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Khumeía Paradoxum

Authorship, Agreement & Licensing Disclaimer

Written, Produce, Printed and Published for the Numenas

International Open-Source Order for the Propagation of Pseudo-Religious Mystical Truths

Editing by Priestess Ankh-f-n-khonsu (Al Koe'lik) of al'Azothul a'zuiz (al'a')

Lola Astron Zaza Logos! Tractatus Zelatoria...

Mysterium Esoterica Ltd.

1881 (s.g. sol generis)

.: Ωμέγα και Άλφα :.

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Preamble – The 500 Year Ashram: The Last Adhyaksha of Nexiuz 00 = -1 + 1 = 0 ~ nth
The azothal al’khemey of this the Western-Hellenic Traditional Four-fold Way , or Forbidden Alchemy of
the Hidden Fifth Degree aligns with the Forbidden Pythagorean Pentacles is outlined here for those few
seekers of the forbidden limits and defiant of such.

There is only one but many yet no name for an esoteric azothal animus (creative masculous) and al’aosuth
anima (fertile earth) conjugate which was birthed into reality in the early hours of the Season of Samhain.
Much like these seasons meet and do not change yet should only disturb the other which is Urian we have
synthesized and merged much into it’s zenith and on that thin forest line draw counter to the sun to
drank that spring which separates those who will fail by uncontrollable lusts burned aflame like Narcissus
and the vitalis calcia contra alkaïkós that which is known as Nigredo but then putruefaction reverse,
forwards and at it’s xenith. Or those which unlike others who pick sides are the middle and seated upon
the highest mountain like Zarathustra himself. This coded speech is left as a riddle.

The first individual who completes the Four-fold Way in One Year will earn their cross; and in three their
soul. Of 20 initiates only those narrowed down to six have reached Exogenesis and from those 6 only 2
Endogenesis. Both of which are proceeding in accordance to their higher wills and true selves achieving
reach noesis of pathei-mathos and honing of the Chaospathical-numen Esoterically.

The Second-degree Initiation and Directed Focus will be known by many names and by many individuals
some known and some not known. Who will naturally either rise up to claim what is rightfully deserved
either by force, merit, deed or other machination. So when or if a false appointment is made this
individual is overthrown. Should we become as tyrants then we will be overthrown. Should we become
too lenient and soft then we lose power and authority and the downgrade begins.

Note: in Lightning and the Sun by Savitri Devi, the Buddha said in 500 years his Ashram would degrade
or become corrupt regardless of influence outside or inside.

Vol I – Neonate Tractate

Good and Evil, or Good and Bad

In our system there is no good nor is there any evil. Nor are we defined or limited by the laws of those who
are outsiders to our kindred volk. Whilst, we afford respect and personal honour to those who are kindred souls
they are still unless they join us – the “normals” who seek to oppose and enslave us mentally and in the
future physically perhaps. Only individual judgment and personal responsibility in our anti-ethical amoral
system. Our empathy, compassion, kindness, duty and loyalty are to those who choose to defy and live as we

The Principles of Living The Sinister-Numen, or the Universal Order

“We, and our covertly hidden and yet plainly visible order – we The Adeptus, Philosophicus, Magi and
Wytches – are at war with the rottenness of the de-evolutionary current species of humanoid – Homo Vulgaris,
and with their anti-Cosmic will to nothingness geist of distortion by yahoodi-nasrani by means of ways of body,
mind, and soul and their tyrannical psychopathic empathy-less secular humanist technocratic governments,
desiring as we do to replace the tyranny of limitations by transgression and with malicious joy from our
schadenfreude borne out of their misery to be revealed as hasuna to us and only harem to the kaffir or those
below who are fit to be as sudra or below the chandala. A scourge of locusts upon our Mother Earth and
deserving to be thinned out or weeded., and desiring as we do to replace their States and governments, and
their laws, by our new tribal way of life based on our law of the sinister-numen, which law of ours is personal
honour – afforded to those who are both known to us and have shown their merits thusly afforded as such as
our comrades, pupils, guides or worn well veterans and masters or lady masters.

The Civilized Non-Dialetikal Aeonic Way of the New Being:

An action that is good in itself that has two affects with one or more effect: therefore an action is held as good
if it increases the power, affluence and materialist needs and wants of the oneness regardless of how it were
intended. Thusly, there is only the illusion of duality which manifests that held as good to the self, or other(s)
out of a desire to gain or share power, pleasure or overcoming. Or leads to will to death or nothingness and
stagnation or de-evolution. Therefore, our actions are defined by our elan and arete as both elitist and
spiritually worth reverence.

First, properly defined, selfishness rejects the sacrificial ethics of the West’s Secular or otherwise Semitic or
ethos heritage on the grounds that it is right for man to live his own life (or hers) in most cases for those who
are powerful, and strong and have developed their abilities to empath, intuit or build as well as share gift not
those who via seek pity seek decadence as justice via revenge but also that an action can only be beneficial to
the oneness if it is life-affirming in and of itself and does not need to affirm the life or works of others. One
can delve within the past, fiction, and other sources to find worthy role models who once one has reached such
ideal to create or find a new ideal and strive forever upwards; or choose to be outside of these influences by
having suffered tragic ends or events by fate and uncontrollable and unpredictable, and in short are darkly
numinous i.e. tragic. The selfiness of impersonality for the cause of kampf or struggle against the tides of tamas
via a warrior-like passionate zest of vitality via strife, dialetik or loyalty to a cause above the self or for the
self. Therefore, this impersonal ethical egoism of the impersonal is eventually laid within context properly as
unconscious fulfillment of wyrde which becomes conscious and there is thus the love of one’s fate no matter
how grim nor harsh.

Amor fati is our pseudo-Stoic mindset that everyone should take on an acceptance or pre-destined intution about
and for making the best out of anything that yields the most amount of carpe diem, or zest or zeal of life via
ordeals of adversary and moments of pleasure, giving into temptation, evil, and the darker depths of the
unconscious and soul so that you are. Treating each and every moment—no matter how challenging—as
something to be embraced, not avoided. To not only be okay with it, but love it and be better for it.

Able to pull yourself from a state of weakness to ones of new heights by mere survival in and of itself by any
means necessary and able to do this with or without reaction to an affect creating an effect and thus is active
inaction, the flow of Cosmic Will and Order to return to chaos via denial, rejection or adversary to life itself or
to order from said chaos. Said chaos can be shaped, transmuted or formed into any possible outcome that one
believes is both possible, probable, undoubtable and easily achieved or must be achieved regardless of personal
or innocents cost. And of which due to the Nature of the Western Spirit thusly murdered must be so.

