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Department of Education

Region X – Northern Mindanao

Division of Bukidnon
Cabulohan, Cabanglasan, Bukidnon
Reading and Writing Skills
NAME: __________________________ GRADE/SECTION_____________ SCORE_______________
I. VOCABULARY. Choose the word in parentheses that best completes each sentence. Write your answer
on the space provided for.
_______1. The movie was about the exciting life of a daredevil (investor, vendor, aviator) in the 1920s and
the self-constructed airplanes he flew.
_______2. The announcement that a movie would be filmed in our town sent everyone into a (pitfall,
temptation, frenzy).
_______3. The photographer set the camera on a special (hydrant, tripod, chronicle) and then asked the
couple to smile.
_______4. Before we can say whether the bike is usable, we’ll have to (pursue, chronicle, assess) the
damage from the accident.
_______5. This planning committee could use someone with a strong sense of (realism, communism,
anarchy) so our ideas don’t get too off the wall!
_______ 6. The crowded conditions and harsh rules in the prison caused feelings of (dictator, diction,
dissension) among the prisoners.
_______ 7. You have to be (exotic, agile, patriotic) to complete the obstacle course.
_______ 8. We must find a way to make drivers (comply, dissent, propel) with the speed limit.
_______ 9. Paul promised not to (divulge, consent, prescribe) the secret I whispered to him.
_______ 10. Because he was almost fifteen years older than his younger brother, Mark’s feelings for
Michael were more (naive, paternal, trivial) than brotherly.
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read and analyze, then answer the questions that follow by writing the letter of
your answer on the space before each number.
______ 11. Which of the following is not a property of a well-written test?
a. Organization c. body and proportion
b. coherence and cohesion d. appropriate language
______12. Can you change the underlined misused words in the paragraph below by choosing the right
My inmates Bobby, David and Lee are also my best friends. We have been living together in
this small study apartment for three years now. It is not always pacy living with three other
guises, but most of the time, it can be fun!
a. intimates, studio, peace, disguises c. roommates, studio, easy, guys
b. classmates, sturdy, peace, guys d. roommates, stucco, pacey, guise
______ 13. What is the mood of the statement” He longs to tell someone, all that is haunting him now, but
there is no one to tell?”
a. excited b. confused c. disappointed d. none of these
______ 14. What does a writing have when all the parts are logically sequenced?
a. cohesion b. coherence c. concept d. content
______ 15. Which element of essay writing which deals with order of ideas, unity, coherence, expository
devices and patterns of development?
a. Content and Theme c. Form and Structure
b. Language and Style d. Language Dynamics
______16. Which of the following is an example of primary source of information?
a. interviews b. diaries c. personal accounts d. news
_______17. Which of the following is not a transition word/phrase?
a. in the same way c. in similar fashion
b. on the other hand d. on my own
______ 18. The following transition words are used in developing a paragraph for contrast except for one:
a. notwithstanding b. on the contrary c. however d. similarly
______ 19. When you give the physical features, behaviors and characteristics, you are developing a
paragraph using ____________.
a. Definition b. Comparison and Contrast c. Narration d. Description
______ 20. When you discuss the steps to achieve a particular end, you are developing a paragraph using
a. Cause and effect c. Comparison and Contrast
b. Division/Classification d. Process Analysis
______ 21. The two basic features in writing that facilitates continuity of ideas in a written text are _____
a. Coherence and Cohesion c. Process analysis
b. Organization and Development d. Summary and Conclusion
______ 22. Effective writing must have the following characteristics except for one:
a. Organization and mechanics c. Appropriate language use
b. Coherence and cohesion d. Writer’s good name
______ 23. When does a word become “misused”?
a. When the word does not mean what the writer thinks it means
b. When the word is used several times in succession without thinking
c. When the work refers to a subject that was not previously mentioned
d. When the word is spelled or pronounced incorrectly by the individual
______ 24. What types of words do writers often use to “sound smart”?
a. Technical or highfalutin words c. literary or figurative language
b. Denotation or connotation d. academic or hypothetical words
______25. Which of the following does not fall under mechanics as an aspect of a well-written text?
a. Punctuation b. capitalization c. spelling d. grammar
______26. What are the following words called?( however, therefore, as a result, lastly, in contrast)
a. Signal words c. textual words
b. Content words d. ordering words
______ 27. What does a text have when the ideas are logically arranged?
a. Cohesion b. coherence c. concept d. content
______28. Which is the type of paragraph that intends to convince readers to do or believe in something?
a. Persuasive b. descriptive c. narrative d. expository
______ 29. Which of the following should be used in writing an academic text?
a. Formal language c. biased language
b. Informal language d. complicated language
______30. Identify the misused word in this sentence.
Mrs. Richards is a prolific philanderer who supports over 100 non-profit organizations all over
the world.
a. prolific b. non-profit c. philanderer d. organizations
______ 31. Replace the underlined technical term with a simpler word.
The papers reported Heidenberg Inc.’s acquisition of a 1,000-hectare real state property in
a. procurement b. purchase c. promotion d. proposal
______ 32. Which of the following sentences is not properly punctuated?
a. How will I be able to accomplish all the things I have to do.
b. How I will get through this very hectic week, I have no idea.
c. How he was able to finish the race despite being sick still amazes me!
d. How this works is something that I have studied for a long time.
______33. Which of the following is not a reliable evidence?
a. Statistics c. research findings
b. Statements of authorities d. rumors
______ 34. How can this text be improved?
“Guy de Maupassant’s story “The Necklace” is about Madame Mathilde Loisel. She borrows
a diamond necklace from a friend so she could have something fancy to wear to a party. She
loses the necklace and finds a way to replace it. Mathilde and her husband fall into debt trying
to pay for the lost necklace. Her friend explains to her that the necklace was a fake.”
a. It needs connecting words to provide a better transition between sentences.
b. It needs a central concept around which the rest of the text could be built upon.
c. It needs to elaborate more on who Guy de Maupassant is and why he wrote the story.
d. It needs more action and drama because the story does not seem fascinating.
______ 35. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of writing?
A. process-oriented B. purposive C. unplanned D. permanent
III. Proofreading & Editing. A. Read each item carefully then answer what is asked. Write the letter of your
best answer on the space provided for.
______ 36. Which of the following is a complete sentence?
a. Because night fell. c. Jim ate the sandwich.
b. On a tree-lined path. d. In our neck of the woods.
______ 37. Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
a. In the dead of night. The van pulled up.
b. Chuck would not, give Jaime the seat.
c. Over coffee and toast, Kelly told me about her new job.
d. Lemonade. My favourite drink.
______ 38. Which of the following sentences correctly uses a conjunction?
a. I cannot play in the game until I practice more.
b. I hid in the basement my brother was mad at me.
c. Victor erased the answering machine message Nora would not find out.
d. She score a goal won the game.
______ 39. Which of the following sentences below is the best revision of these sentences?
The bicycle tire is flat. The bicycle tire is on the bike.
a. the bicycle tire is on the bike and the bicycle tire is flat.
b. The flat bicycle tire is on the bike.
c. On the bike, the bicycle tire there is flat.
d. the bicycle tire on the bike is flat.
______40. Which among the sentences in the paragraph is the topic sentence?
a. He was born in 1818.
b. He was educated in the universities of Moscow and St. Petersburg.
c. In 1852, he abandoned poetry and drama and devoted himself to fiction.
d. Ivan Turgenev was a critically acclaimed Russian author.
______ 41. Which of the following underlined words in the following sentence is considered transitional?
We did not catch any fish; as a result, we ate macaroni and cheese.
a. did not b. any c. as a result d. an
______ 42.What is the purpose of the composition if it will have with this title:“ Good Reasons to Always
Drive Safely” ?
a. persuasive b. Expository c. Narrative d. Descriptive
______ 43. Which of the following sentences does NOT use informal language?
a. Everybody said his new car was a “sweet ride”.
b. Suzanne totally couldn’t believe that she had won the lottery.
c. The letter arrived in the morning, and he opened it immediately.
d. I always feel cooped up in my cubicle at work.
______ 44. Which of the following sentences uses the active voice?
a. Peter was given a laptop to use when he worked at home.
b. The mountain was climbed by several of the bravest hikers in the group.
c. The favors for the birthday party were provided by the restaurant.
d. Randy and May won the egg toss at the state fair.
______ 45. Which of the sentences uses capitalization correctly?
a. The whole family appreciated the letter Senator Clinton sent to Uncle Jeff.
b. The whole Family appreciated the letter senator Clinton sent to Uncle Jeff.
c. The whole family appreciated the letter Senator Clinton sent to uncle Jeff.
d. The whole family appreciated the letter senator Clinton sent to uncle Jeff.
______ 46. What are the correct words for the blanks in the following sentence?
We ______ put on our uniforms, but we still _____ late for the game.
a. already, maybe b. already, may be c. all ready, maybe d. all ready, may be
______ 47. What is the best conjunction to combine this sentence pair?
We can fly to Orlando. We can drive.
a. and b. but c. or d. because
______ 48. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
a. When the sun reflects off the water, it shines in my eyes, too.
b. When the sun reflects off the water it shines in my eyes, too.
c. When the sun reflects off the water, it shines in my eyes too.
d. When the sun, reflects off the water, it shines in my eyes, too.
______ 49. Which of the underlined words in the following sentence could be edited without changing the
My friend thinks love is a basic and fundamental human need.
a. my b. thinks c. basic and d. human
______ 50. What is the purpose of a composition with the following title: “The History of the Internet’?
a. persuasive b. expository c. narrative d. descriptive

