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Institute of Education

Pinaod, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, Philippines 3010



A Research Concept

Presented to the Faculty of the Institute of Arts and Sciences

Bulacan Agricultural State College

San Ildefonso, Bulacan

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Course

LING 100 Introduction to Linguistics

Angeles, Destynie SM

Dantes, Romelyn May C.

Libunao, Hans Patrick

Cabral, Ma.Joanna, F.

Esguerra, Shaira Mitch, P.


CHAPTER I.......................................................................................................................


Statement of the Problem.................................................................................................

Review of Related Literature...........................................................................................

Conceptual Framework..................................................................................................

Significance of the Study...............................................................................................

Scope and Limitation of the Study.................................................................................

Location of the Study.....................................................................................................

Definition of Terms........................................................................................................

CHAPTER II....................................................................................................................

Research Design.............................................................................................................

Participants and Sampling Procedure............................................................................


Data Gathering Procedure..............................................................................................

Data Analysis and Statistical Treatment........................................................................



Figure 1: Model of the Study …………. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Figure 2: Location of the Study …………. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Teaching syntax can be difficult to some of the teachers and may be difficult
to learn as well to students, some finds it technical since it follows certain rules and
must be applied. Some finds it boring and demotivating yet you cannot really learn
English without it. It is stated that its one of the problem of the teachers, the lack of
motivation of the students to learn it. Meanwhile learning and teaching syntax can be
easier with a strategy that can hook up students and as well as effective method to
teachers. Songs therefore must be suggested for it's everywhere, from childhood and
up to now. It plays an important role to learners, by which we perceive as it only
helps the motivation of learners, is creative and does only by the teachers to create
enjoying classroom. Yet, with all of these comes its effectiveness as a strategy on
teaching young individuals to learn, since songs is all about practicing, repetition,
application and has structure rules it possibly an effective strategy to teach syntax.

Songs therefore must be suggested for it's everywhere, from childhood and
up to now. It plays an important role to learners, by which we perceive as it only
helps the motivation of learners, is creative and does only by the teachers to create
enjoying classroom. Yet, with all of these comes its effectiveness as a strategy on
teaching young individuals to learn, since songs is all about practicing, repetition,
application and has structure rules it possibly an effective strategy to teach syntax.

Educators must think about introducing music into their Syntax lessons.
According to Przybylek (2022) A song is a short piece of music, usually with words. It
combines melody and vocals, although some composers have written instrumental
pieces, or musical works without words, that mimic the quality of a singing voice, and
is now used on teaching as a strategy Eerola (2013) Songs are useful in the
language learning classroom. They contain authentic language, are easily
obtainable, provide vocabulary, grammar and cultural aspects and are fun for the
students. It provides enjoyable speaking, listening, vocabulary and language practice
both in and out of the classroom Therefore language teachers should all consider
using songs as a regular part of their classroom activities. Music pervades virtually
every aspect of lives. It contains numerous useful elements for language teaching
and it is fun for both the teacher and students. Therefore, instructors and teachers
must consider incorporating songs on teaching Syntax. Since Syntax is the study of
sentence structure, and of how sentence structure interacts with other dimensions of
linguistic information, such as phonology, morphology, semantics, and pragmatics.
And according to Rodriguez (2016) is the arrangement of words in sentences,
clauses, and phrases, and the study of the formation of sentences and the
relationship of their component parts. In classrooms, songs might be helpful for
language learning. They give vocabulary, grammar, and cultural information while
also being accessible, authentic, and enjoyable for the students both inside and
outside of the classroom.

Murphey (1992) Songs can also be useful tools in the learning of vocabulary,
sentence structures, and sentence patterns, not to mention their reflectivity of mother
tongue culture. Many children's songs have a simple sentence structure or sentence
pattern that can become set in the mind of the learner. Songs could be used to
reinforce questions taught in the classroom.


The major aim of this study is to determine the effectiveness of teaching

syntax to grade 7 students using incorporate songs. The specific objectives are to
determine the reaction of students when exposed to songs during the learning
process, to identify if incorporating songs are really effective in teaching syntax.
Specifically, this study is supposed to answer the following questions:

1.What was the impact of incorporating songs on teaching syntax on Grade 7

students' motivation and growth?

2.Is there a significant difference in other strategies?