For something to be determined right or wrong there needs to be established principles of life that promote
virtuous and honorable qualities. There needs to be a standard by which all principles a remeasured by and all
values re-evaluated and whilst Truth itself unknown, uncertain and yet all too dull and eternal a verifiable blind
goddess casting stones for us to catch of which we get a glimpse and create our own version of outside of that
which is tangible or real as in Newtonian Physics that is to say the profluens aquae vitalis et individuationis personae in
novam personam. If or when said alchemical flow of azuth from at’aztuh creating that which we seek and fleet from timelessly: the
lapis philosophicus which is made up of the nexible in accordance to either that of antimony with the individualis personae.
The weak and the botched shall perish but we shall allow them enough rope to hang upon their own tree like Judas Iscariot,
or we shall push them towards their demise and joyful end. That which springs from weakness or is distorted enough in the
strong to cause weakness never killing but always poisoning with false hopes of it’s end by one’s own hand if need be causes
one enough diabolical self-insight to be rewarded with pleasure of the joy to strength and the strength increased in body, in
mind and in soul for now at this particular time until the morrow where it must be done again hopefully better than the last
lest we become soft and lose it altogether and caring not whether it is for good nor bad or for the false self or true self for
illusions are just that and there is no duality just being that is unseen and seen only due to our human limitations we can far

No restrictions are placed on the individual even if this means they engage in criminal, terrorist or violent
actions. The deeds which are done impersonally out of duty or for self-insight and eventual self-mastery differ
from those done by conscious or unconscious impulses. Therefore, whilst we encourage the individual to defy
the state we do not think it necessary or fruitful for everyone to live as a domestic terrorist or criminal. Nor is
it even practical. But should one of us commit a crime even a murder which is judged to have been useful for
Dialectic, Aeonic or other impersonal aims of our occult order then so be it. Good riddance to the weak, and
hail to the strong! Hard and difficult physical ordeals and challenges, of a severity to test the character of the
person and produce endurance and character. For example the basic, the minimum, standards (for men) are: (a)
setting two or three physical endurance goal such as 16-mile hike w/65-pound pack in under 5 hours for men
and with a 35 lbs backpack in under seven hours for women or walking 100 miles in under twenty-four hours;
(b) setting two or three cardiovascular fitness ordeal such as running 5 miles in under 45 minutes and 2 miles
in under 15 minutes, c) setting two or three physical strength goals such as 800 lbs deadlift, 315 bench press,
185 lbs overhead press, 1000 push ups in under 20 minutes or 100 push ups in a row, etc. It must be hard, it
must be judged to be beyond what is average or “intermediate” by athletic standards and it must be achievable
only by very few, very fit individuals aided or unaided by anabolic steroids and supplements. Those gifted will
not need such procurements nor want them. Once achieved it is beneficial to set even higher goals than those
achieved prior. Olympic standards if need be must be met. Definitely the fitness tests of special forces and
military outfits are a good starting point. So are those of Buddhist warrior-monks or martial artists. Hard and
difficult esoteric ordeals and challenges, of a severity to test the character and commitment of the person, and
produce and/or develop certain necessary esoteric skills. For example, the necessity of undertaking an Insight
Rôle or two; and the Rite of Internal Adept involving living alone, in an isolated, wild, area for a minimum of
three months; six months is better. A diary should be kept of this time spent in isolation and it should be
documented by a trust associate. Mistrust, dislike and sly cunning along with games and trickery played upon
those outsiders who are not us in either spirit nor body nor mind. And those are the happy slaves of the system
and their foot soldiers: the mundane or clay-born. Matter without spirit. Philosophically deaf. Unable to be one
of us nor interested in becoming one of us.

The championing of heretical ideas which are both based upon evidence, intuition, empathy, and deductive
logic provable as to be judged individually, or by it being fairly obvious – yet a criminal action to point out or
heterodox. For all that is dogma, law, religion, political, moral, and otherwise created as a way to understand
the uncertain and thusly perhaps knowable only for brief moments even by those who dare to defy and think
the thoughts of the forbidden.

Here we can say that such living, and confrontation with the shadow self and not the failures who are
uncontrollably lustful and sadomasochist that the following lies in our way of living if adversarial:

(a) practising or disposed to practise evil;

(b) actually or potentially harmful, destructive, disastrous, pernicious; baleful;
(c) malicious; mischievous, sly;
(d) bad in moral character, disposition;
(e) hard, difficult, misleading, deadly, amoral;
(f) malevolent, offensive.

Part II – Antimonial Living of the Transgressor for Flow of the Azoth

Faustian forbidden knowledge and wisdom both from exoteric and esoteric sources and tested by empirical
approaches as well as logically provable by deductive logic and/or intuited or empathized with in certain cases
or even gifted by entities who dwell in the dark realms beyond the threshold. It also involves overcoming
ordeals in a Promethean and Nietzschean way which involves triumph of sheer individual will over adversity.
And also a learning and humbleness which arises from pathei-mathos. Thus we are by nature or by sheer will
made by triumph of the will and ode to joy noble, beautiful, aesthetic, intellectual, intelligent, wise,
knowledgeable, and angels to some but demons to most. And amongst our own kind well-behaved, polite and
well-mannered. Overall one is well-cultured if they are a genuine or true Adept or Mage. It means first-hand
face-to-face confirmation of the esoteric tenets and nature of reality, via the darker aspects of uncontrollable
wild and fierce forces or events, or their lighter spiritual or beautifully reverent moments. Usually it is earned,
experienced and then contemplated and then either a decision to act upon it is made or to keep it clandestine
or to pass on aurally or written.

Transgression of Nazarene morals, the status quo, law and order, and normalcy is all that gifts the forbidden
flame leading to the Cosmic Understanding and fulfilment and knowledge of one’s wyrde, destiny and fate in
life. All that causes overcoming of physical ordeals, and understandings or ways of living by various political
and religious systems, and self-defence of ourselves or others especially in matters of honour by for example
dueling or justified homicide. A true genuine aspirant or walker of the way knows when to act and when not to
act, when to speak and when to be silent and knows things which are for insight or impersonal aims are always
done with a self-restraint and class unlike that of the herds of cattle which we note as Homo Vulgaris – or the
de-evolutionary step down from Homo Sapien not the next step upwards as in Homo Sol.

Beyond this the exeatic in action, deed, and word. To seek to inspire or cause the evolution of our species
upwards along with individual self-mastery. And to be made aware or realize our higher self, our true will, and
follow our own personal wyrde. We are self-actualized, and individualized in Jungian sense and beyond this
stage as well when sufficiently advanced in mastery. The quest for the lapis philosophicus or Immortality and
ability to consciously control our spirit or vital force at time of death to will an existence beyond the threshold
in the acausal, merge with the supreme or another acausal entity, or to be reborn in human form once more to
fulfill our destiny further. What’s more we seek to manifest or presence the New Aeon on this Earth planet and
beyond the New or Current Aeon that of perhaps being Gods ourselves!
Part III – Guide to Stage of Neonates

1) Rejection or defiance of one’s birth religion and currently held political views, and then choosing if we have
the gumption to live by it’s opposite and therefore confront the shadow self.
2) Self or Ceremonial Initiation in the Second-Degree
3) Study and obtaining the needed documents or books to understand or apply.

And finally, after the three above steps – which should only take 3-6 months to perform and can be done
whilst studying for the timeframe listed above (just do not proceed beyond this stage until all tasks are
completed) – to undertake a suitable Grade Ritual given by your guide. Which often involves solo meditation in
the wilderness. And you will be given one secret task of heretical defiance to perform of your choosing or
tailored to you by aural transmission.

