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Agricultural & Applied Economics Association

Production Function Estimation and Related Risk Considerations

Author(s): Richard E. Just and Rulon D. Pope
Source: American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 61, No. 2 (May, 1979), pp. 276-284
Published by: Oxford University Press on behalf of the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association
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Accessed: 18/09/2013 17:56

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Production Function Estimation and
Related Risk Considerations
Richard E. Just and Rulon D. Pope

Therehas been considerableinterestin estimationsof inputeffects on the probability

distributionof output.Mostempiricalandtheoreticalanalysesutilizemultiplicative
stochasticspecificationswhich are analyzedandfoundundulyrestrictive,particularly
since inputsthat marginallyreduceriskare not allowed.A moregeneralstochastic
specificationis proposed,free of these a priorirestrictions.The proposedfunctionalform
estimationis discussedanddemonstratedwith nitrogen-responsedataand common
log-linearproductionfunctions.Thoughnitrogenis risk-increasing,the marginalvariance
contributionis smallerwhen comparedto estimatesbasedupon multiplicative
specification.Finally,stochasticspecificationerroreffects are analyzed.

Key words: fertilizerresponsefunctions,productionfunctions,risk.

Increasingly, risk considerations are neces- yields to be estimated within cells. A number
sary in the analysis of the agricultural sector. of other authors (e.g., de Janvry and Fuller)
Risk is affected not only by price and other have recognized that more efficient estimation
market-related phenomena but also by many is possible by utilizing continuous response
technological innovations and government functions. Apparently thus far, however, no
policies related to input use. For example, one has given adequate attention to the effect
much of the controversy surrounding pesticide of inputs on risk. This is true of both empirical
regulations relates to their reducing risk (see and theoretical studies. As shown in this pa-
Turpin and Maxwell). In such a case, intelli- per, virtually all empirical and theoretical
gent public policy formulation should consider studies make implicit, if not explicit, assump-
not only the marginal contribution of pesticide tions to the effect that inputs increase risk.
use to the mean of output but also the marginal Examples of such theoretical studies are such
reduction in variance of output. Other exam- notable works as Stiglitz, Batra, Magnusson,
ples in which increased input use appears to Crawford, Rothenberg and Smith, Bardhan,
reduce variability are "overcapitalization," and Feldstein. Examples of empirical works
frost protection such as use of smudge pots, include such notables as de Janvry, Wolgin,
and possibly irrigation. Consider, for example, Sadan, and Moscardi and de Janvry.
overcapitalization in grain harvesting. The use The purpose of this paper is to examine the
of large (and fast) harvesting equipment, as implications of traditional econometric pro-
opposed to smaller (and slower) equipment, duction function studies when the above is-
usually leads to less variability of output (be- sues are important and, then, to demonstrate
cause of random weather conditions which some useful generalizations. Attention will be
can destroy a ripe crop before harvest). focused on neoclassical log-linear production
The problem of investigating stochastic as- functions. First, the restrictions associated
pects of production response is apparently an with popular formulations of stochastic pro-
old one (Fuller, Day, and Anderson). The duction functions are developed. A more gen-
traditional approach in agricultural economics eralized stochastic specification for produc-
to evaluating the impact of inputs on risk in tion function estimation is then posed, and its
production has been to use experimental data. generality in reflecting the risk effects of input
This method, of course, allows the variance of use is demonstrated. The functional form pro-
posed is general enough to encompass the de-
Richard E. Just is an associate professor of agricultural and re- terministic implications of all the functions
source economics, University of California, Berkeley, and Rulon
D. Pope is an assistant professor of agricultural economics, Uni- used in the above studies but avoids the risk-
versity of California, Davis. related restrictions they impose. A methodol-