B. Directions: The following sentences test correctness and effectiveness of expression. In each of the
following sentences, part of the sentence or the entire sentence is underlined. Choice A repeats the
original; the other four options are different. Choose the answer that best expresses the meaning of the
original sentence. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided for.
______ 51. Because the land is extremely sandy is why the contractor believes it would be impossible to
build there.
(A) sandy is why the contractor believes it would be impossible to build there
(B) sandy, the contractor believes it impossible to be building there
(C) sandy, the contractor believes it would be impossible to build there
(D) sandy, the impossibility of building there is the contractor’s belief
(E) sandy is why it is impossible to build there, is what the contractor believed
______52. In many areas of the world, people are turning to soybeans as a protein source because they
are cheap to grow, provide other important nutrients, and the fats they contain are less harmful
than animal fats.
(A) provide other important nutrients, and the fats they contain
(B) important nutrients are provided, and contain fats that
(C) provide other important nutrients, and contain fats that
(D) providing other important nutrients, and containing fats that
(E) important nutrients are provided, and fats are contained that
______53. Johnny Cash wears dark clothing and sings in an unadorned voice, these qualities contribute to
his folksy image as “the man in black.”
(A) these qualities contribute to his folksy image as “the man in black.”
(B) and these qualities contribute to his folksy image as “the man in black.”
C) and the result of these contributions being his folksy image as “the man in black.”
(D) while these qualities contributing to his folksy image as “the man in black.”
(E) his folksy image as “the man in black” is the result of this contribution.
______54. A high-cholesterol diet, even among otherwise healthy adults, is more likely to contribute to
heart disease than someone who has a low-fat diet.
(A) than someone who has a low-fat diet
(B) than would a low-fat diet
(C) as opposed to a low-fat dieter
(D) in contrast to someone who has a diet that is low in fat
(E) compared to a low-fat diet
______55. Bifocal eyeglasses contain two-part lenses, and it allows the wearer to see into the distance and
read a book without changing eyewear.
(A) Bifocal eyeglasses contain two-part lenses, and it allows
(B) Bifocal eyeglasses contain two-part lenses, which allow
(C) Bifocal eyeglasses, with their twopart lenses, allows
(D) Two-part lenses in bifocal eyeglasses allows
(E) Two-part lenses are in bifocal eyeglasses, and this is what allows
______56. Daniel is fastidious about the way he maintains his CDs; each is filed in its own place according to
release year and record label.
A) each is filed in its own place
(B) each having their own place
(C) where each has its own place
(D) having a place of its own
(E) they each have places of their own
______57. Although the path was blocked by a seemingly insurmountable wall of snow, the rescue team
decided to continue on with its mission rather than abandon the trapped campers.
(A) continue on with (B) continue forward with (C) continue
(D) try and continue (E) keep on continuing
______58. Due to increasing demand for their skills, beginning computer programmers are now finding
themselves earning more than or as much as some well-established lawyers.
(A) more than or as much as
(B) as much as, or even more than,
(C) at least as much, or even more, than
(D) at least as much as
(E) more, or at least as much, than
______59. David Alfaro Siqueiros, regarded by historians as one of Mexico’s greatest painters, he created
many large-scale murals depicting leftist political themes.
(A) painters, he created
(B) painters, created
(C) painters, and creating
(D) painters by creating
(E) painters when he created
______ 60. As a result of a mysterious cloud that settled overnight, therefore the town was evacuated in the
early morning hours.
(A) overnight, therefore the town was evacuated
(B) overnight, the town was evacuated
(C) overnight; therefore, they evacuated the town
(D) overnight there was an evacuation by the town
(E) overnight, evacuating the tow

