ironic
monthly allowance and asked the movement to
devote the money to some better cause, such as
the education of a young Filipino student in
● Simultaneously, he ceased writing articles for La
● After the publication of El Filibusterismo, he left
Solidaridad. Reasons for this were: 1) he needs
Ghent on October 3, 1891. His reasons for
time to work on his book; 2) he wanted other
Leaving Europe were: 1) life was unbearable
Filipinos to work also and 3) he believes that there
because of his political differences with M.H. Del
should be unity in the work.
Pilar and other Filipinos in Spain and 2) to be near
● In Brussels, Rizal worked day after day revising the
his idolized Philippines and family.
finished manuscript of El Filibusterismo and
● He arrived in Hong Kong on November 20, 1891
readied it for printing. The revision was almost
and was welcomed by the Filipino residents, Jose
completed on May 30, 1891.
Ma. Basa. He latter established his residence and Laureano Viado, a medical student at UST, was
opened his medical clinic. arrested and jailed because of copies of Noli.
● Before Christmas of 1891, he had a family reunion ● However, one good news came from home.
in Hong Kong. His mother was 65 years old and Rev. Vicente Garcia did a brilliant defense on
was almost blind. The year before (1890), she was Noli.
arrested on the flimsy charge that she was not ● The greatest achievement of Rizal in London was
using her surname "Realonda" the annotation of Morga's Sucesos (Historical
● To earn a living for himself and his family, he Events of the Philippine Islands) published in
practiced medicine. A friend, Dr. Lorenzo P. Mexico.
Marquez, helped him build a wide clientele. He ● Short visit to Paris and Spain. He became an
was an accomplished medical practitioner and honorary president of Asociación La Solidaridad
successfully operated his mother's left eye. (Solidaridad Asociación), which is a patriotic
● Borneo Colonization Project is the establishment society that would cooperate in the crusade for
of a Filipino colony in North Borneo. reforms.
● The most important writing made by Rizal during ● Graciano Lopez Jaena founded the patriotic
his stay in Hongkong was the Constitution of the newspaper called La Solidaridad in Barcelona,
Liga Filipina. which served as an organ of the Propaganda
● Decision to return to Manila. The decision was Movement. In aims: 1) to work peacefully for
spurred by the following: 1) to confer with political and social reforms; 2) to portray the
Governor Despujol regarding his Borneo deplorable conditions of the Philippines; 3) to
colonization project, 2) to establish the La Liga oppose the evil forces of reaction and
Filipina; 3) to prove Eduardo De Lete was wrong medievalism; 4) to advocate liberal ideas and
in attacking him in Madrid that he, being progress; and 5) to champion the legitimate
comfortable and safe in Hong Kong, had aspirations of the Filipino people of life,
abandoned the country's cause. democracy and happiness.
● Rizal wrote his last Hong Kong letters, which he ● Rizal's first article, which appeared in La
gave to Dr. Marquez for safekeeping. In each Solidaridad, was entitled "The Filipino Farmers"
envelope, he inscribed, "To be opened after my that depicted the deplorable conditions in the
death". Philippines, which further caused the
● Rizal falls into Spanish trap. Upon the knowledge backwardness of the country.
of his return in Manila, a secret case was filed in ● Writings in London: "The Vision of Fray Rodriguez"
Manila against him and his followers "for anti- (his defense). "Letter to the Young Women of
religious and anti-patriotic agitation" Malolos" (importance of education to women),
and "Specimens of Tagal Folklore" and "two
Eastern Fables".
RIZAL IN LONDON (1888-1889)
● Romance with Gertrude Beckett. Their friendship
● Rizal lived in London from May, 1888 to March, grew into romance but Rizal realized that he
1889. He chose this English city to be his now could not marry Gettie for he had a mission to
home for three reasons: 1) to improve his fulfill in life. Before leaving London on March 19,
knowledge of the English language; 2) to study 1889, he finished four sculptural works, which he
and annotate Morga's Sucesos de las Islas gave to his friend Blumentritt and the Beckett
Filipinas; and 3) London was a safe place for him family.
to carry on his fight against Spanish tyranny
● Life in London. He first stayed as a guest at the
home of Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor, an exile of
1872 and a practicing lawyer in London. By the
end of May, he boarded the house of the ● Paris in the spring of 1889 was bursting with
Beckett faily, where he met Gertrude "Gettie" excitement because of the Universal Exposition.
