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11.11: I say good-bye and retreat; I apologize for the mistake. 1.

11: I say good-bye

and retreat; I apologize for the mistake.

Dear Father and Mother:
1. Management of the Prima Initiative Foundation
2. Human Initiative Board of Directors
3. General Manager of Hawaii
4. Hi Manager
5. HI Managers
6. HI staff
7. International Relations Partners
8. HI Volunteers

Assalamu'alaikum, Wr. Wb.
Human Initiative taught me a lot over the course of 11 years and 11 months (nearly
12 years). 11.11 is still too young in my opinion, and I still contribute very little to the
Human Initiative and its stakeholders. Of course, I have many shortcomings and
weaknesses while working at Human Initiative. Maybe I still have many mistakes to
make while serving with Human Initiative. However, I hope that an apology will still
be extended to me if, during interactions with the Board of Trustees, Board of
Directors, General Managers, Managers, Branch Heads, Field Heads, and
Supervisors, staff at head office and branches, partners, and Human Initiative
volunteers around the world, I offend anyone. Once again, I apologize profusely, so
that my family and I will also receive forgiveness from Allah SWT and always be on
the right path according to the Al-Quran and Hadith.

This friendship will hopefully last forever, in this world and the next. Give my respects
to all Human Initiative humanitarian fighters. If there are flaws, weaknesses, and
mistakes, of course, they are from me as a human being. If there is goodness, truth,
or benefit, of course it all comes from Allah SWT. From the bottom of my heart and
with my best wishes, I extend my best wishes to Human Initiative humanitarian
fighters around the world, both those who have gone ahead of us, alumni, and
colleagues who are still serving and contributing their best to Human Initiative.

Greetings of love and affection for Allah SWT's blessings and pious people That's all
I have to say, and I want to thank each and every one of you. Allow me, with open
arms and sincerity, to step down and say goodbye to human initiative. I ask for all
Human Initiative activists' best prayers and support for me to continue and carry out
the mandate wherever I am to continue to contribute to humanity.

Greetings, Mr. Wb.

December 30, 2022, Bekasi
Mardy Sahendra

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