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Just and Pope Production Functions and Risk 277

ogy for estimating the generalized specifica- ignored or is incorrectly estimated as an in-
tion is discussed. Finally, application of the crease in risk as suggested by (1) and (2).
methodology is exemplified with the well- Incorrect conclusions of this type also can be
knownfertilizerresponse data used in a previ- obtainedin evaluationof policies which affect
ous study by Day. inputs that increase risk because of the lack of
flexibility in (1).
Consider, further, the marginal effect of
Shortcomingsof PopularProduction input use on marginalproductivityvariability.
Specifications Here one finds
Historically, a popular enconometric spec- __oy
ificationin productionfunction estimationhas ax, X,
V - V (y),
(1) y = A( HXi
where y is output,X, is a factor input (X, > 0), ax,
and Eis a stochastic disturbance with E(E) = 0,
V(E) > 0. 242a2 ("Xi2aiV(eE) <
Considerthe marginaleffect of input use on 0,
production variability. One finds that
assuming < 1 or equivalently that E(y) is
V(y) = A2H X2ai V(e ), concave inaoXi. Thus, the marginaleffect of
increasing input use is always to reduce the
and, hence, that variabilityof the marginalproduct (unless ex-
pected productionis not concave in X).
(2) aV(y) _ 2acA2 > 0, It appears, however, that in many realistic
ax, (HXi2aiV(eE) situations this constraint may be overly re-
Xi i=1 strictive. For example, it seems that in some
assuming a? > 0. Thus, the marginaleffect of cases the variabilityof the marginalproductiv-
increasing input use must always be to in-
crease the variabilityof output when the rele- ity of land increases when other inputs are
held fixed. As one farms on a more extensive
vant a~.> 0; and oamust be positive if marginal basis with the same inputs, "firefighting"abil-
productivity is positive. ity is reduced (Radnerand Rothschild). That
Pragmatically,the implicationsof using the is, one is more subject to adverse weather
usual formulationin (1) are as follows. Con-
sider the evaluation of a policy which limits conditions, etc., during such critical opera-
tions as harvestingand planting. On the other
the use of some input such as pesticides.
hand, an input such as smudge pots in frost
Using (1), a reductionin pesticide use would
imply by (2) a reductionin variabilityof out- protection is likely to have a decreasing mar-
put. In reality, however, a reduction in pes- ginal productivityvariabilitybecause survival
of the crop becomes more probable, and mar-
ticide use may lead to more variable produc-
tion. Under risk aversion, the true utility loss ginal productivitypresumablytends in proba-
associated with higher risk (at the lower input bility towardzero with increased input use (in
the relevant range).
level) will be greaterthan when the risk effect Of course, manyfunctionalforms other than
is incorrectlyestimated as a reductionin vari- the Cobb-Douglashave been used economet-
ability [as implied by (1)].' Similarly, if one rically in production-functionestimation. Ex-
were to promote the expansion of irrigated
acreageand therebyreduce risk, the estimated amples are the transcendentalfunction (Hal-
benefits (again assuming risk aversion) would ter, Carter, Hocking), the generalized power
be greater than when the reduction in risk is production function (de Janvry), and the
translog function (Christensen, Jorgenson,
' Although it is well known that variance has limitations as a Lau). However, all of these functions includ-
measure of risk (Borch), risk is associated with variance in the ing Kmenta's approximation of the CES func-
above discussion because 1/2 8V(y)/8X, = cov (y, &y/8X,) and tion are estimated in practice by specifying a
cov (y, &y/8Xi) determines whether a risk averter uses more or
less of the input X, than the risk-neutral producer under produc- log-linear disturbance: y = f(X)e', E(E) = 0,
tion uncertainty (Horowitz). where f(X) represents the particular functional

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278 May 1979 Amer. J. Agr. Econ.