Beckett. He spent much of his time poring over ● Rizal spent most of his time in the reading room of
the pages of Morga's Sucesos and other some the Bibliotheque Nationale (National Library)
historical works in the Philippines. checking up his historical annotations on Morga's
● Bad news from home: 1) Persecution of the book. In his spare time, he visited friends,
Filipino patriots who signed the "Anti-Friar petition exercised and practiced his fencing at the
of 1888; 2) Persecution of the Calamba tenants gymnasium.
for the petition of agrarian reforms; 3) Furious ● Rizal and Paris Exposition of 1889 - He visited the
attacks on Rizal; 4) Rizal's brother in law, Manuel Eiffel Tower and joined the international art
T. Hidalgo, husband of Saturnina, was exiled competition.
without due process; and 5) a friend of Rizal, ● During the exposition, he organized his paisanos
(compatriots) into a society called Kidlat club.
The society was purely a social society and was EXILE IN DAPITAN (1892-96)
founded simply to bring together the young • Dapitan (Mindanao) under missionary jurisdiction
Filipinos in the French capital to sojourn the city of Jesuits
during the Universal Exposition. • Steamer Cebu
● Moreover, Rizal. seeing the dignified and proud • Rizal carried a letter from Father Pablo Pastells to
bearing of American Indians, organized/formed Father Antonio Obach which states that he can
together with his friends a new society called live at the parish convent under certain
"INDIOS BRAVOS", which pledged its members to conditions: 1) if he retract his errors concerning
excel in intellectual and physical prowess in order religion; 2) if he perform church rites and make a
to win the admiration of the foreigners. general confessions and 3) if he conduct himself
● R.D.L.M." (Redemption of the Malays) was another in an exemplary manner as a Spanish subject
society founded by Rizal, which was patterned and a man of religion. But Rizal did not agree.
after the Freemasonry. It aimed to propagate all • He lived in the house of the commandant,
useful knowledge-scientific, artistic, literary, etc- in Captain Carnicero
the Philippines. The Borneo Colonization Project is • He wrote a poem entitled “A Don Ricardo
also related to the R.D.L.M. Carnicero” on August 26, 1892 on the birthday of
● His outstanding achievement in Paris was the the captain
publication in 1890 of his annotated edition of • Mail boat Butuan brought news that Lottery
Morga's Sucesos and dedicated this new edition Ticket No. 9736 by Carnicero, Rizal, Francisco
of Morga to the Filipino people so that they would Equilior won second prize of P20,000; Rizal’s share
know of their glorious past. This, work proves that: was 6,200: 2,000 to his father, 200 to Basa, rest to
Filipinos were already civilized before the advent purchase agricultural lands.
of Spain thus blasted the historical heresies of • Rizal had debate with Pastells on religion, Pastells
Spanish writers who claimed that the early gave Rizal a copy of Imitacion de Cristo
Filipinos were savages and o low mentality. (Imitation of Christ)
• Duel with Frenchman, Mr. Juan Lardet, for
accusing Rizal that lumber he sold were bad; but
he apologized
● With his sister Lucia, arrived in Manila on June 26, • Rizal gave Father Sanchez a manuscript entitled
1892. Afterwards, he visited his friends in Central Estudios sobre la lengua tagala (Studies on the
Luzon and had interviews with Governor General Tagalog Language)
Despujol. • Rizal’s encounter with the Friar’s spy, Florencio
● On the evening of July 3, 1892, our here attended Namanan (assumed name: Pablo Mercado)
a of the patriots at the house of the Chinese • Physician
mestizo and this paved way to the establishment • Water system in Dapitan
of Liga Filipina. The aims of the civic society were
• Got rid of malaria
as follows: 1) to unite the whole archipelago into
• Established a school in 1893 with three pupils
one compact and homogeneous body; 2)
• Poem entitled ‘Hymn to Talisay”
mutual protection in every want and necessity; 3)
defense against all violence and injustice; 4)
• Concology, 364 shells representing 203 species
encouragement of education, agriculture and • Draco rizali (flying dragon), Apogania rizali (small
commerce and 5) study and application of beetle), Rhacophorus rizali (rare frog)
reforms. The motto of the Liga Filipina: One like All. • Bisayan, Subanum, and Malay languages
● As planned by his enemies, Rizal was charged • “The Mother’s Revenge”, mother-dog eating the
during his interview with Despujol of carrying a crocodile
leaflet found in Lucia's pillows, “POBRES FRAILES” • Bust of Father Guerrico, statue of “the Dapitan