3.What programs or projects may be proposed or promote the strategies to the



Figure 1: Paradigm of the Study

The study's paradigm is depicted in Figure 1. The variable specified what

might influence the dependent variable. This covers the basic profile and the strategy
that will be used. Data will be collected by questionnaires that will be the basis of the
data. The other variable that will show the result meanwhile will be the effectiveness
of it on teaching syntax.


The overall goal of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of

incorporating songs on teaching syntax to Grade 7 student. Hence, this study would
be of great benefit to the following:

Students. This study will help the Grade 7 students enrolled at San Miguel National
High School who are experiencing difficulty on learning syntax.

Parents. This study will benefit the parents to be more aware of the challenges that
their children face and it will help them to have a positive connection. It is also
possible for them to adapt this strategy on their children.

Teachers. This research study will help teachers on choosing strategy that will
motivate their students and as well as will established an effective teaching skill.

Future Researchers. This study will provide additional knowledge and information
about the effectiveness of songs on teaching syntax , specifically the Grade 7
students . This research will serve as a valuable source for future researcher/s
planning to conduct a similar study. The research can also be used as a reference for
future researcher/s to conduct similar studies to be conducted in.


This chapter presents the relevant literature and studies that the researcher
considered in strengthening the claim and importance of the present study.


Janāḥ S., Mqhayi B., Delbrück J., & Madvig J. States that syntax is the
arrangement of words in sentences, clauses, and phrases, and the study of the
formation of sentences and the relationship of their component parts. In a language
such as English, the main device for showing the relationship among words is word
order; e.g., in “The girl loves the boy,” the subject is in initial position, and the object
follows the verb. Transposing them changes the meaning. In many other languages,
case markers indicate the grammatical relationships. In Latin, for example, “The girl
loves the boy” may be puella puerum amat with “the girl” in initial position, or puerum
puella amat with “the boy” in initial position, or amat puella puerum, amat puerum
puella, or puella amat puerum. The meaning remains constant because the -um
ending on the form for “boy” indicates the object of the verb, regardless of its position
in the sentence.
Sentences are constructed from phrases or groups of words that have a
closer relationship to each other than to the words outside the phrase. In the
sentence “My dog is playing in the yard” there is a closer relationship between the
words “is playing,” which together form the verb, than between the words “playing in
the,” which form only part of the verb and part of the phrase indicating the location of
the playing. The study of syntax also includes the investigation of the relations
among sentences that are similar, such as “John saw Mary” and “Mary was seen by
John.” Syntax received much attention after 1957, when the American linguist Noam
Chomsky proposed a radically new theory of language, transformational grammar.

According Delibegovic Dzanic, Nihada & Pejic, Alisa (2016) that Songs are
recognized as valuable language learning resources because of their linguistic,
educational, cultural, and entertaining qualities. Every facet of a language can be
learned and developed using them. This study intends to support these assertions,
demonstrate the value of utilizing songs to increase young learners' vocabulary in the
English language, and ascertain whether songs affect young learners' motivation to
learn English. The paper discusses theories of young learners, listening abilities, and
various facets of using and instructing songs. It also covers the relationship between
songs and several language acquisition theories as well as how music affect
motivation. The analytical section of the paper discusses the methodology and
findings from the pre-, post-, and delayed tests conducted on three different
children's songs as well as from the questionnaire used to gather data on the
motivational effects of songs. The findings demonstrated that songs help young
learners retain their language. The findings show that songs are appropriate for many
learning types, they encourage good learning experiences, and they boost their
knowledge regardless of the learning environment employed, whether it be aural or
aural/visual. Songs encourage learning and help students fall in love with language
instruction. Students who are motivated in this way have a keen interest in learning
and success.


Young children can follow the concepts in a phrase and comprehend its
meaning when they are aware of how grammatical elements like pronouns, lexical
references, and connectives function in sentences (Oakhill, Cain, & Elbro, 2015).
While it is not necessary for kids to know the names of these grammatical words,
they do need to gain an awareness of how sentences are put together in both written
and spoken language. Working with sentences can be an element of reading
challenging texts with a class. Teachers might lead a discussion of brief passages of
complex literature to assist students in understanding and parsing complex
sentences. Complex content delivers rich language. (Saldiraner, Gizem, Cinkara, and
Emrah, 2021) states that pronunciation in a foreign language does not have to be
native-like. However, intelligible and comprehensible pronunciation is required for
understandable communication. How to teach pronunciation in a foreign language
classroom matters because the effectiveness of the activities determines the
learners' success. The use of songs in teaching has lots of benefits from motivation
to recalling learned items more effectively. In this study, the efficiency of using songs
in order to teach young learners’ pronunciation was investigated in an experimental
research design. The experimental group (n=37) was taught using six different songs
and the control group (n=35) received texts for pronunciation teaching. All
participants' pronunciations were graded before and after teaching sessions by two
native speaker raters. The results of the ANCOVA analysis showed that the
experimental group's post-test scores improved significantly more than those of the
control group. The results suggest that the use of songs in pronunciation teaching
has a positive effect on young learners' pronunciation.