form. And each of these cases has the same It can be affirmed readily that the signs of
shortcomings discussed above for the Cobb- neither(4) nor (5) are determineda priorieven
Douglas because when h (X) follows one of the popularproduc-
tion function forms (Cobb-Douglas,translog,
V(y) = f(X))v(e), etc.) with parametersunconstrained.For ex-
aV(y) = ample, if h(X) follows a Cobb-Douglasform
aXi 2f(X)f(X)V(e()> 0, and the ith input is associated with a negative
parameter, thenh,(X) < 0; and thus the case of
(X)e f)
a nsk-reducinginput is exemplified.
It is furtherinterestingto note that the popu-
aXXj-J;(X) ,V(- aX
lar specificationin (1) is simply a special case
of (3). This is apparentbecause, regardlessof
aV(y/laX-) = 2f (X)fj(X)V(e6) < 0,
axi specific functionalforms,
when f > 0, fj < 0. y = f*(X)eu = f(X) + h'112(X)E,
A Reasonable Stochastic Specification E(E*)= E(E) = 0
under Risk wheref(X) h'/(X) =f*(X)E(e'E), and E eE
- E(e":). Thus, the proposed functional form
The results of the previous section point to an can be no morerestrictivein any sense so long
important problem with the traditional as explicit specificationsadmit the possibility
stochastic specification of production func- thatf(X) = h/2(X).
tions. Namely, if any input has a positive ef-
fect on output, then a positive effect on vari- An Estimation Procedure
ability of output is also imposed. The argu-
ments of the previous section imply that the For empiricalpurposes, suppose bothf and h
effects of inputon outputshould not be tied to follow a popular log-linear form-Cobb-
the effects of input on variabilityof output a Douglas or translog (Christensen, Jorgenson,
priori. To attain this generality, it seems that Lau; Just and Pope). Thus,f(X) = h'/2(X) is a
an adequateproduction-functionspecification potential special case. Estimation with log-
should include two general functions-one linearity can be accomplished as follows.
which specifies the effects of input on the First, rewrite (3) for observation t explicitly
mean of output and another which specifies includingthe parametersoff and h as
the effects of input on the variance of output.
Such a function is given by (6) yt = f(X,, a) + E*t,
E(E*t) = 0, E(E*tE*,) = 0 for t 4 7,
(3) y = f(X) + h'2'(X)E, E(E) = 0, V(E) = 1.
where e*t = hl/2(Xt, 3)Et, E(Et) = 0, E(EtE,) = 0
for t 4 7. One can then consider (6) as a
Thus, E(y) = f(X), V(y) = h (X), so that the nonlinear, heteroscedastic regression of y on
effects on mean and varianceof output can be X. It can be shown, following the methods of
independent. (For alternatives to this spec- Malinvaud,thatnonlinearleast squares(NLS)
ification, see Just and Pope.) appliedto (6) leads to consistent estimatorsof
With the specificationin (3), one can easily a, the parametersof f, and of f(Xt, a) itself
verify that under a broad range of conditions (see Just
aV(y) - h(X) and Pope).
If one is interested only in estimation off,
(4) aOy (X) + 1 12 this may be as far as one needs to proceed.
- -
- h(X)[(X) and However, there are several importantreasons
h-2(X)hi(X)E, for carrying the estimation procedure beyond
aX, this point. An obvious reason is to learn more
about the effect of input use on risk. But even
if risk is not important, there are several
econometric shortcomings if one obtains only
the above results. First, because of hetero-
scedasticity, hypothesis testing about the im-
portance of various variables cannot generally
2h2(X) be performed. But, secondly, by taking ac-

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Just and Pope Production Functions and Risk 279