which is a satire against Dominican friars. Girl”, woodcarving of Josephine Bracken
● Despite his denial and defense, he was arrested • Partnership with Ramon Carreon, a Dapitan
and escorted to Fort Santiago. merchant
● After the investigation, he was deported to • Most profitable business is the hemp industry
Dapitan under the following reasons: 1) published • Cigaretter lighter, sulpukan
books and articles abroad which showed • Poem as requested by Dona Teodora, “Mi Retiro”
disloyalty to Spain; 2) possession of anti-friar (My Retreat)
documents; 3) El Filibusterismo's dedication to the • Death of Leonor Rivera on August 28, 1893
three traitor priests, and title page where he wrote • Josephine Bracken (born on October 3, 1876)
in view the vices and errors of the Spanish daughter of James Bracken, adopted by
administration and 4) he pursues in his efforts and Geroge Taufer
writing is to tear from the loyal Filipino the • Poem entitled “Josephine, Josephine”
treasures of holy Catholic Faith. • Eight-month old baby boy named Francisco
• Katipunan meeting in a little river called Bitukang Despujol (Dapitan July 1892), he was later
Manok on May 2, 1896 transferred to Colon which later left Barcelona
• Dr. Pio Valenzuela left Manila on June 15 on (October 6)
board steamer Venus with blind man Raymundo
• He objected to Bonifacio’s project because (1)
the people are not ready for a revolution, (2)
• Left Barcelona on October 6, 1896
arms and funds must first be collected before • Confiscation of Rizal’s diary (October 11)
raising the cry of revolution returned on November 2
• Offered services a military doctor in Cuba, yellow • Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor and Sixto Lopez sent
fever epidemic telegrams to lawyer Hugh Fort to rescue Rizal by
means of writ of habeas corpus, but failed since
• “The Song of the Traveler” (El Canto del Viajero)
it was carrying Spanish troops
• Four years, thirteen days, and a few hours
• Deodato Arellao, Dr. Pio Valenzuela, Moises
Saalvador, Jose Dizon, Domingo Franco,
LAST TRIP ABROAD, (1896) Temoteo Paez, and Pedro Serrano Laktaw were
tortured to implicate Rizal
• From Dapitan to Manila (Dumaguete, Cebu,
Iloilo, Molo, Capiz) Rizal board the steamer • Paciano was arrested and tortured
España (July 31, 1896 – August 6, 1896) • Appeared before Judge Advocate Colonel
Francisco Olive
• He visited the Molo Church which he praised for
the interior is painted by a lad and are mostly • Documentary evidence (letters, poem entitled
copy of biblical scenes from Gustave Dore “Kundiman”, poem entitled “A Talisay”)
• España arrived at Manila Bay and Rizal misses the • Oral testimonies by Martin Constantino, Aguedo
mail ship Isla de Panay, he was later then del Rosario, Jose Reyes, Moises Salvador, Jose
transferred to the Spanish cruiser Castilla Dizon, Domingo Franco, Deodato Arellano,
(Captain Enrique Santalo) by the order of Gov Ambrosio Salvador, Pedro Serrano Laktaw, Dr Pio
Gen Ramon Blanco. (August 6, 1896) Valenzuela, ANtono Salazar, Francisco Quison,
Timoteo Paez
• Katipunan’s plot to overthrow Spanish rule by
means of revolution was discovered by Fray • November 26, appointed Captain Rafael
Mariano Gil, Agustinian cura of Tondo. (August Dominguez as Judge Advocate
19, 1896) • Judge Advocate General, Don Nicolas de la
• The discovery of Katipunan’s plot aggravated Peña
the “Cry of Balintawak” which was raised by • Peña’s recommendations: (1) accused
Bonifacio and his valiant Katipuneros (August 26 immediately brought to trial, (2) kept in prison, (3)
1896) attachment to property, (4) defended in court by
• The revolutionists led by Bonifacio and Jacinto an army officer
attacked San Juan and Gov Gen Blanco • Don Luis Taviel de Andrade, brother of Lt. Jose
proclaimed a state of war in the first eight Taviel de Andrade (bodyguard), as defender
provinces for rising in arms against Spain • December 13, General Camilo G. de Polavieja
(MaBulCavBatLaPaNeTar) (August 30, 1896) became Governor General of the Philippines
• Rizal, on board the Castilla the day before his • On December 15, Rizal wrote a manifesto to the
departure for Spain, he also wrote to his mother people appealing to stop the revolution but was
Rizal and was later transferred to the steamer Isla not released
de Panay which was sailing to Barcelona, Spain. • Rizal wrote a letter to Taviel on December 25,
(September 2, 1896) 1896
• The Isla de Panay arrived (also on board Don • Trial on December 26 at military building called
Pedro Roxas and his son Periquin) at Singapore Cuartel de España
and Rizal took shopping the day after.
