KD 3.4 Reading Practice - Analytical Exposition

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Text 1
Do you like exercising ? Exercise is important for us to be healthy. By exercising, we
can get many benefits. First, exercise makes us strong, by increasing the size and strength of our
muscle. Without it, muscle waste away.
Besides, it strengthens our heart, as a result, our heart can pump blood more efficiently.
This means that it can do more work with less effort. You know just running for a bus can strain
an unfit person`s heart. Exercise also makes us breathe deeper and take in more oxygen inside
our body before it can give us energy.
Next, exercise improves our circulation by making our blood vessels more elastic and
opening up new channels. What does it mean? Well, food and oxygen, which are carried in our
blood, get around our body more efficiently. Exercise also improves our speed of reaction and
coordination by making our brain and nervous system work more efficiently. It also helps us to
move more gracefully. And finally it helps us relax and overcome stress. We feel generally
healthier and happier. These are the reasons why exercise is important for us.

1. What is the text about?

a. the importance of exercise for our healthy body
b. by exercising can improve our circulation
c. by exercising strengthen our hearth
d. exercise increase the size and strength of the muscle
e. exercise make us breathe deeper

2. The following statements are true according to the text, except ….

a. by exercising can get many benefits
b. by exercising improve our speed of reaction and coordination
c. by exercising helps us relax and overcome stress
d. by exercising can improve our blood circulation
e. by exercising we can easily get tired

3. “Exercise also improves our speed of reaction and coordination” (paragraph 3 line 3).
What does this statement mean?
a. by exercising, we can move faster than before
b. by exercising, we ca make our brain works more efficiently
c. by exercising, we can think much better than before
d. by exercising, our thought will work slower
e. by exercising, we will move gracefully

4. What is the main idea of paragraph two?

a. exercise will make our hearth stronger
b. exercise also make us breathe deeper
c. exercise will give us more energy
d. exercise will give us more oxygen
e. exercise can strain an unfit person`s hearth

5. Exercise also improves our speed of reaction and coordination (paragraph 3) .. The synonym
of the underlined word is ….
a. reports d. regulates
b. explains e. endangers
c. enhances

Text 2
The Importance of English Language

I personally think that English is the world’s most important language. Why do I say
Firstly, English is an international language. It is spoken by many people all over the
world, either as a first, second or foreign language.
Secondly, English is also the key to open door of scientific and technical knowledge,
which are needed for the economic and political development of many countries in the world.
Thirdly, English is a top requirement for those who seeking for jobs. Applicants who
master either active or passive English are more favorable than those who don’t.
From the facts above, it is obvious that everybody needs to learn English seriously in the
global era.

6. In Indonesia English is learned as …. language.

a. first d. both first and second
b. second e. both second and foreign
c. foreign

7. What is the purpose of the text above?

a. to state that English is the most important language
b. to present an idea that English is not very important
c. to give the writer`s opinion and reasons about the importance of English
d. to say that English is the top requirement to seek a job
e. to give an opinion that English is the key to open door of science and technical

8. Applicants who master either active or passive English are more favorable than those who
don’t ..(paragraph 4). What does the underlined word refer to?
a. jobs d. applicants
b. active English e. requirements
c. passive English

9. It is obvious that everybody needs to learn English ..(last paragraph) What is the synonym of
the underlined word?
a. vivid d. implicit
b. unbelievable e. affordable
c. strange

10. The last paragraph can be called ….
a. argument d. thesis
b. proposal e. ideas
c. reiteration

Integrated Pest Management

There is no best way to deal with pests in agriculture. Pesticides which are commonly used
may cause many problems. I think combining different management operations is the most
effective way to control pests.
Firstly, the chemicals in the pesticides may build up as residues in the environment and the
soil which absorbs the chemicals. This reduces the quality of farm products.
Secondly, pests can gradually become resistant to pesticides. This means that newer and
stronger pesticides have to be developed.
Lastly, some pesticides affect non target plants and animals such as fish and bees. This
affects the ecology and environment as well.
So, understanding the ecology of the area helps a lot in pest control. Pesticides should be
chosen and applied carefully so that they don’t affect the ecological balance and environment.
Therefore, integrated pest management is a safe and more effective option to fight pest in
agriculture and livestock.

11. Which of the following is not directly affected by pesticides used?

a. Plants
b. Ecology
c. Animals
d. Environment
e. Human beings

12. What can you say about paragraphs two and four?
a. The fourth paragraph supports the idea stated in paragraph two.
b. Both paragraphs tell about the disadvantages of using pesticides.
c. Both paragraphs tell about how pesticides affect the quality of farm products.
d. The statement in paragraph two is contrary to the statement in paragraph four.
e. The second paragraph tells about the effects of using pesticides on animals mentioned in
paragraph four.

13. One of the disadvantages of using chemical pesticides is . . .

a. killing fish and bees.
b. increasing crop productivity.
c. creating balanced ecosystem.
d. causing the pests become inactive.
e. helping reduce pollutions in the environment.