count of the heteroscedasticity, it is possible e*, (with the above functional form and condi-
to gain more efficiency in estimation (at least tions developed by Christensen, Jorgenson,
asymptotically). Lau; and Just and Pope).3 Hence, a weighted
To accomplish this, one can consider two NLS regressionof y, on X, in (6) with weights
additional stages of estimation. Using the h-1/2(Xt, /3)can attainasymptotic efficiency in
(consistent) estimate of a, say, &, one can estimation of a. In other words, in a third
consistently estimatef(X,, a) byf(X,, &)and, stage one would find an NLS estimate of a for
thus, e*, or h112(Xt, P3)E, can be estimated by the model
= y - f(Xt, &), y* = f'(Xt, a) + it,
under a broad range of conditions. But note where
that = Y*t yth-l'2(Xt, /),
= E[h(Xt, P)et2] = h(Xt, P). f'(Xt, a) = f(X,, a)h-1/2(Xt, 3).
Recallingthe work of Hildrethand Houck and It has been rigorously shown elsewhere by
others on the random coefficient regression Just and Pope that the estimator for a thus
problem(see Theil), this suggests a regression obtained is consistent, asymptotically effi-
equation based on the relationship cient, and unbiased under conditions indicat-
ed above so long as fourthmomentsof E,exist
(7) (E*,t)2= E[(E*t)2]ut when the regression equation in (7) is used
= h(Xt, P)u,,
In summary,the regressionmethod thus in-
where E(ut) = 1 by the definitionof expecta- volves the following steps:
tions. That is, /3 can be estimated by regres- An NLS of on =
(a) regression Yt f(X,, a)
sing (E*t)2 on Xt (in a nonlinear framework) or,
because *t,consistently estimates E*t, regres- exp [(In Xt)a] obtaining, say, &.
(b) An OLS regression of InlE*tj= Inly -
sing (i*t)2 on Xt leads to the same regression on In Xt obtaining, say, P3.
results asymptotically.Takinglogarithms,this f(Xt, &)l
An NLS regression of y*t = yh- 1/ (X,, )
can be leastsquares (c)
accomplishedby ordinary 1
(OLS) regressionof in on InX, because (7) =
Yt expL- (InXt)' on f(Xt, a) = exp
implies I*t,
i- - 1
1 (ln Xt)'a - (in obtaining, say, &.
(8) Inle*, = /o + -2 (In Xt)'p + u*t, 2 Xt)'

E(u*,) = 0 Production Function Estimation with

Experimental Data
where /3 = E(In ut), u*t = In ut - E(In u,),2 and The steps of estimation in (a), (b), and (c)
(9) In h(X,, p) = (In X,)'p. requiresome modificationwhen data are gen-
erated experimentally by a cross-section of
Furthermore, OLS yields a consistent es- time series where perhaps the same random
timator for / under the same conditions re- phenomena, such as weather, affect all con-
quired for consistency in the first-stage NLS temporaneous observations.4 The investiga-
problem. tion of data with time or cross-section effects
Given consistent estimation of p in the re- has been discussed extensively in the litera-
gression problem in (8), it is possible to com- ture on variance components (e.g., Hoch;
pute a nonlineargeneralized least-squareses- Wallaceand Hussain). A generalconclusionis
timator for the regression in equation (6) in
essentially the same way as proposed by Zell- variance
3 One can also note in this case that a negativeestimateof the
of will not resultas in the Hildrethand Houck treat-
ner and Hildreth and Houck. Where /3 is the e*,
ment of randomcoefficientregressionbecause of the log-linear
estimator obtained above, one obtains a con- specificationof h.
sistent estimator h(X,, 13)for the variance of 4 Alternativelyor additionally,one similarlycould considerplot
effects across years. The possibility of plot or cell-associated
randomterms, however, will not be discussed explicitly in this
2 Note that is definedto take accountof the nonzero
3o expecta- papersince they are not necessaryin the empiricalcases consid-
tion of InIE*,|.This modificationis requiredto obtainconsistency ered explicitly;furthermore,the necessarygeneralizationsfollow
in estimationof / usingthe linearregressionequationin (8). For a simplyfrom the discussionin this paper. A furthergeneralization
proof of the consistency of this approach,see Just and Pope. of the model could also be developed by consideringrandom
Kelejianuses a similarapproach. coefficientsas proposedby Hildrethand Houck and Feldstein.

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280 May 1979 Amer. J. Agr. Econ.