• Blanco was Rizal’s implacable foe, who
• After being court-martialed, Rizal returned to his
regarded him as a “dangerous Filipino” who was
cell in Fort Santiago to prepare his rendezvous
responsible for the raging Philippine Revolution,
with destiny. During his last 24 hours on earth –
and therefore plotted his doom.
from 6:00 A.M. of December 29 to 6:00 A.M. of
• Isla de Panay, Rizal on board, left Singapore and December 30, 1896 – he was busy meeting
arrived at Barcelona, Rizal now as a prisoner. visitors which including Jesuit priests, Josephine
(September 8 – October 3 1896) Bracken and members of his family.
• Rizal wrote to Blumentritt (September 28, 1896) • He was also able to write his last poem – his final
• Rizal was imprisoned in Monjuich and was taken contribution for the emancipation of the Filipino
out and brought for an interview to Gen Eulogio people. As a Christian and a hero-martyr, he was
serenely resigned to die for his beloved country, • Upon Rizal’s death, his supposedly ‘retraction
which he called “Pearl of the Orient Sea” in his letter’ became of one of the most controversial
last poem and “Pearl of the Orient’ in the article documents in our history.
entitled “Unfortunate Philippines” published in • This ‘retraction letter’ allegedly contains his
The Hongkong Telegraph on September 24, 1892. renunciation of the Masonry and his ‘anti-
Catholic religious ideas.’

LAST HOURS OF RIZAL December 30, 1896

December 29, 1896
3:00 A.M. – Rizal heard Mass, confessed his
6:00 A.M. – Captain Rafael Rodriguez read sins and took Holy Communion.
Rizal’s death sentence – he will be shot at the back
by firing squad at 7:00 A.M. in Bagumbayan. 5:30 A.M. – He took his last breakfast. After
which he wrote his last letters for his family and his
7:00 A.M. – Rizal was moved to the prison
brother, Paciano.
chapel where he spent his last moments. His first
visitors were Jesuit priests. 5:30 A.M. – Josephine Bracken arrived
7:15 A.M. – Rizal reminded Fr. Luis Viza the together with Rizal’s sister, Josefa, with tears in her
statuette of the Sacred Heart of Jesus whom he eyes, bade him farewell. Rizal embraced her for the
carved with his pen knife as a student in Ateneo. last time, and before she left, Rizal gave her a last gift
– a religious book, Imitation of Christ by Father
8:00 A.M. – Rizal had a breakfast with Fr. Thomas Kempis.
Antonio Rosell. After breakfast, his attorney, Lt. Luis
Taviel de Andrade came. 6:00 A.M. – As the soldiers were getting ready
for the death march to Bagumbayan, Rizal wrote his
9:00 A.M. – Fr. Frederico Faura arrived. Rizal
last letter to his beloved parents.
reminded the priest of his earlier ‘prophecy’ about
Rizal, that someday he will lose his head for writing
10:00 A.M. – More Jesuit priests had visited
• At about 6:30 A.M., a trumpet sounded at Fort
him. After then, he was interviewed by Santiago
Santiago, a signal to begin the death march to
Mataix for the newspaper El Heraldo de Madrid.
Bagumbayan. Rizal walked calmly with his
12:00 – 3:30 P.M. – Rizal was left alone in his defense counsel and two Jesuit priests at his
cell. He took his lunch and continued writing his sides. He was dressed elegantly in a black suit,
farewell poem which he hid in an alcohol cooking black derby hat, black shoes, white shirt and
stove. He also wrote his last letter to Professor black tie. His arms were tied behind from elbow
Blumentritt. to elbow. There a lot of spectators lining the
street from Fort Santiago to Bagumbayan.