14. “Secondly, pests can gradually become resistant to pesticides.” ( Paragraph 6)
The word resistant in the sentence above means . . .
a. weak
b. fragile
c. damage
d. unaffected
e. unbalanced

15. Lastly, some pesticides affect non target plants and animals such as fish and bees..
(paragraph 3).
The underlined word can be best replaced by ….
a. Motivate
b. Influence
c. Consider
d. Generate
e. Forbid

Text 4
Cigarette smokers are said to have a good chance of getting various fatal diseases. But, I
think that other people’s tobacco smoke seems to increase the chances of non-smokers getting a
wide range of cancers.
First, although passive smokers inhale less tobacco smoke, the researchers point out that
the smoke you breathe in is richer in many toxic chemicals. There is, for example, three times as
much as benzo-apyrene, six times as much toluene and more than 50 times as much
dimenthylonitrosamine. Of course this substance will harm our body in the long run.
Secondly, the recent research reported that the risk of getting cancers not normally
associated with smoking also rose among passive smokers. The risk of leukemia rose 6-8 times
and the risk of cervical cancer increased 3-4 times.
Thirdly, past studies have found that by product of cigarette smoke such as coinine and
thiocyanate; turn up in the blood, urine and saliva of non-smoking adults, children and fetuses
that have been exposed to smokers. These substances are the main causes of various cancers.
In short, the effects of exposure to the cigarette smoking of others are greater than has
been previously suspected. That is why passive smokers have more chances of contracting
cancer than people with no such exposure.

16. What is the main idea of paragraph 3 ?

a. Passive smokers are as risky as smokers
b.Passive smokers inhale smoke which is richer in many toxic chemicals.
c. The causes of cancers are toxic chemicals
d. Toxic chemicals are fatal to the passive smokers.
e. The more toxic chemicals we breathe in, the shorter time we live.

17. In this text, the writer is trying to ……

a. explain the danger of smoking cigarette.
b. discuss about the dangers of inhaling cigarette smokes.
c. expose the risk of getting cancers for passive smokers.

d. describe the substances cigarette smokes contains.
e. persuade smokers to keep on smoking cigarettes.

18. The following statements are true based on the text, EXCEPT…..
a. toxic chemicals in cigarettes’ smoke are not only causes of cancers.
b. Cigarette smokers have great possibility to get various fatal diseases.
c. Researchers said that passive smokers also have the risk of getting
d. The researchers have found the amount of people suffering from leukemia
and cervical cancer increasing.
e. Passive smokers have little chances of getting deadly diseases than the
smokers themselves.
19. The following substances are included into the toxic chemicals in tobacco
smoke, except….
a. toluene d. thiocyanate
b. nicotine e. benzi-apyrene

20. “………the researchers point out that the smoke…(paragraph 2)

The underlined word has the nearest meaning to………
a. explain d. object
b. understand e. doubt
c. appoint

Text 5
Male chauvinism (men’s believe in male superiority) extends even into the area of
automobile driving, it seems. They believe that they are far better drivers than women. Men
consider women drivers incompetent, inattentive and even dangerous behind the wheel.
However, statistics prove that women are, in fact, safer drivers than men. For example,
insurance rates for women are 20 percent than they are for men. Another proof is that more
accidents are caused by male drivers between the age of 18 and 25 than by any other groups.
Also the greater percentage of accident involving deaths is caused by men. Although women are
criticized for being too cautious, they are really just being safe drivers.
The reason for women drivers’ safer driving habits can perhaps be found in the differing
attitudes of sexes toward automobiles as a convenience, like a washing machine.
On the other hand, men regard the automobile as an extension of their egos. Using it as a
weapon when they feel particularly aggressive or using it as a status symbol.
In all, women are safer drivers because of their attitude. Men can learn to become safe
drivers if they adopt the attitude that an automobile is merely convenience.

21. The text is about . . . .

a. road accidents
b. women attitude toward automobile
c. male superiority in automobile driving
d. a comparison between men and women drivers
e. statistics about the number of road accidents

22. In term of car accidents the statistics proves that car accidents caused by . . . .
a. men are higher than those of women d. women are equal to that of women
b. men are lower than that of women e. women are the same as that of men
c. men are as high as that of women

23. Which of the following the writer doesn’t agree about men drivers?
a. They are safe and careful drivers.
b. They cause more accidents than women.
c. They consider themselves to be competence drivers.
d. They feel that using a car shows status of symbol.
e. They regard automobiles as an extension of their egos.

24. We can understand from the text that potentially . . . .in terms of driving ability.
a. men always criticize women for their bad driving attitude
b. women show their egos by aggressive driving
c. the statistic shows women drive the car carelessly
d. young women drivers get many accident
e. men underestimate women

25. “Men consider women drivers incompetent, inattentive…” (paragraph 1)

The underlined word means . . . .
a. intent b. furious c. watchful d. careless e. incredible


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