that time effects can be investigated either by cross-section of plots, however, it does not
using dummy variables representingdifferent seem reasonable to specify a plot effect be-
time periods or by using a variance compo- cause the plots were in very close proximityof
nents procedure. However, Maddala has one another (a test against this specification
shown that the variancecomponentsapproach was not possible because plot attributeswere
is an efficient way of combiningthe informa- not recorded with the data). However, it is
tion obtained from using dummy time vari- likely that time effects are importantbecause
ables with that from using least squares with- different plots are affected by the same
out dummies.Furthermore,Wallaceand Hus- weather conditions each year.
sain show that asymptotic efficiency is at- The functionalforms which are investigated
tained only with the variance components ap- are the Cobb-Douglasand the translog spec-
proach when the regressors repeat from time ifications. That is, in each case one set of
period to time period as they do with the data estimates is obtained in which bothf and h
used here. Although these results were de- follow the Cobb-Douglasform,
rived under linearity, it is clear that similar
results would hold in the model considered in (11) yti = AZtia1 + BZtij'(Eti + wt);
this paper if any dummy terms are included anotheris obtained where bothf and h follow
additively. the translog specification:
To obtain a variance components modifica-
tion of the estimation procedure outlined (12)
above, equation (3) can be augmentedby ad-
yti =
-•2 ln2Zti 1
ding an errorterm wt, as well as time and plot + BZt,1'exp -- pln2Zti
subscripts t and i, to existing variablesin the 32 (Eti + wt).
equation. The model thus becomes
Note that the above equationsare both special
(10) ytv= f(X,,,a) + h112(X,1,
P)(Eti+ wt), cases of (9).
with E(Et?)= 0, E(w,) = 0, = 48tTij, Following the estimation methodology of
the previous section, the results are presented
E(wtw,) = t,o-, E(Eti,,) = 0, E(e,•iEJ)
and where o- is in tables
1, 2, and 3 for corn and oats. In each
the variance of w, and 8ij is the Kronecker case the dependent variablesare measuredin
delta. A generalizationof the estimation pro-
bushels per acre, and the independent vari-
cedure in the previous section which attains
able is pounds of nitrogen per acre (see Day
consistency for this model is given in the ap- for the data and a furtherdescription).Table 1
pendix of this paper. contains the ordinarynonlinearleast-squares
An Application in Fertilizer Response estimates of equation (A.4).5 Table 2 contains
5 The standarderrorsreportedin parenthesesin table should
To demonstrate the approach of this paper, thus be interpretedwith cautionbecausedisturbancesin (A.4) are
the notable data set investigated by Day has not uniformlydistributedunder the assumptionsin (A.I) and
been selected. Briefly, his yield data were (A.2).
generated for several crops by controlled ex- Table 1. First-Stage Estimates of the Deter-
periments varying fertilization over several ministic Component of Production
fixed levels. Observationswere generated by
recording time series of data over a cross- Constant
section of plots. Using these data, Day at- Coefficientsa
tempts to determinethe distributionof yield at Crop Form A a, a2
each level of fertilization among the family
of Pearson-typedistributions.His dataare use- Corn Cobb-Douglas 14.759 .3053
ful for exemplifying the methodology of this (2.195) (.0445)
Corn Translog 20.916 .0634 .0806
paper because problems of multicollinearity (14.384) (.4698) (.1561)
are not encountered and because concentra- Oats 10.900 .4195
tion on a single input in investigating risk ef- (1.248) (.0317)
fects is possible. Oats Translog 6.194 .8804 -.1568
Because the data possess both time-series (2.597) (.2356) (.0653)
and cross-section characteristics, the method- Note: Figuresin parenthesesare standarderrors,estimatedunder
ology of the previous section is applicable. the assumptionof homoscedasticity.
Even though the data were generated with a " See equations(11) and (12) for functionalforms.

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Just and Pope Production Functions and Risk 281

Table 2. Second-StageEstimatesof the StochasticComponentof Production

Fertilizer Standard
ConstantTerm Coefficient&s Error

Functional 0= Po
Crop Form O 1o 21 10o - go
Corn Cobb-Douglas 74.169 80.605 .1269 11.524
(22. 107) (25.037) (.0462)
Corn Translog 178.61 193.98 -.1852 .1058 11.621
(251.48) (273.21) (.4908) (.1653)
Oats Cobb-Douglas 42.272 57.428 .1999 2.789
(12.686) (17.708) (.0395)
Oats Translog 5.879 7.489 .7846 -. 1693 3.652
(8.151) (10.499) (.3909) (.1079)
Note: Figuresin parenthesesare standarderrors,estimatedunderthe assumptionof homoscedasticityin equation(8); see equation(8)
for the interpretationof /3* and&3o.
a See equations(11) and (12) for functionalforms.

the second-stage results corresponding to LettingA = AE(e8t)and Et = e't - E(e6t), (13)

