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Team Structured

Project- Lithium-ion batteries

Star Energy Private Limited

Scrum sprints- JIRA software

Baldeep Singh -200508772

Gagandeep Singh-200514995

Harman Kaur-200506613

Navdeep Kaur-200511569

Rajdeep Kaur-200524510

Varun Khajuria-200512064

Georgian College ILAC, Toronto Campus

PRJM-1001: Agile project management-202

Professor: Dr. Roomi Tinani

August 14, 2022


Project- Lithium-ion batteries-Team Structured (LIBTS) Scrum sprints- JIRA software

Company name – STAR Energy Pvt ltd

Overview of project and project scope- Lithium ions migrate from the negative plate

through a medium to the positive terminal during depletion and back again during charging in

a lithium-ion battery, which is a kind of rechargeable battery made up of cells. Li-ion

batteries commonly use graphite for the negatively charged electrode and interpenetrating

lithium material for the positively charged electrode. Li-ion cells have a low self-discharge

rate, no memory effect, and high energy density. It is possible to construct cells that

emphasize power density or energy. However, because they include volatile ions and can

catch fire or detonate if mishandled, they can pose a safety risk.

Cathode, anode, electrolytes, and isolator are the four main components of a lithium-ion

battery. A Li-ion battery needs every element because it will not operate if one of them is


Product Backlog- Different issues related to the project are shown below:


This sprint will focus mainly on the first two issues that were to be solved in the following

sprint i.e.

*The batteries are sensitive to high temperature

* Recycling issue with the batteries

Sprint-1 Planning

Below we have identified the tasks which need to be completed in this sprint. Moreover, the

team has together decided to have a 1-week timeline for this sprint.

Sprint-1 Backlog

In this, the team has pulled together the tasks from the product (lithium-ion batteries) backlog

as shown below -

Sprint-1 Daily scrum- standup meeting

The meeting will be held every day to go through what has been accomplished, what must be

done next, and whether there are any obstacles. Following a status review by the entire team,

a fresh Jira card may be selected.


Sprint-1 Review

The team gives the product owner a demo of the subsequent iteration they developed during

the sprint. The work was examined by the product owner to determine if it was complete or

what was missing. All the features were effectively delivered as agreed upon, however, the

client still wanted a protective covering that is recyclable as well as suitable for all kinds of


Sprint-1 Retrospective


As the customer demand was for a protective covering that is recyclable and also suitable for

all kinds of temperatures, we took back the recyclable card. This sprint will now focus on the

next issues as discussed below:

* Recycling issue

* Zero to no maintenance

* Extraction of Lithium uses a large number of resources and labor.

Sprint-2 Planning

We have identified different tasks that need to be completed in this sprint. The duration of the

sprint is 1 week. The goal is to achieve proper maintenance of the battery.

Sprint-2 Backlog

There will be three issues in the backlog as shown below:


Sprint-2 Daily scrum- standup meeting

Two issues will be resolved in the meeting. One card is sent back to the issue section. The

reason for that is explained in the review section. Standup meet shows what must be done

next, and whether there are any obstacles. After following the status review, a new card from

Jira software will be selected.

Sprint-2 Review

All the deliverables were delivered effectively but the ‘Extraction of the lithium’ card was

sent back. The reason for doing so is the complaint from the manager staff that there is a lot

of work and it is impossible to handle it without the proper machines.

The work was examined by the product owner to determine if it was complete or what was


Sprint-2 Retrospective


Sprint 3 will mainly focus on addressing and resolving the following issues that were


1. Extraction of lithium uses a large amount of labor and resources.

2. Expensive as compared to alkaline batteries.

Sprint-3 Planning

As stated above, the sprint planning will include the actionable strategies to resolve the issues

and reach the sprint goal which is to make the extraction affordable.

In addition to this, both the respective issue will be resolved in sprint 3 within 1 week.

Sprint-3 Backlog

After the sprint planning is completed, the next step is the creation of the sprint backlog.

Respectively, the team has created the backlog for sprint 3 which contains the tasks that will

be worked upon to be completed as shown in the respective product backlog.


Sprint-3 Daily scrum- standup meeting

A daily scrum meeting will be held daily. The sole purpose of the daily scrum is to make that

each team member is on the same page concerning the current tasks at hand, project health,

project status, other project aspects, and any project-related problems that have occurred or

are currently being faced by the project team.


Sprint-3 Review

In this step, a working demo of the functionality developed during the sprint iteration is

presented to the product owner. The feedback from the product owner is recorded and the

team makes sure whether the stakeholder is satisfied or not. However, both tasks were

resolved in the sprint and a working functionality was delivered.