Part IV – A Guide to Initiate

a) Undertake and perform one to three physical ordeals as suggested above. You should do one for endurance,
one for speed, and one for strength. And then move on to two more goals from each category. Or to break
your former records twice. This training should last anywhere from 1 to 3 years but can take up to 6 years in
the not so physically gifted. Do not fret too much about it. It must be hard but realistically achievable. And
above average in performance.

b) Undertake and perform a personal playing of a role which is opposite to one’s base or inane character and
overcome the weakness it causes or caused, or it’s dualities apparent or imagined. For example, living as a
politically bent role of that which is off-limits and seen as ‘evil’ by the individual and their surrounding
society’s status quo. Or doing so for the sake of restoring balance or need for it to be willed within the real
stronger over years, or centuries or many other reasons only a true adept understands.

c) Participate in and undertake methods suggested to result in personal evolution and develop often latent
abilities such as empathy, conscious evolution, and transgression of their individual and societal limits – which
may or may not be criminal pending on one’s location or epoch of time.

d) Begin to understand Aeonics and construct the Basic Form of the Star Game.

Esoteric tasks of the Initiate:

a) Understand the Nigredo Stage of the Four-fold Way and first then second degree Initiation.

b) Undertake and execute the Grade Ritual of External Adept and Self-Initiation prior to this Grade Ritual.

c) Beginning study of the acausal, Aeonics, Star Game and alchemy as outlined in Naos and other sources.

The stage of initiate lasts 1 to 2 years in most, and for 6 years or more in the late blooming.

Part IV – Description of the Esoteric Tasks

Tasks often depend on the individual, their location and the epoch of time they are living in. For example, in a
fascist society denial of the Holocaust and promotion of racial inequality would not net a confrontation with the
shadow self nor would it in an individual who is already fascist or racist. The tasks are usually transmitted
aurally but have been written down time and time again by others and us ourselves. They are not sacred,
unchangeable, unmutable, or altogether absolutely necessary. And are not performed via coercion or force. Nor
can any one who is still a child or teenager undertake them as it is a path for adults only.

One must begin to understand the Ego, the Unconscious and the Self by undertaking tasks appropriate to each
before one can move on to Adeptus Minor stage.

A suitable personal Insight Role for the Ego working is that of “The Hero”, being a man or woman who lives
by the motto where’s there’s a will I will make my way. Individual seeking for triumph of will by overcoming
adversity. And to become an expert or master whose deeds save the world or are seen as world-renowned. In
the Sinister sense one could live as a hard as krupp steel fascist or NS revolutionary, an anti-capitalist Marxist-
Leninist or anarchist, or as a type of criminal who is a “Robin Hood” type or benefactor for his own
nexion/clan/tribe/etc which he either leads or follows. In this role one should view cowardice as “bad” and
courageous acts as “good”. And the strategy is to be as strong-willed and masterful as possible. The “evil” and
forbidden aspects of this in one’s own developing from self-confidence of courageous deeds that of arrogance
and always seeking to test one’s own limits in either Combat or by valorous deeds praised, emulated or envied
by others. Another insight role is police officer or soldier for this working. If one is used to being viewed as
Heroic or a role model then one could take a role as the Everyman. Or a simple hard-working individual who
wants nothing more than to fit in and conform and to be like everyone else. However, the trap is this insight
role turns you into a typical mundane breed of human that you are trying to evolve behind. Another opposite is
that of the typical Nazareny follower i.e. weighted down by guilt, envy and left on dial-tone by God, more
often than not witnessing vice not virtue being rewarded or being blindly and naively optimistic about Church
dogma. If one has a problem with women and intoxicants then this role as a Nazarene could be useful but in
lieu of that we’d recommend living as a Brahmacari or celibate, vegetarian monk in an ashram or at home.
Another suitable Insight Role for this Ego sphere is that of the Caregiver. Embodied by caring Nurses, teachers,
and psychologists. One could seek a career in medicine or psychology or counselling for example. Or volunteer
as such. For us, only the Caregiver and Hero types are valued and one must follow the other preferably as well
as some time either spent on the razor’s edge for those dullards who never had their first sip of wine or first
sexual liaison with a bad woman (or bad man) or if already on the level and unrestrained in such actions to
become a Buddhist or Hindu monk. All insight roles should be taken in duration of at least 6 months to a
maximum of 2 years. One of these outlined we recommend one of the following: Anarchist Activist, National-
Socialist Revolutionary or Warrior, Gangster or Outlaw, Soldier or Police Officer – for Hero archetype. For
Caregiver: Paramedic, Nurse, Doctor, Psychologist, Counselor, Firefighter or Volunteer. And for those enthralled
to sex and drink or drugs monkhood and for those quiet, shy individuals perhaps running a brothel, being the
life of the party, becoming a drug dealer, working in the sex industry, etc. All four of these performed back to
back would be a hellish undertaking I am unsure anyone has the gumption to do. One from each category and
it must be opposite to your natural innate character must be chosen. So if one is naturally a fascist extrovert
then monkhood and anarchism. If one is already far-left and restrained then indulgence and fascism. Often this
becomes one’s career for a few years or alchemical seasons to come as one settles in to that which is natural
and normal after the harsh alchemical changes set in or realizes the way of life opposite to their normal nature
is preferable. In truth neither answer is correct and neither system political or religious serves any other purpose
but self-insight.

After initiation, more Esoteric Insight Roles can be undertaken. That of The Explorer, The Rebellious Lone
Outlaw or Lone Warrior, The Starving Artist/Musician/Writer, and one must be versed or experienced in matters
of love. Loving perhaps a woman different or opposite to your own nature and/or one similar in Nature or
neither or both. The point is to confront the anima/animus by becoming a Lover and often this results in love
loss if your Lover is unable or unwilling to accept your ways or the Four-fold Way. Which causes dilemmas
only fanatical commitment can solve and also must be empathetic and compassionate on some level if truly
humane in nature with the resulting suffering from selfishness and self-absorption being realized. Or time spent
away from your Lover perhaps travelling for example. The point is to love and then lose either due to
selfishness, or love in separation with either an eventual re-union or moving on. Rarely, a partnership occurs or
can occur in exceptional individuals. One of each these Insight Roles must be undertaken and can be taken in
tandem with another. As well as during the four Insight Roles development of a romantic and loving
relationship which blossoms and then offers a choice: a) selfishness and devotion to an extreme impersonal
cause which causes love lost, b) distance due to travel or self-mastery i.e. Grade Ritual of Internal Adept and
isolation therefore love in separation along with all the worries it entails or jealousy, and/or c) an equal
partnership, re-union or moving on from this failed or reignited relationship or partnership formed. Due to the
Nature of modern dating only one of these results from the romance need occur but due to the dynamics of
relationships one or more or neither may occur.

After this stage one should follow in succession the archetype of the Dark Jester, then that of the Sage, the
Hermetic Occultist/Adept, and that of Master/Commander/Leader. And once followed each of these in succession
then it is important to undertake a self-designed insight role which combines all 3 and then either relive former
Insight Roles as needed, carry out Aeonic Insight Roles, or further your own self-mastery and guide students to
adept-ship and beyond. A suitable heir to your legacy should be fathered or found or a magnum opus of art or
science or both created.

Note: any political, religious, philosophical, ethical, spiritual, socioeconomic or any other type of system said to
be man-made or divine in Nature can be employed for self-insight, subverted or sabotaged for impersonal aims,
or aided and furthered for impersonal aims. This includes Communism, National Socialism, Reichsfolk,
anarchism, Islam, etc. It is off-limits for a guide to say an Insight Role is off-limits but to recommend suitable
ones and to be sympathetic ear and witness/observer of such is sometimes useful but not necessary. One should
only reveal the Insight Role to trusted associates, pick one, and not reveal why or what one is doing X,Y, Z
for. A truly Sinister aspirant will have not told a soul and gone about it as regular daily business then return to
their guide if needing further guidance or once completed.