(A.2).6 Table 3 presents the nonlineargener- can be rewrittenas
alized least-squares results correspondingto
Yt = AXtaI + BXtO'Et, E(Et) = 0,
equation (A.4) with covariance matrix esti-
mated on the basis of table 2. where
Consistentwith Fuller's findings,the results (14) B = A = A[E(et)]-',
in table 2 imply that fertilizer has a positive
marginaleffect on yield variabilityin the rele- (15) f3 =
vant range. This result obviously holds for all Thus, the Cobb-Douglascase examinedin this
positive fertilizer levels in the Cobb-Douglas paper has a special case which includes the
formulations;for the translog cases, the mar- common specificationin (13). If (13), in fact,
ginal effect on corn yields is positive if the holds, one expects to find, amongotherthings,
fertilization rate is greater than 5.757 pounds a, = 3p; hence, the usual case is apparently
per acre, and the marginaleffect on the oats' not supported.7If one considers the above
yield is positive if the fertilizationrate is less
than 102.964 pounds per acre (active nutri- 7By orthogonalityof regressionresidualsto coefficient esti-
mates in the first stage, the distributionof coefficientsin the
ents). It is interestingthat, with transloggen- second stage is independentof that for the first stage. A test of
erality, the marginaleffect on yield variability equalityof coefficients(other than the constantterm)in the first
is increasingfor corn but decreasingfor oats. two stages,basedon thisfact andthe usualleast squaresstatistics,
leads to rejectionof equality at the 2.5% level. Unfortunately,
Another notable result is that the elasticity however, least squares statistics are not applicable, so limited
for variabilityis much lower in each case than confidencecan be placed in the test.
the elasticity for the mean of yield. For exam- Table 3. Third-Stage Estimates of the Deter-
ple, the a, estimates are considerably higher ministic Component of Production
than the 1, estimates in the Cobb-Douglas
cases. This result has importantimplications Constant Fertilizer
for the applicability of the usual stochastic Term Coefficientsa
specification in production-functionestima- Crop Form A a2
tion, i.e., the one with log-lineardisturbances.
Consider the commonly used specification Corn Cobb-Douglas 3.2839 .3532
(droppingthe variance components specifica- (.7476) (.0885)
tion for convenience): Corn Translog .00023 8.2887 -3.1903
(.00052) (1.7738) (.6948)
(13) Yt = f(Xt)et = AXtoalet, E(8t) = 0. Oats Cobb-Douglas 6.0863 .3101
(1.0067) (.0531)
Oats Translog .9187 1.6013 -.4260
(.6265) (.4473) (.1442)
The standarderrorsreportedin table 2 are generatedby ordi-
nary nonlinear least squares. However, they may not apply Note: Figuresin parenthesesare standarderrors,estimatedunder
exactly even in an asymptoticsense because the disturbancesin the assumptionof homoscedasticity.
(A.3) may not be uncorrelatedor uniformlydistributed. a See equations(11) and (12) for functionalforms.

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282 May 1979 Amer. J. Agr. Econ.

derivation in the translog case, it is again pursue further the misspecificationproblems

