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Name: Mónica Domínguez Date: 9/01/2023

Subject: Reading Teacher: Jessica Baus

Author: Charles Dickens

Genre: Fiction

The book was...

Awesome because I liked the plot
and I learned that somethings are
not as good as we imagined, but we
can improve them and enjoy.
Pip Estella Miss Havisham
A young man who wants to be She is a beautiful girl who has Is an eccentric woman
a gentle man in order to marry a cold hard and it makes her who raised Estella, but
Estella. such a cruel woman. she has a strange secret.

Joe Magwitch Hebert Pocket

Is the husband of Pip's sister. He is a scaped prisioner who The best friend of Pip.
Pip lives with them. Joe works helps Pip.
with Pip.


This story takes place in England 150 years ago.
This story starts with Pip, he is a blacksmith and lives with his old sister and her husband, Joe.
One night Pip helped Magwitch because he was with chains around his legs and he was going to cut
Pip´s throat, then Pip gave him a pie. A year later, Magwitch wanted that Pip meets Miss Havisham,
she is a rich woman who has a daughter, Estella. Pip tried to be kind to her, but Estella had bad
behavior and Pip could see that Miss Havisham made a little smile. For the next two years, Pip visited
them, Estella had always the same behavior, she barely said a word. However, she seemed sad.
Many months later, a strange went to Joe´s house and knocked on the door, He was a well-dressed
lawyer who said that Pip has a secret benefactor to become a gentleman, Pip was going to learn
reading, and writing and become a gentleman in London with a teacher who has a son whose name
is Herbert, he became Pip’s best friend. Pip accepted the offer.
When he came back after a year, he went to visit Estella, he tried to catch her attention with his new-
brand pair of boots and expensive clothes, but Estella said that he looked like a monkey and ran. He
hurt Pip, and he could believe that she is so cruel and Miss Havisham was savoring every word that
Estella said. Then, he meet his benefactor, it was Magwitch because he was pleased with him, so he
wanted to help him. After a few hours Pip visited Herbert and told him everything, Herbert said that
it wasn’t Estella’s fault because Miss Havisham has revenge on men, so she raised Estella to be cruel,
but Estella wasn’t her daughter. Many years ago Miss Havisham was engaged, and she was very
happy, but at the wedding, the man didn’t show up to the church and he has always worn her
wedding dress.
Then Pip went to save Magwitch because he was still wanted, Pip was going to send him to France in
a boat. However, it didn’t work because the police came and put Magwitch under arrest, and two
weeks later he got pneumonia and died. Pip returned to Joe’s house because he wanted to spend
time with him as in the old days.

I learned that we must not be begging love

from people who are not worth it because we
wate our time and it's important to spend
time with people who care about us because
they love us and it values more than

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