Again a diary is useful to keep for these workings and a knowledge of psychology, and ethical systems as well
as political and religious systems is useful here.

Introspection is one of your greatest skills to hone.

Part V – A Complete Guide to the Sinister-Numinous Four-fold Way

Neonate to Initiate: Nigredo, or blackening. Burning away the dross, stripping away of the old self socially
engineered via slave morality, political or religious forms, racial oppression, and seeking the "Prima Materia" or
original, pure, indestructible, and true matter/self. Death of the old self for rebirth of the new. Luciferian light
or sulfur. Confrontation and facing of the Shadow. Overcoming and facing depression, the "dark night of the
soul", overcoming of internal conflict and removing one's undesirable qualities which are hindrances on the path
to find the lapis. The fire of sulfur burns away the misconceptions, illusions, falsehoods, self-criticisms, and
guilt. The death of the old self and birth of the new higher self.

Fundamental tasks: rejection of Nazarene morality and dogma, rejection of Cultural Marxist dogma and morality,
rejection of or opposition to egalitarianism, exploration of the darker self via sexuality, intoxication, blasphemy,
and following master morality or ethical egoism. Early beginnings of elitism and pitfall of hubris. Pride,
nobility, aesthetics, aristocracy and honour. Heretical opposition to the status quo and the religion of
Holocaustianity, Zionism, Might is Right and other primitive or tribalism ethos including Judaism, and
exploration of and study of fascism and National-Socialism in exoteric and esoteric senses. Self-initiation both
first and later second degree. Study of Hermeticism. Undertaking of physical ordeals of strength, endurance and
speed. Seeking understanding of the anima/animus via a lover or consort or internally reflecting upon the
masculine/feminine principles. Confrontation of opposites and apparent dualities. Study of the O9A Corpus and
it’s sources. Lasts anywhere from 6 months to 3 years. Undertaking of an Insight Role, either Personal or
Aeonic. Pathworkings with the Tree of Wyrde and Spheres. Mediation, visualization, breath control, and other
forms or techniques of willed day-dreaming or concentration upon a singular focus. Creation of art, musick, and
writings. Study of the Tarot, divination, alchemy and astrology. As well as philosophy, science, mathematics,
logic, and psychology as well as classical or modern languages and grammar. Individual will to power and
judgment. Learning from adversity. Fanaticism to the Sinister Dialectik and one’s own Ashram, Community,
Group, Organization, etc. Or leadership/founding of said examples. Or solitary Faustian/Promethean quest of the
forbidden and self-overcoming for self-excellence and mastery. The vitalism of youth and vigour of youth and
inexperience. Nietzschean philosophy and Jungian psychology applied. Beginning studies of Dialectik and Aeonics
as well as political and religious forms and history.

Examples of basic physical challenges are as follows:

For men, (a) walking thirty-two miles, in hilly terrain, in under seven hours while carrying a pack weighing at
least 30 pounds; (b) running twenty-six miles in four hours; (c) cycling two hundred or more miles in twelve

For women, (a) walking twenty-seven miles in under seven hours while carrying a pack weighing at least 15
pounds; (b) running twenty-six miles in four and a half hours; (c) cycling one hundred and seventy miles in
twelve hours.

Study of Jungian Archetypes, Aeonics, Dialectik and such will suggest which (if any) Insight Roles to undertake.
These last 6 months to 2 years; unless deemed i.e. it has become a career or beneficially impersonally as well
as personally perhaps to continue onwards with. The fanatically committed with undertake 3-6 Insight Roles.
The truly God-like up to 12. Various political or religious forms can be explored or new ones engineered. Only
your guide/handler/master should know why, what, how and other details of said Insight Role and once
commenced cannot restrain nor cancel it. Usually this will be mutually agreed upon, but the final say is left up
to the novitiate as they must gain experience even if it costs them their freedom or life.

Mysterium Iniquitatis: union with the shadow.

Albedo: External to Internal Adeptship (Initate to Adeptus Minor to Adeptus Major)

Withdrawal from the modern decaying world of the Kali-yuga and intense reflexions upon one's own wyrde and
purpose. The spirit and mind operating in union not against each other. The essence of the psyche conscious
and unconscious is extracted and the unconscious made conscious becomes unconscious and then conscious
again with a going beyond of it. Crossing the Abyss or "threshold". Heighted spiritual awareness and purpose.
Self-actualization or individualization. Freedom from dualities or opposites and confrontation of them.
Abandoning all previous causal abstractions or forms unless decided more Insight is needed or for impersonal or
experimental purposes. Or those relating to one’s wyrde. That which the natural-born Rounwytha is gifted with
from birth or passed on from the maternal source. Becoming a Wytch, Druid, Bodhi or Warrior-Monk. Being
against time or above time.

Mysterium Mentalis: union of the soul with spirit that is separated from the body. The idea is that the organism
is composed of three entities: body, soul, and spirit and at the beginning they are all mixed up with one
another. This stage of the coniunctio, the unio mentalis, brings about the union of soul and spirit over and
against the body.


a) Organize, and recruit at least four members for, and keep active for at least six months, your own covert
Occult group and which Occult group can be - depending on your preference using any of the older, newer or
original O9A ways. It is recommended to build one built upon the Sinister-Numinous Four-fold Way or new
Hebdomian Way.

b) If needed perform another Insight Role.

c) Undertake Grade Ritual of External Adept and Ritual of Nine Angles.

d) Further practice and study of the Tarot (if needed), Tree of Wyrde, Chants (Group or Solo), and Ceremonial
Rituals of O9A or one’s own devising.

e) Prepare for and undertake either the three month or the six month GradeRitual of Internal Adept.

f) Building and understanding of the Basic and Advanced Star Game.

g) Realization of one’s own fate, destiny and wyrde and striving by sheer individual will or via path of inaction
leading to action i.e. wu-wei-wu living in accordance to the Cosmic Order in a Natural Militantly Pagan
existence. Often as a rural lone sorcerer/sorceress. Strive to fulfil, over a period of several years, that personal
Destiny based on the understanding of their own
character and abilities which the Grade Ritual of Internal Adept should have revealed to them.

Mastery or Citrinitas: The yellowing or rising of the sun. The rising sun is a symbol of a mystical experience
and contains aspects of revelation. It can be in many forms, but is experienced as a vision, a big dream or an
intuition of our “truth”. And then Rubedo: The Reddening. The spirit that was freed in the previous stage
needs to be united with psyche again. The spirit that has been awakened now needs to be expressed
appropriately and more authentically in the life and work of the individual. This is the stage of adjustment and
re-alignment with authentic goals and purpose.

The fundamental tasks of a Master of Temple/Mistress of Earth are (i) to successfully and personally guide at
least one individual along the 7FW past Internal Adept and toward undertaking the Grade Ritual of The Abyss,
and (ii) to creatively and/or via practical means add to the sum total of human knowledge and experience by
invention or discovery or by scholarly learning or by personal achievement in a particular field of endeavour or
profession or way of life. After a period of many years the Master of Temple/Mistress of Earth will know when
to undertake the Grade Ritual of Magus/Mous.