Sprint-3 Retrospective

The team collectively agreed upon the way the whole team worked and how each team

member tackled their respective obstacles with the help of the other team members.


In this sprint, we have to overcome two issues of lithium batteries. The issues with lithium

batteries are it catches fire when exposed to a high amount of heat. Apart from this, the

lifespan of these batteries is less.

Sprint-4 Planning

In the sprint planning our goal is to overcome two lithium battery issues. The duration of this

sprint is one week. So, our main goal for this sprint is to increase the lifespan of lithium

batteries. Moreover, protecting the surroundings by making an outer shield.

Sprint-4 Backlog

In the sprint backlog, we are trying to resolve the 6th and 7th issues of the lithium battery.

Sprint-4 Daily scrum- standup meeting

In the daily stand-up meetings, we resolve the 6th issue which is that lithium batteries catch

fire when exposed to a large amount of heat. But the issue number 7 Shorter life span of

lithium batteries is in progress.


Sprint-4 Review

The lifespan of lithium batteries is less compared to alkaline batteries because of the different

materials used. This is the main reason why this issue is in progress.

Sprint-4 Retrospective

The time of the retrospective meeting is one week. In this meeting, there are many things

which inspired us for the future such as Science fiction movies and also Engineers'

suggestions for substituting chemicals. We decided not to use previously used material which

can easily be caught fire. Apart from this, for future projects to extend the lifespan of

supercapacitors, we use high-energy-density supercapacitors in all climates.



Project development teams began with the aim of solving various problems with Li-ion

batteries. And this sprint highlights the need for non-corrosive material to make electrodes

and solutions to the issue of the short lifespan of batteries due to low capacity.

Sprint-5 Planning

Although many issues have been resolved, still we gave one week to mitigate the problem of

corrosion as we don’t have much time to solve all issues. Our team will be working hard to

gather knowledge so that we can use alternate electrode materials to get rid of corrosion.

Sprint-5 Backlog

The team has found solutions to issues of the short lifespan of the battery and protecting the

electrodes from corroding. After doing this, we will be left with one trouble, when due to

high voltage the separation barrier breaks down and affects the output of the battery.

Sprint-5 Daily scrum- standup meeting

A lithium-ion battery is an electrochemical cell. To solve some issues, it’s better to share and

discuss the concepts we learned. It was decided to hold a meeting every day to clear our

backlog. Progress of meeting can be seen in screenshots when one issue of short lifespan is in

progress while in the later screenshot attached, this issue finds a remedy and other in


Sprint-5 Review

Tests conducted by the expert illustrated that electrodes get rusted when came into contact

with air and water. It leads to a search for some non-resistant material with the same chemical

properties to make the electrodes.


Sprint-5 Retrospective


In this sprint, as we are reaching almost the end of project delivery, we focused on the final

issues that are being raised by the stakeholder and by the project development team. So as of

now, we have one new issue that we need to resolve and one is from the previous sprint that

we will focus on and get resolved within the given timeline of this week. We will be working

on how to get rid of the issues related to electrodes getting damaged when exposed to

moisture (already in progress from the last sprint). Second, we will focus on separation

barrier ruptures when exposed to high voltage and how to resolve it.

Sprint-6 Planning

As you can see in the below screenshot the two issues are in different stages i.e. one is in

progress from the last sprint and another one is a new issue from the current sprint. So we

have understood the issues and tried to resolve them within the 6th sprint. Also, the team

agreed to complete all of it in one week.


Sprint-6 Backlog

The team has already identified and we are working on a product backlog from the previous

sprint review we will try to resolve it in this sprint and the same has been depicted in the

below screenshot.

Sprint-6 Daily scrum- standup meeting

The standup meeting or a daily scrum call is done and we all connect here daily and try to

understand the issues that are or may delay the project delivery and try to resolve them within

the given timeline. The same is shown in the image below.


The two issues were in two different stages in the above image and now as we have reached

the final timeline, the team has managed to resolve the issues and so the stages have been

moved to completed or done. Which you can see in the image below.

Sprint-6 Review

Now we will connect with the Product owner and will showcase our project updates and then

he will let us know if we are up to the mark as he expected or still there is a need to do some

more changes to it.

For now, he liked what we have done and the project’s final delivery is complete.

Sprint-6 Retrospective

Team Structured final retrospective where we have mentioned our few learnings and how we

will implement them in a future project. All of it is mentioned in the retrospective leaves

attached in the image below.



In this project, we have worked as a team and conducted mock scrum meetings which helped

to understand how actually a scrum meeting takes place and also use different scenarios to

make it a little more fun.

To achieve the same we have used the JIRA project management tool for covering the

complete scrum framework and we made sure that we cover all the different Agile processes

and understand the Agile methodologies used to complete the project delivery.


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