3:30 P.M. – Father Vicente Balaguer returned
to Fort Santiago and discussed with Rizal about his • As he was going through the narrow Postigo
retraction of the anti- Catholic ideas in his writings Gate, Rizal looked at the sky and said to one of
and membership in Masonry. the priests: “How beautiful it is today, Father.
What morning could be more serene! How clear
4:00 P.M. – Teodora Alonzo visited him. They is Corregidor and the mountains of Cavite! On
had a very emotional encounter. Rizal gave the mornings like this, I used to take a walk with my
alcohol cooking stove to Trinidad which contains his sweetheart.” While he was passing in front of the
farewell poem. Ateneo, he saw the college towers above the
walls. He asked: “Is that the Ateneo, Father?”
Several priests have visited him afterwards.
“Yes”, replied the priest.
6:00 P.M. – Don Silvino Lopez, dean of the
Manila Cathedral visited him.
8:00 P.M. – Rizal had his last supper. He told
• Rizal bade farewell to Fathers March and
Captain Dominguez that he forgave his enemies
Vilaclara and to his defender, Lt. Luis Taviel de
including the military judge’s ho condemned him to
• He requested the commander of the firing squad
9:30 P.M. – Rizal was visited by Don Gaspar that he be shot facing them.
Cestano, fiscal of the Royal Audience de Manila. • A Spanish military physician, Dr. Felipe Ruiz
Castillo, asked his permission to feel his pulse.
10:00 P.M. – The draft of the retraction letter
• The death ruffles of the drums filled the air. Above
sent by the anti-Filipino Archbishop Bernardino
the drum beats, the sharp command “Fire” was
Nozaleda (1890- 1903) was given by Fr. Balaguer to
heard, and the guns of the firing squad barked.
Rizal for his signature. He had rejected it.
Rizal, with supreme effort, turned his bullet-
riddled body to the right, and fell on the ground started to write his masterpiece "Noli me
dead – with face upward facing the morning Tangere"
sun. It was exactly 7:03 in the morning – aged 35
years, 5 months and 11 days. The Publication
• The writing of the Noli Me tangere
Rizal died as he described in his farewell poem, third - In writing the Noli. He began writing the Noli
stanza: in Madrid. After finishing his studies at the
Central University of Madrid, he continued
“I die just when I see the dawn break, writing the novel, finishing one-half of the
second half in Paris. And the last fourth of the
Through the gloom of night, herald the day; novel in Germany. He wrote the last few
And if color is lacking my blood, thou shalt take, chapters of the Noli in Wilhelmsfeld in April-
June, 1886.
Pour’d out at need for thy dear sake, - Final revisions of the manuscript of Noli were
To dye with its crimson the waking ray”. done on the winter days of February 1886.
However, sick and penniless, he saw no
hope in having it published.
It is also interesting to note that fourteen years before
his execution, Rizal predicted that he would die on
• The Savior of the Novel Noli me tangere
December 30th. He was then a medical student in
- Dr. Maximo Viola arrived in Berlin shortly
Madrid, Spain.
before Christmas Day of 1887, he was
shocked to find his friend living in poverty.
Chapter 8 Upon seeing his friend's condition, he loaned
Noli Me Ta’ngere Published in Berlin (1887) Rizal some cash money for living expenses
and agreed to finance the printing of the
Learning Objectives: Noli.
• To awaken the feelings of his countrymen - On February 21, 1887, Noli was finally finished
• To depict a series of typical Filipino scenes and ready for printing. They found a printing
• To describe the classical types in the country shop, Berliner Buchdruckrei-Actier-
during that era Cesselschait, which charged the lowest rate
• To reveal his excellent gift of observations that is 300 pesos for 2,000 copies of the
• To Expose especially the Dominicans and Novel.