Mysterium Soma: the united spirit and soul, which were previously separated from the body, are now reunited
with the body. They say, in effect, we love you after all, so you can come back and join us. That’s the unio
mentalis united with the body.

Mysterium Coniunctionis: refers to yet another union: the united spirit-soul-body, achieved in the third stage, is
now united with the world. That union brings about the Unus mundus.

“One becomes two, two becomes three, and out of the third comes the one as the fourth.”

Appendix: Grade Rituals

Grade Rituals

External Adept

Find an isolated hill - or a desert area - miles from any human habitation which a ffords an unobstructed night-
time view of the stars and on the night of the newmoon just after sunset and with a clear sky lie on the
ground. The task is to lie still until sunrise without moving or falling asleep. Afterwards write an honest
account of what was felt and thought during those night-time hours. Since the task is to lie still without moving
or falling asleep then failure is
moving and/or falling asleep.

Internal Adept

The rite exists in two forms, one lasting three months, the other six months, and it is up to the candidate to
decide which one they will undertake, and whether or not they (i) will build their own shelter and procure
their own food by fishing, hunting, and gathering, or (ii) take a tent and sleeping bag and purchase on a
monthly basis such food supplies as may be needed from a locality situated at a suitable walking distance (c.10
miles). Whatever length of stay or means of shelter and food is chosen the candidate can only take what they
can carry on their own back.

The task is to live alone in an isolated, wilderness area for the specified period with no contact with the
outside world (except the little necessary if monthly supplies of food have to be bought) and without any
modern conveniences (save for a tent and sleeping bag if required), with no means of measuring time (such as
by a clock or watch), using only candles for night-time illumination, and having no communication devices
(such as a mobile telephone) and no means of reproducing music or any other form of entertainment.

The rite is to live in such a simple way for the specified period, and it recommended that the candidate keep a
journal to record their thoughts, feelings, and imaginings.

The Rite Of The Abyss

The rite begins at the first full moon following the beginning of a propitious alchemical season – in the Isles of
Britain this was traditionally the first rising of Arcturus in the Autumn. The rite, if successful, concludes on the
night of the following full moon.

The rite ideally occurs in an isolated underground cavern where or near to where water flows, and in which
location the candidate dwells alone for the whole lunar month, taking with them all that is required for the
duration of the rite. Ideally, the water should be suitable for drinking. If such an underground cavern cannot be
found, then a suitable alternative is an isolated dark cave – with, if necessary, its entrance suitably screened to
avoid an ingress of light. The only light is from candles (housed in a lantern) and the only food is breadand
cheese. The food and/or the water required for the duration can be either brought by the candidate at the
beginning of the rite, or provided and left (without any contact being made) on a weekly basis by a chosen
member of their family kindred or by their mentor if they have one.

No means of communication with the outside world should be brought; no timepiece, mechanical or otherwise,
is allowed; and no modern means of reproducing music nor any other means of personal entertainment are

The candidate should arrange for a trusted person to enter the cavern at the next full moon to return them to
the world of living mortals. This traditional rite has no structure, and simply involves the candidate living alone
in such a location for a lunar month and trusting a member of their family kindred or their mentor to inform
them when the rite is over.

Grand Master / Grand Mistress

The rite involves the candidate achieving a difficult feat of mental and physical endurance which involves
walking, in difficult, isolated terrain, a distance of 300 miles in 15 days carrying appropriate equipment and
occasionally buying food en route using monetary savings. This journey is planned to end at or near a site
chosen by the candidate and which site the candidate has an empathy with.

The candidate is then to reside alone at or near this site for a period from some three months - in northern
climes, from Equinox to Solstice or Solstice to Equinox - during which time they should be engaged in some
esoteric or creative or artisan task or tasks suited to their interests and abilities with the completion of such a
task or tasks at the end of those months signifying the end of the rite.

Rite of Nine Angles

The rite may be undertaken - in northern climes - on or near to either the autumnal equinox (for the Dabih
nexion) or the winter solstice (for Algol nexion) or, for any including southern and equatorial climes, when
Jupiter and Saturn are both near the moon which is becoming new, the causal hour being before dawn.

For Dabih, the most propitious (effective) causal time is when Venus sets after the sun, and the moon itself
occults Dabih or is near to it. The rite should be performed in an underground cavern, if possible where water
flows, or near to where water flows, and involves a Priest and a Priestess as well as at least one cantor trained
in monophonic chant together with a congregation of male and female, or all male, or all female, depending on
the orientation of the participants.

A large crystal tetrahedron made of pure quartz is required - the larger, the more e ffective the rite. Each
member of the congregation should also have with them small crystal tetrahedrons, which they hold in their
hands during the rite, and each member of the congregation should also be trained in how to perform
monophonic chant.

The rite can also be performed in a suitably sized crypt, with good acoustics. Whatever the venue chosen - and
a natural cavern is best - the only light should be from candles.

The large crystal should be placed on a preferably oak stand with a sheet of mica between it and the wood.
The Priest, Priestess and Cantors stand near the crystal, while the congregation (of at least six) form an ellipse
around them. The congregation slowly dance moonwise and chant the "Atazoth" chant, as while the Cantor(s)
vibrate in E minor "Nythra kthunae Atazoth".

After this vibration the cantor and Priest (or two Cantors if there are two) vibrate in fourths the "Diabolus"
chant while the Priestess places her hands on the crystal, visualizing the Star Nexion and its rending.

After the Diabolus, the Priest signals to the congregation who begin to slowly walk, counter moonwise, chanting
Binan Ath Ga Wath Am.

The Priest and Priestess then vibrate "Binan ath ga wath am" a fifth apart (or an octave and a fifth) while the
Cantor(s) vibrate "Atazoth".

If two Cantors are present, this Atazoth vibration begins in parallel: the next "Atazoth" is a fifth apart as is the
third. After this, they then chant, in fifths, the 'Atazoth chant' according to tradition. While the Cantors
continue chanting the Priest and Priestess use their empathy to acausal energies toward the crystal.If only one
Cantor is present, the "Atazoth" vibration is continued nine times and then the 'Atazoth chant' undertaken by
the Cantor and the Priest, in fifths.

It is the Priestess - as Rounwytha - who silently concentrates and directs the acausal-energy released toward the
tetrahedron which she via gift and skill of empathy uses as nexion. She then consciously makes her choice of
one of the humans present to act as indwelling host, temporary or otherwise.

The Priestess will signal the success of the rite by taking the hand of the one chosen as host and placing both
hands of the host on the crystal.

Vol II – The Forbidden Alchemy

Part I – Brief Description of the Alchemical Process of the Sevenfold-Way

Azoth (áz-oth) in Sinister Context

I believe that Aosoth, Azoth and Atazoth are related somehow. Aosoth to me manifests as the Great Whore of
Babylon but in truth is the Seven-headed Dragon but also the Tree of Wyrde itself. And is also the nameless
mist of the Undead and shades. Thus, when the acausal flows from this Dark Mother it is chthonic and awakens
malignant entities in the surrounding area. Atazoth is known as the 100 th name of God, and is the source of the
flow of Azoth. And was embodied by Hermes and also Thoth relating to the Moon Sphere which is associated
with the jackal-headed Anubis.