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

Checked by:

Master Teacher I
I. Vocabulary III. Proofreading and Editing
1. apathy 36. c
2.visible 37. c
3. trivial 38. a
4. exotic 39. B
5. inscription 40. d
6. divulge 41. c
7. paternal 42. a
8. dissension 43. c
9. agile 44. d
10. comply 45. a
46. b
II. Multiple Choice 47. c
11. c 48. a
12. c 49. c
13. c 50. C
14. b 51. c
15. c 52. c
16. c 53. b
17. d 54. b
18. d 55. b
19. d 56. a
20. d 57. c
21. a 58. d
22. d 59. b
23. a 60. b
24. b/d
25. a
26. a
27. b
28. a
29. a
30. c
31. b
32. c
33. d
34. a
35. c
I. Vocabulary III. Proofreading and Editing
1. aviator 36. c
2. frenzy 37. c
3. tripod 38. a
4. assess 39. B
5. realism 40. d
6. dissension 41. c
7. agile 42. a
8. comply 43. c
9. divulge 44. d
10. paternal 45. a
46. b
II. Multiple Choice 47. c
11. c 48. a
12. c 49. c
13. c 50. C
14. b 51. c
15. c 52. c
16. c 53. b
17. d 54. b
18. d 55. b
19. d 56. a
20. d 57. c
21. a 58. d
22. d 59. b
23. a 60. b
24. b/d
25. a
26. a
27. b
28. a
29. a
30. c
31. b
32. c
33. d
34. a
35. c

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