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A01 A02 + A03

Old Scrooge Old Scrooge

A squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, The strong verbs exaggerate Scrooge’s nature.
clutching covetous old sinner He is a ‘squeezing sinner’ which creates the
impression of his squeezing joy and money from
all he meets.
Hard and sharp as flint The simile emphasises the cruel side of Scrooge’s
nature- zoom on the adjective ‘sharp’ and ‘flint’.
Secret and self contained and as solitary as an The simile ‘as an oyster’ suggests that Scrooge is
oyster a closed person with a hard exterior, unkind and
unpleasant. However, oysters produce pearls
this suggests that there is a part of Scrooge’s
personality that is precious.
Sibilance- a harsh sound is created which links to
the harsh picture that is being developed of
Scrooge by Dickens.
Eyes red and thin blue lips The adjective ‘red’ connotes evil and the
adjective ‘blue’ can be linked to cold which is
linked to death- reinforcing that Scrooge is dead
A03: Features of the Gothic fiction are present
here, starting to become popular at this point in
time. The description could foreshadow the
development of the plot.
“Because you feel in love!” Growled Scrooge. Reveals part of Scrooge’s past. The verb
‘growled’ suggests that this is a painful part of
his life.
“If they would rather die...they had better do it Significant because these words are reiterated to
and decrease the surplus population” Scrooge in stanza three- he is appalled.
Surplus- not wanted. Relates to the poor in the
workhouses ( link to context)

Changing Scrooge Changing Scrooge

A01 A02

“Your lip is trembling” said the Ghost. Scrooge starts to change quite quickly; the verb
‘trembling’ perhaps suggests that Scrooge is
scared of re-visiting his past.

I should like to be able to say a word or two to After seeing ‘old Fezziwig!’ Scrooge realises the
my clerk just now. That’s all. errors of his ways. He realises that he has the
ability to ‘render’ people ‘happy or unhappy.’

He seized the extinguisher-cap, and by sudden Verb ‘seized’ shows the urgency and panic to
action pressed it down upon its head. retrieve the cap so he can block out painful
memories, the fact that he wants to do this
shows his desire to change. Remember, the
Ghost of Christmas Past represents Scrooge’s

Scrooge feared the silent shape so much that his The verb ‘trembled’ tells us that Scrooge is
legs trembled beneath him scared of the Phantom; he knows that Spirit will
show him his doomed future.

It was a splendid laugh, a most illustrious laugh Scrooge is expressing happiness for the first
(S5) time, his laugh, which he has bottled up for so
long will become legendary.

The New Scrooge The New Scrooge

A01 A02

Golden sunlight; Heavenly sky Pathetic fallacy, unlike the description of

weather in the earlier staves( which described
Scrooge’s cold personality ) now has references
to golden sunlight.

Golden= connotations of wealth and richness

Sunlight= connotations of hope

All of which, reveal the change in Scrooge and

contrast to the earlier descriptions.

He was so fluttered and so glowing with his good Now, Scrooge seems alive he is ‘glowing’ which
intentions suggests that he is full of life- this would be
linked back to the earlier descriptions of Fred.

“I will honour Christmas in my heart” (S5) Scrooge pledges to honour Christmas. Dickens is
able to highlight the true meaning of Christmas
for all.

“ I will live in the Past, the Present and the The theme of transformation has occurred- this
Future” (S5) quote reminds the reader that they too should
embrace the past, present and the future.

Scrooge is clearly ashamed here and he is

“That is my name and I fear that it may not be speaking to the men who were collecting for the
pleasant to you. Allow me to ask your pardon. poor on Christmas Eve. He wants forgiveness and
this highlights the transformation that has

Jacob Marley Jacob Marley

A01 A02

I made the chain I forged in life. I made it link by A chain is heavy and uncomfortable; it suggests
link that you pay for your mistakes- perhaps a
warning to the reader too. Link by link suggests
that each mistake follows you, actions have

Marley had no bowels Bowels in this sense means compassion

(remember, this is a 19th Century text)

The Spirits The Spirits

Its hair, which hung about its neck and down its The ghost symbolises Scrooge’s memories, this is
back, was white as if with age; and yet the face why it looks old yet young. You might also
had not a wrinkle suggest that the ghost depicts Scrooge’s external
shell (old) but reminds the reader that
somewhere inside there is a young soul.