Franciscans - The chapter 'Elias and Salome' was originally
the chapter 25 of Noli Me Tangere but when
The History they found the original manuscript, it has a
- The lonely winter of 1886 was memorable in large 'X' mark on it so that they called it
the life of Rizal for two reasons (1) it was Chapter X. Rizal removed it during the
painful for he was hungry and sick and (2) it actual printing of the book due to financial
brought him great joy, after enduring so issue.
much suffering, because his first novel "Noli
me Tangere" came off the press in March • Rizal was suspected as French spy
1887. - Being fluent in German Language, he
explained to the police chief that he was
The Inspiration not a French Spy, but was a Filipino physician
• The idea of Writing a Novel on the Philippines and scientist.
- His reading of Harriet Beecher's Stowe's - The chief was impressed by his explanation
Uncle Tom's Cabin, which portrays the and fascinated by his mastery of the
brutalities of American slave-owners and German Language and personal charisma,
pathetic conditions of the Negro-slaves, so the police chief allowed him to stay freely
inspired him to prepare a novel that would in Germany. Rizal was suspected as French
depict the miseries of his people. Spy.
- In a reunion of Filipinos in Paterno residence
in Madrid on January 2, 1884, Rizal proposed • THE PRINTING OF NOLI WAS FINISHED
the writing of a novel about life in the - March 21, 1887, Noli came to the press. He
Philippines. sent copies to his friends including
- Almost everybody wanted to write about Blumentritt, and Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor, G.
the character and activities of Filipino Lopez Jaena, Mariano Ponce, and Felix R.
women. Hidalgo.
- He is seriously working on the novel. He - March 29, 1887, Rizal, in token of his
appreciation and gratitude, gave Viola the Important Characters
galley proofs of the Noli.
1. Crisostomo Ibarra also known in his full name
• The Title of the novel as Juan Crisostomo Ibarra y - Magsalin, a
- The Title came from the Bible, Gospel of John Filipino who studied in Europe for 7 years, the
(Chapter 20, Verses 13-17). "Touch Me Not". love interest of Maria Clara Son of the
- The title of Noli me Ta'ngere is a Latin phrase deceased Don Rafael Ibarra. The main and
that means "Touch me Not" or in Tagalog most important character in the novel
"Huwag mo akong salingin" manifesting in him the Filipino who acquired
European ideas through his education in
• The Author's Dedication Europe.
- He dedicated his Noli Me Tangere to the 2. Elias - Ibarra's mysterious friend, a master
Philippines - To his Fatherland. boater, also a fugitive. He was referred to at
one point as "the pilot". He wants to
• The Homecoming revolutionize his country. In the past, Ibarra's
- A few weeks after his stay in Calamba, he grandfather condemned his grandfather of
received a letter from the Governor-General burning a warehouse, making Elias the
Emilio Terrero requesting him to come to fugitive he is. The character that Rizal placed
Malacañang Palace and explain the to represent the Filipino masses who suffered
subversive (contrary) ideas in the Noli Me from Spanish brutalities and abuse due to
Ta'ngere. Rizal went to see the Governor their powerlessness in the novel and in the
General. He denied the charges and real Philippines social situation of that time.
explained that he merely exposed the truth 3. Maria Clara - Maria Clara de los Santos,
but he did not advocate subversion. Ibarra's sweetheart; the legitimate daughter
Pleased by his explanation and curious of Father Damaso and Pia Alba. In her, Ibarra
about the controversial book, the Governor has fallen in-love, she also mirrored the
General asked for a copy. Rizal promised to Filipino woman of religious upbringing and
give him one. orientation, and through her love to Ibarra,
- The Governor General assigned a cultured, and she represents true loyalty and religiosity
Spanish lieutenant named Don Jose Taviel of the woman in real Filipino society.
de Andrade as his bodyguard. Governor 4. Father Damaso - also known in his full name
General read the Noli Me Tangere and as Damaso Verdolagas, a friar and Maria
found nothing wrong with it. Nonetheless, he Clara's biological father. An antagonist in
had it banned when the reports were character and represents the in Christian
submitted to him by the Commission of works for the Catholic friars who are in the
Censorship calling for its outright censorship. church.
The banning of the Noli Me Tangere made it 5. Sisa - the mother of Basilio and Crispin who
more popular; causing everybody among became insane after losing his sons. She
the masses to read the novel at night represented in the novel unfortunate Filipina
secretly. mothers losing her two sons; Basilio and
Crispin. In the novel, Sisa loses her sanity.
The Cover and symbols of the book 6. Kapitan Tiago - also known in his full name as
Don Santiago de los Santos, the known father
of Maria Clara but not the real one, lives in
Binondo. An illegal opium leader who
subsequently was a landlord. He represented
a businessman who used his money to work
for him even in religious life and obligations.