As Bokiev, Aralas and Liliati (2018) states that one major goal of English
educators faces in their classes is to find a unique way of getting children’s attention
in learning the English language. Music and songs greatly affect people’s daily lives.
It has all the essentiality to become an effective teacher. However, it appears that
English language teachers are underutilizing this helpful resource, which can be
attributed to a lack of knowledge of its theoretical justification and advantages. In light
of recent research and literature, the purpose of the current article is to assess the
function and potential of music and songs in the teaching of English. According to
research, using music and songs effectively in language instruction may be able to
address many intelligences, decrease anxiety, boost motivation, aid in memory
retention, and create an environment that is affectively supportive of learning.
Additionally, songs and music can be used to encourage student creativity, increase
cultural awareness, and improve understanding of nearly every topic in the target
language. The study offers useful recommendations for incorporating music activities
into ESL classes in addition to presenting theoretical justifications and empirical proof
in favor of the use of music and songs in language training. It is hoped that more ESL
instructors would view music and songs as beneficial teaching tools they may utilize
to effectively and amicably teach and learn the language by involving their students
on both an emotive and cognitive level.

The study sought to find out the effectiveness of incorporating songs on

teaching syntax in grade 7 students at San Miguel National High School (SMNHS).
The respondents of the study will be composed of 20 selected grade 7 students from
a selected section. The result of this study is applicable only to the respondents of
this study and should not be used as a measure of the effectiveness using songs on
teaching syntax for who do not belong to the population of this study.


The study entitled “The effectiveness of Incorporating songs on teaching Syntax” will
be conducted at San Miguel National High school a government-funded secondary
educational institution located in the municipality of San Miguel. It is located along the
Scuala St., San Juan, San Miguel, Bulacan.


The following are the operational definitions of key terms in this study:
Syntax. This is the branch of linguistics that is all about the arrangement, rule,
structure, and wording of sentences; it is the topic that must be taught.

Incorporating songs. This is the suggested effective strategy that includes songs in
teaching syntax

Demotivating. This is the feeling of lacking motivation or simply lack of willingness to

do a certain task | learn.

Grammar. This is the method of structuring sentences properly

Dimension of linguistic. These are the; Morphology, Semantic, Phonology and



Research Design

This research will use a qualitative approach to analyze and collect data to
determine the perceived efficacy of using song as a strategy to teach syntax to grade
7 students. According to Pritha B (2020), Qualitative research entails gathering and
analyzing non-numerical data (such as text, video, or audio) to understand concepts,
opinions, or experiences. It can be utilized to acquire in-depth insights into a topic or
produce fresh ideas for research. As this study aims to know effectiveness and also
as per qualitative design is particularly suitable for addressing the reasons why
certain phenomena are observed, evaluating intricate multi-component treatments,
and concentrating on the enhancement of interventions.

Participants and Sampling Procedure

This research will include 20 students from San Miguel National High School
in a particular section. The purposive sampling technique will be utilized to this
research. Black K. (2002) Purposive sampling is a non-probability sampling strategy
and it occurs when “elements picked for the sample are chosen by the judgment of
the researcher. Judgment sampling, also known as selective sampling or subjective
sampling, is a sampling technique in which researchers rely on their own judgment
when selecting members of the population to participate in the study. The
Researchers believe they can obtain a representative sample by using sound
judgment, which will save time and money. The researchers will interview students
coming from a specific questions that only can make them qualified to be included in
the study. 1. Is their favorite subject is English? 2. Grade in English.

Instrument of the Study

Research questionnaires, Bond Paper, Excel, Camera, ball pens and Pencils
will be utilized in the study. The researchers will create a question-surveys and will
conduct interviews to find out about the Effectiveness of incorporating songs as a
strategy on teaching grade 7 Students. The information required is contained on the
printed survey, meanwhile perception, experience and thoughts of the participants
will be asked through interview. The questionnaire also requires students to provide
basic information such as their name, age and gender.