Aosoth is the omniscience of God and is locked outside of the Universe in the acausal realm. She manifests as a
great horrific tree with tendrils lurching out or as glowing eyes and/or 7 spheres. Or as a nameless violet mist.
She can see all of space-time at once and is related to the mist released from Pandora’s Box. She is associated
with Neptunian or Plutonian energies and also with freezing fog and the half-full moon. She has the power to
reanimate the dead or corporeal. And associated with the number 13 (and thus the Knight’s Templar and also
death itself in the feminine sense and as well Baphomet). Baphomet or known to the Greeks as Hectate or to
the Irish as the Morrigan consists of three seperate units. Neamhain or havoc, enacting retribution and
destruction upon those mortal men who succumb to hubris and arrogance before the “gods”. Badb, war or the
shadow or fog of war or it’s foreshadowing. And lastly, Macha or Durga/DaVinca – the spirit of the land. In
the darker sense this can relate to Aosoth and Cosmically to Mala-Kali.

For from her is the race of women and female kind: of her is the deadly race and tribe of women who live
amongst mortal men to their great trouble, no helpmeets in hateful poverty, but only in wealth.

Azoth is the essential agent of transformation in alchemy. And is the animating force we know to be the
acausal energy or vital force (prana). Known in Vamphyric contexts as Blood Essence. To the Thulian Societies
as Vril. The word comes from the Arabic az zā'uq which means "Mercury."

Manley P. Hall explained this connection: "The universe is surrounded by the sphere of light or stars. Beyond
that sphere is Schamayim, who is the Divine Fiery Water, the first outflow of the Word of God, the flaming
river pouring from the presence of the eternal mind. Schamayim, who is this fiery Androgyne, divides. His Fire
becomes Solar fire and his Water becomes Lunar water in our universe. Schamayim is the Universal Mercury or
Azoth -- the measureless spirit of life. That original spiritual fiery water comes through Eden ("vapor" in
Hebrew) and pours itself into the four main rivers of the four Elements. This comprises the River of Living
Water -- the Azoth -- or fiery mercurial essence, that flows out from the throne of God and Lamb. In this Eden
(vaporous essence or mist) is the first or spiritual Earth, the incomprehensible and intangible dust out of which
God formed Adam Kadmon, the spiritual body of man, which must become fully revealed through time."

Eliphas Levi wrote: "The Azoth or Universal Medicine is, for the soul, is supreme reason and absolute justice;
for the mind, it is mathematical and practical truth; for the body it is the quintessence, which is a combination
of gold and light. In the superior or spiritual world, it is the First Matter of the Great Work, the source of the
enthusiasm and activity of the alchemist. In the intermediate or mental world, it is intelligence and industry. In
the inferior or material world, it is physical labor. Sulfur, Mercury, and Salt, which, volatized and fixed
alternately, compose the Azoth of the sages. Sulfur corresponds to the elementary form of Fire, Mercury to Air
and Water, Salt to Earth."

Azoth is thus the spiritus animatus, and elixir vitae. In the cosmos and within each of us, the Azoth is the
mysterious evolutionary force responsible for the relentless drive towards physical and spiritual perfection. Thus,
the concept of the Azoth is analogous to the light of nature or mind of God.

Ignis et Azoth tibi sufficiunt.

"He is not to open the door which leads to the strange time and place, nor to invite Him Who lurks at the
threshold ..."

Part II – The Spheres

Sun—the inner core of a person or situation, the deepest self and influential power. Power, success.

Mercury—reason, intelligence; writing, orderliness, education, skill. Carnal indulgence.

Venus—beauty, allure, pleasure, relationships and eroticism.

Moon—feelings and emotions; illusion; imagination. Initation.

Mars—action, spontaneity, aggression, and drive. War.

Jupiter—expansiveness and growth; justice, fortune. Aristocracy, wealth and nobility.

Saturn—discipline, responsibility, limitations, and resistance; law and order; caution and reserve. Chaos as

Note: Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, which was believed to mark the arrival of a divinely guided universal
ruler who would fill the earth with justice and herald the end times, not unlike the Mahdi before the
apocalypse. It was based on the belief that this conjunction had occurred around the time Amir Timur (d.1405)
was born that the latter became renowned as the sahib-qiran or ‘the Lord of the Auspicious conjunction’

Were actually the abodes of the attributes of the Universal Soul, rather than being physical objects whose
motions and periods could be examined. The phenomena of creation and decay were all based on the faculties
of the Universal Soul. Astrology could only be comprehended by integrating this science with the metaphysical
principles expressed by the cosmological cognition of the lkhwan.

The first one was about the spheres, stars, their dimensions, movements etc. (ilm al-hai'ah), the second was the
science of astronomical tables (zij) and the third was Judicial astrology (ilm al-ahkam). This partition may
rationalize the distinction we made between astronomy and astrology, while what is actually called general
astrology is also included in the first category.

While Ikhwan regarded the cosmos as finite in its most conventional sense, and believed that there was "neither
void nor plenum’’ beyond, they identified the fixed stars with the kursi, or Pedestal, (Quran II, 255) and the
ninth heaven with the 'arsh, or Throne (Quran IX, 129; LXIX, 17) so that they could follow the cosmological
view given by Qur’an. The Sun had the major role in the way Ikhwan described the cosmos. God has placed
the Sun at the center of the Universe just as the capital of a country is placed at its center and the ruler's
palace at the center of the city.

We see Venus, Mercury, the Moon, the sphere of air and the earth below it and the spheres of Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, the fixed stars and the Muhit above it. Being "the heart of the Universe" and "the sign of God in the
heavens and earth", the light of the Sun was simply the outpouring of ‘Being’ "with the permission of Allah".
The Intellect had brought the Sun and Moon into being, which gave birth to the principles of masculinity and
femininity. The Intellect had given life to everything through the two principles. As the two wedded, creation
began. This was the same process of the spirit (ruh) as it vitalized and kindled the heart (qalb) of man. The
motion of the Sun was the life-giving force (ruh al-Hayat) of the heavens which provided vitality for all that
was above and below. For the Ikhwan, the relation between light and the Sun could be compared to the link
between the world and God. Nablusi believed that the wheel of fortune of the Sun corresponded to the spirit of
man.3 Kayseri says “The spirit that belonged to the sphere of the Sun is the heart of the realm resided by the
excluded spirits.’

Ikhwan believed that the processes of creation and destruction and all the phenomena of the world were greatly
influenced by the motions of the planets. The generation of plants, animals, and the human fetus were
especially affected by the movements of the planets. The planets’ effect on creation resulted from the fact that
they act as the agents of God, connected with everything else in the Universe. As they travel through the
sections of the Zodiac, they mediate the generation of certain things through their God-given power. The planets
radiate spiritual emanations that reach every single part of the Universe.

According to the tradition of Ikhwan, planets were also associated with certain prophets as well as certain
phases of history. This view was appreciated by some Sufis as well, such as Abd al-Karim al-Jili who claimed it
in his work al-Insan al-kamil. History consisted of eras conforming to the revelation of the prophetic messages
of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad-upon all of whom be peace. The last era shall end as
the planets collect together on the Day of Judgment, after which God will initiate a new life. Isma’ilis were
going to adopt that opinion as well.