7. Pilosopo Tasyo - also known as Don
Anastacio, portrayed in the novel as
pessimistic, and mad by his neighbors. He
portrays the role of a Philosopher who was
completely misunderstood in many aspects,
he argues with the belief of the Catholic
Church and social changes and concerns in
the novel.
8. Dona Victorina / Victorina de los Reyes de
Espadaña- a woman who poses herself - as a
Peninsulares. Wife of Don Tiburcio de
Espadana, known in the novel as a trying a beautiful daughter of Captain. Their long-
hard rich woman who abhors anything that standing love was clearly manifested in this
is Filipino and clings for Spanish way of life. meeting, and Maria Clara cannot help but
This kind of character was manifested on reread the letters her sweetheart had written to
some Filipinos of that time. her before he went to Europe. Before. Ibarra left
9. Pedro - abusive husband of Sisa who loved for San Diego, Lieutenant Guevarra, a Guardia
cockfighting. Civil, revealed to him the incidents preceding
10. Don Rafael Ibarra - known in the plot as a the death of his father, Don Rafael Ibarra, a rich
concerned citizen and property owner who haciendero of the town.
was a father of Crisostomo Ibarra. • According to the Lieutenant, Don Rafael was
11. The School Master - A teacher at San Diego unjustly accused of being a heretic and filibuster.
who's view in the novel represented the Father Damaso's animosity against Ibarra's father
weak and useless education in the was aggravated by another incident when Don
Philippines. He attributes the problem from Rafael helped out on a fight between a tax
facilities and methods of learning that the collector and a student fighting, and the former's
friars implemented in the country. death was blamed on him, although it was not
Supporting character deliberate. Suddenly, all of those who thought ill
1. Tandang Pablo - The leader of the rebels, of him surfaced with additional complaints.
whose family was destroyed because of the • He was imprisoned, and just when the matter
Spaniards. was almost settled, he got sick and died in jail.
2. Basilio - the elder son of Sisa. Still not content with what he had done, Father
3. Crispin - the younger son of Sisa who died Damaso arranged for Don Rafael's corpse to be
from the punishment of the soldiers from the dug up and transferred from the Catholic
false accusation of stealing an amount of cemetery to the Chinese cemetery, because he
money. thought it inappropriate to allow a heretic such
4. Padre Sibyla - Hernando de la Sibyla, a as Don Rafael to have a Catholic burial ground.
Filipino friar. He is described as short and has Unfortunately, it was raining and because of the
fair skin. bothersome weight of the cadaver, the men in
5. Padre Salvi - also known in his full name as charge of the burial decided to throw the corpse
Bernardo Salvi, a secret admirer of Maria into lake.
Clara. • Revenge was not in Ibarra's plans; instead he
6. The Alferez - chief of the Guardia Civil, mortal carried thought his father's plan of putting up a
enemy of the priests for power in San Diego school, since he believed that education would
7. Don Tiburcio - Spanish husband of Doña pave the way to his country's progress. During
Victorina who was limp and submissive to his the inauguration of the school, Ibarra would
wife; he also pretended to be a doctor. have been killed in a sabotage had Elias - a
8. Doña Consolacion, wife of Alferez, another mysterious man who had warned Ibarra earlier of
woman who passed herself as a Peninsular; a plot to assassinate him. Instead, the hired killer
best remembered for her abusive treatment met an unfortunate incident and died. The
of Sisa. Being the only competitor of Captain sequence of events proved to be too traumatic
Tiago in godliness, she did everything to for Maria Clara who got seriously ill but was luckily
pretend that she was really religious by cured by the medicine Ibarra sent to her.
showing off to the public what she could • After the inauguration, Ibarra hosted a luncheon
contribute to the Church. during which Father Damaso, uninvited and
9. Captain General (no specific name) - The gate-crashing the luncheon, again insulted him.
most powerful official in the Philippines; a Ibarra ignored the priest's insolence, but when
hater of secular priests and corrupt officials; the latter slandered the memory of his dead
and a friend of Ibarra. father, he was no longer able to restrain himself
at Father Damaso, prepared to stab the latter for
Synopsis of the "Noli" his imprudence. As a consequence, Father
• Having completed his studies in Europe, Juan Damaso excommunicated Ibarra. Father
Crisostomo Ibarra came back to the Philippines Damaso took this opportunity to persuade the
after a 7-year absence. In his honor, Captain already-hesitant father of Maria Clara to forbid
Tiago threw a get-together party, which was his daughter from marrying Ibarra. The friar
attended by friars and other prominent figures. In wished to marry a Peninsular named Linares who
an unfortunate incident, former curate Father has arrived from Spain.