Data Gathering Procedure

The approval to conduct the study will first be sought from the School leaders,
the adviser of the selected section, and the participants. The information will then be
gathered using the printed questionnaires that the researcher has provided, and
interviews will be conducted to learn more about the participants’ perspectives,
experiences, and insights. However, because there is still face-to-face instruction
going on, the students will only be interviewed during their free time. As the study is
not time-consuming and considerate of the participants, it may be during their lunch
or recess. Additionally, they will be asked if it’s okay to record them and collect their
data for data analysis purpose only.

Data analysis and Statistical Treatment

The Researchers will use the thematic analysis as the statistical treatment.
Since the research will evolve the study about the efficacy of incorporating songs as
a strategy on teaching syntax. Villegas., F. (2020) Thematic analysis is a technique
for evaluating qualitative data that entails reading over a collection of data and
searching for themes by observing patterns in the meaning of the data. Making sense
of the data involves an active reflexive process where the researcher’s personal
experience is central. In qualitative research, it is typical. It is frequently used to
describe a collection of texts, such as an interview or a series of transcripts, and
stresses the identification, analysis, and interpretation of qualitative data patterns.
The researcher carefully examines the data to look for recurring ideas, subjects, or
ways of saying things. Since the researchers will focus on identifying, analyzing, and

interpreting the interviews and the data that will be gathered . Claulfield. J. (2019)
When analyzing a collection of qualitative data, such as interview transcripts, to learn
more about people’s ideas, opinions, expertise, experiences, or values, thematic
analysis is a useful method.

Bokiev, D., Bokiev, U., Aralas, D., Ismail, L., & Othman, M. (2018). Utilizing music
and songs to promote student engagement in ESL classrooms. International Journal
of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(12), 314–332

Brewer, B.C. (2012). Music and learning: Integrating music in the classroom. Johns
Hopkins School of Education. Retrieved from:

Eerola, P. S., and Eerola, T. (2014). Extended music education enhances the quality
of school life. Music Education Research. 16 (1), 88-104.

Goldbeck, L., and Ellerkamp, T. (2012) A randomized controlled trial of multimodal

music therapy for children with anxiety disorders. Journal of Music Therapy, 49(4),

Gonzalez, M. F., & Aiello, J. R. (2019, January 28). More than meets the ear:
Investigating how music affects cognitive task performance. Journal of Experimental
Psychology :Applied. Advance online publication.

Ziv, N., and Dolev, E. (2013). The effect of background music on bullying: A pilot
study. Children & Schools. 35 (2) 83-90.

Delibegovic Dzanic, Nihada & Pejic, Alisa. (2016). The Effect of Using Songs On
Young Learners and Their Motivation for Learning English. NETSOL: New Trends in
Social and Liberal Sciences. 1. 40-54. 10.24819/netsol2016.8.

Gray, Przybylek, & Blakeley. (2022). What is a Song.

(2022). Syntax. Department of Linguistics.

Duignan, B.; Syntax. Britannica.

Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (2016, April 14). syntax. Encyclopedia


Saavedra, E.; (2015). Voices from the Field. National center on Safe Supportive
Learning Environments.

Bsharat, Tahani, R. K; Barahmeh, & Mosaddaq Y.; Turkman. (2021). The Influence
of Music and Educational Songs on EFL Students' Achievement. African Educational
Research Journal, v9 n2 p728-p738.

Saldiraner, Gizem; Cinkara, Emrah. (2021). Using Song in Teaching Pronunciation to

Young EFL Learners. PASAA: Journal of Language Teaching And learning in
Thailand, v62 p119-114.

Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (2016, April 14). syntax. Encyclopedia



Zone 1, Barangay Batasan Matanda,

San Miguel, Bulacan

Educational Attainment

Tertiary Bulacan Agricultural State College

Pinaod, San Ildefonso Bulacan

Bachelor of Secondary Education

Major in English

Secondary San Miguel National High School

Elementary Batasan Elementary School

Personal Information

Date of Birth: May 15, 2004

Age: 18

Height: 151 cm

Weight: 42kg

Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single


Hans Patrick B. Libunao

466 Centro St., Camias, San Miguel, Bulacan

Educational Attainment

Secondary: San Miguel National High School

Scuala St., San Juan, San Miguel,


Elementary: Sacdalan Elementary School

Sacdalan, San Miguel, Bulacan

Personal Information

Date of Birth: August 4, 2002

Age: 20

Height: 5’5 ft.

Weight: 63 kls

Nationality: Filipino
Civil status: Single

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