Vedic astrology pays attention to nine grahas, which are collectively referred to as the navagrahas, with nava
meaning nine. They include the sun (Surya), moon (Chandra), Mars (Mangala), Mercury (Budha), Jupiter
(Brihaspati), Venus (Shukra), Saturn (Shani), Rahu (north node of the moon), and Ketu (south node of the

Rahu and Ketu are subtle grahas with no actual mass. They represent the two points in space where the orbital
path of the sun and moon intersect. Because eclipses block light and occur in connection to the nodes, Rahu
and Ketu are often called “shadow planets,” and are generally indicators of negative influences.

According to the Vedas, each graha represents a particular aspect of life, and each is under the jurisdiction of a
particular deity.

The deities of the navagrahas are in charge of delivering us these lessons, and therefore play an integral role in
helping to facilitate our spiritual development.

Venus, for example, is ruled by a deity called Shukra. Including other things, Venus generally represents the
wife in a man’s horoscope. Hence, a poorly placed Venus can often indicate marital problems, or even issues in
finding a wife.

Perhaps in a past life, a man took his wife and marriage for granted and as a result, is now having a hard time
finding a partner. Seeing a poorly placed Venus, the astrologer might recommend the man perform some sort of
puja to appease Shukra into minimizing the bad marital karma.

As stated before, life is ultimately meant for one’s spiritual evolution. Experiencing troubles in finding a partner
is not Divinity’s way of enacting revenge. It’s to help a person better appreciate the value of such a partner.

A person, therefore, should not view hardships merely as hurdles on the path of hedonistic pursuit. Life’s
obstacles should be seen as opportunities for gaining spiritual maturity, and the deities of grahas should be
approached as revered teachers of these lessons.

Saturn is called ‘Sanaischara’ as it moves along the Zodiac leisurely and more slowly than other planets. He is
the outermost planet amongst the planets recognised by Hindu Astrology. Saturn is smaller than Jupiter and his
diameter is around 75,000 miles. Saturn takes 291/2 years to go round the Sun. Hence on an average Saturn
remains in a sign for about 2 ½ years. Saturn is called ‘Yama’ as he is the chief governor for longevity. Saturn
is said to be ‘lame’ and the son of The Sun. Saturn is sometimes symbolised as Father Time. According to
Western belief

in olden days Sater or Satan was the name given to Saturn and he signified devil, darkness, secrecy, loss and
misfortune. His nature is cold, dry, phlegmatic, melancholic, earthy and masculine. When Saturn is well placed
or well aspected, the person is grave, profound, prudent, cautious and of excellent organising and executive
ability. If Saturn is afflicted, the native is apt to be bigoted acquisitive irritable, discontented and complaining.
Saturn governs the teeth, bones spleen, knees, right ear and sense of hearing. He rules brick laying, pottery,
masonry, plumbing and other laborious and uncongenial employment. He denotes aged persons, thin, nervous,
dark, reclusive-also farmers, miners, coal and junk dealers, property owners etc. He rules land, property, mines,
lead and dealings in real estate. Day Saturday, metals iron and steel, colour dark blue or black, gem blue
sapphire or other blue and black coloured stones. The influence of Saturn is commonly called evil and in this
respect he is much maligned, but in reality there is no evil since all things work together for good ultimately.
Saturn acts as a deterrent 12 and because he brings denial and necessity into some lives, he has been
considered as an oppressor, a Satan “He that filleth with pride will suffer a fall”; for Saturn will bring the
native to his knees, humble him, and by means of restrictions, limitation and adversities, will cause the
individual to ponder, study and seek to find the source of woe that in future may be overcome. Thus while
Saturn is a
destroyer (of false ideals), he is also a redeemer, in that he brings to mind a state of introspection and
stimulates effort towards perfection and victory. Saturnians are extremely sensitive but they hide their feelings
and emotions under a mask of reserve. If frequently censured, they withdraw from association and their
progress and development are much delayed. Saturn is considered to be favourable for

people born in the signs owned by Venus whereas Saturn is evil to those born in the signs governed by
Mercury. He is also beneficial when he is in his own sign, or when he occupies the signs of Jupiter or when he
is exalted viagra priser i danmark. Saturn when benefic makes a person true, reliable, honest, sincere, faithful
and chaste. He aids oncentration, meditation prayers, etc. Saturn is the chief governor for longevity (He is
called Ayush Karaka). If he occupies the house of longevity, namely, the 8th house in a horoscope, the native
gets a long span of life. Saturn owns Capricorn and Aquarius. He is exalted in Libra, the highest exaltation
point being 20 degrees of Libra. He is debilitated in Aries, the lowest debilitation point being 20 degrees of
Aries. For Saturn the first 20 degrees portion of Aquarius is his Multrikona and the rest is his Swakshetra. The
whole of Capricorn is also his swakshetra. Mercury and Venus are friends of Saturn. The Sun, the Moon and
Mars are his enemies. Jupiter is neutral to him.

Potential Insight Roles or Archetypes for the Aspirant Based Upon Houses:

Aries—"I want," action oriented, pioneering, assertive, enthusiasm, competitive

Taurus—"I have," sensual, cautious, stubborn, physical

Gemini—"I think," curious, talkative, sociable, duality, mercurial, intelligent

Cancer—"I feel," sensitive, tenacious, family and home oriented, helpful, nurturing, moody

Leo— "I am," passionate, dramatic, independent, noble, leader, egotistical, selfish

Virgo—"I serve," practical, analytical, work and service oriented, critical, common sense, orderly

Libra—"We are," partnerships, balance, grace, charm, cooperative, social, ideas, lazy, kidneys/lumbar

Scorpio—"I desire," intense, controlling, sexual, compulsive, deep, secretive, mysterious, obsessive

Sagittarius—"I seek," philosophic, fun-loving, adventurous, blundering, wanderlust, scattered

Capricorn—"I build," ambitious, cautious, authoritative, cunning, competent, stable, saturnine

Aquarius—"I know," friendships, cause-oriented, the group, society, progressive, eccentric, aloof

Pisces—"I believe," feeling, duality, spirituality, soul growth, suffering, artistic, overly emotional

Other Suggested Personal Insight Roles for Exoteric Gains, or from the Exoteric Archetypes of the Spheres:

a) Reichsfolk National-Socialist in Ethical Non-Racist Form

b) Anarchofascist and proponent of Anarchofascism as defined by the Tempel ov Chaos
c) Ecofascism and animal rights activism
d) Drug dealer, pimp, or cat burglar or criminal
e) Mercenary or assassin
f) Travel of the World Alone in a foreign land with foreign tongue especially
g) Vigilante or Rogue Police Officer
h) Nurse or Medic
i) Hindu or Buddhist Monk
j) Artist or Musician
k) White Supremacist or if non-white i.e. Black Supremacist
l) Islamic Jihadist
m) Sufi Mystic
n) Thelemite and LaVeyian Satanist (both at the same time, joining a former Order or Temple)
o) Wiccan
p) Soldier or military serviceman
q) Neo-Pagan of Racialist or Non-Racialist Variety

Further things to study:

a) Psychology, particularly Jung.

b) Combat skills such as those trained for by special forces and martial artists
c) Martial arts
d) Meditation
e) Study of Nietzsche, Heidegger, Jung, Splenger, O9A Corpus, and David Myatt in-depth
f) Study of religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism, Islam, Christianity, Gnosticism, and Judaism both in
esoteric and exoteric forms. As well as knowledge of Crowley and LaVey in Sinister context.
g) Study of Vamphirism and development of the Astral Senses
h) Self-Control and Self-Restraint
i) Physical Fitness: strength, speed, endurance, and skilled physical arts such as calisthenics.
j) Stripping oneself of conventional Nazarene morality, exploring the sexuality, and indulgence in intoxicants for
insight and later self-control of said indulgences.
k) Study of the Numinous and Sinister. Particularly Reichsfolk and the Numinous Way.
l) Further study of Aeonics, acausal, and Star Game.
m) Grade Rituals of External Adept, Internal Adept, etc. Adapted to Tempel ov Chaos forms.
n) Numerous insight roles, 12 in particular fitting all the archetypes outlined by Jung for periods of 1 to 2
years but no less than 6 months.