Girdled around its middle was an antique The scabbard is sheath for a dagger. The spirit
scabbard symbolises generosity and peace on earth. The
fact that there is no dagger is symbolic of the
Plenty’s horn spirit’s desire for peace on earth. Plenty’s horn is
symbolic of generosity.

Phantom, draped and hooded, coming like a mist At the end of stave 4 the Phantom quickly
(s4) approaches Scrooge which creates tension for
the reader ( perhaps it also symbolises Scrooge’s
inability to prevent the change occurring)

Draped and hooded- a haunting figure, creates


Simile ‘Like a mist’ emphasises that the Phantom

is all around Scrooge, it will overwhelm him and
he cannot prevent the transformation.

The Phantom, slowly, gravely, silently, Elements of horror are evident in Stave 4 ( see
approached your old book for more). The adverbs, slowly,
gravely and silently, highlight how in control the
spirit it. It is clearly taking its time, which creates
tension for Scrooge and the reader.

Ignorance and Want Ignorance and Want

A01 A02

Yellow, meagre, ragged, scowling The boy and the girl are described as ‘yellow’
connotes sickness and ill health.

Meagre- indicates that they’re starving.

Don’t forget Ignorance and Want belong to man;

they are a consequence of neglecting the poor
and needy.

A stale and shrivelled hand, like that of age, had The children that hide under the robes of the
pinched, and twisted them, and pulled them into Ghost of Christmas Present are 'pinched' and
shreds. 'twisted' rather than being happy and joyous as
we would like children to be. The Ghost tells
Scrooge that the children are the responsibility
of all mankind.

Stave 4 Stave 4

A01 A02

The only emotion that the Ghost could show Scrooge asks to see anyone moved by his death,
him, caused by the event, was one of pleasure the response he receives highlights how Scrooge
has done no in the world and is juxtaposed by
the reaction to Tiny Tim’s fate in the quote

Tiny Tim’s death... Colour is linked to life, joy and happiness- all of
which is gone from the world now Tiny Tim is
“The colour hurts my eyes,” she said dead. Tiny Tim’s death contrasts with Scrooge’s.

“My little, little child!” cried Bob. “My little Extremely emotive, the adjective little
child!” emphasises TT’s innocence. The speech is
moving because the feelings of sorrow are
apparent- the exclamation marks show despair.

The finger pointed from the grave to him and It appears that Scrooge wants to fight for his life;
back again. he is devastated to learn his fate. The cries of
‘oh’ and repetition of ‘no’ would arouse
“No, spirit! Oh no, no!” sympathy from the reader.

Fred and Belle Fred and Belle


He was all in a glow...his eyes sparkled” Character foil for Scrooge at the start of the
novella. ‘Glow’- almost angelic which contrasts
to the earlier descriptions of Scrooge ‘blue lips’

Sparkled- links to the motif of lightness and

darkness that runs throughout the novella.

The master possession, gain, engrosses you The verb ‘engrosses’ highlights just how
obsessed Scrooge became with the pursuit of
wealth. It was his obsession that lost him Belle.

Poverty and Wealth Poverty and Wealth

A01 A02

“What has ever got your precious father then?” The adjective ‘precious’ is heart warming, the
Said Mrs Cratchit. Cratchit’s are the embodiment of love and are
generous with their love. They may be poor but
are wealthy in terms of love.

His threadbare clothes darned up and brushed , Dickens is championing the poor- threadbare
to look seasonable and Tiny Tim upon his clothes creates an image of very worn clothing
shoulder but ‘brushed’ up- suggests that they take pride
in the little that they have. Bob is gracious and

His active little crutch was heard upon the floor The adjective ‘active’ shows us that Tiny Tim is
determined despite his illness. Again, Dickens is
highlighting the admirable qualities of the poor.

Scrooge hung his head (after the spirit repeats The fact that he hangs his head reveals the
‘Surplus population’ back to Scrooge. shame he feels when hearing his words

A03- Surplus population ( Malthus- Population


“A place where Miners live, who labour in the Bowels create imagery of guts, dirt etc – it is
bowels of the earth” worth noting that the men are cheerful despite
their situation, they know the true meaning of

“ I am sorry for him; I couldn’t be angry with him Fred sees Scrooge as the victim, he is a victim of
if I tried” ( Fred on Scrooge, Stave 3) his own unhappiness- we too ( as the reader)
start to realise this and can also learn from
Fred’s desire to forgive ( one of the key themes
in the novella)

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