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Classical and Operant Conditioning

For each of the ten examples below, decide if the behaviour in question was acquired through operant or
classical conditioning.
If you decide the behaviour is classical, identify the Unconditioned Stimuli (US), Unconditioned Response
(UR), Conditioned Stimuli (CS), and the Conditioned Response (CR).

1. Every time someone flushes a toilet in the apartment building, the shower becomes very hot and
causes the person to jump back. Over time, the person begins to jump back automatically after
hearing the flush, before the water temperature changes. Classical Conditioning. UCS: Hot Water
UCR: Jump Back CS: Toilet Flushing CR: Jump Back

2. Your father gives you a credit card at the end of your first year in college because you did so well.
As a result, your grades continue to get better in your second year. Operant Conditioning - Positive

3. Your car has a red, flashing light that blinks annoyingly if you start the car without buckling the seat
belt. You become less likely to start the car without buckling the seat belt. Operant Conditioning -
Negative Reinforcement

4. You eat a new food and then get sick because of the flu. However, you develop a dislike for the
food and feel nauseated whenever you smell it. Classical Conditioning. UCS: Getting the Flu UCR:
Feeling Sick CS: Smelling the food CR: Feel nauseated

5. An individual receives frequent injections of drugs, which are administered in a small examination
room at a clinic. The drug itself causes increased heart rate but after several trips to the clinic,
simply being in a small room causes an increased heart rate. Classical Conditioning. UCS: Drug
UCR: Increased Heart Rate CS: Being in a small room CR: Increased Heart Rate

6. A lion in a circus learns to stand up on a chair and jump through a hoop to receive a food treat.
Operant Conditioning - Positive Reinforcement

7. A professor has a policy of exempting students from the final exam if they maintain perfect
attendance during the quarter. His students’ attendance increases dramatically. Operant
Conditioning - Negative Reinforcement

8. You check the coin return slot on a pay telephone and find a quarter. You find yourself checking
other telephones over the next few days. Operant Conditioning - Positive Reinforcement

9. Your hands are cold so you put your gloves on. In the future, you are more likely to put gloves on
when it’s cold. Operant Conditioning - Negative Reinforcement

10.John Watson conducted an experiment with a boy named Albert in which he paired a white rat with a
loud, startling noise. Albert now becomes startled at the sight of the white rat. Classical
Conditioning. UCS: Noise UCR: Being Startled CS: White Rat CR: Being Startled

Determine if the example is operant or classical conditioning. If the example is CLASSICAL conditioning, on
the lines provided list the US, UR, CS, CR. If the example is OPERANT conditioning, list the behaviour,
whether there was punishment or reward, what the punishment/reward was, and the effect on the

1. My cat Sydney used to jump on the counters at home. I would secretly squirt her with a water gun when she
jumped on the counters. She rarely jumps on the counters any more.
Operant Conditioning – Punishment.
The undesired behaviour was jumping on the counter. The punishment was to get squirted with the water gun. This
behaviour will therefore be reduced.
2. Your dog greets you with his tail wagging every day when you come home. The door to your house squeaks
loudly when you open it. Soon, your dog begins wagging its tail when the door squeaks.
Classical Conditioning
UCS: When you come home
UCR: Dog greets you with tail wagging.
CS: Door squeaking
CR: Wagging tail
3. In a weight management class, participants earn points for every healthy meal eaten and every period of
exercise completed. Later these points result in refunds of their class fees.
Operant Conditioning – Positive Reinforcement.
The desired behaviour is eating healthy meals and completing exercise.
The reinforcement is that the class fees are refunded. This will increase the healthy behaviours.
4. To treat alcoholics, we sometimes put a chemical in their drinks that makes them sick. Eventually the taste
of alcohol makes them feel nauseous.
Classical Conditioning
UCS: Chemical
UCR: Feeling sick
CS: Alcohol
CR: Feeling nauseous
5. The nurse says “Now this won’t hurt a bit” just before stabbing you with a needle. The next time you hear
“This won’t hurt” you cringe in fear.
Classical Conditioning
UCS: Stabbing with a needle
UCR: Pain / Fear
CS: Saying ‘This won’t hurt a bit’
CR: Cringing in fear

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