– (11) Virtues of the Arete of the Sinister-Numanae -

ARETÉ (’αρετη)—in ancient Greek a term describing a maximum of ability and potency for action (optimum
potentiae); a man’s effectiveness and skill in goodness. In the Polish language it corresponds to the term
“cnota” (virtue) or “dzielność&rdquoi; (bravery). The problem of areté was one of the key ethical and
pedagogical problems of antiquity (Jaeger);
it is treated as the foundation of Platonic ontology (Kraemer); etymologically it is a noun without a subject: it
comes from the word ’αριστος—the superlative degree of ’αγαθος
agathos]—good, and it can be most faithfully translated as “excellence” (the quality of being the best).

1) ριστοι [aristoi]. Niners must be aware of their privileged and exclusive position. We must have refined
manners and knew how to act in every situation. And let all others who associate with us amicably be showed
great hospitality, maintain composure in the response to unexpected situations, and behave natural in ordinary
life. Acting with irreproachable courtesy toward those who acted wickedly, but prepared by lethal if necessary
means to defend ourselves, family, friends and comrades as well as fellow Niners. Forbearance and admonitions
always came before the meting out of just punishment. The role of the woman and the womanly areté is an
essential element of their mores. Beauty is part of feminine areté, just as a man was judged according to his
intellectual and physical virtues. A woman’s areté is also measured by the purity of her manners, and provident
economic management. This is connected with the social and legal status of women as mistresses of the Nine,
the guardians of every good custom and our Tradition, and the teachers of tradition and culture. A woman with
her specific areté has a moderating influence on the ways of men.
2) Hard work, honouring our duties loyally, and being well-disciplined occupies the key position as the only
proper means leading to wealth if not of the material sort then most certainly of the physical, mental and
spiritual sort. Quiet but determined competition in work. This is the only way to earn areté and so it is wrong
to be ashamed of work. Idleness and considering dishonest ways are that of the sly Shylock or Magian
archetype. True success demands that one should behave in accordance with the order that rules the world by
the will of the goods (δικη [dike]). Work at the right time and all the activities of the farmer are joined with
the rhythm of nature.

3) Political areté – following the way of genuine and true anarchism, being apolitical or the paths of Reichsfolk
and the Numinous Way. Either in esoteric or exoteric sense. Thus the three acceptable political forms which are
best fitting and appropriate to the O9A are: a) Reichsfolk, b) the Numinous Way or c) Anarchism or Apolitical
Non-Religious Beliefs.

In this context for the first time we see thought concerning the areté of the citizen. The fight for heroic areté
earlier was a fight for personal glory, but with time it was replaced by the motive of heroic love of the
fatherland. Fortitude understood as military skill became areté. The πολις and what was of benefit or harm to
it was the measure of true areté. It was shameful and blameworthy for a man to refuse to sacrifice his health,
property, or life for the

fatherland. The ethics of the state replaced aristocratic ethics. This process became clearer yet as the conception
of justice and the ideal of the state under the rule of law took shape.

4) The form of personal culture raises its head on the horizon, culture based on the recognition of inviolable
and ultimate laws that come from nature and rule human life. The iambic verse of Simonides of Amorgos and
Mimnermos of Colophon was similar in content.

5) Civility, being against unjust acquisition of wealth and against violation of the principles of the Code of the
New Aeon/Law of the Sinister-Numen. The result of hubris in opposing or transgressing it is a Natural, Cosmic
and Aeonic disturbance in the functioning of the O9A organism of the πολις. When the un-Natural upset of
honour, empathy, balance, etc occur then are quarrels between parties and civil war, violence, and injustice
rule over the gatherings of the people. Crowds of paupers sold into slavery for debts must leave the fatherland.
No one can isolate himself from this state of affairs. Sooner or later the effects of these misdeeds will reach the

6) Modesty in wealth, few goods are better than unjustly acquired wealth, and that the whole of virtue is
contained in justice. Conversely, anyone who is just may be rightly regarded as an aristocrat. True nobility is
what is left when we remove wealth from the idea of areté: nobility of spirit.

7) True areté involves the whole man, the spiritual sphere and the bodily sphere, and therefore the way to
areté is extremely arduous, and inevitable misfortunes often make the attainment of perfection impossible. The
grace of the gods and their influence can help a man in adversity. Avoiding wickedness is the basic condition
for obtaining areté: the just are pleasing to the gods.The perfect man is characterized by his self-mastery in all
he does. For Sophocles the source of these abilities was the order of things: the justice inherent in things
themselves. Such individuals would or do manifest human life as not only good but also capable of making an
impression like that which arises when we encounter beauty in nature or in works of art. The original unity of
the good and the beautiful, and better yet, the unity of the beautiful good, found its form in the word
καλογαθια. The Gift to remove cursed wyrde by Rounwythas.

8) The health, strength, and beauty—with perfections of the soul—piety, fortitude, temperance, and justice as
the general choir proclaiming the harmony of the universe. The O9A man of culture is identified with the man
who is healthy in every way.

9) Which system of government proposes the best resolutions? If this question goes unanswered or it is
impossible, the ultimate result will be an arbitrary choice among the variety of opinions, and this would subvert
the very foundations of the rational order. If reason is lacking, only blind desire remains, and it is easily
manipulated in many ways. Neonates and Initates can learn the proper techniques and ways to navigate in this
planned chaos from the Magians by living in ways transgressive, defiant, heretical or oppositional to the state's
illusion of freedom so misaptly named "democracy".

10) The soul is something divine in man: in his soul a man may hear the voice of the daimon, the messenger
of the gods. In the soul we discover the truth, and knowledge of the good gives meaning to all other goods.
The primacy of the soul bore fruit in the postulate that the soul should rule over bodily nature. Reaching
nirvana, zen, moshka or liberation from being controlled by the senses, impulses, abstractions, etc. both
unconscious and conscious. Self-restrained but not self-denying oneself in guilt, envy, and anxiety about death
such as the Nazarene nor being Hedonists like the Magian.

11) Rationality is achieved primarily in the domain of theoretical cognition. It consists in knowledge for the
sake of knowledge, the disinterested contemplation of reality, understanding and explaining reality by showing
the ultimate reasons for its existence and configuration. The three other domains depend on theoretical
knowledge: the practical, which is needed to act rightly and effectively; the poietic, connected with the
production of things; and the religious or mystical domain associated with religion which for the ancients was
very close to theory.


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