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Day 2:

1- Importance of the study of Ethics:

1. Ethics means living in the proper way and it is in the development of a good moral character
and virtues that man finds perfection and understands his purpose of existence. The ultimate
end and purpose of human existence is not the acquisition of material possession, power and
prestige; not even the development of intellectual skills, but in the development of moral
qualities that make men unique and supreme from all creation. I

2. Everybody aims to have peace and harmony among all people, which is indeed the common
interest of the people and the government. The first way to the moral development of the people
is to educate them Confucius laid great emphasis on cultivation of character, purity of heart and
conduct. He exhorted the people to have a good character first, which is a priceless jewel and
which is the best of all virtues

Immanuel Kant Man is a rational being Every action of man must be in accordance with laws of
reason that makes man a moral agent. It is the duty of man to live a moral life

Il-Relationship of Ethics to other Sciences:

1. Ethics and Logic:

Logic is the science and art of correct reasoning. Ethics is the science of good and
proper living.

2. Ethics and Psychology:

According to Lupato and Cornista psychology is the scientific study of behavior and
cognitive processes. Psychology is not concerned with the morality of human behavior unlike
ethics. Psychology investigates only how man behaves. Ethics is concerned with moral
obligation, while psychology is not.

3. Ethics and Sociology:

Sociology is the scientific study of society and culture, while Ethics is concerned with
moral order, which also includes social order.

4. Ethics and Economics:

I Economics is the proper allocation and efficient use of available resources for the
maximum satisfaction of human wants. He has to earn a living. His means of livelihood must be
morally acceptable. He must observe justice and fairness with his fellow beings

5. Ethics and Education:

Education is concerned with the total human development that includes the moral,
intellectual and physical faculties of man. Through education, man becomes civilized and
cultured; this guides him to live morally.
6. Ethics and Laws:
The objective of the law is for the welfare of the majority of the people and not offensive
to morality, but there is a difference between what is moral and what is legal.
According to Montemayor, the legal only covers the external acts of man the moral governs
even the internal acts of man, such as the voitional and intentional activities of the will and mind

7. Ethics and Art:

Men's artistic creation must have a noble purpose which should not be offensive to

8. Ethics and Political Science:

Political Science is the study of state and the government. Politics covers the
administration and management of our government. Politics is concerned with the material
needs of man; while ethics is concerned with the spiritual.

I - Nature of Man:

Man is the Only Moral Being:

Man has the intellect that separates him from all brute creation. Man may foresee the
consequences of his actions. He has the capacity to know what is right and what is wrong
Morality of human acts cannot be applied to animals for they do not possess intelligence

Man as a Rational Being:

Man's actions are in accordance with reason. Every action of his has purpose and meaning. It is
the duty of man to be moral according to Immanuel Kant

Man as an Animal:

Similarly, both man and animals possess appetite and knowledge. Animals, as similar to man,
need also to gratify their instinctive sexual desires. But, what separates man from animals is that
man has intellect and free will

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