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Science Technology Feature

Sarah Nicole J. Barsubia

(apilon pa ba title sir?)

From smart pens to eco-friendly backpack, the science and technology have brought a plethora of
innovating to help students excel in their academic and personal lives. Let us find out what science
inventions students find most useful in their daily routine.

1. “I absolutely love my Smart pen. It records everything I write and hear during lectures, and I can
easily transfer the notes to my laptop or phone. It’s a game-changer for my note-taking
process.” – John Ever Muyco, 18, STEM student.
2. “My e-reader has made reading textbooks and novels so much easier. I can highlight and take
notes without damaging the book, and it’s much lighter to carry around than a stack of books.” –
Joana Sumile, 19, STEM student.
3. “I use my smartwatch to tract my fitness goals and monitor my sleep patterns. It reminds me to
take breaks during study sessions and encourages me to stay active throughout the day.” – Neil
Joseph Abonado, 19, STEM student.
4. “I rely heavily on my laptop for school work, but I also love using my wireless mouse. It’s so
much easier to navigate around the screen and makes editing documents a breeze.” – Axel Jade
Enesperos, 17, STEM student.
5. “I have a portable charger that keeps my phone and other devices charged throughout the day.
It’s a must-have for long study sessions and group research projects.” – Paul Allan Dichuasido,
19, STEM student.

These innovations demonstrate how science and technology can make a significant difference in a
student’s daily life. By utilizing these helpful tools, students can work more efficiently, stay focused, and
ultimately excel in their academic endeavors.

Results of the survey: Which mode of learning is more relaxing, Modular or Face-to-face?

35 out of 100 students in Mlang NHS opted for face-to-face.

65 out of 100 students in Mlang NHS chose modular.

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