found that the usual specification with a log associated with log linearity [if (3), in fact,
linear disturbance is the special case of the holds]. To investigate this problem, the re-
specificationof this paper where P2= a, holds gression results in table 4 have been derived
in addition to the conditions in (14) and (15). under the usual assumption of log linearity.
It is furtherinterestingto comparethe stan- Comparingwith table 1, the resemblance of
darderrorestimatesin tables 1 and 3 (although statistics, aside from those pertaining to the
they only apply asymptotically). One finds in constantterm, is remarkable.This is true with
all cases except constant terms that standard respect to standarderror estimates as well as
error estimates are larger in table 3 than in coefficient estimates. Furthermore,the differ-
table 1. But the estimatorin the third stage is ence in constant term estimates is explained
asymptotically efficient and thus possesses by the fact that only those in table 4 are esti-
lower standard errors (asymptotically) than mated in logarithmic terms (see Zellner,
the first-stageestimator,i.e., the true standard Kmenta, Dreze for a discussion of related
errorestimatesin table 1 shouldbe higherthan problems). Thus, the methodologyassociated
those in table 3. Of course, the standarderror with table 4 apparentlyis subject to the same
estimates in table 1 are not applicable under criticism made of the homoscedasticity as-
the generalstochastic specificationused in ob- sumption above in comparingtables I and 3.
tainingtable 3 estimates. But, unfortunately,it That is, use of the common but simple ap-
is often the case in econometric practice to proach of log linearity in disturbances (with
assume homoscedasticitywhen risk aspects of homoscedasticity) when, in fact, (3) is appli-
a study are presumed unimportant,or infor- cable, apparently can lead to much smaller
mationto the contraryis not readilyapparent. standard error estimates than are justified
The comparison of tables I and 3 illustrates (asymptotically). This is true because the
the potentialdangerof assuminghomoscedas- table 3 estimates are asymptotically efficient
ticity if, in fact, it is not applicable. In other and their standard errors are much larger.
words, if functionalforms such as (3) are ap- Thus, any hypothesistesting based on tables I
plicable in reality, the standardpractice of as- and 4 could be very misleading.
suminghomoscedasticitycould correspondto It appears, however, that there are even
the first-stageestimationof this paper. But, if more serious problemsof bias associated with
so, the associated statistics apparentlywould log linearstochasticspecificationwhen, in fact,
be misleading and imply much more precise (3) is applicable. In logarithmic terms, and
estimation than is warranted. assuminglog linearityoff, the specificationin
(3) becomes
Implications of Assuming Log
Linear Disturbances (16) In y, = Inf(X,, a) + u,
= (In X,)'a + ut,
Because the more common approachis to as- where
sume homoscedasticity with log-lineardistur-
bances (rather than additivity as in the first- u, = In I + Eth(X, 18)
stage case of this paper), it is interesting to 1 f(X, 3a)

Table 4. OLS Estimates under the Assumption of Homoscedastic Log-Linear Disturbances

Constant Fertilizer
Term Coefficients
Crop Form In A a, a2 R"
Corn Cobb-Douglas 2.5667 .3246 .219
(.1310)a (.0413)
Corn Translog 2.8830 .0961 .0785 .220
(.6417) (.4556) (.1560)
Oats Cobb-Douglas 2.4897 .3855 .308
(.1337) (.0390)
Oats Translog 1.8026 .8286 -.1354 .316
(.4557) (.2838) (.0859)
Figuresin parenthesesare standarderrors.

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Just and Pope Production Functions and Risk 283

Thus, where X = (In X, . . . , In XT)' and V = effect of input on expected outputand another
(u, ... ., u)', the OLS estimate a* in (16) has explainingthe effects of input on variabilityof
expectation output.
(e) Such a productionfunction is given by
E(a*) = a + (X'X)-'X'E(V) 4 a (3), and a three-step NLS procedure (with or
since E(V) < 0 by Jensen's inequality and without variance components) is proposed.
concavity of u, in et, Use of a maximum likelihood procedure
(without variance components) to attain
E[ut(Et)] = 0.
< utE(Et) efficiency in estimatingh(-) is also discussed.
Of course, OLS also is inconsistent because (f) An application indicates that fertilizer
the magnitudeof bias does not generally de- has a variance-increasingeffect on yield; but
pend on T (see Kmenta for a similar discus- the marginal variance contribution is much
sion). Taking expectations of a Taylor-series smaller than the standard log-linear distur-
expansion of ut, bance approachwould indicate.
(g) Empirical results indicate that estima-
E(ut) ?1 E(Et2)h2(Xt, P3) tion assuming the homoscedastic log-linear
2 f2(Xt, a) disturbance case can lead to standard error
estimates that are misleading and indicate
1 E(Et4)h4(Xt, 3) muchgreaterprecisionin estimationthanis, in
4 f4(Xt, a) fact, obtained.
it also is evident that the bias is necessarily
small only when instability in production is [Received June 1977; revision accepted
small (relative to expected production). One October 1978.]
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Generalized Estimation ' This is true so

long as h contains a multiplicative constant term
(so that homoscedasticity is a special case), in which case the
Consider multistage estimation of the error components estimate of po would be an estimate of the multiplicative constant
version of the production function model specified by times 1 + o-.

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