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Departamento de La Guajira

Institución Educativa Distrital Familia de Nazaret

Antes Institución Educativa Sagrada Familia Decreto 248 de 5 de noviembre de 2002,
modificado por Decreto 0151 de 18 de octubre de 2016
NIT. 892100040-0
“Familia de Nazaret, ejemplo de testimonio y de fe”

1- Create and explain a situation where have occurred facts of bulling at

home, at school, or with a particular friend.
2- Identify what was or is the type of bullying with details
3- How do you do act in front of a similar situation if you were a victim of
4- What does difficult can be this experience for a teenager or a boy/girl
according your own opinion


1. –Which topic do you like to say something in particular on?

2. Tell two actions carry out by an aggressor?
3. In your own words what is bullying?
4. Are victims are all same age, why “yes” or Why “not”?
5. What kind of problems the teens have according to your previous
6. Where do the problems of teens begin?
7. Say one problem of adolescent.
8. Why does an adolescent argue with his/her parents?
9. Mentions 2 reasons, why does a teen have problems?
10. Why does aggressive behavior can occur in a teenager?
11. Explain what is “good treatment and mistreatment”.?
12. What is the opposite to: lack motivation?
13. Which is a teenagers’ problem at home?
14. What does modesty mean?
15. What is integrity?
16. Give us a example of integrity?
17. If you know a family member addicted to drugs, what would you do?
18. Loving someone justifies his/her mistreatment or abuse?
19. If you observe an abuse against a woman, What would you do?
20. If you consider as a victim, what would you do?
21. What is the opposite action to: bad sleeping habits?.
22. Identify and explain short text tow problems occurred at school.
23. What is an act related to: refusing to do homework, give an example.
24. Describe, why does a teen can become a vandal?
Departamento de La Guajira
Institución Educativa Distrital Familia de Nazaret
Antes Institución Educativa Sagrada Familia Decreto 248 de 5 de noviembre de 2002,
modificado por Decreto 0151 de 18 de octubre de 2016
NIT. 892100040-0
“Familia de Nazaret, ejemplo de testimonio y de fe”

25. Write 2 or 3 synonym of behavior

26. What do you think about teasing?
27. If you has had any action of abuse for other person abuse, what did you do?
28. Mention different types of abuse?
29. What is psychological abuse for you?, give us an example
30. What is emotional abuse for you?, give us an example
31. What is physical abuse for you?, give us an example
32. What is economic abuse for you?, give us an example
33. If you know and addicted person, how is their behavior?
34. Do you think the common medications can lead to addiction, why “yes”, why
35. Which do you consider the psychological abuse, emotional abuse, physical
abuse, economic abuse or cyber abuse to be more dangerous?
36. Why does parents are worried about their teenager? Answer like a parents
in this situation.
37. How do you would try to solve indiscipline behavior at home, like a parent?
38. Which does disciplinary strategies can parents use to solve a misbehavior
adolescent back actions?
39. What happen when the parents talk angry to their teens?
40. According your thinking, mention 3 good acts to focus to correct on poor
behavior teens to be successful?
41. What does mean self steam?
42- Is the society correctly presenting a good context for children? Argue your
43-What will be the positive or negative actions for or against a pregnant
44-Identify some actions of the drugs addiction person?
45- Tell us about any Cyber bullying situation.
46- Do you have a financial hardship during pandemic time , tell us , how you
handles it-
47- Which are the possible symptoms of the stress?
48-What would you do in case of sexual abuse?
49- What do you think about the fears in a dangerous situation and a positive
50- what would the pooper treatment for the elders? Mention some actions to
do it
Departamento de La Guajira
Institución Educativa Distrital Familia de Nazaret
Antes Institución Educativa Sagrada Familia Decreto 248 de 5 de noviembre de 2002,
modificado por Decreto 0151 de 18 de octubre de 2016
NIT. 892100040-0
“Familia de Nazaret, ejemplo de testimonio y de fe”

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