Damaso belittled and slandered Ibarra. But • With the help of Captain-General, Ibarra's
Ibarra brushed off the insult and took no offense. excommunication was nullified and the
• Ibarra went to see Maria Clara, his love interest, Archbishop decided to accept him as a
member of the Church once again. But, as fate - Blumentritt read Rizal’s novel and praised it
would have it, some incident of which Ibarra had saying “As we Germans say – written with the
known nothing about was blamed on him, and blood of the heart and so the heart also
he was wrongly arrested and imprisoned. But the speaks.” Rizal being an extraordinary
accusation against him was overruled because person.
during the litigation that followed, nobody could • Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor
testify that he was indeed involved. - a Filipino patriot and lawyer exiled due to his
Unfortunately, his letter to Maria Clara somehow complicity in the Cavite mutiny of 1872. He
got into the hands of the jury and was was an avid reader of Noli and was very
manipulated such that it then became evidence much impressed on it. Rizal’s Friends Praise
against him. the Noli.
• Meanwhile, in Captain Tiago's residence, a party
was being held to announce the upcoming Relating Noli me ta’ngere to the present times
wedding of Maria Clara and Linares. Ibarra, with - Abuse
the help of Elias, took this opportunity and - Injustice
escaped from prison. But before leaving, Ibarra - Corruption
talked to Maria Clara and accused her for - Poverty
betraying him, thinking that she gave the letter
to wrote her to the jury. Maria Clara explained to Moral Lesson
Ibarra that she will never conspire against him - Sacrifice
but that she was forced to surrender Ibarra's - Promote Nationalism
letter to her in exchange for the letters written by - Accept the changes in ourselves
her mother even before she, Maria Clara, was - Being open-minded about everything
born. The child and that she, Maria Clara, was that happened around us.
therefore not the daughter of Captain Tiago, but - Fight for what is right.
of Father Damaso. - Eye opener
• Afterwards, Ibarra and Elias bounded a boat
and left the palace. Elias instructed Ibarra to lie “I have to believe much in God because I have lost
down and the former covered the latter with my faith in man.” ― José Rizal, Noli Me Tángere
grass to conceal the latter's presence. As luck (Touch Me Not)
would have it, they were spotted by their
enemies. Elias thought he could outsmart them
and jumped into the water. The guards rain shots
Consuelo Ortiga y Perez – Madrid (did not turn
on the person in the water, not knowing that they serious because of Rizal’s engagement to Leonor,
were aiming at the wrong man. and his friend’s affection towards Consuelo)
• Maria Clara, thinking that Ibarra has been killed
in the shooting incident, was greatly overcome O-Sei-San – Japan (almost tempted to settle down
with grief. Robbed of hope and severe disillusion, yet he had to carry on his “mission”)
she asked Father Damaso to confine her into a
nunnery. Father Damaso reluctantly agreed Gertrude Beckett – London (also did not turn serious
when Maria Clara threatened to take her own as he had to fulfill his mission in life)
life, demanding, "the nunnery or death!"
Suzanne Jacoby – Brussels, Belgium (seemingly an
Unbeknown to her, Ibarra is still alive and able to
unrequited love)
escape. It was Elias who had taken the shots. It
was Christmas Eve when Elias woke up in the Nellie Boustead – Biarritz, France (failed
forest, gravely wounded and barely alive. It was proposal/engagement)
in the forest that Elias found Basilio and his lifeless
mother, Sisa. Josephine Bracken – Dapitan (during his exile)

Noli praised by his friends

- Friends of Rizal hailed the novel, praising it in
glowing colors.
- However, Rizal’s enemies condemned it.
• Ferdinand Blumentritt
- Rizal wrote to Blumentritt – “The government
and the friars will probably attack the work,
refuting my statements, but I trust in the God
of Truth and in the person who has actually
seen our sufferings.”

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